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Is Pakistan shifting its India policy?

Pakistan "admitted" to a fact that was already established by the agencies of numerous other countries. To continue lying or beclouding this matter would have made the Pakistani establishment look just as delusional and intellectually dishonest as you... and that is something all self respecting human beings want to avoid, even Zardari. This admission has certainly deflated the tensions with India and at least temporarily created the feeling that Pakistan might finally be taking some responsibility for the effervescent terrorism problem thereby attracting positive attention from around the world. By all objective standards (and by that I mean those of a civilized society, not that of a delusional and paranoid psychotic who is unable to discern reality from some imaginary tactical battle scenario) this has been a step in the positive direction for Pakistan; something not experienced in a very, very long time. How genuine they are about this remains to be seen; after all there really was no other option but to come clean this time around. But until proven otherwise it should be assumed that Zardari is being honest about his intentions and he should receive support for his decision and acknowledgment for having done the right thing.

Absolute nonsense. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan's willingness to end this menace and initiate a long term peace in SA is never really accepted in positive terms rather with a shaky head. If on one hand fingers were being raised on Pakistan's commitment to Mumbai attacks, on the other hand when we have proved to the whole world that we are sincere and willing to take action against all those responsible and we have from the day 1 when UN banned JUD, we now are hearing what other choices did we had?:tsk:
Let me be very clear, if someone wants to hide something, there are plenty of choices to do so however with our findings we did however prove India wrong that Pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism and terrorist organizations have the backing of governmental institutions namely the ISI.
Quite frankly the pak government is a sell out. This change and all of its actions are not reflective of the majority demand. India is milking the mileage it can get from these schmucks... Once the government changes things will be back to normal.

It doesnt matter if the majority demand is to continue to aid the terrorists to hurt India-the Pakistani govt has shown that Pakistan is becomming a responsible country. A country who takes responsibility for itself and is able to rectify things.

Dont bet too much on the next govt either, unless there is a coup.
Absolute nonsense. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan's willingness to end this menace and initiate a long term peace in SA is never really accepted in positive terms rather with a shaky head. If on one hand fingers were being raised on Pakistan's commitment to Mumbai attacks, on the other hand when we have proved to the whole world that we are sincere and willing to take action against all those responsible and we have from the day 1 when UN banned JUD, we now are hearing what other choices did we had?:tsk:
Let me be very clear, if someone wants to hide something, there are plenty of choices to do so however with our findings we did however prove India wrong that Pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism and terrorist organizations have the backing of governmental institutions namely the ISI.

Really? India said attack was planned in Pakistan. 79 days later your government admitted. India said LeT was involved. 79 days later you admitted. India said Kasab is pakistani, first there was denial then on the 52nd day your government admitted. India and the world have said Pakistan is the epicentre of global terror. For the first time in 20 years, your president admitted. So precisely how was India proved wrong?
Absolute nonsense. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan's willingness to end this menace and initiate a long term peace in SA is never really accepted in positive terms rather with a shaky head. If on one hand fingers were being raised on Pakistan's commitment to Mumbai attacks, on the other hand when we have proved to the whole world that we are sincere and willing to take action against all those responsible and we have from the day 1 when UN banned JUD, we now are hearing what other choices did we had?:tsk:
Let me be very clear, if someone wants to hide something, there are plenty of choices to do so however with our findings we did however prove India wrong that Pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism and terrorist organizations have the backing of governmental institutions namely the ISI.
What reality are you living in? I think foofighter's post pretty much sums up the appropriate response to yours.
No one is damaging Pak more than Pak itself. There is nothing thats happening to Pak which it has not tried on others.

Remember Punjab ? what the PA did in EP, weren't those in EP brothers & sisters ? Attack on the Parliament ? Mumbai & so many more ? Afghanistan which is not a ' strategic depth any more ?

There are no angels in this world. Yes, thank god we seperated.

