The entire Military may not be radicalized but PA definitely has more radicals in it's rank than most other Armies.
A Brigadier of PA was arrested a few months back
Talking Kashmir,it's an open Secret that Pakistan nurtured Terrorists Groups as proxies.
What is this whole thread about? Why would a cool, level-headed, fact-oriented expert like Fatman17 introduce this post? And the Christine Fair article? Why has Muse voiced his concerns?
It is precisely because everyone has a fear that the increasing radicalisation of society at large is reflected within the PA.
However, Christine Fair, much though I suspect her point of view and am wary about her opinions, has at least addresssed the problem beyond the anecdotal stage. Whether we agree or disagree with her, and I am personally not in possession of sufficient data to go either way, we have to respect her attempt at taking a scientific and sound way out of the problem.
The methodology needs tightening, no doubt about it. But is she, or anybody else likely to get PA cooperation on sensitive data? Imagine the hypertension within the IA if asked for a caste-wise break-up; the senior staff have never hesitated to turn down such requests for information with a brusque and brutally dismissive 'No'.
This is the best we can get, and I am prepared to accept the big picture she delineates, until concrete evidence to the contrary emerges.
Regarding the PA harbouring and nurturing terrorists, that is an element of state policy. I hate it personally, it is an abomination and a crime, but in the context, such behaviour is NOT an indicator of the Islamicisation of the armed forces. It is an indicator only of the generals realising how they can hurt us the most with the least effort on their parts.
Just a few days ago three army intelligence officials were killed, ambushed -now how do you suppose the terrorists got a hold of information abut which vehicle they would be in and their route and when they left and what time they would be on the road?? I think suggesting that Mehran was not an inside job is just more of the denial many Pakistanis are afflicted with.
Again, that there is concern about this possibility is undeniable. I am sure all reasonable people, whether Pakistani or Indian, share concern about some of its implications. However, it is still not an established fact, and we have to reserve judgement.
IMO, Christine Fair's article is a gallant attempt at quantifying the issue, and should be encouraged. Not by uncritical acceptance, but by engaged evaluation.
My two pies worth.