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Is there any Solution..?

I am sorry but the idea that Pakistan was formed on was not that we could become an Empire, but that we may be a modern Islamic Democracy. I think that you probably didn't mean to use the word Empire but whatever, it is your statement. Second and most importantly my loyalty is to Pakistan not this Durrani Empire and I will never bow to the idea of this Durrani Empire, but htne again this is just my thinking. Third of all and something which you said I totally agree with you is that we cant sit here and decide the people of Afghanistan have to.

Someone shoot me :sniper:

No point. Simply no point in getting into this.
The above mentioned facts are true no doubt but suicide bombings in our country started when Americans invaded in Afghanistan I believe Americans are sending suicide bombers from Afghanistan to create a reason to attack Pakistan also there was a silly demand for Pushtoonistan that can be resolved once for all if the Pushtoon dominant areas become part of Pakistan.
Remember Talibans were Pushtoons and they were not against Pakistan the trouble started when US attacked Afghanistan if Pushtoon areas join Pakistan that problem will be resolved b/c Afghans have relations with Pakistanis after all Goa was not the part of india, Hyderabad was not the part of India and still they are living with them
The above mentioned facts are true no doubt but suicide bombings in our country started when Americans invaded in Afghanistan I believe Americans are sending suicide bombers from Afghanistan to create a reason to attack Pakistan also there was a silly demand for Pushtoonistan that can be resolved once for all if the Pushtoon dominant areas become part of Pakistan.
Remember Talibans were Pushtoons and they were not against Pakistan the trouble started when US attacked Afghanistan if Pushtoon areas join Pakistan that problem will be resolved b/c Afghans have relations with Pakistanis after all Goa was not the part of india, Hyderabad was not the part of India and still they are living with them

Think the other way, why not the Pashtoon dominated areas in Pakistan should be merged with Afghanistan.
Think the other way, why not the Pashtoon dominated areas in Pakistan should be merged with Afghanistan.

Yes think the other way, why not Hyderabad and Junagarh be merged with Pakistan.
Cmon it was a suggestion to improve the situation in our western borders.
I don't think there's any definite conlclusion in there. But joining up the Eastern part of Afghanistan with Pakistan and creating something like the settled NWFP would lead to a very stable Western border.

That ofcourse is a solution, but then one wonders if the Pashtuns of Afghanistan will agree to this.

Instead, they might turn around and say the best solution would be to give them the western part of Pakistan!

The whole thing is a Catch 22 situation.
The above mentioned facts are true no doubt but suicide bombings in our country started when Americans invaded in Afghanistan I believe Americans are sending suicide bombers from Afghanistan to create a reason to attack Pakistan also there was a silly demand for Pushtoonistan that can be resolved once for all if the Pushtoon dominant areas become part of Pakistan.
Remember Talibans were Pushtoons and they were not against Pakistan the trouble started when US attacked Afghanistan if Pushtoon areas join Pakistan that problem will be resolved b/c Afghans have relations with Pakistanis after all Goa was not the part of india, Hyderabad was not the part of India and still they are living with them

It is too far fetched to believe that Americans are sending suicide bombers from Afghanistan to plague Pakistan.

Portuguese, who were Europeans, in Goa had no commonality with Goans. The Goans were Konkanis and they had commonality with Konkans of India and so the equation with NWFP is not valid. The Afghans are not Europeans. As far as Hyderabad, yes, there is merit for debate.
Yes think the other way, why not Hyderabad and Junagarh be merged with Pakistan.
Cmon it was a suggestion to improve the situation in our western borders.

In so far as Junagadh is concerned, the Dewan asked India to intervene. And the Nawab took off with the Treasury!

Hyderabad could be merged, but then it is landlocked and would not survive.

Of course one should improve the western borders of Pakistan. But it all depends of the Afghan Pashtuns are willing.
Instead, they might turn around and say the best solution would be to give them the western part of Pakistan!

Yes definitely the Pushtuns will demand this, but I doubt that the Oushtuns on Pakistna's side will agree to this.
Yes definitely the Pushtuns will demand this, but I doubt that the Oushtuns on Pakistna's side will agree to this.


Therefore, the union of the Pashtun areas either way apparently is a non starter and thus not a solution.

Something else has to be done.

Americans are not moving out in the near future either, owing to their strategic compulsions.
Hello B'9,

4 posts on this board---you want to start a thread----you type in 4 lines----you want solutions and suggestions----what is wrong with you starting to put in your input and thoughts so that you could lead this discussion----step upto the plate and let us see what you are made up of---let us see your delivery---.

