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Is PLA aggressive and like to fight a war?

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Like I said we know our government has launched some unjustifiable wars, shed a lot of blood and we have begun to wise up towards them in regards to war. The American public is so sick of war that any President in the future will have to tread lightly before he thinks of any sort of military solution. What about your CCP they are military provoking countless neighbor nations based on historical claims to lands that have no real value and they are talking about annexations. Only belligerents even try to annex areas in this day and age, colonialism is over.

How much more prosperous could the Chinese have been? You have to realize they are prosperous and the little peanuts they throw North Korea's way is for their own benefit.
You have military bases in over 70 countries all over the globe, and you complain about us being "colonialist"? You have no sense of shame do you? When has China deployed military forces in any of our territorial disputes? Oh right, we didn't. China has not fired a single shot towards anybody in more than 3 decade, while you are still conducting bombings both open and secret all over the globe. In fact, you're the biggest sponsor of state terrorism on earth. When you talk about others being aggressive, it's like a psychopath saying people have no morals.

You're right on one thing though. Colonialism is over, and we're going to be the one ending your reign of terror. It may not happen next week or even the next decade, but we're a patient people.
You have military bases in over 70 countries all over the globe, and you complain about us being "colonialist"? You have no sense of shame do you? When has China deployed military forces in any of our territorial disputes? Oh right, we didn't. China has not fired a single shot towards anybody in more than 3 decade, while you are still conducting bombings both open and secret all over the globe. In fact, you're the biggest sponsor of state terrorism on earth. When you talk about others being aggressive, it's like a psychopath saying people have no morals.

You're right on one thing though. Colonialism is over, and we're going to be the one ending your reign of terror. It may not happen next week or even the next decade, but we're a patient people.

LMAO, stop it. We will correct ourselves way before we let the Chinese overtake us. Know that I wish your people the best and I hope you guys continue to prosper but we are number one. :P
LMAO, stop it. We will correct ourselves way before we let the Chinese overtake us. Know that I wish your people the best and I hope you guys continue to prosper but we are number one. :P
The British probably found it funny 200 years ago that United States would overtake them. You cannot correct yourself anymore than you can stop existing. You're on the decline, whether you recognize it or not. No empire can stay on top forever as history has already proven.

By the way, isn't Americans bombing your people in Pakistan? And yet you call China, Pakistan's most stable ally, the aggressive one?
The British probably found it funny 200 years ago that United States would overtake them. You cannot correct yourself anymore than you can stop existing. You're on the decline, whether you recognize it or not. No empire can stay on top forever as history has already proven.

By the way, isn't Americans bombing your people in Pakistan? And yet you call China, Pakistan's most stable ally, the aggressive one?

it's funny when people say this

Hey America was bombing your mother country yet you still call america allied, are you shame of it or something something. As if if you don't root for your root, there are something wrong with you.

United States of America are build by immigrant, it ain't matter if you are from China, Pakistan, Indian, Iraq or afghanistan, you are American. But when people with other ethnicity rooting for america, they automatically become a traitor for China, Pakistan, Indian, Iraqi and Afghani.

Some strange logic there, and i did not see anything like that elsewhere, only in this forum.
If China fights a war, it is a war of justice against the common enemy of humankind so the world can be at peace under China's benevolent guidance.
I don't think the Chinese are aggressive and like to fight a war because their economy is top priority right now and any war would have a very negative effect. However, having said that, I think China is projecting an image that they are a rising superpower and is not afraid to fight a war when forced or imposed.

The Chinese would avoid war whenever possible.
I said a lot more prosper as Chinese help the NK in their own formation year (Which the Chinese were also building their own country.) The problem is Chinese gave the best part of their own men on their golden time to help some other third world country then turned on them (Then again on Vietnam) and it is widely because of these 2 war, it stunned Chinese growth back to stop during the whole 50s 60s and 70s. How much further growth if China were to have those fine men in those 30 years when then needed the most? And what did the Chinese Achieve by helping the NK and Vietnam? Let me answer you this, nothing.

