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Is the pro-Israel lobby panicking?

What you posted was about stereotyping ethnicities, not that we have a systematic approach like the Arabs do in instilling hatred in children with Jews as a specific target.

On the contrary.

The Western media in general , and the American media in particular, are engaged in a conscious, deliberate program to create a next generation of people who are bigoted against muslims and arabs.

Every time a muslim commits a crime, however minor, their religion is mentioned. When others do it, their religion or ethnicity is rarely mentioned.

When muslim minorities fight non-muslim majorities, they are called insurgents or terrorists. When the reverse is true, the non-muslim 'oppressed' people are fighting muslim 'domination'.

The Western hate speech and indoctrination is far more subtle than the arab propaganda. The arab propaganda is childishly simplistic, while the Western hate speech works almost on a subconscious level by constantly association the words 'muslim' and 'arab' with 'terrorist'.

There are 1.2 billion muslims in the world. You would think there would be some positive news and accomplishments in the muslim world. If you watch muslim media you will find them, but you will almost never see them on mainstream Western media.

This cannot be explained away as sensationalism. Western media is full of positive stories about China, India, even Africa. But they deliberately show only negative stories about muslims. This is no accident.
as far as Israel is concerned we can go in circles as to who's land it is how many Jews where already living in Palestine before WWII (and there were a lot) and after. The role of the U.N. and British.

No need to go in any circles.

Watch the BBC documentary Promises and Betrayals:

It will show you how Israel was created to appease, of all things, Bolshevik jews!

It will also show the Israeli commanders acknowledge that they massacred women and children specifically to instill terror in the arab masses and drive them out of their homes.

The Romans kicked the jews out of Israel 2000 years ago and that was the end of Israel.

The current incarnation is a blatant land grab by a bunch of thieves because they have bigger weapons and support from superpowers. It has got nothing to do with legitimay.

Although, as I said before, the people born in Israel should not be punished for their parents' crimes, and the jews and arabs need to work things out.
On the contrary.

The Western media in general , and the American media in particular, are engaged in a conscious, deliberate program to create a next generation of people who are bigoted against muslims and arabs.

Every time a muslim commits a crime, however minor, their religion is mentioned. When others do it, their religion or ethnicity is rarely mentioned.
Source for that claim.
Source for that claim.

Well, what can I say? I don't collect news clippings. This is a pattern I have noticed over several decades. It wasn't as bad before but, since 9/11, it has become much more overt.

I would ask you to keep your eyes and ears open the next time you see or read crime reports. This is not about one or two stories, but a pattern. Once you are aware of it, you will notice it.
Before WWII there were about 360k Jews living in Palestine compared to about 900k Arabs. By 1946 there were about 540k Jews and 1.2 million Arabs. in 1914 there were more Jews living in Jerusalem then Muslims. To say the Jews had no claim to Palestine isn't telling the whole story. I recommend a petty even handed history account here
Well, what can I say? I don't collect news clippings. This is a pattern I have noticed over several decades. It wasn't as bad before but, since 9/11, it has become much more overt.

I would ask you to keep your eyes and ears open the next time you see or read crime reports. This is not about one or two stories, but a pattern. Once you are aware of it, you will notice it.
In other words, you make crap up...

The Media, Islam, and Political Correctness: Is it a right-wing scare tactic to use the phrase Islamic extremism? - Reason Magazine
The New York Times has been assailed by conservative critics such as Dallas Morning News columnist and blogger Rod Dreher for downplaying a troubling aspect of the case: all the suspects are Muslims. (They had converted to Islam while in prison for drug offenses, theft, and other crimes.) The first Times report on May 20 mentioned this fact only in passing—despite a statement by New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly at a press conference that the four had talked frankly about wanting to "commit jihad."
See that? A major news organization called The New York Times downplayed the religious aspect of the individuals involved.
Before WWII there were about 360k Jews living in Palestine compared to about 900k Arabs. By 1946 there were about 540k Jews and 1.2 million Arabs. in 1914 there were more Jews living in Jerusalem then Muslims. To say the Jews had no claim to Palestine isn't telling the whole story. I recommend a petty even handed history account here

Better than that, please watch the BBC documentary.

Go ahead, it is not arab propaganda. It is an even handed history of the region with interviews from British, arab and jewish individuals. In fact, there are more interviews with Israeli proponents than with Palestinian proponents.

