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Is this the end of Islam? or there is some silver-lining?

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Mar 20, 2014
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
From Morocco to Indonesia, or say from Atlantic to Pacific, entire Islamic World is up in flames, or in poverty, or under despotic oppressive governments...and Muslim masses are in misery, and utter hopelessness. Syria and Iraq are totally destroyed by civil war, superpowers have invaded, plundered, and destroyed many nations of Islamosphere. Israel is currently bombing Gaza, a territory it already illegally occupies and has colonized it for decades. On political front, Muslim masses are deeply divided and there is no order. From the dreams of Islamic Caliphate, to the vision of extreme secularism--all of the political thoughts are colliding within the fold of Islam. Muslims are globally being painted as "the problem" or as the "other" in the equation of civilized vs the other. Seems like entire world is on one side, and Muslims are on other. Any hope of empowerment due to revolutions in Arab World are turned completely upside down---with even status-quo forces returning back to power with even worse oppression.

I was just wondering, is this the worst Islam/Islamic World has ever seen? People would bring Mongol Destruction but as a student of history, I'd not buy this argument. Mongol Destruction of Baghdad just shifted the power-center of Islam from Arab-Persians to Turks. Even after Mongol destruction, Islamic World quickly regained its position of being the superpower/top dog of the world under the leadership of the Islamic Turks (Ottoman Empires, Mughals, Timurids etc were the greatest/most-powerful/largest empires of their time...and all established by Islamic Turks). Islamic World remained the most and/or one-of-the-most powerful civilization on Earth for centuries to come after Mongol invasion. But today, forget about being the most powerful, Muslim countries are marching towards being the worst, the least powerful, and most pathetic amongst all available competition (China, India, Europe/America (West), Latin America, and Far East etc).

So again, are we living through the worst of Islam today? There seems to be no hope. No sight of recovering back. Things are getting worse and even more worse by the hour. Just today, read the article where Prince Bandar was quoted saying "1 billion Sunnis have had enough of the Shia. There will be a time when "May God help the Shia" would be reality in Middle-East" (He said it to American Intelligence Chief before 9/11. I guess those days have come).

Add to all that the sectarian hate and intra-Muslim bloodshed. Sectarian hate and intra-Muslim conflict has never been more worse than its today. And this is the time when when millions of Muslims have already been killed in past 50 years due to internal civil wars and outside invasions and so on.

So, is it the worse of Islam the history has ever seen? Is is the end of Islam beyond the point of recovery? Or is there any silver-lining out there for Muslims of the world?

(Please no mudslinging with secular vs Islamist one-liners etc. Try to be more critical in your responses).

@dexter @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Abu Nasar @Akheilos @Leader @Jazzbot @PWFI @HRK @RAMPAGE
@MastanKhan @Armstrong @Zizou @Jungibaaz @GreenFalcon @Evil Flare @rockstar08 @farhanalee7 @Multani @Zarvan @al-Hasani @Areesh @SHAMK9 @Ulla @Kaan @Devil Soul @Indos @KAL-EL @JonAsad @chauvunist @Marshmallow @Yzd Khalifa @Hazzy997 @Sinan @Azeri @rmi5 @haman10 @Serpentine @CENTCOM @Pukhtoon @ghilzai @Icarus @Chinese-Dragon @Arabian Legend @DESERT FIGHTER @Irfan Baloch @kalu_miah @idune @Al-zakir @Mav3rick @RazPaK @Alpha1 @Neptune @razgriz19 @KingMamba @Luffy 500 @AUz @Hyperion @Aether @Jaanbaz @Pakistani Exile @nair @Ayush @Manticore @Oscar @Fulcrum15 @blain2 @Chak Bamu @RazPaK @Informant @Imran Khan @DESERT FIGHTER @Umair Nawaz @qamar1990 @Abu Nasar @Slav Defence @Secur @slapshot @batmannow @BATMAN @MastanKhan @S.U.R.B. @RescueRanger @Raja.Pakistani @Rajput_Pakistani @Pukhtoon @pk_baloch @Patriots @Pakistanisage @Mugwop @Mirzay @Men in Green @Luftwaffe @LoveIcon @liontk @JonAsad @ghazaliy2k @Durrak @Devil Soul @Developereo @Darth Vader @Desert Fox @Cheetah786 @cb4 @Bratva @balixd @Air marshal@A.Rafay @Proudpakistaniguy
@SOHEIL @Targon @BLACKEAGLE @BDforever @Sher Malang @Afghan-India @TOPGUN @Rafi @@Donatello @wasm95 @Metanoia @@cabatli_53 @graphican @Mosamania @@American Eagle @BronzePlaque @@BordoEnes @@Malik Alashter @@Bubblegum Crisis @@LegionnairE @RiazHaq @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Nihonjin1051 @Marwat Khan Lodhi @OCguy @Thoryalai Zazai @@A1Kaid @Jigs @Awesome @Chinese-Dragon @Hyperion