Indians really are scums of earth. This is why i believe no indian should be allowed here on this forum. Remember what about punjab ? Pakistan army has not done any crimes in east pakistan in 1971 civil unrest, this is continuing indian propaganda of hoodwinking people. All the killings and raping were carried out by massive militias of mukhti bahini who numbered about 250,000 and were strongly sponsored by RAW. This nonsense india always seem to beat their chest with false pride that they defeated pakistan army is sheer ignorance. No army can win a war when it's own people turn against them and that too which numbered 60 million in east pakistan. Our bengali brethren were hoodwinked by traitors like mujib ur rehman and his cronies alongwith massive propaganda aired via calcutta radio. Pakistan government's since 1947 failed to give east pakistan it's fair share of profits and benefits as citizens at political, economic, financial and social level. All these factors created a feeling of deprivation, isolation and inequality amongst bengali brethren. And then indian orchestrated their "Chanakya Doctrine " well via calcutta radio in disinformation.

Pakistan army is saintly compared to the terrorist indian army who have committed crimes in jammu & kashmir for last 60 years alongwith large scale massacre and ethnic cleansing of muslims, sikhs, dalits, shudras, christians and others in all over india.

You talk about attacks at mumbai , attack on parliament in 2001/02 and then the malegaon and samjauta express blasts. None of the attacks included ISI involvement. Let's talk about samjauta express, when the blasts took place fngers were pointed at pakistan government and ISI as favourite past time hobby but today we all know who the real culprits are. Colonel purohit and few more criminal indian army senior officers alongwith BJP, RSS, bajrang Dal, Shive Sena and VHP were involved in all blasts. ATS Inspector hemant karkare and his assistant officers had caught the military and hardline group politicians thus creating a great embarrasment for indian military and hardliners. To divert all this mumbai attacks were staged alongwtih israelis. All the killings were carried out by israeli and south african commandos from nariman house.

This time your plans have been badly exposed by parts of pakistani media and our defence analysts. We are aware of your "Chanakya Doctrine" and are awaiting to greet your army from east when USA starts intense attacks in few months time or less from west sending special forces and bomber air crafts. This time the countries which will face humiliation and defeat will be india, usa and then israel.

You indians should be more concerned about your beloved bharat maata which is going to fade into oblivion soon. Out of 600 districts you have insurgencies and separatist movements at huge scale being conducted in jammu & kashmir, punjab, assam, orissa, nagaland, tamil nadu and other areas. The greatest threats are from naxalites, that is facist hindus ready to take over indian federation and convert it from secular setup to hindu rastra. Ethnic cleasning is on an all time high against all minorities.

Set your own house in order before looking at others. What did mumbai police say few days ago that indians were involved in the mumbai blasts. There are so many loopholes in your cartoonish dossier that no one took it seriously. You were ridiculed by british foreign minister miliband as well as american, saudi and other european diplomats. This present corrupt administration will be soon removed at state level of pakistan it's just matter of time.

You have been busted in your strategic plans i sri lanka with the LTTE receiving massive beating from sri lankan army and security establishment. From 15,000 Sqm it has been reduced been reduced to 300 sqm of occupying land. Sri lankan army/ Air Force chief gave pakistan a lot of credit for training, weapons and logistics help over the past two decades. Some of PAF pilots have also bombarded some of the LTTE bases.

Sad indians don't realise the dangers to it's country and how close they are to disintegration. Keep dreaming indians..keep thinking you are superior in every aspect to pakistanis. Keep up your ignorance and arrogance cause you what it is going to be precisely the reason for your downfall and disintegration. And i am just loving it, i have some youtube videos to show to indians here regards jammu & kashmir . Recently people observed kashmir day in J & F and in all of pakistan . People in jammu & kashmir were chanting " Death to India", " India ki maut ahi hai", " Pakistan Zindabad" and " Pakistan Jeeva Jeeva".

I am going to post the link ...wait.
Really? India said attack was planned in Pakistan. 79 days later your government admitted. India said LeT was involved. 79 days later you admitted. India said Kasab is pakistani, first there was denial then on the 52nd day your government admitted. India and the world have said Pakistan is the epicentre of global terror. For the first time in 20 years, your president admitted. So precisely how was India proved wrong?

