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Is Pakistan shifting its India policy?

Indians really are scums of earth. This is why i believe no indian should be allowed here on this forum. Remember what about punjab ? Pakistan army has not done any crimes in east pakistan in 1971 civil unrest, this is continuing indian propaganda of hoodwinking people. All the killings and raping were carried out by massive militias of mukhti bahini who numbered about 250,000 and were strongly sponsored by RAW. This nonsense india always seem to beat their chest with false pride that they defeated pakistan army is sheer ignorance. No army can win a war when it's own people turn against them and that too which numbered 60 million in east pakistan. Our bengali brethren were hoodwinked by traitors like mujib ur rehman and his cronies alongwith massive propaganda aired via calcutta radio. Pakistan government's since 1947 failed to give east pakistan it's fair share of profits and benefits as citizens at political, economic, financial and social level. All these factors created a feeling of deprivation, isolation and inequality amongst bengali brethren. And then indian orchestrated their "Chanakya Doctrine " well via calcutta radio in disinformation.

Pakistan army is saintly compared to the terrorist indian army who have committed crimes in jammu & kashmir for last 60 years alongwith large scale massacre and ethnic cleansing of muslims, sikhs, dalits, shudras, christians and others in all over india.

You talk about attacks at mumbai , attack on parliament in 2001/02 and then the malegaon and samjauta express blasts. None of the attacks included ISI involvement. Let's talk about samjauta express, when the blasts took place fngers were pointed at pakistan government and ISI as favourite past time hobby but today we all know who the real culprits are. Colonel purohit and few more criminal indian army senior officers alongwith BJP, RSS, bajrang Dal, Shive Sena and VHP were involved in all blasts. ATS Inspector hemant karkare and his assistant officers had caught the military and hardline group politicians thus creating a great embarrasment for indian military and hardliners. To divert all this mumbai attacks were staged alongwtih israelis. All the killings were carried out by israeli and south african commandos from nariman house.

This time your plans have been badly exposed by parts of pakistani media and our defence analysts. We are aware of your "Chanakya Doctrine" and are awaiting to greet your army from east when USA starts intense attacks in few months time or less from west sending special forces and bomber air crafts. This time the countries which will face humiliation and defeat will be india, usa and then israel.

You indians should be more concerned about your beloved bharat maata which is going to fade into oblivion soon. Out of 600 districts you have insurgencies and separatist movements at huge scale being conducted in jammu & kashmir, punjab, assam, orissa, nagaland, tamil nadu and other areas. The greatest threats are from naxalites, that is facist hindus ready to take over indian federation and convert it from secular setup to hindu rastra. Ethnic cleasning is on an all time high against all minorities.

Set your own house in order before looking at others. What did mumbai police say few days ago that indians were involved in the mumbai blasts. There are so many loopholes in your cartoonish dossier that no one took it seriously. You were ridiculed by british foreign minister miliband as well as american, saudi and other european diplomats. This present corrupt administration will be soon removed at state level of pakistan it's just matter of time.

You have been busted in your strategic plans i sri lanka with the LTTE receiving massive beating from sri lankan army and security establishment. From 15,000 Sqm it has been reduced been reduced to 300 sqm of occupying land. Sri lankan army/ Air Force chief gave pakistan a lot of credit for training, weapons and logistics help over the past two decades. Some of PAF pilots have also bombarded some of the LTTE bases.

Sad indians don't realise the dangers to it's country and how close they are to disintegration. Keep dreaming indians..keep thinking you are superior in every aspect to pakistanis. Keep up your ignorance and arrogance cause you what it is going to be precisely the reason for your downfall and disintegration. And i am just loving it, i have some youtube videos to show to indians here regards jammu & kashmir . Recently people observed kashmir day in J & F and in all of pakistan . People in jammu & kashmir were chanting " Death to India", " India ki maut ahi hai", " Pakistan Zindabad" and " Pakistan Jeeva Jeeva".

I am going to post the link ...wait.
You need a crash course in history dude, ever heard of atrocacies of war carried out by PA?

