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Is Karachi ready for change? PTI calls for Peace Jalsa!

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Imran announces to hold public gathering on 25th December in Karachi at every cost

South Asian News Agency (SANA) ⋅ November 28, 2011

SUKKUR, (SANA): Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran khan has said that Tehreek-e-Insaf would hold public rally in Karachi on December 25 even if war broke out.

addressing a press conference in Sukkur Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan asserted that PTI’s rally in Karachi will be held at any cost. He said that the atmosphere of fear is dissolving and he is pleased at awaking of Sindhi people.

The biggest problem of Pakistan is corruption; he lamented and assured to eliminate even Patwari’s corruption if PTI came into power. Commenting on NATO attack, Imran said that those killed our soldiers for whom we are fighting.

People will forget the Egyptian revolution after seeing Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI) revolution, adding that referring to the 2013 elections. He said that President Asif Ali Zardari will not let fair elections be held in the country as he was not a neutral leader. But, he added, that the PTI wants a free and fair election and will take to the streets if they are rigged.

“Zardari is the party co-chairman as well as the president, which is against the Constitution,” he remarked adding that President Zardari “has done what even a dictator could not do.” He said that the PML-N would not stand before the tsunami of the PRI. “They government have brought a rich country down to its knees,” he added.

Addressing the current ruling government, he said that PTI will show them how to run the country. “We will not run it the way you are running it,” he commented.

He assured his supporters that more people will be seen joining the party in the near future. “Whoever joins our party will correct himself or leave us,” he said.

The party has managed to gather a large number of supporters during the past years, including the former foreign minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, who announced his support to the party at a rally in Ghotki on Sunday.

Imran announces to hold public gathering on 25th December in Karachi at every cost | National | South Asian News Agency

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 AM ----------

Karachite its your turn !!
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Lahoris have done their job, its Karachiites turn now !!
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come on man, now its a digital age not some stone age, even the labour class has dish antenna and tv nowadays

mqm itsef has said it will support PTI rally

i should say PTI will not harm MQM but rather damage the ANP this time and pashtuns will rather support imran khan then ANP, and we karachites all want ANP out from karachi

That's a very sectarian line that you're proposing. I think ANP has as much of a right to do politics in Karachi as any other political party.

Differences should be based on policies.

If lota's join PTI it is called revolution :)
i am amazed that PTI has so many blind followers
i mean their workers worked for the party for years and now lota's will get the top party positions
I don't agree with this notion. If someone who has worked 20 years for a party and contributed to the political democractic process of Pakistan he should be given a position based on his experience, reputation and hard work. That would be the most just and appropriate thing to do.

If you have an engineering degree with 20 years of work experience, would you settle for flipping burgers at mcdonalds?
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Imran Khan is an hypocrite....he is a coward fellow.....he has no idea of governance and administration....he is afraid of pakistan army...never dares to utter a word against the army....he is all talks and no action...that's what he does on Pakistani TV chat shows
That's a very sectarian line that you're proposing. I think ANP has as much of a right to do politics in Karachi as any other political party.

Differences should be based on policies.

You sound like a complete douchebag right now. You do NOT know Karachi. Mind your own bussiness, no matter what you say - we wan ANP OUT!
Imran Khan is an hypocrite....he is a coward fellow.....he has no idea of governance and administration....he is afraid of pakistan army...never dares to utter a word against the army....he is all talks and no action...that's what he does on Pakistani TV chat shows

So should he come on talk shows and insult the army? How patriotic that would be
You sound like a complete douchebag right now. You do NOT know Karachi. Mind your own bussiness, no matter what you say - we wan ANP OUT!
Well thats your fickle opinion. Doesn't matter what crap you litter with your mouth, the reality remains that MQM doesn't represent the pashtoon population in karachi, only the urdu speakers. and Pashtun population has substantially increased over the urdu speakers in karachi poses a huge threat to MQM stay there. That's why MQM is quite intimidated and threatened. They think they own karachi my arse
The reason no one wants ANP is not because of MQM. If you come to Karachi, I'll give you a tour of the ANP controlled areas, let's see how many times we're robbed just passing through
firefighter, if you think that im being sectarian then do you think that sectarian politics is OK in a city like karachi??, im just pointing out the fact that karachi was at peace when there was jamaat islami, then came dirty ANP politics and destroyed city peace.

wooh, n u were saying about how sectarian my comment was?? pashtuns give votes jammat not even anp, but jammat boycotted so anp won

another great promo !!
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no sectarianism, no ethnic oriented politcs, no religious ho ha, no hatred, no sindhi muhajir pathan, blouch, kashmiri or punjabi...only peace, harmony and brotherhood.

just Pakistaniyat !! :pakistan:
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