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Is it possible? Bicycling as primary means of transport in Dhaka

It's good for Bangladesh's long-term that people now can mostly afford only public transport like buses. But the # of people buying cars in Bangladesh is growing. It's good for economic growth. People should buy cars if they can afford it - but restrict car use for long distances (>10miles)

Actually, a very small percentage of Bangladeshis own cars.

The reason why Dhaka appears congested is due to the fact everything is centralized. All main businesses, government institutions, and schools are based here.

Traffic management is poor, and lack of infrastructure also plays a part.

As I said, rickshaw and bus are the primary modes of transportation for the majority of Bangladeshis.

And public transportation management is decentralized, which makes it poorly managed.

But bicycles are so cheap they're essentially free so it wouldn't be a huge cost to have a bicycle. And most people live close enough (within 4-5 miles) of their work that a bicycle can get them to work in 30min or less. There's 0 danger of getting caught in traffic. That is the biggest incentive.

And what about an accident? Have you ever even been to Dhaka? You'd be surprised how many suicidal idiots there are on the roads with practically no implementation of law to hinder them :lol:

And the health benefits. Bangladesh might have 30% of people living below poverty but a lot of middle-class people are becoming overweight & the govt is actually quite concerned about Diabetes in the future.

"Concerned" huh?

Good joke buddy :lol:
Bicycle is not feasible in DHAKA considering the enviorment. U need cleaner enviorments for bicycles as transport. For Dhaka the best mode of transport would be Buses (rapid bus transit) along with metro rail but even then Dhaka will be uninhabitable if population is not reduced soon and the only way to do it is via planned decentralization and urbanization in other areas. We need planned cities and satellite towns surrounding them. Unfortunately people still has a hangover on DHAKA as don't seem to care about decentralization and our incompetent amlas and netas have no brains to being with to plan such developments.The way Dhaka is going now, it is already uninhabitable in IMHO. Not to forget urbanization in shylet and chittagong is also going on unplanned as well which will result in many more uninhabitable Dhakas in future if development plans are not taken soon. In a densely populated country like ours we at least need 6 tier 1 mega cities( that can house 10 million people each) throughout the country along side 12 more tier 2 cities for habitable living.
The main mode of transportation in China was cycle once. But modern vehicle took the place of bicycle. We cant go back and its time we get rid of Rickshaws.

Third world mentality. You're probably one of those people who uses a car to go 2 miles. Heh.

Bicycle ...
An eco-friendly ride for burn fat...!!
These Bicycles would be the best for you ...
These are the best cycles at cheaper price ...

I'm actually in New York - I ride a Schwinn Varsity from the 1970s. It's steel frame so really heavy but it's almost indestructible.

Do you ride in Dhaka?
Actually, a very small percentage of Bangladeshis own cars.

Yes. But the # is growing. It's pretty obvious when you go out onto the street. You should watch this:

Bangladesh's booming middle class - YouTube

The reason why Dhaka appears congested is due to the fact everything is centralized. All main businesses, government institutions, and schools are based here.

Traffic management is poor, and lack of infrastructure also plays a part.

As I said, rickshaw and bus are the primary modes of transportation for the majority of Bangladeshis.

And public transportation management is decentralized, which makes it poorly managed.

Good city planning is important. But bicycles would help and the govt can easily encourage it.

And what about an accident? Have you ever even been to Dhaka? You'd be surprised how many suicidal idiots there are on the roads with practically no implementation of law to hinder them :lol:

You should watch the video of the guy who rides for commuting in Dhaka. He explains things pretty well. If a guy who actually commutes in Dhaka says it can be done safely, then perhaps you should give it a listen. Btw - he took 1hr 20mi to commute by car, 45 min by motorbike & 25min by bike.

Why cycle to work and options about purchasing your first cycle for serious commute in Dhaka - YouTube

Btw - I ride in NYC traffic. There's mostly no bike-lanes, cars don't signal when they turn, and there are a lot more cars everywhere. Frankly, I'd rather ride in Dhaka because atleast I'm more likely to collide with something smaller like a rickshaw or a CNG than a 2 ton car.

"Concerned" huh?

Good joke buddy :lol:

Ofcourse. Do you know how expensive diabetes is to treat? You can read this:

Prevalence of obesity among affluent school... [Mymensingh Med J. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
Are you guys arguing that people should depend on metro and bus to go 4-5 miles? It's a better argument than using a car atleast but even in NYC (one of the best subway systems in the world), that distance takes about 1hr by train. That's pretty inefficient.

4-5 miles is easily covered by bicycle in under 30min. And don't tell me it's only in USA. The guy who commutes in the video I posted commutes 4.6miles in 25min.

People in Bangladesh complain about traffic but when there is an easy, obvious solution right in front of you, you're not even willing to entertain the thought. Third world mentality.

Biking In Beijing - YouTube

Beijing has terrible traffic. But people bike everywhere. Chinese govt encouraged it by building bike lanes. Bangladeshi govt can easily do something similar. It's cost-effective.