NK still there, but so does SK is still there, what Korean War achieve is a Permanent US base in S Korea and a share defence network on the DMZ. What vietnam war achieve is they got turned on in 1978-1980.......

Imagine if China reserve those people, those work force and focus on their own business? 30 years of growth bring a long way for even a giant market like China now.

Your post is not deserved to answer until you speak proper English.

Lol bunch of really BC (Bullcrap, 'cuse me on my southern accents.)

There are 2 points in my agruement

I don't need to know History as i am telling a story of ALTERNATIVE HISTORY. Although i do think i know more history than you.

AMERICA WILL NEVER ABANDON ASIA, SO DOES CHINA, but how much chinese have to put in to have a fight to us is another question altogether. What you are asking, a total withdrawal of the America in the Asiatic region, is simply CANNOT BE DONE, keep the buffer zone, even if you can occupied South Korea, the US will still got forward operating base in Japan, in Taiwan and their own territories in Guam, Mariana Island and most of all, Hawai'i. What you arrogant Chinese don't realise is, even with the buffer zone, the end game will be the same, just how long it take til you get there.

The world does not work the same now as in 1840, you still think we are still under the world of Boston Tea party or Louisanna Purchase? No, today world is, either you are with us, you are against us, there are no many strong, one weak theory, but today world are everybody are equal game, doesn't matter China, Japan, S Korea, USA, Canada or whatever country in the world. You can saw China is strong, but there will always be a super entity that's just stronger than China, same thing apply to USA.

USA alone is not strong, alone, USA have no power, they are just a bunch of people with a lot of guns and ammo and no place to go, what make US strong is their allies, what make US Strong is the pact they signed, the problem is not with the US itself, but rather the allied organistion the US Signed.

Let's say, what is the world without South Korea? It will be the same, you know how i know? It's simple, we do not have South Vietnam anymore, yet we still hold a significant influence in Asia, we can lose japan to China, we can lose Philippine to China, we can lose Taiwan to China, again, the end will be the same, as long as there are 1 (ONE) landmass in Asia thta have their policy aligned to the US, the game will not change, and there will ALWAYS be 1 landmass that aligned to the US as US own land in Asian-Pacific. Unless China are foolish enough to say attack Guam or the Mariana, nothign will change.

What Chinese do is to alter the course of history and did what we did in Vietnam, only they still hope the game has change becuase they helped North Korea, the thing is, they will never, you should be glad they do not jump you in the back like Vietnam does. The fact is, China itself is doing what the America is doing in the world, only more foolish and in a lesser scale in Asia. Yeah you stand up to the big bad capitalism, yet you yourselve have to bend down on capitalism (You can call that whatever you want but having a free trade market is a form a capitalist) YOU can say you help your Northern Brother, but what do you gain in return? Nothing. It's only slightly better than Vietnam as you don't get stab in the back. How much money you havee got froM Trading with North Korea? Nothing, cause they can't pay you with anything. And the seat in the UN is not a firect product of Korean war (DID you even know when did the PRC gain entry to UNSC??) The seat in UNSC is a certain, you can say Korea help pave the way but i would say if China were not involve in Korea, they may got there sooner as they will be like now in the 1980s, fully prosper.

Don't tell me Chinese Kick American butt in Korea, nor Vietnam. And definitely not because of Chinese Warning so the American do not dare to cross the 17th Paraelle, think what you want, but American policy of Vietnam is BODYCOUNT, not grapping land, hence WE DO NOT NEED TO CROSS THE 17th PARAELLE and face it, you and vietnam were not so Buddy buddy after 1968 and Vietnamese actually expelling Chinese Advisor after the tet. So China is actually a non-factor for most of the war (From 1968-1975) and in the end, it simply back fired and got jumped on the back. You did not win the bigger war in Korea, America still in Asia, worse yet, america is closer as there are no america present in Korea BEFORE korean war, and you got kicked out yourselve in vietnam half way through.

