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Is the pro-Israel lobby panicking?

On the contrary.

The Western media in general , and the American media in particular, are engaged in a conscious, deliberate program to create a next generation of people who are bigoted against muslims and arabs.

Every time a muslim commits a crime, however minor, their religion is mentioned. When others do it, their religion or ethnicity is rarely mentioned.

When muslim minorities fight non-muslim majorities, they are called insurgents or terrorists. When the reverse is true, the non-muslim 'oppressed' people are fighting muslim 'domination'.

The Western hate speech and indoctrination is far more subtle than the arab propaganda. The arab propaganda is childishly simplistic, while the Western hate speech works almost on a subconscious level by constantly association the words 'muslim' and 'arab' with 'terrorist'.

There are 1.2 billion muslims in the world. You would think there would be some positive news and accomplishments in the muslim world. If you watch muslim media you will find them, but you will almost never see them on mainstream Western media.

This cannot be explained away as sensationalism. Western media is full of positive stories about China, India, even Africa. But they deliberately show only negative stories about muslims. This is no accident.

Your post is totally redicoulous. What media outlet in the USA is anti-Muslim? There have been good documentarys on Muslims by our media.

Every time a muslim commits a crime, however minor, their religion is mentioned? That statement is totally false. Please provide me with some facts to back up your statement.

Here is a list of hate crimes from 2007 from the FBI....

By bias motivation
An analysis of data for victims of single-bias hate crime incidents showed that:

■52.0 percent of the victims were targeted because of the offender’s bias against a race.
■17.1 percent were victimized because of a bias against a religious belief.
■15.9 percent were targeted because of a bias against a particular sexual orientation.
■14.1 percent were victimized because of a bias against an ethnicity/national origin.
■0.9 percent were targeted because of a bias against a disability.

Racial bias
Among the single-bias hate crime incidents in 2007, there were 4,956 victims of racially motivated hate crime.

■69.3 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.
■18.3 percent were victims of an anti-white bias.
■4.7 percent were victims of an anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias.
■1.5 percent were victims of an anti-American Indian/Alaskan Native bias.
■6.1 percent were victims of a bias against a group of individuals in which more than one race was represented (anti-multiple races, group).

Religious bias
Of the 1,628 victims of an anti-religious hate crime:

■69.2 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
■8.7 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.
■4.3 percent were victims of an anti-Catholic bias.
■4.1 percent were victims of an anti-Protestant bias.
■0.5 percent were victims of an anti-Atheist/Agnostic bias.
■9.1 percent were victims of a bias against other religions (anti-other religion).
■4.1 percent were victims of a bias against groups of individuals of varying religions (anti-multiple religions, group).

I don't see where Muslim's are singled out for hate crimes. Most crimes are toward the Jews. I have seen desecration of Jewish cemetery's where headstones were toppled over and swastikas spray painted on headstones.

Synagogues are vandalized to a great extent.

I don't see Mosques being vandalized or burned down here in the USA.

Where is the hate towards Muslims...I don't see it..
Your post is totally redicoulous. What media outlet in the USA is anti-Muslim? There have been good documentarys on Muslims by our media.

I don't deny there have been pro-muslim programming. I am talking about overall trends and the tendency of Western media to hightlight a criminal's religion only if they are muslim. I posted a couple of studies in another post.

Here is a list of hate crimes from 2007 from the FBI....
Where is the hate towards Muslims...I don't see it..

Thankfully the media hate campaign hasn't resulted in hate crimes against American muslims and that is to the American people's credit (although there were temporary spikes after 9/11, etc.) Americans do tend to be more open minded about other cultures. But John Stossel's piece about the children, and all the hysteria over Obama's
"hidden-muslim" claim proves how well anti-muslim sentiment plays in America. Obama aides even removed two headscarf-wearing muslim ladies from behind the podium because they didn't want to attract unnecessary controversy.

As Colin Powell noted:
I'm also troubled by - not what Senator McCain says - but what members of the Party say, and it is permitted to be said: such things as, "Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim." Well, the correct answer is he is not a Muslim. He's a Christian; has always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, "What if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country?" The answer's "No, that's not America." Is there something wrong with some seven-year-old Muslim American kid believing that he or she could be President?

