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Is south Korea the second largest pop culture exporter

nope, not in Indonesia. they've been replaced with T-Pop (Turkish Dramas) while I-Pop (Indian Shows) and J-Pop still remained above them all. Korean Pop culture has become less and less popular nowadays. i expect G-Pop (German Pop Culture) to reach Indonesia as well.
wait, Indian shows in Indonesia??
K pop is sweep the whole east and Southeast Asia, but it's garbage in NA or EU.

this is garbage?

No, but SK is not doing bad.

I think UK have music that are more popular world wide (Spice Girls, Beatles) , and it's actor and actresses (Kiera Knightley) are much more famous throughout the world. Also harry potter. Also TV shows like Dr Who has a strong nerd following.

Japan has a strong subculture influence everywhere, but I won't say Japanese pop culture is main stream in non east asian countries. There are some japanese things that young people everywhere will know like pokemon games, godzillia and giant robots, but Japanese music, movies, animation are less watched and listen to then western stuff by a good portion.

France and Italy usually make joint work that are popular throughout Europe, but unfortunately has less appeal to rest of non french colony world because it is not in the de facto world language (English)

Canada and to a lesser extent Australia and New Zealand have famous actors and pop music, but most of the world just assume they are American (Justin Bieber)

jpop isn't popular even in Asia except its **** and animie
no, Britain pop is not so popular as Kpop.
Ahahahahah.....after the U.S no country has a better pop industry than us. Do you even know what you are talking about bro? You seriously don't know anything about Britain at all.:coffee:

I said it before though, S.korea music/pop does dominates in East and to some extent South East Asia though, but worldwide they don't really come close to U.S Or even U.K .
many young people watch dramas made by Internet companies now
and TV dramas about time travel, immorality, ghosts are not banned on Internet

still fantasy and immorality dramas are very popular in TV channels, for example, the best show of this year is

which is aired by the most welcome TV channel in China
time travel dramas are still on TV channels, but not so many
I don't get this K-Pop thing,most of the time it's borderline sexual exploitation of auto tuned young girls/boy with choreographed personalities.Nothing beats the British Pop music scene.
Ahahahahah.....after the U.S no country has a better pop industry than us. Do you even know what you are talking about bro? You seriously don't know anything about Britain at all.:coffee:

I said it before though, S.korea music/pop does dominates in East and to some extent South East Asia though, but worldwide they don't really come close to U.S Or even U.K .

I have said that US is number one
UK music and dramas are not so popular in non-western countries.
Korean dramas and bands are very popular in Asian countries

Never seen a Chinese defend junk Korean pop like this, are you a girl?

coz we Chinese are so proud to ignore the strength of South Korea
this is not good at all
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I believe "One Direction" is British.
They made $290M in their 2014 tour.

They are british indeed. But i dont really like thier music, not my type. More for teenagers(girls especially).lol
Our bands seem to always do well internationally, from the beatles(the most successful/popular band in the world ever), to spice girls(maybe only the destinates child came close to them in popularity) to backstreet boys , to the rolling stones to now one direction(the biggest/most popular band in the world today).

Funny enough one direction were just runners up in the X-factor, its a british music show organized by simon cowell, the british entertainment guru. I was even surprised they became so popular worldwide, since i watchef them when they started as amateurs/college boys.
By the way, the X-factor also has an american version as well,@Peter C . Guess you know it?

The World's Biggest Bands Are British and Its Biggest Solo Artists Are American - The Atlantic

I have said that US is number one
UK music and dramas are not so popular in non-western countries.
Korean dramas and bands are very popular in Asian countries

coz we Chinese are too proud to ignore the strength of South Korea
this is not good at all

Your chinese brother is right though. Lool

Anyway, how come Chinese pop music/entertainment industry lags so much behind its east asian peers(forget about the west)? Only korea and Japan dominate in this region......surprising. :what:
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In fact, guess who are the first and only artist/musicians to have crossed the 1 billion mark of records sold/moved worldwide?

Answer: Its none other than our Beatles.:enjoy: Then comes Michael Jackson(king of pop) and Elvis Presley. (king of rock n roll). Those are the only 3 artists to have crossed that mark in history if mankind, even today.
These three are all kings/legends of their profession, all the others are on another different low league. :pop:
In fact, guess who are the first and only artist/musicians to have crossed the 1 billion mark of records sold/moved worldwide?