Shanghai, China, Bicycle Traffic - YouTube - Biking in Shanghai - something similar.
I'm actually in New York - I ride a Schwinn Varsity from the 1970s. It's steel frame so really heavy but it's almost indestructible.

Do you ride in Dhaka?

I have a Motorcycle & a Bicycle ...
Motorcycle is for long distance ride & Bicycle is for Short distance ride ...

I love ২chakka(2 wheelers),,,mind it...!! :azn: :) :lol: :tup: :lol: :) :azn:

- MHJ ...
Good city planning is important. But bicycles would help and the govt can easily encourage it.

Everyone knows that. But government doesn't! :lol:

Also, the government receives a lot of tax revenue from the high import duties of cars. They won't easily give up that source of income.

You should watch the video of the guy who rides for commuting in Dhaka. He explains things pretty well. If a guy who actually commutes in Dhaka says it can be done safely, then perhaps you should give it a listen. Btw - he took 1hr 20mi to commute by car, 45 min by motorbike & 25min by bike.

Btw - I ride in NYC traffic. There's mostly no bike-lanes, cars don't signal when they turn, and there are a lot more cars everywhere. Frankly, I'd rather ride in Dhaka because atleast I'm more likely to collide with something smaller like a rickshaw or a CNG than a 2 ton car.

Youtube is pointless since its banned here. By this, it's pretty obvious you do not read much into Bangladeshi matters.

It is feasible to ride bikes in streets. But not on main roads or highways. And seriously, you are comparing NYC to Dhaka? LOL....there are good reasons why Dhaka is at the bottom of city rankings.

Ofcourse. Do you know how expensive diabetes is to treat? You can read this:

Do even know what diabetes is? That article you posted is about obesity. So I take that as a no.

Diabetes is caused by many sources, such as excessive sugar intake, obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, and in some rare cases - genetic.

There are many forms of exercise, not just cycling. And of-course 70% is a matter of diet.

It mostly happens among adults. Among children, it is extremely rare.

The number one factor behind diabetes in Bangladesh is due to poor diet.

And no, you can't "cure" diabetes. There's no such thing. If one gets it, it has to be controlled.

Regarding child obesity among affluent families in Bangladesh, it is true. The reason for this is simply due to lack of physical exercise, lack of opportunities to play sports, poor diets, and they are not encourage to take up physical exercises by parents since they in turn are also obese.

Affluent families should be able to afford club membership or a gym. It's a matter of will to maintain a physically fit body. And frankly, due to the poor law & order situation now, affluent families are reluctant to sent their kids out alone. Even during the day.
Affluent families should be able to afford club membership or a gym. It's a matter of will to maintain a physically fit body. And frankly, due to the poor law & order situation now, affluent families are reluctant to sent their kids out alone. Even during the day.

They just need to move their fat asss and walk their children to school. Thats all it requires to stay fit. Walk and avoid rickshaw or car whenever possible.
They just need to move their fat asss and walk their children to school. Thats all it requires to stay fit. Walk and avoid rickshaw or car whenever possible.

Trust me, just simply normal walking is not enough to loose weight! :lol:

One must engage in cardio exercises to actually burn fat. Example are running or even brisk-walking.

By the way, I forgot to mention that places like Gulshan, Baridhara and Uttara have some nice parks!
Trust me, just simply normal walking is not enough to loose weight! :lol:

One must engage in cardio exercises to actually burn fat. Example are running or even brisk-walking.

By the way, I forgot to mention that places like Gulshan, Baridhara and Uttara have some nice parks!

I am not talking about loosing weight. A physically active person will never gain weight to begin with. You dont need to go to gym to stay fit. Just stay active, walk, do some physical work like gardening etc will keep you healthy and long living.

Heavy exercise will early terminate your life. Trust me.
Pure nonsense Idea. How you plan to carry our Mom, Dad, Aunt, Dada and Dadi. I don't think our Mom would be cycling. Please advise something that will make sense considering over all condition of the country instead of what ever comes in mind.

Dhaka won't be saved from the wrath of traffic congestion until we decentralized and eliminate rickshaw including auto rickshaw from road. I think mass transit system is better option.

I have a better idea!

How about conscription? Compulsory service to the army! :woot:

That'll help people stay fit, be patriotic to serve the nation and perhaps reduce population in case of freak accidents during hardcore training exercises! :D
Third world mentality. You're probably one of those people who uses a car to go 2 miles. Heh.

I'm actually in New York - I ride a Schwinn Varsity from the 1970s. It's steel frame so really heavy but it's almost indestructible.

Do you ride in Dhaka?

I also have Bike but only for exercise purpose. I usually ride it in week end during summer time. Other-than that I prefer SUV.

Bye the way, are you in Manhattan because it's also hell in there. Yellow cab and on going forever not ending construction made it hell there.
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