Who cares what India says? They had to PROVE it first and convince Pakistan, something which they did, after 79 days presumably.
Also, again, you continue to say "India and the world", I would advice you to stop thinking as if the rest of the world is on your side, which is clearly not the case.
Also, where did our President "admit" Pakistan is the epicentre of global terrorism?
I thought Afghanistan was the place where all the "terror" and all the "shizzle" happened, did U.S. propaganda made you think otherwise?
Pakistan is being destabalized by Afghani taliban insurgents, Pakistan is being destabalized by how its being treated by the U.S.
Our government is weak, our president is weak, the whole situation is weak, but I do know that our country is NOT the epicentre of terrorism, why would I believe what America throws at us? You, like any other Indian are keen on believing that because you don't know better with your anti-Pakistan sentiments.

We are fightning our war on terrorism, we happen to have a weak-a$$ government which is currently not capable of dealing with the situation, what we need is strong leadership, dedicated leadership, not helpless wussies who give half baked interviews to ABC or any other channel to give a weak and helpless impression of Pakistan.
We need someone who can get the job done, not a guy who doesn't even want to investigate his wife's murder.
We need time to defeat these insurgents and to stabilize certain regions in Pakistan, however, with our war hungry and imperialistic neighbour, we have to shift our attention to them aswell.
India's attitude will only make things worser, instead of support, they talk about "cutting off ties" or threaten us.
And I can tell you, as long as India continues to bully and work against Pakistan, the more it's gonna suffer from terrorism as a whole.

Also, for all the Indians pointing their fingers at Pakistan including our Indian Energon, I would advice you to stop, because you aren't helping the situation one bit.
You cannot blame Pakistan nor the Pakistani government.
The Pakistani government never wanted to bomb Mumbai, ISI has its hands full on the insurgency inside Pakistan, the head of ISI has already said that terror is the enemy and definitely not India.
Pakistan has nothing to gain by aiding blasts in Indian cities, however, it seems the other way around with RAW, who are caught and spotted in numerous cities/areas inside Pakistan.

Indians are so obsessed with Pakistan, it's not even funny anymore.
Right now, the taliban inside Pakistan is our concern, not India, (unless ofcourse they violate our airspace once again).
The fact of the matter is, the investigation is done I assume, the conclusions can be made, and the GoP has concluded that the attacks were partially planned inside Pakistan.
So now what? Are the Indians whining why Pak was in denial all the time?
Doesn't it seem logical because we hadn't initiated our own investigation and we didn't even receive the PROPER proof and CO-OPERATION from India before hand?

Anyways, let's see what happens next.
All i'm saying is, these Indians aren't doing us any favors by being a pain in the a$$ for the GoP and the people of Pakistan.
We have enough on our hands right now, and there certainly isn't room for the likes of you.
1. Kashmir is drifting from India - Indian Media -

2. Kashmir Solution - Arun Jaitley, Mahbooba Mufti and Abhishek Singhvi
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Kashmir day - Kashmiris burning Indian flag and effigy of Indian PM

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So indians what you think about the video regarding "Jammu & Kashmir drifitng away " and the second video in which mr arun jaitley came up irrational argument ? ..I like to hear you so called INTELLECTUALS, answer me ... I Will see to it that the end of your senseless arguments are buried once and for all. And eventually with ur heads in shame one day...
Pakistan is being run by shadow government which ISI alongwith pakistan army. Unfortunately the people in islamabad are mostly CIA funded, their end is near as pakistan will emerge out of the crisis.

No pakistan is not shifting it's indian policy our policy is still aggressive behind the curtains. What do indians have to say about mumbai police's statement regards indiansbeing involved in mumbai attacks. Incase indians are suffering from amnesia i will post that relevant article.
Really? India said attack was planned in Pakistan. 79 days later your government admitted. India said LeT was involved. 79 days later you admitted. India said Kasab is pakistani, first there was denial then on the 52nd day your government admitted. India and the world have said Pakistan is the epicentre of global terror. For the first time in 20 years, your president admitted. So precisely how was India proved wrong?

So let me get this straight, whatever India says becomes automatically correct and we need to accept is without the need to verify or validate it.Huh.
Our government admitted nothing. You only admit a crime and we were not a part of that crime so choose your words carefully. Moreover what ever GOP said was after the report of our investigations and which by the way resembles our true commitment against terrorism which also by the way India was all along saying that Pakistan is not serious so we did proved you wrong. Better luck next time.