There are a lot more subtle affects of the media hate campaign, especially in Europe. The BBC has done studies about job discrimination (mailing identical resumes with muslim/non-muslim names) in France and the UK which show anti-muslim trends. The French ban on headscarfs and other European legislation are aimed against muslims.
Your post is totally redicoulous. What media outlet in the USA is anti-Muslim? There have been good documentarys on Muslims by our media.

Every time a muslim commits a crime, however minor, their religion is mentioned? That statement is totally false. Please provide me with some facts to back up your statement.

Here is a list of hate crimes from 2007 from the FBI....
You can see by now the guy's tap-dancing around the issue would impress Fred Astaire.
It teaches hate to young children who are not even capable at that age to make decisions on their own.

Could you tell me which exact bit is it where shes is spreading hatred.

as far as Israel is concerned we can go in circles as to who's land it is how many Jews where already living in Palestine before WWII (and there were a lot) and after.

The entire area was under muslim rule for over a thousand years and the jews lived in peace with no problem......there was no mass killing of jews like there was in europe.The problem only began after ww2.

The role of the U.N. and British. Bottom line is though the Palestinians had the chance to have there own state in the beginning and under pressure from the Arab league they rejected it. Believing that they could have it all and drive the Jews out. That was a big mistake! Lets see after 2000 years they become a nation once more as foretold by their prophets. and every enemy that comes up against them loses. I would say they still hold Gods favor.

The romans ruled england longer then the jews had israel in history so does that the italians a right to rule england?

The jews have been defeated loads of times in history.......romans-persian ect and in recent times its only been 60 odd years.......how long did it take the muslims to reconquer jerusalem from the crusaders.

Now let me ask you a question......Do you believe peace should be negotiated leading to a Palestinian state? or should Israel be destroyed?

I will answer your question once you answer mine........do you think it was fair that the palestinian should pay by there land being taken over by jews from europe for the crimes of the germans.
doesn't matter ....there will never be peace as long as the Palestinians are divided. The majority of Palestinians want a peace deal. However Iran's proxy Hamas will NEVER let that happen.

actually today that's untrue.
The majority of Palestinians stand behind Hamas. This was clearly visible in the elections that brought Hamas to power in the first place, and the growing strength of Hamas in the West Bank, traditionally Fatah land.
Fatah today on the other hand, is on the verge of collapse. The "Old guard" who are proponents of a peace settlement with "Israel" are being more and more isolated, since they haven't been able to secure anything of value to the Palestinian people, other than defeat after defeat and full scale corruption and anarchi.
The new and young generation are considering bringing Fatah back into armed struggle, since the defeat of "Israel" by the hands of Hezbollah in South Lebanon, and the failure of "Israel" to defeat Hamas in Gaza has brought them an alternative to fruitless negotiations with an enemy who in reality doesn't want peace.
Therefore, the majority of Palestinians today, I would say, is not interested in peace with "Israel", at least not under the current conditions, and the majority of the palestinian people supports Hamas. The only reason why Fatah and the PA is still alive is due to US and "Israeli" support to counter Hamas.
It teaches hate to young children who are not even capable at that age to make decisions on their own. as far as Israel is concerned we can go in circles as to who's land it is how many Jews where already living in Palestine before WWII (and there were a lot) and after. The role of the U.N. and British. Bottom line is though the Palestinians had the chance to have there own state in the beginning and under pressure from the Arab league they rejected it. Believing that they could have it all and drive the Jews out. That was a big mistake! Lets see after 2000 years they become a nation once more as foretold by their prophets. and every enemy that comes up against them loses. I would say they still hold Gods favor.

Now let me ask you a question......Do you believe peace should be negotiated leading to a Palestinian state? or should Israel be destroyed?

Ehmm alot you say? According to Ottoman statistics studied by Justin McCarthy(McCarthy, 1990, p.26), before the large migration of jews into palestine there were 94% Palestinian arabs and less than 6% jews! how is that alot?
You also say that the Palestinians had the chance to have their own state and blew it. Well the state was underway before the partition plan of 1947, a palestinian parliament was being created, there was a currency etc. And how would you want a people to suddenly agree on giving away more than half of what they regard as their land to an immigrant people from eastern europe? would americans accept the same? I doubt.
What the jews believe in is absolutely irrelevant, the world is not run according to the torah. So they can keep their racist and supremacist ideology to themselves.
I personally believe that "Israel" should be relocated, either to the true offenders, Germany and Austria, their original homeland the Khazar kingdom in southern russia or what about America, lots of land and a people who loves them very very much.
Source for that claim.

this is not a scientific issue to have a "source", rather it's an analysis.

what about hollywood movies how many depicts muslim or arabs as heroes? and how many depicts them as bloodthirsty and primitive savages?
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I wonder why the modern jews(those living in Israel) want israel as their homelands when the fact is that majority of them are ashkenazi jews who are converts rather than the actual semites (Semites also include some arabs,north africans).

