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Is Kabul Regime Opening A new Front Against Pakistan?

Fence/patrol the borders and quit blaming CIA ! Seriously.

Entire border needn't be patrolled. Plant humint across border towns to keep track of active thrust areas and focus on patrolling that area.
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Afghans are doing all this on the instructions of RAW they wanted to stretched down our forces with long Afghan-Pak border.
First we need some surgical strikes and kill they culprits.
Provide weapons and training to people of these areas so that they can defend themselves.
Try to fence the whole border with Afghanistan and as a punishment send huge number of Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan.
Yes, Pakistan must equip and train the locals on how to defend themselves!
To secure the area from these Bandits effectively we might have to take Wakhan Corridor and if this continues just shut the Torkham Border permanently till they learn their lesson.

Fence/patrol the borders and quit blaming CIA ! Seriously.

Entire border needn't be patrolled. Plant humint across border towns to keep track of active border areas and focus on patrolling that area.

You cant fence the Hindu Kush, one of the highest mountain ranges in the world. You guys struggle with the Mexico border, this is 10 times worse.
This is cruel. Shepherds depend completely on their goats/sheep. They don't know anything else. Hope GoP helps these people.
Why are the pakistani govt and security forces sleeping?

How can those afghans come repeatedly into pakistan and enjoy their looting spree?
It is time that police was overtaken by the army and out of the hands of the politicians! make police stronger and army's work will be reduced by 60% and they can man the borders!
I dont know how much interaction you have with people who herd the sheep .. its their entire livelihood and entire families depend on them for generations.. the bandits have hit at least 3 generations of these poor defenceless people by taking away over 2000 sheep yet again.
It is a failiure on our part that the people had no protection provided to them. Hell who is safe & where is law enforcement! opertunist look for opurtunity and they have plenty of it.
CIA knew about this fact and that is why Uncle Sam brought farsi speaking into power to create a conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan permanently. They are criminal-minded people but they lack the courage and bravery and other positive traits of Afghans (the Pashtoons). These morally deprived people can easily commit any crime, whether it is stealing, killing, drug trafficking or anything else.

Uncle Sam's long term program is destabilise Pakistan and he did succeed in that by creating TTP directly and indirectly...by bombing and killing innocent people, they created a huge pool recruits for their hired criminals, some defected Talibans and other militant organisation like LeT who were left disgruntled by Musharaf's connivance with India on the fencing of LOC.
and they brought indians and tried to entrench them into afghan society. this whole monoply is like a Mafia organisation and they have no control over the monsters they create other than they can pack up and leave when things cannot be handled and that is where things are headed.

The problem they face with turning Pak into Syria is the resistance they face in afghanistan which has hampered their goals and by backing certain war lords the situation has become even worse. The quagmire known as aghansiatn will implode they can add subtratct troops, assasinate certain leaders but outcome does not favor them.

We are truly lucky that we have not become Syria the worst has now passed. we need better more secure border management because they may wear the watches but time is on our side. This is now a waiting game.
You cant fence the Hindu Kush, one of the highest mountain ranges in the world. You guys struggle with the Mexico border, this is 10 times worse.

YES. I just asked you guys to PATROL the active thrust areas.

How to find out the active thrust areas ? Plant humint resource across the borders.
and they brought indians and tried to entrench them into afghan society. this whole monoply is like a Mafia organisation and they have no control over the monsters they create other than they can pack up and leave when things cannot be handled and that is where things are headed.

The problem they face with turning Pak into Syria is the resistance they face in afghanistan which has hampered their goals and by backing certain war lords the situation has become even worse. The quagmire known as aghansiatn will implode they can add subtratct troops, assasinate certain leaders but outcome does not favor them.

We are truly lucky that we have not become Syria the worst has now passed. we need better more secure border management because they may wear the watches but time is on our side. This is now a waiting game.
They tried to create a fraction within PA similar to what we saw in Turkey. They were successful to some extent and there was an attack on GHQ by Hizb ul Tahrir, a newly founded terrorist organisation or pretty unknown organisation. But PA has much better discipline so it never scaled to the level they wanted. The basic aim was to create subversion within army and then use that as a pretext to take away Pakistan's nukes but PA addressed that issue and furthermore the induction of TNW in PA's arsenal not only addressed Indian cold start doctrine, it also trashed many of CIA's dreams and Uncle Sam's stinky rants about Pakistan TNW are basically in that context.

YES. I just asked you guys to PATROL the active thrust areas.

How to find out the active thrust areas ? Plant humint resource across the borders.
May i suppose that you wanted to say threat?
Do what the US does, bomb militants across the border and deny it.
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