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Is Pakistan Too Big to Fail?

I kind of disagree based on my opinion....

You might be right...

God does not have an assembly line to make people and earn profits....He has a proper Command centre...
Everyone born has something to achieve...
There is a reason to live including Mukesh Ambani and a beggar on Delhi streets...including Zardari and some homeless guy in Lahore...they have a reason..they migh not contribute to something positive but still God made them and us for a reason...
He made everything because of some reason...
He knows what He did...
Maybe the force in terms of population we have is a benefit....
Who knows....

Sex is a process for children to born
Soul is a need for humans to live....

We are part of a reaction to have children but the reaction is done by someone...

God knows what he is doing or he did.....
He knows how many people there will be...
It does not mean that we should not worry about growing population but on the other hand we can say if the population exceeds its limit there is some kind of natural thing....like earthquake or war or tornado anything....

Than it leads us to a question why were we made if everything is controlled...

Long story....
Many Muslims do not agree with me on almost everything...an example of it starts from my home...

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Yes Sir. You are right.
We might get divided but we might not.
People plan but it’s not necessary their plans will workout.
If your plan is against what God has decided than your plan won’t work but if its the same plan than it will workout.

One cannot be sure of his own life and you are planning to make different nations....

Sir anything can happen.....trust me..the only thing I will say is....the hopes should not be that high....if you fall you won’t get hurt that much...but if the hopes are too high you will fall…and die…..

If your hopes are low and you achieve something big...as you mentioned different nations...than you will be proud of yourself and your country...but if your hopes are high and you fail to get what you worked for...you will have no place to hide...

I am just saying...you might be right about sindhistan....but the hopes should be minimum....


No Sir...

I am not the one you are talking about.

I was never banned....

Omar is absolutely correct. When there is more people than the land can safely sustain, the large population becomes a huge liability. Riots, communal disputes, regionalism, drugs sex alcohol and all other properties of large metropolitan areas becomes a reality. China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia have realized this truth. :agree:

Pakistan does not have high population density. Pakistan's population density of 510 per sq mile is lower than 56 other countries of the world, including India at 890, Japan at 870, UK at 640, Germany at 600 etc etc.

List of countries and dependencies by population density - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
third eye:" ...The USSR is an example. "

Bg nations, even empires have failed. But there were the consequences of failure for each for the world.

The US and the world were on edge when USSR fell, worrying about the nukes. Massive assistance was provided by US and Europe to stabilize Russia and secure the nukes. Russia became the largest recipient of US and European aid in 1990s.

The fall of the Roman Empire led to a long period of anarchy in Europe called the Dark Ages that lasted over a thousand years.

The Fall of Mughal empire devastated India and it is still reeling from extreme poverty, hunger and deprivation. The pre-British, early 19th century Moghul India, described as caste-ridden, feudalistic and unmodern, was economically ahead of the rest of the world,including Britain and the US, according to S. Gururmurthy, a popular Indian columnist. The Indian economy contributed 19 per cent of the world GDP in 1830, and 18 per cent of global trade, when the share of Britain was 8 per cent in production and 9 per cent in trade, and that of US, 2 per cent in production and 1 per cent in trade. India had hundreds of thousands of village schools and had a functional literacy rate of over 30 per cent.

So even when the world was not as globalized and interconnected, there were still severe consequences of the fall of big nations.

Same with the analogy of the US failure in saving banks that led to the great depression of the 1930s. That's why the US acted quickly to save banks considered "too big to fail" last year.

Where is the connection of India being what it was & Pk being too big not to fail ? - which is what we were discussing.

All I wanted to highlight is the mightiest too fall due to maladministration & ill conceived policies.
Yes Sir..
I believe everything happens for good....1971 happened for good...no doubt....for us it was a "big" embarrassment...but still...
What about India?
Sir do you have any kind of Prophecy from God that India will remain the same.....
If you say my country will divide…I think you are saying this as you have some kind of fact…I believe you are an intellectual person but what about your own motherland?
If Pakistan, Russia or any other nation can divide than India is also a nation….

Well, sometime dreams come true (1971 remember)? You are still hurt about it arent you Riaz :D ? Come on it was all for the best.

Yes, especially nightmare; (1962 remember)? Still feeling the pain ?

But take it as a good lesson in a positive manner. :smitten:

Yes Sir..
I believe everything happens for good....1971 happened for good...no doubt....for us it was a "big" embaracement...but still...
What about India?
Sir do you have any kind of Prophecy from God that India will remain the same.....
If you say my country will divide…I think you are saying this as you have some kind of fact…I believe you are an intellectual person but what about your own motherland?
If Pakistan, Russia or any other nation can divide than India is also a nation….

You are right. Nobody can harm Pakistan if there are more people like you there. :pakistan:
Sir everyone is nice but the ideas we have makes us against each other...

The war nowadays is not a "religious" war as sometimes media portrays it...

It’s a war between business class and people....
Religion is being used to play with emotions of people...

We have to understand or it will be too late....

You are right. Nobody can harm Pakistan if there are more people like you there. :pakistan:

It's right....but if nobody can harm Pakistan if people like me are there than somebody can harm India...

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