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Is south Korea the second largest pop culture exporter

there are heavy collaboration on Korean TV/Song between Korea and many other asian countries, especially China

considering that you are from China, you can read the following articles.

韩流“袭击”好莱坞 有身材有演技 反派与英雄平分秋色 – Mtime时光网



Dude, I already and always said K Pop is only popular in Asia, I watch K movie too (R point, Road Number 1 and so on)

But that is a small fraction considering the counter-mend of J-Pop. As I said, they are yet to be an influence in US or anywhere in the world except Asia.

I can't see into the future so I don't know what 15 eyars down the road looks like, maybe they will break out, maybe they don't, all I know is, there are plenty of Japanese Movie and Song being rework in the west, and none of K Pop or K movie being rework in the west.
K Pop is totally unknown in India
I think there is a "documentary" on YouTube channel KBS WorldTV about this
No, but SK is not doing bad.

I think UK have music that are more popular world wide (Spice Girls, Beatles) , and it's actor and actresses (Kiera Knightley) are much more famous throughout the world. Also harry potter. Also TV shows like Dr Who has a strong nerd following.

Japan has a strong subculture influence everywhere, but I won't say Japanese pop culture is main stream in non east asian countries. There are some japanese things that young people everywhere will know like pokemon games, godzillia and giant robots, but Japanese music, movies, animation are less watched and listen to then western stuff by a good portion.

France and Italy usually make joint work that are popular throughout Europe, but unfortunately has less appeal to rest of non french colony world because it is not in the de facto world language (English)

Canada and to a lesser extent Australia and New Zealand have famous actors and pop music, but most of the world just assume they are American (Justin Bieber)
Well, in terms of which -pop is more popular here in the Philippines, I would say K-pop; many Filipinos listen to K-pop music, whereas the only Filipinos who would listen to J-pop are those who love Japanese pop-culture
nope, not in Indonesia. they've been replaced with T-Pop (Turkish Dramas) while I-Pop (Indian Shows) and J-Pop still remained above them all. Korean Pop culture has become less and less popular nowadays. i expect G-Pop (German Pop Culture) to reach Indonesia as well.
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