So who is the actually anti-semitic.

They are just land grabbers who were hated and killed mercilessly in their own countries ( God favoring them eh) and the Europeans decided to transfer them to some place other than europe.
before the partition plan of 1947, a palestinian parliament was being created, there was a currency etc.

That may be but in the end they refused to declare themselves a state. And it was Arab league infighting that caused it. In November 1945, the Arab League reestablished the Arab Higher Committee as a supreme executive body of Palestinian Arabs in the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine, but it fell apart due to infighting. In June 1946, the Arab League imposed upon the Palestinians the Arab Higher Executive, renamed as "Arab Higher Committee" in 1947, with Amin al-Husayni as its chairman and Jamal al-Husayni as vice-chairman.

On 14 May 1948, the British rule over Palestine expired and Israel proclaimed its independence. On the following day, the then seven League members, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Yemen coordinated an attack on the State of Israel marking the start of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, with the explicit objective being the destruction of the newly-formed Jewish state. On May 15, 1948, the Arab League Secretary General Abdul Razek Azzam Pasha announced the intention to wage a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades. However, despite the rhetoric Arab leaders were disunited. The Egyptians knew of Abdullah's agreement with Meir and were determined to thwart Transjordan's territorial ambitions, thus the Arab war plan changed in conception and essence from a united effort to conquer parts of the nascent Jewish state and perhaps destroy it, into a multilateral land grab focusing on the Arab areas of the country.

Ehmm alot you say? According to Ottoman statistics studied by Justin McCarthy(McCarthy, 1990, p.26), before the large migration of jews into palestine there were 94% Palestinian arabs and less than 6% jews! how is that alot?

I said before WWII, which there was a lot of Jews. And there were a lot especially from the 20's - 30's. Then after WWII there were more. Just as there was major Arab immigration as well. Why were they there? Because for nearly 2000 years God had sent them into exile. Yet God had promised them to bring them back eventually. Which by the way was the 3rd time it had happened in Israels history. You think that with the dispersion of the Jews by the Romans they no longer have any claim to the land. Yet here they are against all odds. I bet a similar argument would be taking place if they had returned from exile after only 25 years and became a nation again. The occupants of the land would feel wronged.

Let me ask you this. Picture yourself standing back and watching both sides in this conflict. Both sides claim Abraham as their father. Both claim to be the children of Abraham's promise. Yet who seems to be enjoying Gods favor? the ones that have no country and are in constant turmoil and war. Or the ones that against all odds came back from a 2000 year exile and have their own country. And enjoy prosperity and wealth. And every time one of there enemies rise up to destroy them they are defeated. Even though they are greatly out numbered.

The Jews are not going away no matter how much the Arabs want it to be so. most Palestinians seem to realize this now and would like to negotiate peace leading to a Palestinian State. However as I stated before Iran's proxy Hamas will never allow this. Really the situation has not changed much. from the times the Arab League exerted control keeping them from forming a state. and Iran keeping them from getting a state.
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I wonder why the modern jews(those living in Israel) want israel as their homelands when the fact is that majority of them are ashkenazi jews who are converts rather than the actual semites (Semites also include some arabs,north africans).

So who is the actually anti-semitic.

They are just land grabbers who were hated and killed mercilessly in their own countries ( God favoring them eh) and the Europeans decided to transfer them to some place other than europe.

from before the Roman dispersion there were Jewish converts in most of the Roman empire. Those converts had children and kept the Jewish culture and traditions. Some of the oldest of these are the Ethiopian Jews.
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That may be but in the end they refused to declare themselves a state. And it was Arab league infighting that caused it. In November 1945, the Arab League reestablished the Arab Higher Committee as a supreme executive body of Palestinian Arabs in the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine, but it fell apart due to infighting. In June 1946, the Arab League imposed upon the Palestinians the Arab Higher Executive, renamed as "Arab Higher Committee" in 1947, with Amin al-Husayni as its chairman and Jamal al-Husayni as vice-chairman.

