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Is our media really this brain dead?

Can YOU take an oath on Holy Quran that moon landing actually happened?
I do not take these kind of oaths for anybody for matters that do not concern me personally.

One of my relatives have been to NASA and saw much more than an average joe ever would in his/her lifetime. His testimony should be good enough for anybody.

Mark my words. The evidence on the web is miniscule in comparison to what you will find in NASA facilities. And 12 astronauts had the privilege to land on moon in total.
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All of that is secondary information to all of us here.
So you want the US to give you a first class ticket to the moon to verify it yourself?

The information is obviously going to be 'second hand' to anyone not physically landing on the moon, but that doesn't change the fact that there are images and other evidence (samples etc) that prove the lunar landing.

The posters denying the moon landing, and the justifications they're using, point to why the Muslim world continues to struggle in scientific achievement.

Let's just keep focusing on which hand to wipe our collective arses with, how long our trousers should be and which foot to enter a masjid with.
No one can win from us when it come to inventing conspiracy theories and our media is not exception :)
So you want the US to give you a first class ticket to the moon to verify it yourself?

The information is obviously going to be 'second hand' to anyone not physically landing on the moon, but that doesn't change the fact that there are images and other evidence (samples etc) that prove the lunar landing.

The posters denying the moon landing, and the justifications they're using, point to why the Muslim world continues to struggle in scientific achievement.

Let's just keep focusing on which hand to wipe our collective arses with, how long our trousers should be and which foot to enter a masjid with.

Moon landing is irrelevant to our lives so believing or not doesn't make sod all difference.

A weapon and ammo will be more relevant in near future than arguing and accusing each other for not believing irrelevant stuff.
This journalist should do proper research & work before any Science related program or invite any guest expert in this field.
This journalist should do proper research & work before any Science related program or invite any guest expert in this field.
He should have contacted NASA and requested a tour of its facilities. What an idiot, but Allah Almighty have his methods to expose habitual liars.
I do not take these kind of oaths for anybody for matters that do not concern me personally.

One of my relatives have been to NASA and saw much more than an average joe ever would in his lifetime. His testimony should be good enough for anybody with a functioning brain.

Mark my words. The evidence on the web is miniscule in comparison to what you will find in NASA facilities. And 12 astronauts had the privilege to land on moon in total.

You and your relative can believe whatever you want looking at machined stuff and videos. Do not expect others to do the same.

Millions in West believe in Aliens instead of God. They have lots of secondary information too as a basis for their belief.
You and your relative can believe whatever you want looking at machined stuff and videos. Do not expect others to do the same.

Millions in West believe in Aliens instead of God. They have lots of secondary information too as a basis for their belief.
What part of the statement: 'One of my relatives have been to NASA' - you did not get? You think I am bluffing with you?
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What part of the statement: 'One of my relatives have been to NASA' - you did not get? You think I am bluffing with you?

It doesn't matter to me, I don't give a toss! Do you not get that?

But I do object to you calling people stupid etc for not believing the shit you believe in!
It doesn't matter to me, I don't give a toss! Do you not get that?

But I do object to you calling people stupid etc for not believing the shit you believe in!
You are being immature, and people will call you out on this. If you do not believe in moon landings then keep this to yourself, or be prepared to be judged when you question others in this regard. Very simple.

I am an eye-witness to a supernatural activity but I do not have pictures (smartphones were not in the markets back then). And I know that a large number of people do not believe in supernatural stuff. So how can I convince them? Get my point now?

We do have access to certain amount of evidence on the web, but if you are seeking treasuretrove of evidence in this regard then you should visit NASA facilities. I cannot be more clear then this.
You are being immature, and people will call you out on this. If you do not believe in moon landings then keep this to yourself, or be prepared to be judged when you question others in this regard. Very simple.

Who the F are you or anyone else is to JUDGE me!? Aukaat kya hai tumhari?!

My points are simple and I'm not calling you people stupid, jahil and whatnot. You are free to believe what you want but don't judge others. Your belief is based on secondary information and if you can't digest that then go vomit elsewhere instead of calling others stupid!
Who the F are you or anyone else is to JUDGE me!? Aukaat kya hai tumhari?!

