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Is it war against Islam?

The usual excuse who cannot explain except through bigoted thoughts and forceable assertions that can be contested.

You dont have to teach me what a Christians is supposed to believe since I know it!'

I will not get into this any more since it is sensitive waters that I am treading.

You, of course, may exercise your liberty.

You have not even read what I wrote about why it is not War against Islam and instead purely a war to protect US supremacy as the only world power!

It is people with thoughts like yours that divide man into various compartments!
"... it is not War against Islam and instead purely a war to protect US supremacy as the only world power!"


I now understand your dissembling nature. As an ardent Indian nationalist you seek to divide. Your "assessment" of American global ambitions rings of diversion. No nations appears more bent upon unilaterally securing their energy needs than India and the PRC. Yet you trumpet some global scheme that plays to the conspiratorial inclinations of many of the more gullible here.

EDIT- I couldn't resist-

"Are they friendly with the US? None except Saudi Arabia."

Was that an Iraqi gov't that endorsed the continuance of MNF-I's operations for yet another year? Is that CENTCOM's headquarters down in the G.C.C.? Are those American depots in Kuwait, whom we liberated in 1991 after occupation by an onerous tyrant? Do you call the Jordanian and Egyptian gov'ts enemies of the United States? Is Gaddafi more or less amenable to America today?

Before you bring up that it's only for oil, consider both Kosovo and Kurdistan as instances where America had little to gain and much to lose with irate, even embittered allies.

You certainly sing a different tune elsewhere. I think you fear America's eventual interference in India's own nefarious intentions.
and being a Muslim no one wana be at the Side of the US because according to our Faith this world have to be finished at a certain time (Qayaamat / Judgment Day) we have to prepare our selfs for that time ..

Oh yeah! We shouldn't fight those Taliban that are blowing themselves up amongst our poeple! We shouldn't fight the people who're chopping off our soldiers heads! We shouldn't fight those who want to destroy every bit of progress Pakistan has made in the last 60 years!

Clearly, these people are the real Muslims and we need to adopt their ways and forget about the economy and ban music, lock up our women and execute people for not having a beard of the correct length. Allah will surely throw us in the deepest pit of hell if we continue to fight the Taliban!

The US is just trying to destroy Islam! Yeah! they can totally eliminate a religion of 1.61 billion people! your logic is amazing, you have opened our eyes.
PtbP, logic and reason has no religion.

I'm sure that your explanation of the war against islam can be spelled out in purely empirical terms.

If one has to be a muslim to understand your arguments, then IMO, your arguments are flawed.

I"m not going to comment any further.


What can i say .... Logic for people like you is not meant to be given since you have no sense. Plus what i meant was since you are not muslim, you are a part of the thinking of the rest against Islam!

Then how you are going to understand or admit the fact that deep in your heart there can be found only Hate for Muslims.

I will say no more!

What can i say .... Logic for people like you is not meant to be given since you have no sense. Plus what i meant was since you are not muslim, you are a part of the thinking of the rest against Islam!

Then how you are going to understand or admit the fact that deep in your heart there can be found only Hate for Muslims.

I will say no more!


Maybe you should consider replying to Solid Snake's comment^^^^
The usual excuse who cannot explain except through bigoted thoughts and forceable assertions that can be contested.

You dont have to teach me what a Christians is supposed to believe since I know it!'

I will not get into this any more since it is sensitive waters that I am treading.

You, of course, may exercise your liberty.

You have not even read what I wrote about why it is not War against Islam and instead purely a war to protect US supremacy as the only world power!

It is people with thoughts like yours that divide man into various compartments!

Islam is our identity!

It is religion what divides us... Me and you!

Its what divides the people who know the truth from the ones who are in darkness and stray as you!

There is nothing common between us ....
Sorry to say you are wrong that the meaning of Jihad has changed in modern days, our priorities and understanding of Islam has changed!

What you speak off is the Lowest level of Jihad Neo...

Let God be the judge of that, I'm a moderate muslim gifted with a healthy brains and I'm not affraid to use it.
Let God be the judge of that, I'm a moderate muslim gifted with a healthy brains and I'm not affraid to use it.

I wasnt judging you NEO, I cannot! But its true! There are levels of Jihad and it is what we all know and should know! Jihad Al Nafs is a type of Jihad;

A man asked: "What kind of jihad is better?" The
Prophet (PBUH) replied: "A word of truth spoken in
front of an oppressive ruler." (Sunan Al-Nasa'i #4209)

The Prophet also said, (PBUH):
The strong one is not the one who overcomes people,
the strong one is he who overcomes his nafs [ego].

I donot want to sound like i am giving a lecture but look inside your heart and all the things what we know about Islam and what we donot do because we try to hide behind the moderation and liberal stuff. Correct that in the society of today, some moderation is required but denying what Islam tells us instead of admitting our weakness is what the problem with us Muslims.

I donot mean to say that Jihad Al Nafs is not Jihad, but it is the best Jihad but in a society where there is no requirement for other forms of Jihad!

But as per the teachings ... If you can not stand against wrong and unjust behaviour by others then you should atleast talk about it openly. But if you can only restrict to yourself from doing wrong then it is the lowest level of Jihad. Jihad Al - Nafs.
Allright mate, lets follow Jihad and start within our own house.
We're devided and fighting eachother and blaming everyone else for our misery, thats whats wrong with our society.
Allright mate, lets follow Jihad and start within our own house.
We're devided and fighting eachother and blaming everyone else for our misery, thats whats wrong with our society.

Correct you are!

If we can become forgiving and humble to each other (with Muslims and non muslims) ...

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