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Is south Korea the second largest pop culture exporter

These are not 'Western' so to say; none of them are European. This is just a pure example of American Cultural Imperialism at its best ;)

Well what can i say, America has that attractant aspect.

The society in American cultivates creativity , the arts, et cetera.

What are you talking about? You deny Bollywood's influence in American Music and American Cinemas ?

Jay Sean, anyone?

My second list are all British. Except for Freddy Mercury, who is actually Indian. He is one of the best singer in history.

In reality, UK rivals America in modern music. Any Asian country can make that claim

My second list are all British. Except for Freddy Mercury, who is actually Indian. He is one of the best singer in history.

I forgot one of the legendary UK group, Led Zeppelin. Are there any Asian group that can come close to these guys?
Again Yoshiki is not a pianist, pianist such as Lang Lang is just a human instrument. I am wondering how many audience Korean singers can fill in Madison Square.

Yoshiki is not part of pop culture I think. I have never heard of him but I know about EXO, Big Bang, SNSD, Chae Yeon, Super Junior, etc.

tbh I don't know any Japanese bands.

My second list are all British. Except for Freddy Mercury, who is actually Indian. He is one of the best singer in history.

In reality, UK rivals America in modern music. Any Asian country can make that claim

I forgot one of the legendary UK group, Led Zeppelin. Are there any Asian group that can come close to these guys?

I only know Madonna, Spice Girls for English music.

What about x-rated stuff after hours? Is it regulated too or they don't show those stuff completely. Just curious..

Commercial pornography is illegal in China.

As a normal people, I find Korean culture things not interesting at all, all my male friends don't give a fk to Korean pop, only females buy it. I mean, the Korean songs, only people from the bottom of society listen to them, the Korean dramas are even worse, totally BS. But I'd like to say, the Korean variety shows are the best, China imports and buys all the Korean shows, many people, men and women watch it. Korean movies are not bad too. As for TV dramas, Korean sucks, in Asia, Japanese TV drama is good. Also, the pop culture thing is more than some songs or movies, it's a social phenomenon, deep in people's mind, Japan leads the Pop culture in Asia for a long time.

Generally, in ordinary Chinese mind, Korea is and will always be under the level of Japan, I mean, everything. Chinese hate Japanese, but Chinese are reasonable, we discover and learn their merits, but for Koreans, we have nothing to learn from them.

I dunno, when I talk to people I don't think about whether they are under me or over me. Maybe its because now that I'm older I stopped giving a **** about things like that. All I know is: Chinese overseas in general get along with Koreans much better than they get along with Japanese. In general, when I see Koreans talk, I think to myself: aren't Koreans supposed to be hotheaded? Why are they so rational? Meanwhile Japanese have some very wierd views and thought processes that are just too different from mine and most other Chinese.

You have to distinguish internet Koreans from real Koreans. However, due to many NEETers in Japan, internet Japanese and real Japanese are more similar.
Yoshiki is not part of pop culture I think. I have never heard of him but I know about EXO, Big Bang, SNSD, Chae Yeon, Super Junior, etc.

tbh I don't know any Japanese bands.

I only know Madonna, Spice Girls for English music.
Well, consider that X-Japan was formed in 1980's, and disband in 1997. So it won't be a surprise that young people won't know them. However even after one and half decade of their absence, they still have a large fun base throughout Asia, Even today they can fill the largest stadium fully in Japan easily, and play for 20,000 audiences per concert in Europe and US.

As I stated before the problem with K-pop is its longivity. I started listening Korean song in 1997 because of my Korean roommate. I just give you some names here, H.O.T, G.O.D. 1TYM, S.E.S, and Lee Junghyun, An Jaewok. Those were the stars of their time, but how many of them are still around, and how many people would still go to their concert if they have it again.
Not sure about them being "the second largest pop culture", but they are certainly making a name for themselves.
You can ask any East Asians and many of them would be able to name you at least one or two Korean pop or movie stars.

This is the Korean festival held in London's Trafalgar Square just over a week ago, you can find similar events around EU as well as North America and Canada. Plenty of people be it white, black or yellow would be able to replicate their dances and sing along in Korean. Pretty impressive achievement for a small country if you ask me.

Please -_- granted K-pop is popular among the Asian countries, even India but they have a limited audience (Teen girls and scene kids mostly from what I've seen) and its no where near what the Brits the other Europeans dish out. Not forgetting the Japs, their movies and anime is spread all over the world, Pokemon and Doremon anyone? Infact a lot of their shows are even dubbed in Hindi here lol..

Japanese anime rules the world. I like/loved hunter x hunter @Nihonjin1051 :enjoy:

Not sure about them being "the second largest pop culture", but they are certainly making a name for themselves.
You can ask any East Asians and many of them would be able to name you at least one or two Korean pop or movie stars.

This is the Korean festival held in London's Trafalgar Square just over a week ago, you can find similar events around EU as well as North America and Canada. Plenty of people be it white, black or yellow would be able to replicate their dances and sing along in Korean. Pretty impressive achievement for a small country if you ask me.

Yes K-pop is really popular in Asian mainstream , in the west or even in the world its nowhere nea mainstream (i had never heard a Korean music on here in my life apart from Psy, heard some when i visited S.Korea though) more like a nitche product followed by a minority in the west.