My points are simple and I'm not calling you people stupid, jahil and whatnot. You are free to believe what you want but don't judge others. Your belief is based on secondary information and if you can't digest that then go vomit elsewhere instead of calling others stupid!
You will be judged for propagating nonsense (recall your Flat Earth advocacy) and seeking firsthand evidence from others about stuff which they may not be able to provide to satiate your curosity. There is no cure for mental conditions, mind you.

I do not wish to be rude to you, but I happen to know somebody who has visited NASA facilities and bear witness to its treasures including substantial amount of evidence of moon landings - stuff which you will never see on the web. His testimony carry weight for obvious reasons. I was not keen at disclosing this fact here but I gave it a shot, but not working obviously. I will not disclose anything more here. I might delete my posts here instead.

Dusron kee aukaat pochney sey pehley - go and look in the mirror first.
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So they only went to the moon once ?

Not in glorious technicolour but in black and white tv show .

I don’t know what to believe but why they never go back .

They never went back because it was a a very expensive program initiated under the very real belief that they were in a space race with the Soviet Union. Even now I can fire a laser from a MANU lab at the 100 mirror array left by Neil Armstrong and time the reflection to accurately calculate the distance to the moon . We have many images taken by various countries of the leftovers of the LEM legs left behind when they took off to rejoin the orbiting half of the mission. Imaging now a days is so good we can watch lunar roving vehicle and the tracks left by its travel.
No one gave much thought as to what happens AFTER the moon landings. There really was not much to be done except win the race collect the samples and study them. NO ONE WAS GOING TO FUND A PERMANENT BASE ON THE MOON AS IT WOULD BE PROHIBITIVELY EXPENSIVE AND SERVE LITTLE PURPOSE THEN.

Costs have fallen dramatically and new technologies now offer new opportunities and purposes.
You will be judged for propagating nonsense (recall your Flat Earth advocacy) and seeking firsthand evidence from others about stuff which they may not be able to provide to satiate your curosity. There is no cure for mental conditions, mind you.

I do not wish to be rude to you, and I happen to know somebody who has visited NASA facilities and bear witness to its treasures including substantial amount of evidence of moon landings - stuff which you will never see on the web. His testimony carry weight for obvious reasons.

Tumhari kiya aukaat hai tum mujhe yeh batao. Go and look in the mirror first.

My nonsense is to question the secondary information and your nonsense is blindly believing in it. Gravity movie was actually real, duh! Reptile like Aliens from outer space are real, duh!

We are all free to believe what we want but fickle minded people like you can't hack the difference and resort to judging etc.

Btw, these scientists you believe so much, Have they managed to figure out yet how the thousands of tons of granites scattered on this earth were cut to precision by the ancient civilisations? Must have been the aliens, right? Can't figure out what's right in front of you, that you can see with own eyes and touch but hey not believing in secondary information is stuuuupid!
They never went back because it was a a very expensive program initiated under the very real belief that they were in a space race with the Soviet Union. Even now I can fire a laser from a MANU lab at the 100 mirror array left by Neil Armstrong and time the reflection to accurately calculate the distance to the moon . We have many images taken by various countries of the leftovers of the LEM legs left behind when they took off to rejoin the orbiting half of the mission. Imaging now a days is so good we can watch lunar roving vehicle and the tracks left by its travel.
No one gave much thought as to what happens AFTER the moon landings. There really was not much to be done except win the race collect the samples and study them. NO ONE WAS GOING TO FUND A PERMANENT BASE ON THE MOON AS IT WOULD BE PROHIBITIVELY EXPENSIVE AND SERVE LITTLE PURPOSE THEN.

Costs have fallen dramatically and new technologies now offer new opportunities and purposes.
Absolutely, friend. Thank you for this wonderful explanation.

Expeditions to moon were both incredibly difficult and expensive to manage back in the days of the Cold War - technological limitations being the case. This is why only 12 astronauts were able to set foot on the moon until now, but still an incredible number.

Now SpaceX - a private enterprise - is making space exploration affordable with 'incredibly advanced rockets' featuring resuable boosters. Elon Musk have promised even normal people trips to moon for the right price.

I believe that the new expeditions will provide further free-of-cost evidence of the traces of American Cold War era expeditions to the moon at some point. People need to be patient.
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