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Is south Korea the second largest pop culture exporter

I don't like medieval stuff, period, not just Korean........

But you will be amazed to know Last Knight is directed by a Japanese

Well, As I said, Korean TV and Movie is on the rise, but then you also have to look at how Japanese Already done the damage to Western TV/Movie. While you have Last Samurai, and even Clint Eastwood have to direct a WW2 Movie in Japanese, and the hunger game (Both books and Movie) were also heavily influenced by Japanese movie, that alone say something.

But it is true, K-Movie or KTV is definitely on the rise. I just finish the whole season of Road Number 1 (A Kroean War drama) in English Sub....it was good.
I saw the credits. As little as I am interested in movies, I do notice increasing Japanese and Korean influences into American oriented cinemas.
Japanese anime rules the world. I like/loved hunter x hunter @Nihonjin1051 :enjoy:

most anime today are rubbish with male characters looking like girly girl running around with shupa powah and many huge titted little girls surrounding.. i love anime from 80s and 90s where tough guys look tough and bad guys look bad and good story arc... i watched em a lot when i was in high school :D




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As a normal people, I find Korean culture things not interesting at all, all my male friends don't give a fk to Korean pop, only females buy it. I mean, the Korean songs, only people from the bottom of society listen to them, the Korean dramas are even worse, totally BS. But I'd like to say, the Korean variety shows are the best, China imports and buys all the Korean shows, many people, men and women watch it. Korean movies are not bad too. As for TV dramas, Korean sucks, in Asia, Japanese TV drama is good. Also, the pop culture thing is more than some songs or movies, it's a social phenomenon, deep in people's mind, Japan leads the Pop culture in Asia for a long time.

Generally, in ordinary Chinese mind, Korea is and will always be under the level of Japan, I mean, everything. Chinese hate Japanese, but Chinese are reasonable, we discover and learn their merits, but for Koreans, we have nothing to learn from them.

I agree with some of your points,not all though. Korea has a very good entertainment industry, its punching wayyy above its weight, its musics, movies and entertainment industry are followed all over the world(though its mostly mainstream in Asia, and few s.american countries, and niche in western countries), In Asia only Japan comes close to Korea in this regard. China despite being almost 20 times Korea's size is nowhere near Korea in this field. So you cant say China has nothing to learn from Korea, korea is still ahead of China in quite a number of fields.

Huh.....meant S.Korea, as the conmunist north is......:sick: Lol
I saw the credits. As little as I am interested in movies, I do notice increasing Japanese and Korean influences into American oriented cinemas.

That is the problem with Hollywood today.

We copy too much, lacking most original idea...........
For K-pop, the singers' looks are more important than the songs themselves. I only recall a bunch of good-looking guys/girls were dancing there. What they sang is neglectable. It's a very superficial stuff.
For K-pop, the singers' looks are more important than the songs themselves. I only recall a bunch of good-looking guys/girls were dancing there. What they sang is neglectable. It's a very superficial stuff.

plastic surgery popularity at best
most anime today are rubbish with male characters looking like girly girl running around with shupa powah and many huge titted little girls surrounding.. i love anime from 80s and 90s where tough guys look tough and bad guys look bad and good story arc... i watched em a lot when i was in high school :D





Check out hunter x hunter, its quite nice and more mature. One of the best(if not the best) anime i have ever watch. Very good script, scenes and lots of strong characters with different varieties of strength/powers and the main actor itself is strong, but sometimes can be beaten by other stronger openents. He merely grows in strength with time and experience. Very realistic anime , unlike other animes where the main character beats the crap outta everybody with ease.lol
Check out hunter x hunter, its quite nice and more mature. One of the best(if not the best) anime i have ever watch. Very good script, scenes and lots of strong characters with different varieties of strength/powers and the main actor itself is strong, but sometimes can be beaten by other stronger openents. He merely grows in strength with time and experience. Very realistic anime , unlike other animes where the main character beats the crap outta everybody with ease.lol

seen a few eps long ago and has good story, but not my type. main characters are bunch of kids with shupa powah.. lol. i'm too old for that shit. i'm more interested in more mature types like; fist of the north star, berserk, monster, LOTGH, death note, steins;gate, shigurui, texhnolyze , ghost in the shell, gun frontier, desert punk...:D
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Japan's pop culture power is definitely better than SK's because Japan has been developed longer.
K-pop only became since 2005. I was in a California HS with a bunch of Chinese Americans then, and that's when I realized that girls were getting wet over K-pop crap as well as Japanese Anime.

In East Asia, Japanese pop culture is king, but in else where (North America, Latin America, Europe, Eastern Europe, Oceania), J-pop is a subculture/niche thing. Doesn't mean it is not popular, but maybe have only ~10% of the population frequently watching. Things like pokemon is super popular though, but music/movie/general anime not so much.

C-pop, Taiwan-pop, HK-pop are actually not half bad. Much more creative than half the stuff k-pop/J-pop makes, and the actresses are not completely plastic. C-pop is very popular in Vietnam, almost all Vietnamese tv shows are Chinese shows in Vietnamese dub. Give it 10 years, and it might conquer Asia.