@gambit I'd also like to hear what do you have to say about the issue..


Please keep this as troll-free as possible.
What is wrong in Indonesia? They seem okay, on the path to development, they are going to have an election, and dont seem to have any major issues.
Turkey seems okay aswell. The only real big problems seem to be in Iraq (or the area that was called it), Pakistan, and a few others.

I think you are overreacting wrt to the whole muslim world, but there are some countries that really need to buck up.
Well, all of which you wrote is true....

I am not sure what to answer as I myself am pissed with 1 too many things...

From sultanate (not allowed in Islam yet the center is ruled by one and the citizens are happily ignoring how unislamic that is)

From arising of numerous sects (many which have not much difference but are just broken apart due to some ego of some long dead idiot)

From inability to give rights to even our own (minority of any religion is a far cry we cant even give rights to minority packets of different schools of thoughts)

From becoming insensitive to anything (as the saying goes each dog is fighting for himself)

We are far from Islam mate....And everytime a nation was far from truth, some form of calamity did hit it...In today's world everyone wants to do what they want...Islam has become more of a title than a religion....

People go Astaghfirullah with a glass of wine

Women are covered up while men dont want to lower their gazes

Masjids are only full for Friday prayer but no longer for fajr

Everything Islam thought has been forgotten and only the word Islam remains on the lips while people do what they wish....

When Islam came to Arabia, prophet was rejected with extreme hatred from being stoned to being at war with his own relatives! From having to reject bribery to having to teach with patience the ignorant habits of people!

Those times were tough...When you were caught and baked in the sun while being whipped....

Those times were tough when you had to leave everything behind and only carry yourself to another city (Yathrib)

Those times were tough when you had to seek sanctuary and a Christian king was more willing to take you in than your own family member!

Basically today's world sees those times again coz we have turned the clock around and gone back to the Jahilah era! Where you do whatever you want and count your money while with the same hands make statues you pray to...

Not sure which is worse those times when you had Rehmatul a'alameen with you and behaved that way or these times when you dont have a guide and behave in the same way!
Islam will never end!

Right now were in battle-mode. We are fighting those zionists and anglo-saxons who are creating problems in our land.
i dont know how this could be the end of Islam-
i could only see the light at the end of the tunnel-
enlightenment after ignorance-
reformation after destruction-

brightest years are yet to come-
well i do like to add a few things... though i dont know much of it but i will say...
muslim lives in a cocoon and dont want anyone to look inside whats in it... u people are stuck to the past... u need to get out of it... u need to question ur belief and have to find answer.... u people need to get over ur hatred for other... the problem is if anyone question his belief in islam he is termed as kafir... but if u will not question, u will never evolve... and if u will not evolve u will be left out and won't be able to survive for long... so the key here is evolution....
i dont know but i feel u people swear to ur god a lot... do not take his name in vain ... only when u have some purpose.....
and u people need to clear ur mind and to able to accept the truth rather than to be in repeating the same rhetoric again and again...
'Islamic' nations need to realize that in order to survive in 21st century and beyond, you cannot let the state and it's institution hold on to religion. You have to let it go. The Gulf Arab nations which are rich, are just because they struck oil. Otherwise their fate would have been no different to what happened with Syria,Egypt, Libya, Iraq etc.
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