WWII is way too late in the picture. The wholesale import of jews started long before then, precisely to prepare for a jewish state.

At the time of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, there were less than 10% jews living in Palestine, yet the Declaration called it a future 'jewish state' where the rights of non-jews (90% of the population) would be respected. Even that is a bit late since the low-key jewish immigration and land-purchases in the region started around the turn of the century.

There is no question: the jews had a long term strategy and they worked and prepared for the day when Israel would eventually be created. It was a remarkable endeavor, no doubt about it. The arabs, suffering under the Ottoman Empire, were distracted and recognized this threat much too late.
Well, what can I say? I don't collect news clippings. This is a pattern I have noticed over several decades. It wasn't as bad before but, since 9/11, it has become much more overt.

I would ask you to keep your eyes and ears open the next time you see or read crime reports. This is not about one or two stories, but a pattern. Once you are aware of it, you will notice it.
Here is another one...

American Thinker: US Public Schools Teaching Children Pro-Islamic Propaganda
No mention of Islamic Fundamentalists. No mention of jihad. No attempt to explain the identities or murderous motivations of the madmen who perpetrated the most horrific attack on our country ever.
These complaints about the US mainstream media NOT mentioning Islam cannot be so cavalierly dismissed. Contrary to your unsupported claim, the US mainstream media have treated Islam with the proverbial kid gloves.

Or how about this one from the UK...

Instead the leaked Home Office document advises Whitehall bosses that they refer to violent extremism and criminal murderers or thugs to avoid any link between Islam and terrorism.
Looks like I keep my eyes and ears open better than you do.
In other words, you make crap up....

Just because you want everything spoonfed and don't want to decide for yourself, I can understand.

You are probably used to Faux News and other media which feed predigested opinions to their viewers.

The Media, Islam, and Political Correctness: Is it a right-wing scare tactic to use the phrase Islamic extremism? - Reason Magazine
See that? A major news organization called The New York Times downplayed the religious aspect of the individuals involved.

The NYT is pro-muslim?? :rofl:

Since you are such a fan of NYT, you can follow it assiduously for a year and keep track of how many pro-muslim stories they publish v/s anti-muslim.

Don't restrict yourself to NYT. Pick Fox, CNN, BBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, even NPR.

PBS, as usual, tends to be more balanced. They have a natural pro-American bias, nothing wrong with that, but they don't tend to play the religion/race stereotyping as much.
Here is another one...

American Thinker: US Public Schools Teaching Children Pro-Islamic Propaganda

These complaints about the US mainstream media NOT mentioning Islam cannot be so cavalierly dismissed. Contrary to your unsupported claim, the US mainstream media have treated Islam with the proverbial kid gloves.

Or how about this one from the UK...

'Don't mention Islamic extremists': Government phrasebook tries to avoid upsetting Muslims| News | This is London
Looks like I keep my eyes and ears open better than you do.

The extreme right wing loons like American Thinker and AEI will, of course, not be satisfied until there is even more muslim bashing.

And the point about the UK government proves my point. The government would not interfere in free speech unless it was being abused so extensibely by the hate mongers. The fact that the UK (and the US) governments took notice proves how widespread the hate speech has become.
More than all the one-off articles, the best proof of my claim is the John Stossel piece in 20/20.

American kids are being brainwashed towards a particular streotype, and todays' stereotype is tomorrow's prejudice.
Just because you want everything spoonfed and don't want to decide for yourself, I can understand.

You are probably used to Faux News and other media which feed predigested opinions to their viewers.
Looks like you got caught with your own petard. Either back up your claim or admit you make crap up.
Looks like you got caught with your own petard. Either back up your claim or admit you make crap up.

Not at all.

Trends cannot be displayed by posting a handful of links.
Even if I post a bunch of anti-muslim links, you can post a bunch of pro-muslim links. They don't prove anything either way.

But here are a few, just to whet your appetite...

Media blamed for Islam bias | The Australian

Well, NYT tends to be on the liberal side, so it's not as bad as Faux News or The Washington Post (or Murdoch's New York Post), but that's only speaking relatively.

And in a way, you proved my point. Even for a positive or neutral story about muslims in one paper (NYT), there was someone throwing a tantrum and ready with an anti-muslim rant in another (Washington Times).

These people just cannot let it be. They always have to find something negative every time muslims are mentioned in the news.
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