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Is it possible? Bicycling as primary means of transport in Dhaka


Jul 30, 2012
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Serious Commuter by bicycle: Why cycle to work and options about purchasing your first cycle for serious commute in Dhaka - YouTube
He took 1hr 20 min by car. 45min by motorcycle. 25 min by bicycle.

I know it sounds crazy but if China can pull it off with their busy traffic system, people in Dhaka should be able to do it too.

Govt should really encourage it:
1. It's cheap.
2. It's environmentally friendly, particularly important to Bangladesh which is 5th most vulnerable nation to national disasters.
3. The distances aren't ridiculous because rickshawallahs are doing the same thing everyday.
4. There's a concern about rising obesity in the middle-class so bicycling would keep things like diabetes under control.

Ofcourse, people will have to get over third-world mentality that bicycling is only for the poor. But the govt managed to convince people to go down from 6 children per woman to 2.3 children per woman in less than 30yrs.
Ya ofcourse but Rickshaws take a lot more space up on the road compared to a 1, 2, or 3 bicycles. Lot more agility with a bicycle.

Nothing can be done about rickshaws. Their numbers will grow. And they are the most honest income-earners in the country.

People do use bicycles, but not a main mode of transport.

Main mode of transport for the most part is rickshaw for short distances, and bus for longer ones.

And agility? You can't do much with agility in Dhaka! :lol:
Nothing can be done about rickshaws. Their numbers will grow. And they are the most honest income-earners in the country.
And they have their place. But it doesn't mean bicycles shouldn't be encouraged. Look at this picture. Tell me it doesn't make sense in Bangladesh:

People do use bicycles, but not a main mode of transport. Main mode of transport for the most part is rickshaw for short distances, and bus for longer ones.

It's good for Bangladesh's long-term that people now can mostly afford only public transport like buses. But the # of people buying cars in Bangladesh is growing. It's good for economic growth. People should buy cars if they can afford it - but restrict car use for long distances (>10miles)

But bicycles are so cheap they're essentially free so it wouldn't be a huge cost to have a bicycle. And most people live close enough (within 4-5 miles) of their work that a bicycle can get them to work in 30min or less. There's 0 danger of getting caught in traffic. That is the biggest incentive.

And the health benefits. Bangladesh might have 30% of people living below poverty but a lot of middle-class people are becoming overweight & the govt is actually quite concerned about Diabetes in the future.

And agility? You can't do much with agility in Dhaka! :lol:

Maybe you like being stuck in traffic 2hrs at a time. I prefer agility of a bicycle.
^^^ For a populous and huge city like dhaka, a good public transport is the only way. Buses can carry many more people than bicycle. (considering the bandwidth it occupies on road)

Dhaka should reduce rickshaw and cars and increase public transport(bus). At pesonal level, for short distance, cycle is okey.
Recently in dhaka city i have seen an increase in the number of boys age ranging from 20-24 riding bicycles with stylist helmets! But their number is very limited.
We need increase of efficient and public transpiration including metro rail as soon as possible to get rid of this traffic congestion. There is no alternative of that. Many people in Canada prefer public transport then using own car... this is a fact.
It is a great idea as it will improve peoples health because of Cardio-Vascular workout.
Recently in dhaka city i have seen an increase in the number of boys age ranging from 20-24 riding bicycles with stylist helmets! But their number is very limited.

Stylist helmets :) That's cute. Would you consider riding a bicycle to work? I know people would look at you funny for a while.

We need increase of efficient and public transpiration including metro rail as soon as possible to get rid of this traffic congestion. There is no alternative of that. Many people in Canada prefer public transport then using own car... this is a fact.

Well sure - & thankfully, Dhaka is moving in that direction. But bicycles & public transport can exist hand in hand. China, Taiwan - these countries are bicycle friendly & they have good metro system.

In NYC, I use bicycle 99% of the time. I only use the subway if I have to go really far (like >8-10 miles one way). Believe it or not, bicycles are faster than waiting for the train, getting on, switching to another train, walking to destination from train-stop etc etc etc
The roads have too many puddles and there is a lack of soad safety to try your bicycle. People in the west when they see a bicycle, they show you respect and are careful, but folks in BD would just simply look at you as if you are poor and in cases would hit your bike as well. And then there are the broken roads, puddles and water. I dont see dhaka being safe for cyclists.
The main mode of transportation in China was cycle once. But modern vehicle took the place of bicycle. We cant go back and its time we get rid of Rickshaws.

We need to build more roads and introduce MRT systems. We need to get rid of unplanned buses as well as they takes too much space. Only bus that can be allowed are MRT buses with dedicated lane. Once MRT introduced then there will be lots of space for car rider to have fun. ;)
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