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Is Pakistan planning to have presence in Kabul airport along with Turkey

But what will happen if Taliban say no we don't Turks securing Kabul airport? Or are they going to secure the airport until all the foreigners have left?

Lets wait and watch, Afghanistan's situation is changing everyday.
No its only Hungarian and Turkish troops.
But logistics support from them will be brought in via Pakistan.
No its only Hungarian and Turkish troops.
But logistics support from them will be brought in via Pakistan.

You are deluding yourself here my friend.. PK could deploy in afghanistan by Sept-oct if the situation fails to settle and other militias outside of Taliban-Afghan gov't appear like another northern alliance element... Pakistan wants to secure her stragetic depth it is hell-bent on that Taliban-Afghan gov't is on the same page as PK in this regard.. Anything else that is seen spoiler to that will go for the greater good
Pakistan should stay out of this and Let the Afghans handle it. Enough bodies have fallen in Pakistan because of selling ourselves to the West.

Turkey should heed to its senses as well and leave Afghanistan along with their NATO/US.

Keep following the orders of the West while chanting Islam, Islamic is the definition of hypocrisy.

I hope Afghans resolves towards peace as soon as possible.
Pakistan should stay out of this and Let the Afghans handle it. Enough bodies have fallen in Pakistan because of selling ourselves to the West.

Turkey should heed to its senses as well and leave Afghanistan along with their NATO/US.

Keep following the orders of the West while chanting Islam, Islamic is the definition of hypocrisy.

I hope Afghans resolves towards peace as soon as possible.

Don't be naive Pakistan is not following anyone but her on stragetic depth interests. This is very important for Pakistan self-interests don't get it twisted and besides Pakistan is by no means an enemy to Taliban or the Afghan people nor does it seeks any bad blood with them nor does it seek to harm their interests but to help them achieve it.. The IEA will welcome it open hands. What Pakistan truly seeks is something entirely different and it links with peace and prosperity in Afghanistan so Pakistan can have a stragetic depth
If it's to protect the outgoing Kabul regime from being taken whilst trying to extricate itself, then I'm not sure if Pakistan would want to be a part of this.
If it's to protect the outgoing Kabul regime from being taken whilst trying to extricate itself, then I'm not sure if Pakistan would want to be a part of this.

No.. You are getting it wrong.. The Turks made it clearly again and again it will not fight the IEA.. Why are people so slow to understand this.. As for Pakistan it wants the IEA-Afghan gov't deal to stand if not Pakistan doesn't mind IEA.. But at the end they seek stragetic depth and an ally in Afghanistan..

Alot of people don't see the true picture what Pakistan seeks and doesn't contradict to IEA or what Afghan people truly desire. Pakistan just seeks Stragetic depth to secure her future generations.. IEA or the Afghan won't mind granting them that because this is also a co-shared interest for both people to shield themselves further against the threats of the eastern frontier..
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No.. You are getting it wrong.. The Turks made it clearly again and again it will not fight the IEA.. Why are people so slow to understand this

Please read before commenting. No where have I mentioned the above, thanks.
Turkey will not protect the Kabul regime and made it clearly over 100times on repeat

No that they will not, but I don't see how they can deny anyone trying to lawfully exit the country without reneging on airport security - to put this clearly, there's no way they can stop anyone flying out without breaking their agreement of safeguarding the airport, so this is just speculation rather than reality.

As for what Pakistan wants in AFG? it's clear that Pakistan has played this out long term and has been able and willing to do so, Pakistan could have targeted some of the places near our borders that the Taliban are taking right now but it didn't. It's clear to all, that Pakistan is on the right side of history this time but hopefully with a better end game.
I talked to some people and they told me that Turkey did not even ask Pakistan and we were surprised as well. However Turkey is now asking Pakistan to help and also deploy forces alongside Turkish but Pakistan clearly told the Turks that Pakistan military will not set a foot on afghan land.
Pakistan also told Turks that as a friend, we advise u not to take up the dirty role of NATO in Afghanistan and that taliban will not accept any foreign troops at all.
I talked to some people and they told me that Turkey did not even ask Pakistan and we were surprised as well. However Turkey is now asking Pakistan to help and also deploy forces alongside Turkish but Pakistan clearly told the Turks that Pakistan military will not set a foot on afghan land.
Pakistan also told Turks that as a friend, we advise u not to take up the dirty role of NATO in Afghanistan and that taliban will not accept any foreign troops at all.

