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Is it war against Islam?

The war against radicalism, you must fight.

The truth about Islam, you must learn. :D

I would respect any person, of any religion, of any nationality, provided he deserves my respect by saying things which are logical, and he does not think he cat's whiskers and abuses the whole humanity with impunity!

You will notice that there are many Moslems on this forum itself that I regards. It is because they are sane and balanced.

I would respect any person, of any religion, of any nationality, provided he deserves my respect by saying things which are logical, and he does not think he cat's whiskers and abuses the whole humanity with impunity!

You will notice that there are many Moslems on this forum itself that I regards. It is because they are sane and balanced.

Sanity by your standards is different and by mine is different!

How can you say that your understanding is better than mine or you are saner or balanced.

Its what you see from your frame of reference. Consider yourself from my frame of reference and see what i feel sanity is in your case!

Argue with facts and not super imposed ill logic which you try to feed in most of your posts...
That is right!

Enough has been seen of your logic and sanity!

It would be enough to see the posts of mine and yours about the US War on Terror being a war against Islam.

To your frenzied cry that the WoT was a War on Islam, I explained my point of view with issues and logical explanation, while you have merely gone into a religious and emotion frenzy with nothing to back up but your own fevered imagination.

I am open to correction, you are not.

That is the difference.

I don't think I am the last word, but you think that if you quote religion and that too, out of context, you are the last word.

Just as the Lal Mazjid mullah thought he was the last word and the Govt of Pakistan is redundant! Same logic!

In fact, most of your posts have only one issue for justification and that is - religion. Beyond that, you appear to be handicapped!
That is right!

Enough has been seen of your logic and sanity!

It would be enough to see the posts of mine and yours about the US War on Terror being a war against Islam.

To your frenzied cry that the WoT was a War on Islam, I explained my point of view with issues and logical explanation, while you have merely gone into a religious and emotion frenzy with nothing to back up but your own fevered imagination.

I am open to correction, you are not.

That is the difference.

I don't think I am the last word, but you think that if you quote religion and that too, out of context, you are the last word.

Just as the Lal Mazjid mullah thought he was the last word and the Govt of Pakistan is redundant! Same logic!

In fact, most of your posts have only one issue for justification and that is - religion. Beyond that, you appear to be handicapped!

The only difference between me and you is that you think that you are right always and i think not!

Always talk with facts... Donot impose your logic on others which donot have knowledge of the topics being posted!

You think you have knowledge! Dream On!

You have arguments which are hypothetical and well designed to suit your intend!

You know nothing about any religion! Argue with facts on Islam!
The only difference between me and you is that you think that you are right always and i think not!

Always talk with facts... Donot impose your logic on others which donot have knowledge of the topics being posted!

You think you have knowledge! Dream On!

You have arguments which are hypothetical and well designed to suit your intend!

You know nothing about any religion! Argue with facts on Islam!

Look I don't want to get into a dogfight since it does the forum no good.

I don't think that I am always right. If you get the impression, it is your own feeling.

If you fail to add to what I write, it is because you lack knowledge and that is not my fault. Neo, Asim, Mastan Khan, Agnostic Moslem, Kesyersroze and others are people who present very informative and educative points and it is always a pleasure to interact and learn. They don't push in religion to make it the be all and end all of the world and discussion. They debate with solid, irrefutable facts and with links too! The end result is - education!

If you just read the post of yours to which I am replying, you will notice you have contributed a Huge Zero and with nothing beyond your personal assertions with an attempt to wander the ethereal realm!

The War on Terror has nothing to do with Islam and so what facts on Islam do you want in that. I am not you, that I shove religion in everything.

What has religion to do with real world events especially those that have no religious content?
Look I don't want to get into a dogfight since it does the forum no good.

I don't think that I am always right. If you get the impression, it is your own feeling.

If you fail to add to what I write, it is because you lack knowledge and that is not my fault. Neo, Asim, Mastan Khan, Agnostic Moslem, Kesyersroze and others are people who present very informative and educative points and it is always a pleasure to interact and learn. They don't push in religion to make it the be all and end all of the world and discussion. They debate with solid, irrefutable facts and with links too! The end result is - education!

If you just read the post of yours to which I am replying, you will notice you have contributed a Huge Zero and with nothing beyond your personal assertions with an attempt to wander the ethereal realm!

I can only say ....

You are so arogant! and Stupid! and full of S H I T!

Sould I open a poll for us to be judged by the members!
Lets see what people think about you and you contribution in forum with ill logical and bogus, no fact basis discusions!

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