What you have achieve in Korean war is the buffer zone, that's it, which as i explained will not do anything, and what you get in Vietnam is a Fuxk-off by the vietnamese and a war to vietnamese in 1979, face it, if China were not helping Vietnam, they may not start the whole Chinese-Vietnam Border conflict. What you Chinese are doing is exactly what you accuse of the West are doing, while you appraise your own work of getting nothing done (There are not much changed from 1950 til now, with the exception of South Vietnam is gone) America still have military power in Japan, Taiwan still stand, South Korea still stand, Vietnam is still hostile toward China, North Korea have nothing to do with China, India is still hostile toward China, America still own the territories she own in Asia and Pacific. Really, i did not see much changed as China is still surrounded by Enemies. Tell me, what has changed since 1950??

The MOST IMPORTANT problem is what we are talking is China backyard, it's not American backyard. So, if you say this is what you have done, then you have no different than in 1840, only you are fighting under another banner and in a grandier scale.

Contrary to your content of being history illiterate, I love reading history! More in general, I love knowledge.

Those who are condemned to repeat history are the ones that forget history or are history illiterate.

Monroe Doctrine was the great foreign policy that put the USA on the right track to be prosperous. It emphasized on no interference in European policy and guarded against self’s backyard. Recent decade witnesses US on its wrong track, making China one of our biggest financiers to support our wars.

Get you mindset right: whether USA will abandon Asia or not is not to USA but to the people of Asia!

Since when did USA voluntarily abandon Vietnam? USA never voluntarily abandoned Vietnam. The Vietnamese kicked us out.

Limiting US troops in the South of 17 parallel sealed the fate of US military action outcome: doomed.

Rightly said, it is about body count. Any military conflict is about body count. When invaders stir up mass resentment, bodycount climes and battle/war can not be sustained.

Regardless it is Korea War or Vietnam War, those wars are NOT OUR WARS. I’m not saying the old fool Kim should not be checked, rather bombing Chinese land and pushing to Yalu river proven a wrong policy from the bigotry.

The ideology of either with us or against us is also absurdly bigot, logically as well as diplomatically: the world is not just black or white. It is of continuous spectrum of grey. Face the ground reality. Secretary Clinton put it in a right way: it is Christian fundamentalist.

The world will NEVER be the same. Right, it is not 1840, but somebody still submerged in 1840 ideology, thinking the world will be the same! :lol:

I do tell you the Chinese kicked our @ss in Korea War and the Vietnamese kicked our @ss in Vietnam War.

Communist China never invaded any country since 1949. In contrast, USA illegally invaded Iraq, to say the latest.

China and Vietnamese at that time were utilizing each other to against a common enemy. LOL! China doesn’t want to rule Vietnam, as thousand of years ruling is enough (do you know the history? :lol: )

You are blind, not being able to see the change from 1950s. Now let me count a few of the changes for you history ignorant:

Soft power:
1) PR China becomes the permanent member of UNSC. It can veto US decision, can (perhaps) therefore making US invasion of Iraq illegal.
2) China becomes the biggest Financier of USA. It owns trillions dollars of US debt. You don’t have to know history to know what a debtor would behave before a creditor. :lol:
3) China surpasses Japan becoming the second largest world economy and poises to catch up US economy in about 15-30 years.

4) Since N Korea successfully become China’s buffer zone, US planes are never able to bomb their NE industrial bases as it was in 1950s, much less to impose no-fly zone at will, such as in Iraq, Libya story.
5) Since Vietnamese unified their country, China is greatly relieved from the South, as Vietnam can NEVER be able to challenge China. Why? I advice you to read the history!
6) Militarily, we all know what is the difference except for those who bury their heads in the sand of bigotry. The Chinese no long limit their challenge to us on land, but in the space, sky, ocean and under sea. US military officers of various ranking have long publicly acknowledged that. Though I fully believe US is still having advantages over theirs, but the gap is shrinking in an astonishing speed. If your types of bigotries dominate this country, we would only be able to stay in Asia less long.