lol.. Pakistan will go in herself Sept-oct.. Do you really think Pakistan would tolerate unrest in her back door.. Come on son get real.. Pakistan will come in like a hurricane and whirlwind just watch and learn.. Stop speaking about things you have no knowledge about.. Pakistan in collab with IEA and afghan will go in to put down any elements that could be used by foreign elements like northern alliance or some rag-tags that can be used by foreign elements. Pakistan seeks peace for that specific country and it is do or die for Pakistan in regards to that country because it has long term interests invested in that country.... Anyone who fails to understand this should log-off his brain-cells...
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lol.. Pakistan will go in herself Sept-oct.. Do you really think Pakistan would tolerate unrest in her back door.. Come on son get real.. Pakistan will come in like a hurricane and whirlwind just watch and learn.. Stop speaking about things you have no knowledge about.. Pakistan in collab with IEA and afghan will go in to put down any elements that could be used by foreign elements like northern alliance or some rag-tags that can be used by foreign elements. Pakistan seeks peace for that specific country and it is do or die for Pakistan in regards to that country because it has long term interests invested in that country.... Anyone who fails to understand this should log-off his brain-cells...

Lolz its funny when fanboys pretend to be experts. And dont use the term son for others, its seen as an abuse in our culture, unless u want me to remind u to go ask ur mother abt ur real father.
Obviously u are totally illiterate about Afghanistan and how we deal with it. There is a huge hatred for Pakistanis in Afghanistan and Pakistan sending soldiers would make that extreme and would be seen as an occupation attempt by Pakistan, thus fuelling insurgency and attacks against Pakistan. There are other ways to keep control and help allies and we know how to do it. So kindly keep ur childish bs to urself, Pakistan never will set foot on afghan land, not even if they burn each other in kabul.
The thing with fanboys is that they r extremely dumb. They would want ToT for weapoms which the seller is not even ready to sell and would want to take on a role that the US and NATO, the world's biggest military machine, failed miserably.
Lolz its funny when fanboys pretend to be experts. And dont use the term son for others, its seen as an abuse in our culture, unless u want me to remind u to go ask ur mother abt ur real father.
Obviously u are totally illiterate about Afghanistan and how we deal with it. There is a huge hatred for Pakistanis in Afghanistan and Pakistan sending soldiers would make that extreme and would be seen as an occupation attempt by Pakistan, thus fuelling insurgency and attacks against Pakistan. There are other ways to keep control and help allies and we know how to do it. So kindly keep ur childish bs to urself, Pakistan never will set foot on afghan land, not even if they burn each other in kabul.
The thing with fanboys is that they r extremely dumb. They would want ToT for weapoms which the seller is not even ready to sell and would want to take on a role that the US and NATO, the world's biggest military machine, failed miserably.

You have misunderstood me entirely.. If IEA invites Pakistan.. Who could oppose her is the question? That is right basically nobody... Do you think even the Taliban of 2001 would have denied Pakistan's assistance if it told them don't worry we will bomb this separatists to shit... The answer is no Taliban would have thanked them..

When you do intervention in such country you must not anger the public opinion and mood. chose the right side of the fence to stand on and help them gain their objectives..

This is what Maj-General Babar Iftikhar said Yesterday..

“Pakistan has no favourites among the Afghan stakeholders. The Afghans have to choose their leadership. In case of any deadlock, we can assist''

This gives indirect signal that lets assume Taliban will hold 85%-95% of the country but all of sudden a northern alliance like entity emerge Pakistan will assist the stronger side IEA militarily to quickly end the separatists so peace returns permenently but don't assume something entirely else... It is very important for PK's interests that IEA is satisfied for long term cooperation because PK seeks stragetic depth
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