If you don't like the facts stated on this site, you can start your own.

keep thinking you are superior in every aspect to pakistanis

Okay :D

Set your own house in order before looking at others. What did mumbai police say few days ago that indians were involved in the mumbai blasts. There are so many loopholes in your cartoonish dossier that no one took it seriously.

There was a reason GoI sent the dossier to more sensible people in Pakistan.
So let me get this straight, whatever India says becomes automatically correct and we need to accept is without the need to verify or validate it.Huh.
Our government admitted nothing. You only admit a crime and we were not a part of that crime so choose your words carefully. Moreover what ever GOP said was after the report of our investigations and which by the way resembles our true commitment against terrorism which also by the way India was all along saying that Pakistan is not serious so we did proved you wrong. Better luck next time.

Energon it will be better if you can clear your bigot head and stop seeing things in black&white. Your post was absolute pathetic when you said what other choices did we have. Believe me we had plenty just like CIA does have plenty when they choose for a regime change in other countries or India does when asked over alleged terrorism in Pakistan's tribal areas. Don't even get me stated on that, don't want to derail the thread but i wont take this nonsense anymore from someone who's kind is the reason the whole world is in chaos thanks to the 9/11 drama.

Seriously, what reality do you live in? Your post is so hallucinatory that it doesn't even present an opportunity to address it with any level of seriousness.

Also, I don't think you really understand what bigotry means; otherwise you'd realize that nothing I have said so far is bigoted. I am merely stating the facts as they stand. Pakistan had no other option but to come clean, thereby staving off further embarrassment, global censure and a very, very strong possibility of war.
HAHA, again living life in denial is so much exhilerating aint it?
Who cares what you think. In the end, your government subdued to all the pressure India and the world had built, and accepted all the terrorists were Pakistanis and the that planning was done in Pakistan.

Spare me the BS. No one cares what i think?huh look who's talking like your word is the official GOI stance.

Keep all your thoughts to yourself, none of the Indians are gonna pay any heed to your day dreams. Or have I already? My mistake..:D

Who the **** do you think you are? Keep my thoughts to myself, why don't you keep your $hit up your ***, already the forum is stinking with the presence of your pathetic kind.
Seriously, what reality do you live in? Your post is so hallucinatory that it doesn't even present an opportunity to address it with any level of seriousness.

Also, I don't think you really understand what bigotry means; otherwise you'd realize that nothing I have said so far is bigoted. I am merely stating the facts as they stand. Pakistan had no other option but to come clean, thereby staving off further embarrassment, global censure and a very, very strong possibility of war.

Your post clearly resembles that you don't have a ******* clue about what really happened. Very strong possibility of war, really? did i miss something out here. Wake up, and smell the coffee. War was never on the table, it was just a pressure tactic by India. All that hype about the so called strategic strikes were nothing then a hogwash for people like you to $hit in your pants. Moreover if anyone that got embarrassed in the process, its India, who's own media and analyst have accepted the fact, which world are you living in, really stop embarrassing yourself, a few thanks by the Indian posters wont lead you too far.
Relax IceCold, don't let them get on your nerves.
They apparently continue to ignore the fact that Pakistan had and still has every right to deny any involvement or accusation coming from Indian side without it being proven.
This is how our world works (thank god), these Indians are only led by emotion, you cannot blame them, honestly, because of their emotions in this case, they forget the basic rules of judiciary and lawsuits, or perhaps they don't know how they work, that might be possible aswell.
Don't let their emotions take the best of you, Pakistan has been applauded for it's stance and it's handling of the situation, we should be proud how we dealt with them.
IceCold is right on this. There wasn't the slightest possibility of war. It's just Energon proving his cluelessness again.
Neo, how in the world does it matter, what China thinks. I think India replied quite bluntly on what it thinks the last time China tried to dole out messages on Indo-Pak affairs-shortly after Pakistan gave China a 'blank check' in regards to what to say to India from Pak's side.
Lolz this is funny. For all the ludicrous conspiracy theories that are constantly floating around here I'm surprised that you are unable to figure out why any Indian government who wants to be/stay elected would be forced to wage war against Pakistan if Zardari had kept lying and denying the facts.

