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Is Kashmir a lost case?

This thread 'is a lost case' ! The sooner you realize that the better.....! :tup:

This isn't the first Kashmir thread that descends into a pathetic d*ck measuring context & it won't be the last ! So why bother....just have some fun amongst friends & laugh it all away.

Whats more...isn't it comic how we'd exclaim emotionally charged rhetoric espousing the virtues of our respective point of view, blowing away half an evening to make a solid case & then keep on checking back every few minutes just to see whether someone quoted us or not & all the while No one in Delhi or Islamabad gives a foOk about what you or I think ! So why repeat the exercise all over again because we know nothings going to be different in the here & now & no one is going to bring an out-of-box solution to the problem that we all can admire & say - Wouldn't it be something if our respective Governments were to look into this ?

So I think I'll pass on keeping it all that serious because threads like these are little more than a cesspool of claims & counter-claims in an absolutely moronic cycle of point scoring !

If you want that....be my guest ! :tup:

That's why I asked whether you wanted to burn the thread down or not? :flame: Besides ain't no one going to match the quality of the Kashmir debate we fellows had. :devil: Remember what I'd written earlier? "We act like we'll type and talk Kashmir away from the other side."
It is , and it isnt..
it is as it is a lost cause for Pakistan..
it is however, not a lost cause for Kashmiris.. who will continue to seek greater autonomy..
but I see it being resolved through democratic process.

The solution is simple.. accept LoC.. build up trade within the region.. demilitarize it.. and make money.

Indian army dont accept it now.They want connectivity with afghanistan otherwise both nations can easily solve it.
their are two ways in which kashmir can be resolved(the best according to me) -
1.accept loc as international border
2.wait until ww3 happens and then the country (if india and pak are on opposing sides) and the winner country occupies the whole of Kashmir and refuses to leave.

OR just shut up and leave the country in peace!
Well, if the militaries of both nations are those dictating terms.. then what use are peoples?

Are you referring to some sort of a DEVO MAX/Independence minus solution here?
It is , and it isnt..
it is as it is a lost cause for Pakistan..
it is however, not a lost cause for Kashmiris.. who will continue to seek greater autonomy..
but I see it being resolved through democratic process.

The solution is simple.. accept LoC.. build up trade within the region.. demilitarize it.. and make money.

The only solution. Someone explain this to them Kashmiris.
Are you referring to some sort of a DEVO MAX/Independence minus solution here?

What I am referring to is the end of pointless hostilities... Which will not only benefit the countries but will also lead to an automatic reduction in terrorism across the region.
As much as Id like to agree what many Indian members here dont realize that troubles in Pakistan...especially the total collapse of state will spill over in India...probably via Kashmir and other routes.
If we can end that.. then a large chunk of the groups operating near the Indian border will have no cause.. or rather no support for their cause..

However, this will require the Pakistani establishment letting go of its paranoia while the Indian military does the same..
will that even be possible..?
The only solution. Someone explain this to them Kashmiris.

They are understanding this, if you are not aware..
They do realize there is no armed resistance solution..
but at the same time they also know that India realizes that there is no military solution.
So they are pushing for political autonomy ..
if you hand them that.. after all.. India still gets to keep its military and diplomatic control.. you have solved the problem.
What I am referring to is the end of pointless hostilities... Which will not only benefit the countries but will also lead to an automatic reduction in terrorism across the region.
As much as Id like to agree what many Indian members here dont realize that troubles in Pakistan...especially the total collapse of state will spill over in India...probably via Kashmir and other routes.
If we can end that.. then a large chunk of the groups operating near the Indian border will have no cause.. or rather no support for their cause..

However, this will require the Pakistani establishment letting go of its paranoia while the Indian military does the same..
will that even be possible..?

As long as territory doesn't change hands or more precisely both sides are allowed to keep the territories they hold in their fold..and as long as the Kashmir valley populace on the Indian side is happy with maximum fiscal federalism being provided to them- as in maximum autonomy under the Indian constitution. AND IF neither of the countries come back and declare a darned victory. Then and only then, YES ITS POSSIBLE!
Sorry , you know we can't do that. No country can.

WTH is up with your post to thank ratio ? :woot:

What do you post ? Are you a girl ? That would explain it.

:rofl: @Hyperion @arp2041 please answer him :coffee: @nick_indian
Let me help you understand, I post few quality posts and EVERYONE loves it :P
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Sorry , you know we can't do that. No country can.

WTH is up with your post to thank ratio ? :woot:

What do you post ? Are you a girl ? That would explain it.

My fellow compatriot..unless you want to get beset by a viral agent attack I suggest you not antagonize @Talon. :devil:
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