Energon it will be better if you can clear your bigot head and stop seeing things in black&white. Your post was absolute pathetic when you said what other choices did we have. Believe me we had plenty just like CIA does have plenty when they choose for a regime change in other countries or India does when asked over alleged terrorism in Pakistan's tribal areas. Don't even get me stated on that, don't want to derail the thread but i wont take this nonsense anymore from someone who's kind is the reason the whole world is in chaos thanks to the 9/11 drama.
So let me get this straight, whatever India says becomes automatically correct and we need to accept is without the need to verify or validate it.Huh.
Our government admitted nothing. You only admit a crime and we were not a part of that crime so choose your words carefully. Moreover what ever GOP said was after the report of our investigations and which by the way resembles our true commitment against terrorism which also by the way India was all along saying that Pakistan is not serious so we did proved you wrong. Better luck next time.

Energon it will be better if you can clear your bigot head and stop seeing things in black&white. Your post was absolute pathetic when you said what other choices did we have. Believe me we had plenty just like CIA does have plenty when they choose for a regime change in other countries or India does when asked over alleged terrorism in Pakistan's tribal areas. Don't even get me stated on that, don't want to derail the thread but i wont take this nonsense anymore from someone who's kind is the reason the whole world is in chaos thanks to the 9/11 drama.

HAHA, again living life in denial is so much exhilerating aint it?
Who cares what you think. In the end, your government subdued to all the pressure India and the world had built, and accepted all the terrorists were Pakistanis and the that planning was done in Pakistan. Keep all your thoughts to yourself, none of the Indians are gonna pay any heed to your day dreams. Or have I already? My mistake..:D
1. Kashmir is drifting from India - Indian Media -
iW9MUSWXpb0[/media] - Kashmir is drifting from India - Indian Media

2. Kashmir Solution - Arun Jaitley, Mahbooba Mufti and Abhishek Singhvi
IRJKSxBfEJ8[/media] - Kashmir Solution - Arun Jaitley, Mahbooba Mufti and Abhishek Singhvi

So indians what you think about the video regarding "Jammu & Kashmir drifitng away " and the second video in which mr arun jaitley came up irrational argument ? ..I like to hear you so called INTELLECTUALS, answer me ... I Will see to it that the end of your senseless arguments are buried once and for all. And eventually with ur heads in shame one day...

We think a 2 minute video shows a 2 minute reality.
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

ISLAMABAD: China appreciates the policy the government of Pakistan adopted to deal with the situation after the Mumbai attacks.

Chinese Ambassador to Islamabad Luo Zhaohui said this while talking to media persons after a ceremony to hand over a plot to the Chinese Embassy by the Capital Development Authority (CDA) here on Saturday.

“Pakistan is a victim of terrorism and we appreciate the policy the Pakistan government adopted to deal with the situation after the Mumbai attacks,” Luo Zhaohui said.

He said Pakistan and China were time-tested friends and China had always been supporting it in trade and agriculture besides its humanitarian support to the quake-hit people of Pakistan in 2005.

He said China had also extended help in the Karakorum Highway project, JF-17 and hydel power projects, adding that the Chinese people and the government always considered Pakistan as a brother country.

The ambassador ruled out the notion that China has slashed the monetary support to Pakistan. “We had deposited $500 million after former president Musharraf’s visit to
China and then after the visit of President Asif Ali Zardari we deposited $1 billion in the State Bank of Pakistan to streamline Pakistanís national economy that was going through difficult circumstances,” said Luo Zhaohui.

He lauded the policies of the president aimed at strengthening bilateral ties with
China and hoped that both the countries would continue to extend cooperation for the progress and prosperity of the region.

He told the media that during the previous visit of President Asif Zardari, both the countries had signed several agreements, hoping that both the states would also sign different agreements in his upcoming visit to China.

He thanked the government of Pakistan for allotting a plot to the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad and appreciated the sacrifices of the residents of Muplur Village, who had to vacate the area for the purpose.

“The people and government of China would never forget the sacrifice the Mulpur residents gave for their brother country.

“The Chinese embassy would also shortly hold a lunch for the people to offer them thanks in this regard,” said the ambassador.

He said the allotment of plot was the execution of one of the agreements signed between the two countries during President Zardari’s visit some five months ago.
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