But then again considering some of you are still grappling with simple things like coming to terms with the surviving gunman's identity and tying your own shoelaces, one can't really expect much.

IceCold said:
did i miss something out here.
Yes, common sense and the ability to process reality.
why do u pakistanis always stay in a state of denial? when the whole world is pointing out ur faults, u ppl still dont agree to anything. i dont know what ur media is feeding u? as far as fact goes i think u ppl shld accept tht india is a far more greater country than u can ever be! atleast we dont go begging around for money from US, our economy is far more sound than urs and ha....look at what u have done to ur cricket team.....waiting for more denials from ur side:crazy:

Dear champ, I would advise you to refrain from posting bullsh!t because lately, the tolerance for trolls and idiots is at an all-time low, so Mr. Anand forever, you will not last on this forum "forever" if you continue with low-class and useless posts like this one.
Please do all of us a favor and turn off your computer.
Dear champ, I would advise you to refrain from posting bullsh!t because lately, the tolerance for trolls and idiots is at an all-time low, so Mr. Anand forever, you will not last on this forum "forever" if you continue with low-class and useless posts like this one.
Please do all of us a favor and turn off your computer.

dear Suicide bomber aka jihad,
i m not bullshitting u, i m just showing u a mirror which i m sure reflects an ugly picture and i guess to improve ur country from its current situation, u ppl just need to open u eyes, u'll c Terrorist all around u, or wait.....u might be 1 of them.....bloody nation of terrorists.

Don't be afraid, I won't bomb you, I might beat you into pulp because you won't put up that much of a fight with your skinny posture, but other then that, I won't kill myself for you. ;)
Drop the paranoid attitude about terrorists and get the hell out of here, please do so before you get banned, save the honor for yourself, if you have any.
Dear champ, I would advise you to refrain from posting bullsh!t because lately, the tolerance for trolls and idiots is at an all-time low, so Mr. Anand forever, you will not last on this forum "forever" if you continue with low-class and useless posts like this one.
Please do all of us a favor and turn off your computer.

dear Suicide bomber aka jihad,
i m not bullshitting u, i m just showing u a mirror which i m sure reflects an ugly picture and i guess to improve ur country from its current situation, u ppl just need to open u eyes, u'll c Terrorist all around u, or wait.....u might be 1 of them.....bloody nation of terrorists.

dont u think u have got too much guts....
comin on a pakistani forum and sayin stuff lik that. do u want us to send some more terrorists and this time to ur house???
(sorry to other indian members but this guy is just crossin his limits)
dont u think u have got too much guts....
comin on a pakistani forum and sayin stuff lik that. do u want us to send some more terrorists and this time to ur house???
(sorry to other indian members but this guy is just crossin his limits)

I fully agree with member ajpirzada regarding the below post from Anand forever...

dear Suicide bomber aka jihad,
i m not bullshitting u, i m just showing u a mirror which i m sure reflects an ugly picture and i guess to improve ur country from its current situation, u ppl just need to open u eyes, u'll c Terrorist all around u, or wait.....u might be 1 of them.....bloody nation of terrorists.

Mods: Though I am an Indian as much as Anand, I admit that I found Anand's comments very disturbing and totally in disregard of the decorum of this forum. I would request that if possible, Anand's comments be removed due to their poisonous nature.
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Quite frankly the pak government is a sell out. This change and all of its actions are not reflective of the majority demand. India is milking the mileage it can get from these schmucks... Once the government changes things will be back to normal.

How can you say that? The main reason why Pakistan has failed at democracy is because guys like you, i mean the educated ones even hasnt been able to accept decisions which you feel aren't right.

In Pakistan i feel everybody thinks they can do better than the PM / President aka. Sure in India too we feel so, but we never ever accept that our govt are sell off be it be BJP/Cong or anybody.
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