Security environment for China:
7) Since 1950s, China has settled down border dispute with Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Burma, Nepal, Laos, Vietnam (land), … basically it settles all land dispute with all its neighbors but India (Bhutan is almost there, if India doesn’t keep making trouble). There are a few rocks in ocean still in dispute. Is China’s surrounding better off of the same? A no-brainer.
8) India can never challenge China’s security, not even if it changes its democracy system. Much less if it keeps the system. In 1950s, India’s GDP was twice of China’s, now it is only 1/6 of China’s. Is it better off for PR China or the same? A no-brainer.
9) The biggest thorny issue was Taiwan. In 1950s, American troops (7th fleet) were stationed in Taiwan. Now the Taiwanese are mostly wanting to keep status quo, so does the mainland, as the tip is still turning in favor of the mainland. I heard some pro-independent Taiwanese lament: they can row the island away from the mainland. Surely enough! No formal unification ceremony is needed. Mainlanders are ardently lured by the Taiwanese due to the money pocket, and Taiwanese are purchasing real estate in the mainland with millions of their population permanently settled down in the mainland. Do remember that those millions have voting power in Taiwan democracy. LOL! Don't you see the bosses of Taiwan ruling party send congratulations to CPC on their selection of new leaders to lick their boot? Is it better off for PR China or the same? A no-brainer.
10) Soviet was the biggest threat to China. Now Soviet collapsed and Russia is much weaker. Is it better off for China or the same? A no-brainer.

Unless you are a mentally challenged, you will notice the huge differences from 1950s to now. I only list a handful of them to remind you.

If you talk about the difference between China and USA, that is even more astonishing: China is ascending and US is leveling off (I have been lenient in not saying US is descending).

Of course, China has more security challenges than the US does. Alas, a history illiterate like you will never be able to get the knowledge that 10,000 years of Chinese civilization has been under constant security challenge, from ancient Xiongnu to modern ones! That seems only to keep China advancing.

You should be ashamed of being history illiterate, not the other way around!

For you benefit, I recommend a further reading for you if you possess high school diploma: <On China> by Dr. Henry Kissinger, former US State Secretary, so you would appear less reckless. If you don&#8217;t have a high school diploma, it helps to get GED General Educational Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia then read the book.

BTW, as technologies advance, the world shrinks. That means your backyard appears as close as the others' backyard. So, again, get today's ground reality.

For your worthless post, I suggest you read my post 3 more times first, then read a little bit modern history.
Contrary to your content of being history illiterate, I love reading history! More in general, I love knowledge.

Those who are condemned to repeat history are the ones that forget history or are history illiterate.

Monroe Doctrine was the great foreign policy that put the USA on the right track to be prosperous. It emphasized on no interference in European policy and guarded against self&#8217;s backyard. Recent decade witnesses US is on its wrong track, making China one of our biggest financiers to support our wars.

Get you mindset right: whether USA will abandon Asia or not is not to USA but to the people of Asia!

Since when did USA voluntarily abandon Vietnam? USA never voluntarily abandoned Vietnam. The Vietnamese kicked us out.

Limiting US troops in the South of 17 parallel sealed the fate of US military action outcome: doomed.

Rightly said, it is about body count. Any military conflict is about body count. When invaders stir up mass resentment, bodycount climes and battle/war can not be sustained.

Regardless it is Korea War or Vietnam War, those wars are NOT OUR WARS. I&#8217;m not saying the old fool Kim should not be checked, rather bombing Chinese land and pushing to Yalu river proven a wrong policy from the bigotry.

The ideology of either with us or against us is absurdly bigot: the world is not just black or white. It is of continuous spectrum of grey. Face the ground reality. Secretary Clinton put it in a right way: Christan fundamentalist.

The world will NEVER be the same. Right, it is not 1840, but somebody still submerged in 1840 ideology, thinking the world will be the same! :lol:

I do tell you the Chinese kicked our @ss in Korea War and the Vietnamese kicked our @ss in Vietnam War.

Communist China never invaded any country since 1949. In contrast, USA illegally invaded Iraq, to say the latest.

China and Vietnamese at that time were utilizing each other to against a common enemy. LOL! China doesn&#8217;t want to rule Vietnam, as thousand of years ruling is enough (do you know the history? :lol: )

You are blind, not being able to see the change from 1950s. Now let me count a few of the changes for you history ignorant:

Soft power:
1) PR China becomes the permanent member of UNSC. It can veto US decision, can (perhaps) therefore making US invasion of Iraq illegal.
2) China becomes the biggest Financier of USA. It owns trillions dollars of US debt. You don&#8217;t have to know history to know what a debtor would behave before a creditor.
3) China surpasses Japan becoming the second largest world economy and poises to catch up US economy in about 15-30 years.