Answer: Its none other than our Beatles.:enjoy: Then comes Michael Jackson(king of pop) and Elvis Presley. (king of rock n roll). Those are the only 3 artists to have crossed that mark in history if mankind, even today.
These three are all kings/legends of their profession, all the others are on another different low league. :pop:
Not to mention the culture impact of Sci-fi TV drama Doctor Who on the genre of Sci fi alone and after 50 years after its broadcast, it is still running today with its 12th Doctor. Does anyone know how many US TV series can trace its root to its UK origins, just out of my head without further into research, there are House of Cards, Skin, Shameless and Eleventh Hour. After little research, holy moly.
List of American television series based on British television series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to mention the culture impact of Sci-fi TV drama Doctor Who on the genre of Sci fi alone and after 50 years after its broadcast, it is still running today with its 12th Doctor. Does anyone know how many US TV series can trace its root to its UK origins, just out of my head without further into research, there are House of Cards, Skin, Shameless and Eleventh Hour. After little research, holy moly.
List of American television series based on British television series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its OK bro. Don't mind some members here , they are very ignorant about Britain. Maybe because we don't boast much on here.lol

Anyway, U.S is still our child, so some foreigners who are not familiar with our anglo saxon link/culture can easilly confused/mix up british and american music/Artist/musicians, so i can understand them
For example the first time i heard Tinie Tempah's rap music 'Pass out', i thought it was American. Lol Our styles can be similar at times and language doesn't help either(though its a little bit different).:)

Answer: Its none other than our Beatles.:enjoy: Then comes Michael Jackson(king of pop) and Elvis Presley. (king of rock n roll). Those are the only 3 artists to have crossed that mark in history if mankind, even today.
These three are all kings/legends of their profession, all the others are on another different low league. :pop:
In this regard, K-pop's influence can be no where near the accomplishment of J-pop in Asia. Just an example, Nakijima Miyuki, althrough herself might not be very known in China, but her songs gave literately lives to many famous singers in greater China areas.