On 14 May 1948, the British rule over Palestine expired and Israel proclaimed its independence. On the following day, the then seven League members, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Yemen coordinated an attack on the State of Israel marking the start of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, with the explicit objective being the destruction of the newly-formed Jewish state. On May 15, 1948, the Arab League Secretary General Abdul Razek Azzam Pasha announced the intention to wage a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades. However, despite the rhetoric Arab leaders were disunited. The Egyptians knew of Abdullah's agreement with Meir and were determined to thwart Transjordan's territorial ambitions, thus the Arab war plan changed in conception and essence from a united effort to conquer parts of the nascent Jewish state and perhaps destroy it, into a multilateral land grab focusing on the Arab areas of the country.

No question that arab incompetence and internal divisions helped the jews. The jews had lived in Europe for centuries and knew the system inside out. They worked from within to use the system. The arabs had no idea how European internal politics worked.

All this does not lend Israel any more legitimacy.

I said before WWII, which there was a lot of Jews. And there were a lot especially from the 20's - 30's. Then after WWII there were more. Just as there was major Arab immigration as well. Why were they there? Because for nearly 2000 years God had sent them into exile. Yet God had promised them to bring them back eventually. Which by the way was the 3rd time it had happened in Israels history.

See below.

You think that with the dispersion of the Jews by the Romans they no longer have any claim to the land.

Got it in one!

Let me ask you this. Picture yourself standing back and watching both sides in this conflict. Both sides claim Abraham as their father. Both claim to be the children of Abraham's promise. Yet who seems to be enjoying Gods favor? the ones that have no country and are in constant turmoil and war. Or the ones that against all odds came back from a 2000 year exile and have their own country. And enjoy prosperity and wealth. And every time one of there enemies rise up to destroy them they are defeated. Even though they are greatly out numbered.

Your obsessive theological fixations have no bearing on the facts. Just as Gawd's Chosen People have no special claim to the land because it was supposedly bequeathed to them in a Covenant.

Israel was created and has stayed in existence purely by the grace of the Western superpowers. God has nothing to do with it.
Your obsessive theological fixations have no bearing on the facts. Just as Gawd's Chosen People have no special claim to the land because it was supposedly bequeathed to them in a Covenant.

Israel was created and has stayed in existence purely by the grace of the Western superpowers. God has nothing to do with it.

What I portrayed is how Israel looks at how they were able to become a country once again. Do I believe in God....Yes! just as I assume you do as well as a Muslim. As far as I know it doesn't matter if you are Muslim, Jew, or Christian. All believe in God's guiding hand. Do they not?
What I portrayed is how Israel looks at how they were able to become a country once again. Do I believe in God....Yes! just as I assume you do as well as a Muslim. As far as I know it doesn't matter if you are Muslim, Jew, or Christian. All believe in God's guiding hand. Do they not?

Hallelujah! :lol: Where are we going with this people? :disagree:

What I portrayed is how Israel looks at how they were able to become a country once again. Do I believe in God....Yes! just as I assume you do as well as a Muslim. As far as I know it doesn't matter if you are Muslim, Jew, or Christian. All believe in God's guiding hand. Do they not?

Many of us believe in God but that shouldn't be relevant here.

But you are right about Israel. They have turned what should have been a secular territorial dispute into a religious war. That's because it gives them two key advantages:
- it brings in the powerful American Evangelical Christians to their side (the whole Rapture and Jesus' return thing)
- it let's Israel play the race/victim card by crying anti-Semitism any time someone critisizes them.

The fact is that Israel ceased to exist after the Roman conquest. The Jewish claim on the land is based purely on religion: Abraham's Covenant in the Old Testament. The militant settlers practically scream it every time they are challenged.

As I hope you will acknowledge, this kind of religious justification for a territorial dispute would not hold up in any court of law. You can't evict someone from their house and take over their property because your religion says so. Yet this is exactly what the Jews have done in Palestine. The only reason they got away with it is because the Western superpowers backed them.
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