4) Since N Korea successfully become China&#8217;s buffer zone, US planes are never be able to bomb their NE industrial bases as it was in 1950s, much less to impose no-fly zone at will, such as in Iraq, Libya story.
5) Since Vietnamese unified their country, China is greatly relieved from the South, as Vietnam can NEER be able to challenge China. Why? I advice you read the history!
6) Militarily, we all know what is the difference except for those who bury their heads in the sand of bigotry. The Chinese no long limit their challenge to us on land, but in the space, sky, ocean and under sea. US military officers of various ranking have long publicly acknowledged that. Though I fully believe US is still having advantages over theirs, but the gap is shrinking in an astonishing speed. If your types of bigotries dominate this country, we would be able to stay in Asia less long.

Security environment for China:
7) Since 1950s, China has settled down border dispute with Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Burma, Nepal, Laos, Vietnam (land), &#8230; basically it settles all land dispute with all its neighbors but India (Bhutan is almost there, if India doesn&#8217;t keep making trouble). There are a few rocks in ocean still in dispute. Is China&#8217;s surrounding better off of the same? A no-brainer.
8) India can never challenge China&#8217;s security, not even if it changes its democracy system. Much less if it keeps the system. In 1950s, India&#8217;s GDP was twice of China&#8217;s, now it is only 1/6 of China&#8217;s. Is it better off for PR China or the same? A no-brainer.
9) The biggest thorny issue is Taiwan. In 1950s, American troops (7th fleet) were stationed in Taiwan. Now they are not. Is it better off for PR China or the same? A no-brainer.
10) Soviet was the biggest threat to China. Now Soviet collapsed and Russia is much weaker. Is it better off for China or the same? A no-brainer.

Unless you are a mentally challenged, you will notice the huge differences from 1950s to now. I only list a handful of them to remind you.

If you talk about the difference between China and USA, that is even more astonishing: China is ascending and US is leveling off (I have been lenient in not saying US is descending).

Of course, China has more security challenges than the US does. Alas, a history illiterate like you will never be able to get the knowledge that 10,000 years of Chinese civilization has been under constant security challenge, from ancient Xiongnu to modern ones! That seems only to keep China advancing.

You should be ashamed of being history illiterate, not the other way around!

For you benefit, I recommend a further reading for you if you possess high school diploma: <On China> by Dr. Henry Kissinger, former US State Secretary, so you would appear less reckless. If you don&#8217;t have a high school diploma, it helps to get GED General Educational Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia then read the book.

BTW, as technologies advance, the world shrinks. That means your backyard appears as close as the others' backyard. So, again, get today's ground reality.

For your worthless post, I suggest reading my post 3 more times first, then read a little bit modern history.

I don't really want to reply the whole of your worthless post, but i will just point out one or two things that you are wrong so to show there are no real sustance in your post

whether USA will abandon Asia or not is not to USA but to the people of Asia!

Umm. NO, since US have territories in Asia, the US Interest is not determined by the Asian but rather the American themselve.


So to speak, unless US abandon the territories in Asia in Guam and Mariana, US are here to stay

Also, quit saying Communist China never invaded any country since 1949.

In 1951, they did invade a country to what we call "South Korea" now and in 1979 a country we called "Vietnam" now. Or you are gonna say the Chinese were never south of the 38th parallel in 1951 or you are gonna say PRC Force does not invaded into Vietnam for about 20KM before withdrew???

Please, learn this 2 points before you say you love learning.

Enough said, dude, there are manner in replying someone else post, if you start by calling people bigot, a no-brainer, the rest of your post is worthless, answering you will probably require me to hand back my university diploma.
I don't really want to reply the whole of your worthless post, but i will just point out one or two things that you are wrong so to show there are no real sustance in your post

whether USA will abandon Asia or not is not to USA but to the people of Asia!

