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Is religion a source of unity or division?

naveen mishra

Mar 1, 2013
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Is religion a source of unity or division? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

It is blamed for wars and discrimination, yet also embraced as a means of resolution and integration.

Religion is the source of many arguments, while some studies suggest it is on the decline.

A conference in Qatar is promoting a message of interfaith dialogue, of religion as a means of global co-existence.

"This is very helpful in terms of breaking misconceptions, all the challenges we have in the peace-building process, the barriers to achieving peace, it is very important that we search for common ground," Rohaniza Sumndad Usman, founder of the Teach Peace, Build Peace Movement told Al Jazeera.

Blaming religion as the cause of conflict is an easy generalisation to make.

Fighting in Central African Republic is between Muslims and Christians; Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims are involved in the violence in Myanmar; the conflict in Northern Ireland had its roots in religion; and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is seen as having a religious dimension.

But in all these examples, there are more fundamental driving forces - be it land, power or nationalism.

So is religion at the heart of conflicts around the world? And do different faiths have the will to work together for a common good?
it unites a smaller section but divides the larger one........
Religion does not unite anybody. Also nationalism does not unite anybody. Only Family values unite people. Nationalism and Religios fanatics using the family values of people to infiltrate their homes and minds.
God created men in an own image. That does not mean God was human like. That means we are all made of Stardust. Our bodies are made out of atoms which was once formed in the millions of degrees in a sun/star.

Our creator are the Stars, the creator of the Stars are the Galaxies and the Galaxies are created by the universe. Universe means infinity.

This is religion baby! 8-)

If saturn was only 15 times bigger, it would have ignited to a second sun...
Most major religion have good core ideas, but due to human nature, it brings out the worst of humanity....
The poorer and and less educated ones, are often those who cling most to it, and they are also most likely to get radicalized and commit horrendous acts of violence.
Size comparison between mikro and makrocosmos

There is no limitation between these areas.
Unity only to those who believe truly in Religion and others find many ways to get divided
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