  原唱日文版歌名 / 翻唱者 / 中文版歌名

  あどけない话 / 郑秀文 / 一错再错

  爱から远く离れて / 侯湘婷 / 离开爱的日子

  爱される花爱されぬ花 / 刘若英、彭芳、柯皓燃、馨予 / 原来你也在这里

  髪 / 斑斑 / 发

  窓ガラス / 威镇乐队 / 快到我面前

  相席 / 辛晓琪 / 谁啊

  悪女 / 林佳仪 / 爱迷惑

  悪女 / 王菲 / 若你真爱我

  悪女 / 陈迪匡 / 星期日下午

  恶女 / 黄莺莺 / 等著回答

  恶女 / 夏妙然 / 失去就失去

  ALONE, PLEASE / 李翊君 / 随时可能流泪

  ALONE, PLEASE / 李蕙敏 / 情热

  雨が空を舍てる日は / 毛阿敏、甄妮 / 努力

  雨が空を舍てる日は / 谭咏麟、徐小凤 / 人生满希望

  浅い眠り / 任洁玲 / 要你开口说爱我

  浅い眠り / 曾航生 / 离去的一刹那

  あした / 蔡惠羽 / 一夜的雨

  あした / 徐雯倩 / 爱情已远走

  あした / 李克勤 / 破晓时份

  あわせ镜 / 徐小凤 / 少年人

  アザミ嬢のララバイ / 李翊君 / 一暝一世人

  バス通り / 田希仁 / 疼我在每一天

  仆は青い鸟 / 梦剧院 / 我是蓝鸟

  谁のせいでもない雨が / 万芳 / 睡醒

  谁のせいでもない雨が / 于枫 / 清凉在心田

  恸哭 / 叶玉卿 / 喜欢你

  毒をんな / 凤飞飞 / 第二次的期待

  EAST ASIA / 万芳 / 恋你

  ファイト! / 何春兰 / 是谁

  银の龙の背に乗って / 范玮琪 / 最初的梦想

  骑在银龙的背上 / 陈星宇(作词) / 凤翅天翔

  春なのに / 黎姿 / 惩罚你

  春なのに / 何嘉丽 / 点滴在心头

  春なのに / 李丽蕊 / 第一次

  1人で生まれて来たのだから / 苏慧伦 / 为了你

  ひとり上手 / 邓丽君、董文华、陈洁丽、刘亮鹭、童彤、黄红英、张伟文、温拿五虎、张燕妮、甄妮 / 漫步人生路

  ひとり上手 / 张德兰 / 谁在欺骗我

  ホームにて / 叶倩文 / 忘了说再见

  ホームにて / 叶倩文 / 只因有爱

  糸 / 任贤齐 / 明天过后

  ジェラシー ジェラシー / 陈慧娴 / Jealousy

  时代 / 李翊君 / 重生

  时代 / 叶倩文 / 时代

  かもめはかもめ / 甄妮 / 第二个春天

  かもめはかもめ / 罗文 / 为何对她冷冰冰

  カムフラージュ / 罗佩芝 / 我是个女人

  カムフラージュ / 开心少女组 / 恋爱学神

  カムフラージュ / 林慧萍 / 约定

  横恋慕 / 蔡幸娟 / 情窦初开

  それ以上言わないで / 李丽蕊 / 雨夜乡愁

  波の上 / 凤飞飞 / 心路历程

  化粧 / 张德兰 / 陪你一起不是我

  帰省 / 本多RuRu、任雪晨、文章、赵雪、黑鸭子、范海荣、钰迪、吴越、钰迪谢、浛露/美丽心情

  帰省 / 彭靖惠 / 忘记

  孤独の肖像 1st / 吴宗宪 / 等候

  孤独の肖像 1st / 郑秀文 / 脆弱

  孤独の肖像 1st / 郑秀文 / 爱的挽歌

  この世に二人だけ / 凤飞飞、高胜美、张蔷、动力火车、龙飘飘、张瑜、陈忆文、罗宾 / 潇洒的走

  この世に二人だけ / 甄妮 / 陪我喝咖啡

  この世に二人だけ / 甄妮 / 陪我去逛街

  黄砂に吹かれて / 马浚伟 / 月满幻象

  见返り美人 / 林汉洋 / 欠你

  见返り美人 / 张智霖 / 逗我开心吧

  みにくいあひるの子 / 刘文正、吴涤清、唐彪、李杰 / 绿色的初恋

  みにくいあひるの子 / 薰妮 / 我的心轻飘飘

  木曜の夜 / 黄品源 / 一百种可能

  涙─Made in tears─ / 李翊君、曾淑勤 / 男人缘

  眠らないで / 堂娜 / 爱你是我最美的伤

  りばいばる / 江玲 / 不再唱—乡愁

  六花 / 张信哲 / 等风的旗

  ローリング / 李翊君 / 太阳

  ローリング / 李国祥 / 不愿再作伤心人

  ローリング / 吕方 / 流浪花

  ルージュ / 王菲、李翊君、高胜美、巫启贤、邝美云、吴淑敏、杜聪、岳薇、杨蔓、潘盈、冯杰、王珺、黄耀明、赵学而 / 容易受伤的女人

  ルージュ / 梁雁翎、付娜 / 情长路更长

  ルージュ / 陈明真 / 爱到如今

  ルージュ / 邰正宵 / 情人之间的情人

  流星 / 杨采妮 / 被爱

  最爱 / 周慧敏、陈洁丽 / 最爱

  最爱 / 薰妮 / 汗

  サッポロSNOWY / 刘文娟、陈红 / 雪夜

  世情 / 田希仁 / 此情此世

  清流 / 王菲、金善姬 / 人间

  幸せ / 任贤齐、李翊君、袁浠文 / 伤心太平洋

  空と君のあいだに / 李翊君 / 完美的女人

  空と君のあいだに / 林佳仪、谢采妘 / 一个人的我依然会微笑

  空と君のあいだに / 陈星宇(作词) / 我要改变

  空と君のあいだに / 刘小慧 / 谢谢你爱过我

  空と君のあいだに / 许志安 / 朋友心

  シュガー / 邝美云 / 疼我爱我

  过ぎゆく夏 / 侯湘婷 / 一个人的星期天

  舍てるほどの爱でいいから / 陈慧娴 / 恋恋风尘

  旅人のうた / 林佳仪 / 自己的未来自己主张

  竹の歌 / 任贤齐、李翊君、马天宇 / 天涯

  诞生 / 黎明诗 / Remember 无尽至爱

  诞生 / 李翊君 / Remember

  诞生 / 陈松伶 / 你是我最倾心

  鸟になって / 容祖儿、梁咏琪、蔡立儿 / 绝恋

  雨月の使者 / 杨采妮 / 不小心的真心话

  雨月の使者 / 杨采妮 / 不会哭於你面前

  歌姫 / 夏韶声 / 请给他再醉

  笑ってよエンジェル / 李翊君 / 太阳

  笑ってよエンジェル / 蔡立儿 / 生死约

  笑ってよエンジェル / 江淑娜 / 两个人的月亮

  忘れな草をもう一度 / 林子祥、叶蒨文、罗敏庄、姬声雅士 / 莫再悲

  忘れられるものならば / 凤飞飞 / 想家

  With / 郑秀文、李逸朗&蒋雅文 / 萨拉热窝的罗密欧与茱丽叶

  With / 李翊君 / 一千零一夜

  With / 蔡荣祖 / 不要为我而心痛

  やまねこ / 汤宝如 / 绝对是个梦

  梦みる勇気 / 黎姿 / 红著眼的夜归人
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