Umm. NO, since US have territories in Asia, the US Interest is not determined by the Asian but rather the American themselve.


So to speak, unless US abandon the territories in Asia in Guam and Mariana, US are here to stay

Also, quit saying Communist China never invaded any country since 1949.

In 1951, they did invade a country to what we call "South Korea" now. Or you are gonna say the Chinese were never south of the 38th parallel??

Please, learn this 2 points before you say you love learning.

Enough said, the rest of your post is worthless, answering you will probably require me to hand back my university diploma.


If you had a worthy high school diploma or GED, you would know "Asia" I meant referring to traditional Asian countries, not Guam type of islands.

I never denied that PLA did not cross 38 parallel. Do you ever hear a word called military hot-pursuit? They might even have the intention to occupy the whole peninsular. That is not an invasion, that is a defence. Further, it was USA who first bombed China (accidentally or purposefully) and threatened to station on Yalu river, threatened then China sent the troops, causing the bloodshed which otherwise could have been avoided.

Again, please read more. It empowers you with common sense, right logic (such as cause and effect, etc.) and knowledge. It really helps your life, and perhaps others' life.

I need to go sleep. Have a good one!
Did China occupy Afghanistan in its left?

Can China occupy Afghanistan in its left? :lol:

Did China occupy Iraq in its right?

Can China occupy Iraq in its right? :lol:

I only saw Chinese territory called Zang Nan or south Tibet being occupied by India in its lef,t and DiaoYu Island being occupied by Japan on its right, many islands being occupied in SCS in its middle.

Didn't you see that?

How about we conduct a survey on Tibetians and people Xinjiang about whom they perceived being occupied. :laugh:
PLA is actually unpredictable. Though they like it that way, they many times differ from their government's approach of negotiations or even diplomacy. Don't know how the command is distributed in PLA but the activities of a few aggressive regional commanders while the diplomatic speeches of their leaders in Beijing is what makes PLA unpredictable. Which is why countries are confused and don't seem to trust easily.

If you had a worthy high school diploma or GED, you would know "Asia" I meant referring to traditional Asian countries, not Guam type of islands.

I never denied that PLA did not cross 38 parallel. Do you ever hear a word called military hot-pursuit? They might even have the intention to occupy the whole peninsular. That is not an invasion, that is a defence. Further, it was USA who first bombed China (accidentally or purposefully) and threatened to station on Yalu river, threatened then China sent the troops, causing the bloodshed which otherwise could have been avoided.

Again, please read more. It empowers you with common sense, right logic (such as cause and effect, etc.) and knowledge. It really helps your life, and perhaps others' life.

I need to go sleep. Have a good one!

Well, some ghetto logic you got here

Asia is NOT just counting Contential Asia, they can go as far south as Indonesia (I think the Southern Most is Christmas Island) and East Toward Hokkaido, Japan.

So Tell me one thing, if a land mass North of Christmas Island or Indonesia and West of Hokkaido, should we count them as part of Asia?

I am not gonna agrue what is the definition of Asia in textbook, instead i am just gonna list some cordinate.

Hagåtña, Guam (13°28&#8242;45&#8243;N 144°45&#8242;00&#8243;E)
Kunashir Island, Hokkaid&#333; (44°07&#8242;N 145°51&#8242;E)
Jakata, Indonesia (6°10.5&#8242;S 106°49.7&#8242;)

Or you just read what people tell you, or what Chinese Government told you?? So by your definition, even Australia do not have a piece of Asia then.........

Then again, you logic really mean something.

When US/UN invaded North Korea, that is a full on bad arse INVASION
When China invaded South Korea, that is a Full on "HOT PURSUIT"

Are you high on High Speed Chasing Drama or you are just some nut case on died hard fanatic that willing to see thing for just one side??

What did you use as a yard stick on kick arse i wonder, Chinese Kill alot of American? Seems like the death rate is 5:1 (5 Chinese die for 1 American death) if you are using the Chinese information (150000 Dead Chinese Vs 35000 Dead American) If you are using The American Estimation, then its 9:1 (9 Chinese Death vs 1 American Death) Or you say Chinese kick American out of North Korea so Chinese kick american arse, then i can also say American Kick Chinese Arse when Chinese Invaded (or Hot Pursuited) into S Korean, How's that?

