As a normal people, I find Korean culture things not interesting at all, all my male friends don't give a fk to Korean pop, only females buy it. I mean, the Korean songs, only people from the bottom of society listen to them, the Korean dramas are even worse, totally BS. But I'd like to say, the Korean variety shows are the best, China imports and buys all the Korean shows, many people, men and women watch it. Korean movies are not bad too. As for TV dramas, Korean sucks, in Asia, Japanese TV drama is good. Also, the pop culture thing is more than some songs or movies, it's a social phenomenon, deep in people's mind, Japan leads the Pop culture in Asia for a long time.
Generally, in ordinary Chinese mind, Korea is and will always be under the level of Japan, I mean, everything. Chinese hate Japanese, but Chinese are reasonable, we discover and learn their merits, but for Koreans, we have nothing to learn from them.