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Is it war against Islam?

Lets see what people think about you and you contribution in forum with ill logical and bogus, no fact basis discusions!


It appear that you have no personality.

You always require others to foist you or you plead as always for Divine Intervention.

Have you no legs of your own?

You maybe P2bP, but is Pakistan proud of a person who cannot stand up and take on issues without crying for help?!

You are really an interesting one!

It appear that you have no personality.

You always require others to foist you or you plead as always for Divine Intervention.

Have you no legs of your own?

You maybe P2bP, but is Pakistan proud of a person who cannot stand up and take on issues without crying for help?!

You are really an interesting one!

I am crying?

I eat people like you for breakfast !
You want to continue this to higher extent, dont you!

I will see to it that all you bashing and false facts are well put back on your face in all the threads you reply to!
The point is that in my opinion and I am sure that I am not alone, we think that this is a war against Islam. Now many do disagree and they have the right to believe what they want and to some extend they might even be right. But who is right and who isn't we will just see in the future. Now the part about religion is very important and shouldn't be put aside. In the Quran, Bible and Torah we see that the war which is being waged is clearly being mentioned. This war in all these books is about religion. If we listen to some of the religious leaders from the Muslim, Jewish and Christen community they will say the same thing about war. Of course all three of those version will be different depending on the religion. Now what I have said about religion and war is a fact, but still it doesn't give me the right to use religion in an arguement for everything. Some things religion cant be used and in some things religion must be used.
Instead of blaming others of wage war against us, we should look at our own state first. Western coalition waged war against two countries (Iraq and Afghanistan) that were already a big mess and had nothing good to offer to their local population except miseries. They (west) will consider 20 times before taking action against Iran because it’s a strong country in terms of economy, military and is united as one. Similarly they will never attempt an direct military action against Malaysia, Turkey , Indonesia , Saudi Arabia ,Egypt, UAE etc because these countries are united ,peaceful and not banana republics.

As far as we are concerned, they are exploiting us and continue to do so because we are a weak nation in every term except military power. We live constantly in fears of sanctions and being attacked from West or East. I am sorry if I am jumping to conclusion here but with this present state of affairs if any country runs over us, it will be entirely due to our own internal weaknesses .

Today we are making the whole thing look like as its war against Islam and trying to be victims. Has anybody even considered that how much Islam was being followed in the countries that were attacked, how united were they or what did they have to contribute towards the unity of Islam? NOTHING.

Even if we consider that is war against Islam, then why the hell all the leaders of Islamic countries just sitting on their arses and doing nothing about it. Are they all waiting for their turn to be invaded?? Why can’t they just say that enough is enough and make their own coalition against West and sort this matter out peacefully and diplomatically? I suppose this is also West’s fault that they are not letting ''Muslim Ummah'' to get united!!! It’s always their fault.
The point is that in my opinion and I am sure that I am not alone, we think that this is a war against Islam. Now many do disagree and they have the right to believe what they want and to some extend they might even be right. But who is right and who isn't we will just see in the future. Now the part about religion is very important and shouldn't be put aside. In the Quran, Bible and Torah we see that the war which is being waged is clearly being mentioned. This war in all these books is about religion. If we listen to some of the religious leaders from the Muslim, Jewish and Christen community they will say the same thing about war. Of course all three of those version will be different depending on the religion. Now what I have said about religion and war is a fact, but still it doesn't give me the right to use religion in an arguement for everything. Some things religion cant be used and in some things religion must be used.

It's a war against Islam, thats why the US is building schools in Afghanistan? which I might add, were destroyed by your favorite Muslim brothers the Taliban. It's a war against Islam, that's why the US is trying to build up the Afghan military? It's a war against Islam, which is why the US gives weapons to Muslim countries like Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia just to name a few? Why did Pakistan get $10 billion in aid from the US in the last 7 years?

Do you think George W Bush woke up one day and decided "hey, you know what? I'm gonna destroy Islam!". Maybe you forgot the 3000 Americans killed in those attacks in 2001. You propbably believe that was a Jewish conspiracy against Islam :disagree:

The innumerable suicide bombers blowing themselves up in Pakistan are also a Jewish-CIA-RAW conspiracy to taint the name of Islam, of course Islam is the most peaceful religion! It's anybody's fault but of Muslims themselves!