Finally, what about the Vietnamese? Oh, let me answer it for you, the Vietnamese-Chinese "INVITED" the Chinese to cross over the border, right? So it does not count as a invasion.

Dude, i don't know what qualification you would get but if you are really in America, with that logic, i doubed that you will be able to get even a GED or Speical edcation diploma....Then again, there are professor in academia will stand up and say 9-11 never exist, so i kind of get your mentality

I have to admit this tho, your manner have improved, still...........
Well, some ghetto logic you got here

Asia is NOT just counting Contential Asia, they can go as far south as Indonesia (I think the Southern Most is Christmas Island) and East Toward Hokkaido, Japan.

So Tell me one thing, if a land mass North of Christmas Island or Indonesia and West of Hokkaido, should we count them as part of Asia?

I am not gonna agrue what is the definition of Asia in textbook, instead i am just gonna list some cordinate.

Hagåtña, Guam (13°28&#8242;45&#8243;N 144°45&#8242;00&#8243;E)
Kunashir Island, Hokkaid&#333; (44°07&#8242;N 145°51&#8242;E)
Jakata, Indonesia (6°10.5&#8242;S 106°49.7&#8242;)

Or you just read what people tell you, or what Chinese Government told you?? So by your definition, even Australia do not have a piece of Asia then.........

Then again, you logic really mean something.

When US/UN invaded North Korea, that is a full on bad arse INVASION
When China invaded South Korea, that is a Full on "HOT PURSUIT"

Are you high on High Speed Chasing Drama or you are just some nut case on died hard fanatic that willing to see thing for just one side??

What did you use as a yard stick on kick arse i wonder, Chinese Kill alot of American? Seems like the death rate is 5:1 (5 Chinese die for 1 American death) if you are using the Chinese information (150000 Dead Chinese Vs 35000 Dead American) If you are using The American Estimation, then its 9:1 (9 Chinese Death vs 1 American Death) Or you say Chinese kick American out of North Korea so Chinese kick american arse, then i can also say American Kick Chinese Arse when Chinese Invaded (or Hot Pursuited) into S Korean, How's that?

Finally, what about the Vietnamese? Oh, let me answer it for you, the Vietnamese-Chinese "INVITED" the Chinese to cross over the border, right? So it does not count as a invasion.

Dude, i don't know what qualification you would get but if you are really in America, with that logic, i doubed that you will be able to get even a GED or Speical edcation diploma....Then again, there are professor in academia will stand up and say 9-11 never exist, so i kind of get your mentality

I have to admit this tho, your manner have improved, still...........

For Korean war you don't have much to argue. For Vietnam invasion it was a US and China project to stop Vietnam from occupying Laos and Cambodia. Read history IF you can!
Check your records in Korea and Vietnam, you poor American boys.

Read the American version...

I graduated Magna cum laude from CU Boulder with a BA Degree in Political Science major in International Relation, your point being?

And stop telling people Chinese and America jointly want Vietnam out of Cambodia, America fought the Vietnam because we want to protect the south, and stop the "Red" under Red Scare, China want Vietnam out because they were stupid enough to believe if they helped Vietnamese they will have a Special Place with their Chinese brother, History don't turn out exactly like that.

Chinese wanted Cambodia from Vietnam for their own expansion, so they attack vietnam, there are no other reason behind the Chinese Attack and "INVADED" Vietnam in 1979.

Face it, Chinese want to do what America's doing, jut the Chinese didn't do a good job about it. Stop preaching bad American Imperialist idea when you are going to be one.

It's very funny about you Chinese thought, when West invade others you are labeling the west imperialistic, when China expand, the suddently the Chinese is not imperialist, they are either just "Helping out the neighbor", "Setting up Buffer", "Military Hot Pursuit", "Helping Ethnic Chinese in needed" well, Chinese are everything BUT imperialist. So what's exactly your point, mate?
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