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Is The JF17 Thunder Stil Relevant Now

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Buddy, you can acquire all the hot shot fighters out there but Pakistan will always hold one trump card............
A plane is only as good as it's pilot, i leave the rest to your imagination.:whistle:
To all Indian members with due respect.

I have said this twice and will not repeat it again. Its a good thing for India that PAK FA flew but that does not mean that it will be inducted straight away. There is at least a gap of 8-10 years in between. Pakistan Air force is in process of collaborating with Chinese on a next generation fighter aircraft to which the world knows as J-XX. Now i know this in person as my contacts were nice enough to give a hint or two. They are working together on it for the last four years and Chinese are working on this for at least 8 years. So far, everything is going as per plan and results will soon be evident. Its design is finalized in 2007 and work is in progress on radar, avionics and other sensors. Design wise, J-XX is similar to PAK FA but Chinese are working hard to make it as stealthy as possible. Many new technologies are acquired from many western countries which includes carbon composite materials (this news was published a few days ago). Dont be surprised if you hear an early news like we did for J-15.

This link will be helpful.
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Some mock up and images of Chinese Stealth Fighter have appeared in the media in recent past so obviously something is cooking.


Although the pic is doubtful, I have to agree with your point as we remember just how many J-10 pics with DSI intake and IRST mount revolved through out the internet. Two years later, it became a reality so after all there was some thing behind those planned image releases. The Chinese are very clever in this regard as they know just how to play their cards.
Nabil actually this is true even the source you gave up shows the same jet.As well as there are various pics on chinese def forum showing the same jets prototype.
Look at the air intakes, one has in side and the other at the bottom
The pic in the link i provided is most likely the real deal as this website has proved its worth with very accurate information on Chinese military issues historically.

Although the pic is doubtful, I have to agree with your point as we remember just how many J-10 pics with DSI intake and IRST mount revolved through out the internet. Two years later, it became a reality so after all there was some thing behind those planned image releases. The Chinese are very clever in this regard as they know just how to play their cards.
Pictures of China's new aircraft first always appear on the internet until the toy is ready to be inducted. For the JXX project, i have read news to the effect that while the world was anticipating the PAK-FA test flight, China was well underway with it's programme. Here is an other interesting article.

J-XX 4th-Generation Fighter Aircraft

China is believed to have been conducting preliminary research on its fourth-generation fighter aircraft since the late 1990s. The fighter, codenamed by Western intelligence as J-XX or XXJ, was described as an advanced F-22-class twin-engine stealth fighter with extensive radar cross section (RCS) reduction features such as internal weapon bay. So far very little information regarding the project has been revealed, though it is understood that the two primary fighter aircraft design institutes of the China Aviation Industries Corporation (AVIC) – Shenyang Aircraft Design Institute (601 Institute) and Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute (611 Institute) – have both been working on their own designs to bid for the PLA’s contract.

In 1997, the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) reported that an advanced F-22-class twin-engine stealth fighter XXJ was being developed by 601 Institute and Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC). In 2001, an Internet source photo showed a F-22-like aircraft model was being tested in a wind tunnel at 601 Institute. At the same time, it was revealed that 611 Institute was also working its own advanced fighter aircraft design, possibly based on the design and technology of its J-10 fighter.

Despite intensive media interest, it is very likely that the fighter programme is still in its early theoretical evaluation (论证) and programme definition (方案) stage, during which various technologies are examined to meet operational requirements. Theoretical evaluation of the programme and development of key technologies and sub-systems would also be carried out in these stages. While China may be able to benefit from some “off-the-shelf” dual-use technologies available in the commercial market, it will almost definitely seek assistance from its traditional military technology supplier such as Russia, as well as some Western countries.

There has been speculations China’s fourth-generation fighter could enter service as early as 2015. However, designing and developing a fighter of this class will involve huge amount of investment and technology advancement across many fields, including new materials, high-performance aero-engine, avionics, flight control software, stealth technology, computer-aid design and manufacture (CAD/CAM). Only very few countries in the world nowadays possess the capability of designing and developing a modern high-performance fighter aircraft independently, and a project of this scale could last decades before the aircraft finally enters service.

Russian Sukhoi Company (JSC), which has developed close ties with Shenyang over the licensed co-production of its Su-27SK fighter as J-11, has been reportedly working with Shenyang in developing the next-generation fighter technology and sub-systems. Although Russia has yet been able to develop an operational stealth fighter, the J-XX project may benefit from its technologies in two particular areas: thrust vectoring engine and stealth design. Additionally, China may also seek potential partners from Russia, Israel and Europe to co-develop avionics and weapon suites for its 4th-generation fighter aircraft.

J-XX 4th-Generation Fighter Aircraft - SinoDefence.com
My Pakistan friends. Please be assured that the Chinese 5th Gen fight is well on its way, possibly ahead of the Russians. Usually we do not publicize our top secret weapons unless the next gen is already underway. It is likely that the prototype of J-XX took the sky when we revealed J-10.

Also, it is rumored that, although we have not perfected our WS10A engine, the WS15 engine is actually quite on schedule, since it uses next-gen engine technology which has little to do with WS10A.

The JF-17 is of course very very relevant. First, it is in service NOW (unlike the LCA, knock knock). Pakistan is not charged only with assembling it (unlike the MKIs), it is also charged with modifying it by integrating with different types of electronics and weapon systems. This will help Pakistan gain crucial experience in the aviation field. It will also help a great deal when we upgrade the JF-17 because we will understand the implication of different parameters. Pakistan may even be able to upgrade on its own in future, according to own requirement (unlike India which still needs Russia's help to upgrade its only Mig-21s).