S.koreas pop industry is nowhere near Britains pop industry, i dont even think they are bigger than Japans entertainment industry. But for a country their size, they have done exceptionally well. :cheers:

the most important reason is that China lags behind Korea and Japan in entertainment development. China's capitalist entertainment industry was ended in 1949 and restarted 30 years ago, while Japan and South Korea hasn't stopped capitalist entertainment industry since west influence started. Entertainment industry explode in recent 5 years in China, and the market rises very fast. It is a blue sea, which means the entertainment industry professionals (actors, singers, directors, musicians, special effect workers, cameraman blabla) are making very easy money, which indulge them. They don't need to work hard and make huge amount of money. An Chinese celebrity can earn 100 times more in a Chinese TV show than a Korean celebrity earn in Korean TV show. And Korean celebrity have to work much harder, suffer much more.
But the blue sea period will finally end, maybe 5 years or 10 years. And then Chinese entertainment industry will be a red sea, like Japan and Korea. Then the competition will be severe, and entertainment professionals have to work harder. Then Chinese entertainment industry will have great influence.

the second reason is the censorship. Censorship in China is very ridiculous. There are a lot of limitations on drama, like no ghost/monster in modern era, no time travel and change of the history, blabla. But the censorship is mostly on TV. So many Internet companies begin to invest on dramas which can escape the censorship. But still not so relaxed as in Korea and Japan.

So in short its because of communist ideology imposed by the CCP and its stupid censorship laws that made/makes China's entertainment industry lag so mux behind its east Asian peers.

WTH?? No ghost/monster in modern era, no time travel or remake of history in movies are allowed??:o: Man thats some crazy censorship laws. If they applied that even to the U.S and U.K , then our movie/drama/entertainment industry will just die out. Lol:tsk:
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wait, Indian shows in Indonesia??

Shaheer Sheikh also the Main Character in some of the local TV series. i can go on, but i don't remember their names much. most Indonesian Film Producers are Indian-Indonesian too. this has been going on back from the 80's.

Japanese anime rules the world. I like/loved hunter x hunter @Nihonjin1051 :enjoy:

i bet you also like Fate / Zero. it's the only Anime where King Arthur meets Lancelot

korean thriller films are awesome and their korean tv series are very popular in asia and south america.
Don't know why this topic is still on-going

British is 2nd to US for exporting their culture, how many people know this line in the world?

"My name is Bond, James Bond"

And Korean Stuff is definitely catching up, but no where as influential than Japan. Tho Korean TV and Movie is coming up.

Korean are very good with Horror, and some big hits did actually make it into Hollywood remake, but not reall much

R-Point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My Sassy Girl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But still, they are not as much as an big influence than Japanese Movie.
Don't know why this topic is still on-going

British is 2nd to US for exporting their culture, how many people know this line in the world?

"My name is Bond, James Bond"

And Korean Stuff is definitely catching up, but no where as influential than Japan. Tho Korean TV and Movie is coming up.

Korean are very good with Horror, and some big hits did actually make it into Hollywood remake, but not reall much

R-Point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My Sassy Girl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But still, they are not as much as an big influence than Japanese Movie.
My mother watches a lot of Korean (Vietnamese dubbed) dramas, settings from medieval Korea to today. I watched Last Knights, it was so-so, and I saw Korean influence all over.
My mother watches a lot of Korean (Vietnamese dubbed) dramas, settings from medieval Korea to today. I watched Last Knights, it was so-so, and I saw Korean influence all over.

I don't like medieval stuff, period, not just Korean........

But you will be amazed to know Last Knight is directed by a Japanese

Well, As I said, Korean TV and Movie is on the rise, but then you also have to look at how Japanese Already done the damage to Western TV/Movie. While you have Last Samurai, and even Clint Eastwood have to direct a WW2 Movie in Japanese, and the hunger game (Both books and Movie) were also heavily influenced by Japanese movie, that alone say something.

But it is true, K-Movie or KTV is definitely on the rise. I just finish the whole season of Road Number 1 (A Kroean War drama) in English Sub....it was good.
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nope, not in Indonesia. they've been replaced with T-Pop (Turkish Dramas) while I-Pop (Indian Shows) and J-Pop still remained above them all. Korean Pop culture has become less and less popular nowadays. i expect G-Pop (German Pop Culture) to reach Indonesia as well.

Yah, T- Pop is something new here, at least some of them use hijab so it makes me not really worried when my 9 years old niece ( female) watch and get addicted on it ....:D

BTW, Indonesian TV drama is also quite popular among teenagers

You need to check this K-Girl out lol Which is actually a Chinese

Victoria Song - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What about x-rated stuff after hours? Is it regulated too or they don't show those stuff completely. Just curious..

That is totally censored in China. Lol During my visit there, i tried accessing one invane.:angel::lock:.........shhhhhhh.....there are still ways to access one though. Eventhough its a little bit complex.

Never knew they censor horror, ghost, time travel.and stuffs in movies/tv though. @Nihonjin1051 imahine they applied this in Japan, there will be no Japanese movies at all, they will all dissapear. :lol:
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