Therefore, the union of the Pashtun areas either way apparently is a non starter and thus not a solution.

Something else has to be done.

Americans are not moving out in the near future either, owing to their strategic compulsions.

I agree with you. First this is not going to happen for two reason one is Americas involvement in Afghanistan and the other is Pakistan's fear that if the Pashtun areas are combined then they might one day seek independence from Pakistan.

First of all please accept my apolgy for replng bit late...

I just hav been thru wid all the replies posted here... and it is regret to say that we all have de-traked with the original post... We were upto get some solutions for our Mother Nation/Country we are not into over take or take over game...

though couple of replies were interesting but I like the most is from "ARAZ" quoting here for reference...

Brother Salman.
Whether Afghanbistan is a failed state or not is/should be irrelevant to us. We in Pakistan have already managed to dismember our country into half. We cannot get rid of the evil of regionalism and the country is on the verge of imploding and on top of that we are talking about incorporating new and even more lawless land than our country, which we are not ablew to handle and control effectively.
If we objectively look at our problems, it boils down to a few problems.
A) Economy and securing means of livelyhood
B) Vested interests(Interneal and external)
C) Education and awareness.
D) Respect for Law and Order.
It is the rpiority for our nation to provide means of earning a living to as many individuals as is possible. The only way to do this in the short term is to encourage local enterprenours to establish small businesses locally and help them develop them Ala Grumen bank(Spelling). Once we increase the percapita income and provide people jobs and means of livelihood, we will get rid of a lot of frustration from our society. We would then need to encourage the development of an infra structure to transport goods to a regional centre.
The main hurdle in the development of local industries are various vested interests. These include local vested interests,such as land owners and Sardars. Because of their need to control people, they want to ensure that people remain backwards so that their leadership is not challanged. It is this mentality that has to change as even when someone else makes it in the Government heis so busy filling his coffers that he dforgets himself and his colleagues. You can tax the landlords incomes in accordance with their produce or their regional general produce btu getting it done would require a lot of balls which a lot of our leaders dont have.
Similarly the Sardars ahve to be taxed and rules made to wrench their local control. this may ber better than trying to end "Zamindai and Sardari Nizam" which every election campaigner shouts about but converiently forgets.
One of the major mess in our country is the education system. We have parallel systems which give rise to a class system. We need to enforce a uniform education syllabus for all the country whic reflects our needs rather than produce "Dactors and Engeneers" for the foreign market. We will also need to forcebly break the parallel system of education. In many ways this will involve more effort than all the above steps. Once achieved it would produce Pakistanis rather than Punjabis,Baluchis and so on.
Once we have all the above respect for Law and order will come naturally. The judiciary should be independant and the police should be an arm of the judiciary rather than an instrument of the state.
More later.

Now lets start again with some relly serious thoughts... no dought without independit Judicairy and Media its near to impossible to reach any solutions but there are things like...

reformation of Political infrastructure...
restoration of Constitution...
awareness of Law and constitution to all...
Strong infrastructure for education and Law enforcement agencies
plus accountibility of Law enforcement Agencies....
measeared for complete elemenation of yellow journalism...

to get and to reach any solution we hav to correct our selves first...

Please put your thoughts and solutions on this board. Stop liking the posts of others---you trying to patronize---we want to see what you are made up of.

I am surprised at the rersponse from some senior members over here---you are letting a 'green pea' take over the discussion w/o making any contribution.
Dear Mastan Khan…!!!

Impressing others by being rude is no longer working these days; it was me who started the thread… so I wrote/replied/posted what I have to…

One should always take some time to Judge some body or Pass any remark, newaz I like your reply also… (in fact I enjoyed it a lot) quoting here for reference…


Please put your thoughts and solutions on this board. Stop liking the posts of others---you trying to patronize---we want to see what you are made up of.

I am surprised at the rersponse from some senior members over here---you are letting a 'green pea' take over the discussion w/o making any contribution.


My dear friend I have no intentions to patronize any thing here… the gist of the main post was to discuss solution that affect common Pakistani, whereas, the rest of the replies were not supporting it, except the one from Mr. Araz, nothing more nothing less.

I hope you’ll understand…

btw: I love chikh chikh – pikh pikh and funny comments/remarks, provided if are within the limits.

P.S. If some how or the other any one got hurt with my words… Please accept my apology I have never intended to do so…


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