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Is Sri Lanka Classified South East Asia or South Asia?

Real classy eh ?? But what can you expect.. Slum mentality

Typical Sinhalese (Aryan) mentality. I bet you hate your dark skin so much that you want to know what MJ did to whiten his skin. Any success so far?
Typical Sinhalese (Aryan) mentality. I bet you hate your dark skin so much that you want to know what MJ did to whiten his skin. Any success so far?

So far ... we have witnessed indians showing inferiority complex on this thread... and here you are... again talking about dark skin etc...
You troll in every thread and if somebody bashes you... you start getting abusive ... bringin in family etc into discussions?

I believe in strict reciprocation. I used the same adjective for his father which he used for me. Fair Deal.
Again the thread is a bout Sri Lankans NOT Sinhalese.. It does not matter what your personal perceptions are, From the OP to the Lankans commented on the thread were speaking behalf of Lankans.. It's you and some other Indians that segregated the subject matter.. Stick to it

u r getting me wrong,fair enough.i ll just read.
So far ... we have witnessed indians showing inferiority complex on this thread... and here you are... again talking about dark skin etc...

Indians showing inferiority complex to whom? Sri Lankans? Their President and ministers come to Delhi on political pilgrimage on drop of hat.

I feel sorry for you..

I was not born to impress you. Let us get back on topic. Will we?
Indians showing inferiority complex to whom? Sri Lankans? Their President and ministers come to Delhi on political pilgrimage on drop of hat.

I dunno whats with you guys and skin color..

I was not born to impress you. Let us get back on topic. Will we?

I still feel sorry for you man..:disagree:
u r getting me wrong,fair enough.i ll just read.

Tks.. It has always been a pleasure discussing subject matter with you in a civil manner even though most times we dont see eye to eye.. Quite refreshing and rare in this forum
I dunno whats with you guys and skin color..

I still feel sorry for you man..:disagree:

Ask that to Sri Lankans who hate their Tamil population and do not want any association with them because of the skin colour. According to Sri Lankans, particularly the Sinhalese people, Sri Lanka is an Aryan Nation.

You actually need to pity them

Pity whom? Sinhalese who are suffering of acute identity crisis and are extremely racist towards their own people?
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