Please think about the ridiculousness of your arguments. Unlike you, people in the developed world don't think about everything in terms of religion. Religion is a personal thing here and does not apply to world events and politics. I know this concept is very hard for you to grasp, but it's the way it is. The war dosen't have anything to do with religion, it's just unfortunate that in today's world it's Muslims from all over the world trying to blow themselves up to kill innocent men, women and children. They must be stopped at all costs, they are not real Muslims and the US acknowledges that all the time. Instead of supporting the war against those who hijack your faith you claim it is a war against Islam, which means you support the actions of the terrorists.

I hope nobody you love is ever blown up by a suicide bomber, but it seems only then you will wake up to the reality of this war.
Instead of blaming others to wage war against us, we should look at our own state first. Western coalition waged war against two countries (Iraq and Afghanistan) that were already a big mess and had nothing good to offer to their local population except miseries. They (west) will consider 20 times before taking action against Iran because it’s a strong country in terms of economy, military and is united as one. Similarly they will never attempt an direct military action against Malaysia, Turkey , Indonesia , Saudi Arabia ,UAE etc because these countries are united ,peaceful and not banana republics.

As far as we are concerned, they are exploiting us and continue to do so because we are a weak nation in every term except military power. We live constantly in fears of sanctions and being attacked from West or East. I am sorry if I am jumping to conclusion here but with this present state of affairs if any country runs over us, it will be entirely due to our own weaknesses.

Today we are making the whole thing look like as its war against Islam and trying to be victims. Have anybody even considered that how much Islam was being followed in the countries that were attacked, how united were they or what did they have to contribute towards they unity of Islam? NOTHING.

Even if we consider that is war against Islam, then why the hell all the leaders of Islamic countries just sitting on their arses and doing nothing about it. Are they all waiting for their turns to be invaded?? Why can’t they just say that enough is enough and make their own coalition against West and sort this matter out peacefully? I suppose this is also West’s fault that they are not letting Muslim Ummah to get united!!! It’s always their fault.

Very good reply indeed. I cant help it but agree with you. We are quick to blame others for our problem but never even once do we look at the facts. You are totally right to say what you have said enough, we do blame other, I know I certainly do, and I think it is human instinct to blame others. As far as this war is concerned I see it as a war against Islam, but the question remains, why cant we be united. I mean if we were untied no one would dare even look at us with an evil eye. They have used Muslims against Muslims, in my opinion this whole war is our fault. I mean if we are united none of this would of ever happened. It is still not too late, we can still unite and turn the tide and if we dont unite now we might not get the opportunity to do so later. For the sake of our future generations it is time we realized that division isn't going to do us any good.
Well said X_man!

Sitting on our arses feeling sorry for ourselves is bs! We should look at the history of modern Turkey and the challenges that it was faced with and we should pay special attention to what the Turks did to deal with this threat. This would be an eye opener for most Pakistanis. Unfortunately, currently we are too busy squabbling over left overs and simply do not see the big prize (Pakistan) that awaits full realization.

In the last twenty years, two people, two muslim rulers have done such a tremendous damage to "islam" and muslim sovereignty that the reverberations would be felt for the next 50 years, if we come out of it alive in one piece.

Saddam and Mullah Umar will go down in the history as the people responsible for the destruction of their individual nations---for their lack of understanding the outcome of the confrontation---for the lack of understanding the right to live, of their citizens, in peace---for a lack of understanding the value of life, property and the freedom of their nations---for their lack of understanding of letting the christian armies invade and occupy the muslim states---for taking a stand on issues that were not conducive to the health and welfare of their individual nations.

The russians invaded afghanistan on the invitation of the so called govt of afghanistan---in a power struggle the afghanis callled them in----. In case of the U S, they also came, but on an indirect invitation---.

So, the war on terror is not a war against islam, but against those thick headed people who have brought death and destruction upon their very own. These terrorists are giving it a new twist---through a perverse thinking of their minds, they want to divert the blame of the death and destruction that they have brought onto their brethren and to the nation of thie hosts by claiming it to be the war against islam----there is no end to the deceit, tyrany, brutality and destruction that these fanatics would go to justify to enforce their ideology upon others.

