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Is Kabul Regime Opening A new Front Against Pakistan?

Give locals licensed arms and shoot them if they ever try to intrude our Land again.
They tried to create a fraction within PA similar to what we saw in Turkey. They were successful to some extent and there was an attack on GHQ by Hizb ul Tahrir, a newly founded terrorist organisation or pretty unknown organisation. But PA has much better discipline so it never scaled to the level they wanted. The basic aim was to create subversion within army and then use that as a pretext to take away Pakistan's nukes but PA addressed that issue and furthermore the induction of TNW in PA's arsenal not only addressed Indian cold start doctrine, it also trashed many of CIA's dreams and Uncle Sam's stinky rants about Pakistan TNW are basically in that context.
After ther utter humiliation at the hands of Turkish people who stomped the coup, now we can start to realise certain things from the past. Like the disgruntle hatred of our armed forces and ISI. The way they targeted our forces and intelligence services with venom filled propaganda all because we caught the rat's tail in a trap.

Them with their technological superiority have have caused us a lot of unilateral damage which was designed to bring us to our knees. NATO+indians who have been at it for over a decade and have nothing to show for their efforts.

We are now on the path to recovery with chemotherapy removing any cancerous tissue that may have been left behind by our enemies who could cause ginormous damge in the past can now only resort to pathetic attempts to cause us harm. Indeed now we require a huge clean up of internal matters that is already underway, places like Karachi based MQM to Sindh and Punjab are now in the crosshairs to be cleaned up and the political system with law & order. Externally sending in marauders like TTP from afghanistan will not work and their sleeper cell are being neutered as well.
After ther utter humiliation at the hands of Turkish people who stomped the coup, now we can start to realise certain things from the past. Like the disgruntle hatred of our armed forces and ISI. The way they targeted our forces and intelligence services with venom filled propaganda all because we caught the rat's tail in a trap.

Them with their technological superiority have have caused us a lot of unilateral damage which was designed to bring us to our knees. NATO+indians who have been at it for over a decade and have nothing to show for their efforts.

We are now on the path to recovery with chemotherapy removing any cancerous tissue that may have been left behind by our enemies who could cause ginormous damge in the past can now only resort to pathetic attempts to cause us harm. Indeed now we require a huge clean up of internal matters that is already underway, places like Karachi based MQM to Sindh and Punjab are now in the crosshairs to be cleaned up and the political system with law & order. Externally sending in marauders like TTP from afghanistan will not work and their sleeper cell are being neutered as well.
Look at the current politicians especially the party in govt, they are the worst traitors and they availall the opportunities to defame and embarrass PA and with Raheel Sharif, army has become the most popular institution again in Pakistan and that's killing them. Especially if he is able to weed out corrupt-terrorists and succeeds in breaking the nexus of economic terrorists and militants..it will ruin all their dreams and it has already been started. He has repaired the damage done by Musharraf and Kiyani.

Now with CPEC and the elimination of terrorism in the country, Pakistan is poised to take off and they are really perturbed and that is why as soon as CPEC is mentioned most of Indian members on pdf start getting uncontrolled fits and loose motions.
Look at the current politicians especially the party in govt, they are the worst traitors and they availall the opportunities to defame and embarrass PA and with Raheel Sharif, army has become the most popular institution again in Pakistan and that's killing them. Especially if he is able to weed out corrupt-terrorists and succeeds in breaking the nexus of economic terrorists and militants..it will ruin all their dreams and it has already been started. He has repaired the damage done by Musharraf and Kiyani.

Now with CPEC and the elimination of terrorism in the country, Pakistan is poised to take off and they are really perturbed and that is why as soon as CPEC is mentioned most of Indian members on pdf start getting uncontrolled fits and loose motions.
I beleive we have enemies for the sole reason of keeping us on our toes. despite being in a coma like state with only one institution keeping the state cemented in place these politicians with their backers in the west have reached a dead end. Zaleeldari the most vile being to take the reigns of the country did the max damage to the state bringing it almost to our knees. with traitors in all proviences PPP,ANP,MQM,PML-N backed by foreign funded media have fallen face first.

But look at us now all our enemies can do now is attack directly which is impossible, thus they can drown in their own filth and we can start to grow and propsper
I beleive we have enemies for the sole reason of keeping us on our toes. despite being in a coma like state with only one institution keeping the state cemented in place these politicians with their backers in the west have reached a dead end. Zaleeldari the most vile being to take the reigns of the country did the max damage to the state bringing it almost to our knees. with traitors in all proviences PPP,ANP,MQM,PML-N backed by foreign funded media have fallen face first.

But look at us now all our enemies can do now is attack directly which is impossible, thus they can drown in their own filth and we can start to grow and propsper
We should keep our eyes open since they are still active and planning. We have failed their plans so far by the grace of Almighty Allah but we need to put untiring efforts in strengthening our country through dedicated hard work and wisdom.
We should keep our eyes open since they are still active and planning. We have failed their plans so far by the grace of Almighty Allah but we need to put untiring efforts in strengthening our country through dedicated hard work and wisdom.
In Sha Allah.
2500? :o: wth? where is our security forces and Gov now what those people will do? :hitwall:
hope we can repeat the Chinese example of 62. when they blamed Indians for stealing goats and then gave them a bloody nose. I know what you are saying.. these stolen goats must be on the dining tables of grinning ANA thugs who will be patting each other back for snatching them from Pakistan
A strike is long due sir. If can pass on the message to GHQ please do. Pakistanis demand that Afghanistan should be taught a lesson. The least they can do is to ban everything going from Pakistan into Afghanistan and pressurise this stupid government of ours to throw Afghans out.
A strike is long due sir. If can pass on the message to GHQ please do. Pakistanis demand that Afghanistan should be taught a lesson. The least they can do is to ban everything going from Pakistan into Afghanistan and pressurise this stupid government of ours to throw Afghans out.

Do you know that this current govt gave india transit permission for wheat export to Afghanistan? This govt is bent on destroying local industry and the livelihood of Pakistanis for the sake of indians!
Do you know that this current govt gave india transit permission for wheat export to Afghanistan? This govt is bent on destroying local industry and the livelihood of Pakistanis for the sake of indians!

I did not but it does not come as a surprise considering we have Nawaz Sharif as the premier. But than again people of this country are voting for him even with all of this, panama scandal, mega corruption, money laundering and you name it. Fault lies in this nation. If you are going to elect a thief you cannot expect him not to steal. One way or the other he would steal.
These are far off valleys and grazing grounds at high altitude. There isn't any significant border control here. A person with right knowledge can walk and do this before LEAs react. Answer lies in reprisal. Not that we attack or use violence. Rather inform Kabul that we will hurt economically unless livestock is returned and justice is brought to those who were involved. If they don't comply, stop fuel supplies through Torkham and throw back few thousand refugees. Keep doing it till they comply. @Irfan Baloch is right. Livestock is all that these people have got. It is a devastating blow for them. They also killed two shepherds who tried to resist the looting. Ignoring this barbarism will only encourage further attacks on this peaceful community.
Sir, you are spot on...

IMO this is part of some other agenda...Afghan National Army wants to procure heavy weapons unfortunately USA is not providing them. India can not provide them because their own requirements are not fulfilled. Though they officially say that this would make them look like opening a second front against Pakistan and could lead to greater tension.

Russia and China would not sell till USA is present. Israel does not have any official relations for the time being but they might be looking at the Afghans as an ally if USA extends to provide Afghanistan protection.

If we consider this problem then Afghanistan can only target Pakistan in becoming an enemy because all the other countries can not be targeted that border Afghanistan. Reason is they would not hesitate in replying with an iron fist.
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