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Is Pakistan planning to have presence in Kabul airport along with Turkey


Mar 1, 2009
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United States

Watch from 00:50. Is Pakistan planning to secure the Kabul airport along with Turkish forces?

It was already not making sense that why is Turkey willing to take this responsibility, let alone Pakistan joining Turkey in this.
soltan ordo of usmani empire volunteered Pakistan without asking/consulting them. first time Pakistanis heard about it was from foreign news. furthermore they have no intention of going anywhere near this quagmire and trap.
It's pure airport ops nothing more since roads are very dangerous for diplomats So no military ops by Turkey againt anyone also number of troops would be around 1K.
It's Good Cop Bad Cop technique! Get out of Kabul ASAP!! If the Good Cops can't keep the airport open you're all dead....
It's pure airport ops nothing more since roads are very dangerous for diplomats So no military ops by Turkey againt anyone also number of troops would be around 1K.
So the Turks want to secure Kabul airport to get goods and people out or in?
If Taliban play it smart they will change their attitude towards many things, including women education and foreign investments, but also keeping Pakistan and Turkey troops in Kabul Airport ( both countries are Islamic nations ) hence Taliban will have no issue with them over seeing the security details, not just that but also ensure that Taliban movement is not overtaken by the extremists elements like ISIS.
If Taliban play it smart they will change their attitude towards many things, including women education and foreign investments, but also keeping Pakistan and Turkey troops in Kabul Airport ( both countries are Islamic nations ) hence Taliban will have no issue with them over seeing the security details, not just that but also ensure that Taliban movement is not overtaken by the extremists elements like ISIS.
But what will happen if Taliban say no we don't want Turks securing Kabul airport? Or are the Turks going to secure the airport until all the foreigners have left?
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Watch from 00:50. Is Pakistan planning to secure the Kabul airport along with Turkish forces?

It was already not making sense that why is Turkey willing to take this responsibility, let alone Pakistan joining Turkey in this.
Why do countries care so much about that airport?
The Fall of Kabul Airport would lead to a massive issue as the Kabul Flight Information Region will be uncontrolled and it is one of the busiest corridors for flights from Asia travelling towards Europe.
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