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Is the pro-Israel lobby panicking?

Are you actually trying to justfiy burning 8 people alive....??? in the 21st century

I am giving you examples of sectarian violence in places other than "Pakistan, Iran or Arab countries".

Boy, you do have a short attention span, don't you?
What are you smoking, dude?
I want some!
But at least India did something about it

Most people involved in the massacre of 12000 Sikhs in 1984 and 3000 Muslims in 2002 have not been charged, let alone convicted.

In any case, this is off-topic and I will not respond further.
Many of us believe in God but that shouldn't be relevant here.

But you are right about Israel. They have turned what should have been a secular territorial dispute into a religious war. That's because it gives them two key advantages:
- it brings in the powerful American Evangelical Christians to their side (the whole Rapture and Jesus' return thing)
- it let's Israel play the race/victim card by crying anti-Semitism any time someone critisizes them.

The fact is that Israel ceased to exist after the Roman conquest. The Jewish claim on the land is based purely on religion: Abraham's Covenant in the Old Testament. The militant settlers practically scream it every time they are challenged.

As I hope you will acknowledge, this kind of religious justification for a territorial dispute would not hold up in any court of law. You can't evict someone from their house and take over their property because your religion says so. Yet this is exactly what the Jews have done in Palestine. The only reason they got away with it is because the Western superpowers backed them.

If ever body has to give back the land they go thru force because its the right thing to do ,, its going to be a mess,,, here in the USA we are going to give the land back to the Indians and Texas and California to the mexicans who are then going to have to give it back to the Indians. Then Arabs are going to have to give back all the land they stole when they drove Jews out of Arab countries after the six day war...some estimates are as high as 600,000
If ever has to give back the land they go thru force because its the right thing to do ,, its going to be a mess,,, here in the USA we are going to give the land back to the Indians and Texas and California to the mexicans who are then going to have to give it back to the Indians. Then Arabs are going to have to give back all the land they stole when they drove Jews out of Arab countries after the six day war...some estimates are as high as 600,000

Then the only option you suggest is forcibly taking the land back from the zionists, thank you for clearing that out.
With regards to the arab jews there are still jews living in the arab world, and so far I haven't seen any arab country staunchly denying jews from going back. Yes arabs drove jews out as a revenge for the creation of the fake state of Israel and the jews forcing palestinians out. But there is no proof what so ever that this was the only reason, Instead the imminent expiration of the denaturalisation law convinced many jews to migrate voluntarily.
For a jewish point of view on the core of the conflict plz read
Professor Shlomo Sand's amazing work and bestseller called "Matai ve’ech humtza ha’am hayehudi?" (When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?)
AIPAC is just the tip of the iceberg. The real workhorse for Israeli interests is the American media which is utterly and completely dominated by Zionists (both Jewish and Christian).

The media controls public opinion and the American media dominates the globe. In particular, it sets the tone for most of the Western media about what is and is not acceptable.

No Western politician in their right mind will stand out from the pack and critisize Israel. The media will destroy their career."

Here is a list of the major companies that control world media empires. one notable exception is the BBC which operates under charter of the British Government.

Viacom - Sumner M. Redstone (Chairman of the Board) Philippe P. Dauman (President), (CEO) & (Director): Redstone is Jewish, Dauman is None Jewish.

CBS Corporation - CBS is part of Viacom so Sumner Redstone is Chairman of the board who is Jewish. CEO is Leslie Moonves
(President), (CEO) & (Director) None Jewish

Time Warner - Jeffrey L. Bewkes (Chairman) & (CEO) -None Jewish

News Corp - Chiarman & Ceo, Rupert Murdoch, None Jewish

Bertelsmann AG - Hartmut Ostrowski, Chairman and CEO, None Jewish

Sony - Howard Stringer, Chairman, CEO & President, None Jewish

General Electric - The largest Company in the world, Jeffrey R. Immelt (Chairman and CEO), None Jewish

Vivendi SA - Jean-Bernard Lévy (CEO), Jean-René Fourtou (Chairman of the board), Levy is Jewish, Fourtou is None Jewish

Hearst Corporation - George Randolph Hearst, Jr. (Chairman) Frank A. Bennack, Jr. (Vice Chairman and CEO) Both None Jewish

Organizações Globo - Owner Roberto Marinho, None Jewish

Lagardère Group. - Arnaud Lagardère (General partner and CEO), None Jewish Raymond Lévy (Chairman of the board), Jewish

Al Jezeera - Owner: Sheikh Hamad bin Thamer al-Thani, none Jewish

As you can see Jew's do not control the media like you suggest. Very few of the people that control the main media companies are Jewish. Stop listening to all the conspiracy theories that prey on peoples already instilled hatred.

One of the main problems today is that people are now indoctrinated to hatred at such young ages. All to warp young minds to a particular ideology. Look at Hezbollah's, and Hamas's TV programs to children that glorify suicide bombing as an example. The kids are bombarded with how bad the Jews and the U.S. are. And how glorious it is to blow yourself up. There will NEVER be peace as long as such hatred is instilled in the younger generation.

The CEO of sony is welsh.......so going off your standard sony must be a welsh company.
Bottom line is Israel is not going anywhere. You might as well get used to it. And make peace instead of war. As far as the religious aspect I hoped you might acknowledge Gods hand in matters. He can influence nations as easy as individuals. The Jews believe it and act according to it. So far they seem to be proved right.

Going off that...... god punished the jews in germany then.....hitler was only doing gods work was he not?

If your going to bring in faith well islam says we should fight to free muslim lands......so hamas and hezbullah are doing what god said they should do just like the jews.

Do tell me what the kingdom king solomon ruled was called.....israel or judeah
Then the only option you suggest is forcibly taking the land back from the zionists, thank you for clearing that out.
With regards to the arab jews there are still jews living in the arab world, and so far I haven't seen any arab country staunchly denying jews from going back. Yes arabs drove jews out as a revenge for the creation of the fake state of Israel and the jews forcing palestinians out. But there is no proof what so ever that this was the only reason, Instead the imminent expiration of the denaturalisation law convinced many jews to migrate voluntarily.

About as voluntarily as the Arabs that left Isreal
Then the only option you suggest is forcibly taking the land back from the zionists, thank you for clearing that out.
With regards to the arab jews there are still jews living in the arab world, and so far I haven't seen any arab country staunchly denying jews from going back. Yes arabs drove jews out as a revenge for the creation of the fake state of Israel and the jews forcing palestinians out. But there is no proof what so ever that this was the only reason, Instead the imminent expiration of the denaturalisation law convinced many jews to migrate voluntarily.

About as voluntarily as the Arabs that left Isreal
About as voluntarily as the Arabs that left Isreal

come on, this is an ancient zionist myth that has already been exposed as pure lies, yes some left voluntarily but the majority were expelled by force as a part of a major plan to ethnically cleanse Palestinians to pave way for a pure jewish state. ever heard of "Plan D"?

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Illan Pappé
Books :: The Official Website of Ilan Pappé

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May-June 2007, pages 23-25
Outside the Beltway
Ilan Pappé’s Latest Book Exposes Zionist Ethnic Cleansing as Premeditated

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