Jpop culture is not king in East Asia, Kpop is king.

Asian music has almost zero presence in the west. We do know about Chinese movie stars such as Bruce lee, Jackie chan or jet li. I like their movies. But I don't know about ant Asian songs or singers.

Also, are there any Asian country music stars? Or hod about Asian hard rock or alternative. Is there Asian equivalent of match box 20., creed, nirvana, soul asylum, red hot chili pepper. White stripe.

U2, David bowie, Rolling Stones, queen, though Freddy Mercury is actually Indian. In this regard, even a single Indian represented by Mercury has more influence in music than all Asian singers, which none I heard of, combined.

Mercury (born Farrokh Bulsara; Gujarati: ફારોખ બલસારા, Pharōkh Balsārā‌) was born in the British protectorate of Sultanate of Zanzibar, East Africa (now part of Tanzania).

Gangnam style and Psy is famous in the west. Superjunior is also famous among the young people in the west.
That is the problem with Hollywood today.

We copy too much, lacking most original idea...........
Naaah...I disagree.

What do we know of medieval time as in Shakespeare ? Plenty enough, but we always hunger for different perspectives on what life was like when The Bard was observing and making his commentaries on his fellow blokes. Same with Japanese for Japan during the Shogunate. Same with Americans with our Wild West.

Recently, I finally get around to see HBO's Rome and was impressed. We all know the story about Caesar but how HBO and the BBC took it make this version more visceral and probably more real than the previous portrayal of ancient Rome via I, Claudius, which to me was too sterile in all ways. Ancient Rome was dirty and brutal. On the other hand, 300 was outright a comic book portrayal of what happened at Thermopylae that no one took seriously on how real Greeks and Persians actually were.

I do not see anyone really cloning anyone else's ideas. Rather, I see variations of the same events, persons, or fictions that requires a lot of creative thoughts to make the movie reasonably enjoyable while still reminds the audience of its origin. As little as I watch TV and movies, I welcome these kinds of adaptations, collaborations, or even outright poaching among the artists. Let the people speak with their monies, I say.
Wow.....this thread is still going??
Ok to cut thngs short, in 2007 we were the worlds largst cultural exporter ahead of even the mighty U.S. Britain becomes world's largest cultural (music, TV, etc) exporter

Today our cultural industry influence spans the globe.Why British TV rules the world - Features - TV & Radio - The Independent thougj its a little exaggeration as the U.S is still ahead of us, but apart from the U.S no country comes close to us here.

We have some pretty succesful shows like The global force of Doctor Who: what does Britain’s biggest cultural export tell the world? and which has spread our influence worldwide and shows our values/way of life. Who in the world doesnt know The Cultural Impact of James Bond | Sound On Sight

Sorry @Peter C , @jhungary ,@gambit ,@IsaacNewton ,@Luca1 et al, seems we are more than a match for the U.S.Britain tops global 'soft power' list | Daily Mail Online
Jpop culture is not king in East Asia, Kpop is king.

Mercury (born Farrokh Bulsara; Gujarati: ફારોખ બલસારા, Pharōkh Balsārā‌) was born in the British protectorate of Sultanate of Zanzibar, East Africa (now part of Tanzania).

Gangnam style and Psy is famous in the west. Superjunior is also famous among the young people in the west.
psy is a one hit wonder. He is done.
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Hey that article was from 3 years ago. :-)

Although if we had to pick somebody on top I guess you guys wouldn't be a bad choice (or maybe Swedes or Norwegians :p:)

Edit: Germany took it in 2013 Soft Power Survey 2013 - Film | Monocle
(UK#2, USA#3)

ooops!!!! Hold the presses...
2014 Soft Power Survey 2014/15 - Film | Monocle
USA is #1 :usflag:
You are kidding right? Germany/sweden? Lool

"In the past three years, the UK has exported more than 600 TV shows, around six times as many as Germany. Only the American TV industry can compare".

Why British TV rules the world - Features - TV & Radio - The Independent

Wow.....this thread is still going??
Ok to cut thngs short, in 2007 we were the worlds largst cultural exporter ahead of even the mighty U.S. Britain becomes world's largest cultural (music, TV, etc) exporter

Today our cultural industry influence spans the globe.Why British TV rules the world - Features - TV & Radio - The Independent thougj its a little exaggeration as the U.S is still ahead of us, but apart from the U.S no country comes close to us here.

We have some pretty succesful shows like The global force of Doctor Who: what does Britain’s biggest cultural export tell the world? and which has spread our influence worldwide and shows our values/way of life. Who in the world doesnt know The Cultural Impact of James Bond | Sound On Sight

Sorry @Peter C , @jhungary ,@gambit ,@IsaacNewton ,@Luca1 et al, seems we are more than a match for the U.S.Britain tops global 'soft power' list | Daily Mail Online

seriously, in Asia, few ppl watch British dramas, but a lot of them watch Korean dramas

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