Indians no need to reply to this. I know there will be hurt feelings but I have no interest in hearing your spinned facts and twisted logics.
why indians were kept off limits? no one was to bee seen in the picture?

However at this moment PAK-FA specs. are not known. Just flying a frame influenced from JF-17 blk2 does not tell that it could beat JF-17 in itzs present form. PAK-FA is still at prototype1 phase while JF-17 is fully integrated into PAF and has been tested against F-16.
In any case the major difference between JF-17 and PAK-FA will remain that former was custome built for PAF requirements, where as later is not build specifically for InAF.

Sorry to call your bluff, but ............

October 27, 2007, Asia Times quoted Sukhoi's director, Mikhail Pogosyan, "We [India and Russia] will share the funding, engineering and intellectual property of the new project in a 50-50 proportion." The Indian version, according to the deal, will be different from the Russian version and specific to Indian requirements. While the Russian version will be a single-pilot fighter, the Indian variant will have a twin-seat configuration based on its operational doctrine which calls for greater radius of combat operations" :wave:
I just remember russia invited china join his 5 gerneration jets projest and china refused it... The only reason is china know we can do it by ourself unlike. :lol: And china's millitory power is very untransparency like US always blamed. Like 2007 anti-satellites tech and 2009 midddle course anti-missile tech, they just come out suddenlly without any auguring. Chinese is very different from some coutry, we dont like talking big, we just wor silentlly.
One day PAK FA is tested, the other day JF-17 becomes irrelevant!!!

What nonsense is this!!!! :angry::hitwall:
jxx i keep hereing is arriving.

JXX is now where near to fly its a mere concept like INDIA MCA.

And ven wen it arrives say 2025 DOES NOT MEAN china will sell it or PAKISTAN could even afford it in 2025+

Here you go buddy, if the Deputy Commander of PLAAF is saying something like this, then it does means he isn't bluffing around and something concrete is being done behind closed doors. He gave the interview on TV, so he isn't bluffing. J-XX or Chinese 5th Gen aircraft is a reality, deal with it.


" November.09 (China Military News Reporting by Johanthan Weng) — Ho Weirong, the deputy commander of PLA Air Force, says China’s 5th Generation fighter will enter service in next 8-10 years, when he attended a TV interview program on 8th November, just before the 60th anniversary of PLA Air Force.

Ho Weirong, the deputy commander of PLA Air Force, in the TV interview program

The interview TV program, “Face to Face”, is run by CCTV, which is the largest state-run Television station in China. During the interview, the interviewer asking Deputy Commander Ho when China can have its 5th generation fighter, Ho says the R&D of 5th generation fighter is being intensely made. And according to some resources, he also discloses that the first trial flight is coming later and then the 5th generation fighter will enter into test flight phase.

He tells the interviewer that under the estimation of present R&D progress the Chinese 5th generation fighter will be delivered to PLA Air Force and enter service in next 8-10 years (before 2020).

November 11 is the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Air Force. 8 evening broadcast on CCTV’s news channel, “Face to Face” program, the Chinese take pride in what the Air Force deputy commander said the fourth-generation Chinese-made fighter jets are in a busy development process, the upcoming first flight. Immediately after the first flight into the flight test phase, according to the present situation, made four generations of fighter aircraft in the 8 to 10 years immediately after the armed forces.

The 5th generation fighter aircraft is usually referred to US-made F-22 “Raptor” and F-35, which have “4S” abilities- stealth, supersonic cruise, super maneuverability and short take-off. The 5th generation fighters have overwhelming technological advantages to 3th or 4th generation fighters. Currently, F-22 is the only in-service 5th generation fighter, F-35, Russian’s T-50 are in the process of development. Chinese 5th generation fighter is the fourth one which is admitted to enter into the actual development process.

Ho deputy commander also says that China-made third-generation fighter J-10’s performance is equivalent to F-16 fighter. He points that J-10’s max weapon load is up to 6 tons, having 11 pylons and its shortest take-off distance is only 350 meters.

It is said that No.611 Institute of CAC (Chengdu Aircraft Corporation) became the winner in the 5th generation fighter competition with No.601 Institute of SAC (Shenyang Aircraft Corporation). Mr. Yang Wei, the chief designer of J-10 fighter, has been promoted to a higher position in AVIC and can deploy more company resources to support the R&D of CAC.

Exactly, infromations gathered from Internet just prove one thing that China don’t want to copy F-22 under the technological gap with U.S. China’s fifth generation fighter may have one or two advantages to fetch up the suprem 4S charactors of F-22. Depending on information revolution and interior lines combat situation, China thinks it can challenge the superiority of American Air Force.
One day PAK FA is tested, the other day JF-17 becomes irrelevant!!!

What nonsense is this!!!! :hitwall:

What else would you be expecting ???? :cheesy::cheesy:

You are like :hitwall: & I was like :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: after reading the first post. :rofl:
JF-17 is an F7 replacement, our backbone. Compared with India's Mig-21 backbone its got decades of advancements on it.

J-10s would be our frontline birds and in about 10-15 years we will have J-XX to deal witht he Pak-Fa problem which will be around in Indian hands only around that time.
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