Muslims of pakistan and afghanistan would have to think one day----does 'PAKHTUNWALI' supercede the teachings of islam----IS THE PRIDE OF A PATHAN more important than the life of a person---IS THE PRIDE OF THE WORD GIVEN BY A PATHAN more important than millions of lives of muslims---IS THE PRIDE OF A PATHAN more important than the sovereignty of a free nation---IS THE PRIDE OF A PATHAN worth it to hold onto even if the whole nation be invaded and captured by non-muslims. DOES A PATHAN HAve SO MUCH PRIDE that he would rather not go back on his word---but rather let hundreds of thousands die---children, women, girls, boys,men, a nation en-slaved,.

The Pathans also need to decide when are they going to embrace prophet Mohammad's islam and not an NWFP islam.

In the last 3 pages, this discussion has become more personal, one liners, off topic and very angry. Lets us get back to the subject.
Instead of blaming others of wage war against us, we should look at our own state first. Western coalition waged war against two countries (Iraq and Afghanistan) that were already a big mess and had nothing good to offer to their local population except miseries. They (west) will consider 20 times before taking action against Iran because it’s a strong country in terms of economy, military and is united as one. Similarly they will never attempt an direct military action against Malaysia, Turkey , Indonesia , Saudi Arabia ,Egypt, UAE etc because these countries are united ,peaceful and not banana republics.

As far as we are concerned, they are exploiting us and continue to do so because we are a weak nation in every term except military power. We live constantly in fears of sanctions and being attacked from West or East. I am sorry if I am jumping to conclusion here but with this present state of affairs if any country runs over us, it will be entirely due to our own internal weaknesses .

Today we are making the whole thing look like as its war against Islam and trying to be victims. Has anybody even considered that how much Islam was being followed in the countries that were attacked, how united were they or what did they have to contribute towards the unity of Islam? NOTHING.

Even if we consider that is war against Islam, then why the hell all the leaders of Islamic countries just sitting on their arses and doing nothing about it. Are they all waiting for their turn to be invaded?? Why can’t they just say that enough is enough and make their own coalition against West and sort this matter out peacefully and diplomatically? I suppose this is also West’s fault that they are not letting ''Muslim Ummah'' to get united!!! It’s always their fault.

Excellent reply X_man, I couldn't have said it better! :tup:
Instead of blaming others of wage war against us, we should look at our own state first. Western coalition waged war against two countries (Iraq and Afghanistan) that were already a big mess and had nothing good to offer to their local population except miseries. They (west) will consider 20 times before taking action against Iran because it’s a strong country in terms of economy, military and is united as one. Similarly they will never attempt an direct military action against Malaysia, Turkey , Indonesia , Saudi Arabia ,Egypt, UAE etc because these countries are united ,peaceful and not banana republics.

As far as we are concerned, they are exploiting us and continue to do so because we are a weak nation in every term except military power. We live constantly in fears of sanctions and being attacked from West or East. I am sorry if I am jumping to conclusion here but with this present state of affairs if any country runs over us, it will be entirely due to our own internal weaknesses .

Today we are making the whole thing look like as its war against Islam and trying to be victims. Has anybody even considered that how much Islam was being followed in the countries that were attacked, how united were they or what did they have to contribute towards the unity of Islam? NOTHING.

Even if we consider that is war against Islam, then why the hell all the leaders of Islamic countries just sitting on their arses and doing nothing about it. Are they all waiting for their turn to be invaded?? Why can’t they just say that enough is enough and make their own coalition against West and sort this matter out peacefully and diplomatically? I suppose this is also West’s fault that they are not letting ''Muslim Ummah'' to get united!!! It’s always their fault.

Very true comments!

But, It is getting late to unite, you know!

That is the policy of the West and the US, not let Muslims unite on any topic or any issue, just take then on from internal issues in their countries and from external issues one by one. Keep making the distance between Islamic Ummah greater and greater, keep making Islamic ideology look like Extermist acts done by the terrorists.

Slowly and Slowly every struggle against suppression and invasion by any Muslim will be called as Terrorism and people will agree!

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