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Is Indian Aircraft Carrier a Big Threat for Pakistan Navy?

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[URL unfurl = " true "]https://www . defence view . In/Indian-company-ofb-gets-order-from-the-us-supply-ammo/#:~:text = In % 20 another % 20背书%20of%20its,Ball % 20 bullets % 20 from % 20 the % 20 us。[/URL]

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Now, this country wants to tell me that they can build a "good missile". Other countries' missiles have errors...
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https://www . janes . com/defense-news/news-detail/India-to-import-70000-AK-203-军用突击步枪

https://theprint . in/defense/subpersons-tanks-fighters-even-basic-rifles-long-list-of-Russian-imports-Indian-forces-use/867530/

https://www . the Hindu . com/news/national/India-to-buy-70000-突击步枪-来自俄罗斯/article36049248.ece

Going back to the topic instead of some competition , Numbers have always favoured the Indian side ... But there is much more to it then numbers alone.

A Naval Carrier alone is NEVER effective Tool of War , Like all other weapon systems.

They need to operate in a Carrier or Battle Strike Group formation , operating in synergy with various platforms. The Air Wing , with Fighter jets operating from the deck, ASW Hunters, AEW&C , the experience to effectively develop & deploy strategies , Networking, Data Links / SA, Combat experience combines to give results.

Does the Indian Navy have those?

On the flip side -

PN as Defensive doctrine , would retaliate by unleashing AIP Submarines with Torpedoes, Guided by LRMPAS and Sea Eagles, FAST Moving Dispersed Corvettes staying close to Shallow Waters & shores , Armed with Harbah, YJ Missiles, Stand - off CMs and other subsonic Anti ship missiles in salvo to saturate AD Systems - or make them stay away as part of its its AA-AD strategy.



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Who is your General Mir Jaffar. Please enlighten us how or why you are calling him names? Just because he did not save the assh of someone else? Why you have pain then? Stop acting a brainless monkey.

You need to stop polluting every thread with your non-sense. It is really indicative of your tiny brain. Go and vent your frustration in related threads.
The same ignorance off Anger led to 1971. And imposing criminal shareef family on Pakistan is no less then what that guy said. On topic Indian Aircraft carrier will stay from our seas. We need much long range cruise, ballistic missiles as well as Destroyers in our Navy. Plus way more Submarines
Yes they are we need to tackle with them with better equipped twin engine jet which can carry heavy weight anti ship missile which thunder or old mirages can only dream of kinzhal zircon on mig 35 will be a good option

Yes they are we need to tackle with them with better equipped twin engine jet which can carry heavy weight anti ship missile which thunder or old mirages can only dream of kinzhal zircon on mig 35 will be a good option

Do you use this forum to promote your channel?

On a serious note who is going to sell you the Zircon or Kinzhal? Are you even sure MIG-35 can carry the Kinzhal?

The SU-34 would be a better option than MIG-35. It would serve as a far more capable maritime strike platform.
The same ignorance off Anger led to 1971. And imposing criminal shareef family on Pakistan is no less then what that guy said. On topic Indian Aircraft carrier will stay from our seas. We need much long range cruise, ballistic missiles as well as Destroyers in our Navy. Plus way more Submarines
What we need is a world class A2/AD capability.
What we need is a world class A2/AD capability.
Air Defence is overrated thing. AD has miserably failed in Ukraine Russia war and they would fail here. Also but cruise missiles work. They work whether they are of subsonic speed, or supersonic or hypersonic. They work. They are very difficult to shoot down. So what we need is them. And in really long range.
Air Defence is overrated thing. AD has miserably failed in Ukraine Russia war and they would fail here. Also but cruise missiles work. They work whether they are of subsonic speed, or supersonic or hypersonic. They work. They are very difficult to shoot down. So what we need is them. And in really long range.

Air Defence is overrated thing. AD has miserably failed in Ukraine Russia war and they would fail here. Also but cruise missiles work. They work whether they are of subsonic speed, or supersonic or hypersonic. They work. They are very difficult to shoot down. So what we need is them. And in really long range.
I was not talking about air defence. A2/AD= Anti-access/area denial...
Buddy you know the answer better than me. If barak 8 can intercept battle proven Iskander SRBM, then why not DF-21 & DF-26? Plus both DF series missiles have horrible circular error of probability. Even our Agni Prime, new variant of Agni series missiles, are much better than these so called carrier killer missiles with better "CEP"
where did Barak 8 intercept Iskander? Because it wasnt in NK.

On paper, Barak 8 seems quite sad, Mach 2 top speed?

Air Defence is overrated thing. AD has miserably failed in Ukraine Russia war and they would fail here. Also but cruise missiles work. They work whether they are of subsonic speed, or supersonic or hypersonic. They work. They are very difficult to shoot down. So what we need is them. And in really long range.
Zarvan, in your expert analysis have you ever considered that Russian AD operators are conscripts with basically zero experience or in depth knowledge of their systems? Have you also ever considered the fact that Russian IADS is so disjointed they do not have functioning IFF, thus are unable to fire on targets with impunity as they cant discern friend from foe, hence resulting in the SU-34 shootdown. Honestly, its worth reading around before opening your mouth Zarvan, alot of the times you end up saying some utter nonsense
where did Barak 8 intercept Iskander? Because it wasnt in NK.
A Barak 8 operated by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces is said to have successfully intercepted an Iskander operated by Armenia during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war. Barak 8 has a dual pulse rocket motor with the longest range of 100 km and an additional booster for a range of 150 km.It also features enhanced theater ballistic missile (TBM) capabilities.
The vertical launch capability of Barak’s interceptors enables 360° coverage and the system’s highly advanced seeker can work under any weather conditions and detect threats that have low radar cross-sections or high maneuverability.

Also, the seeker uses both a wide and narrow radio frequency (RF) beam, meaning it can lock on to any target at any altitude and thus, provide defense against an array of threats from land, air, and sea.
A Barak 8 operated by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces is said to have successfully intercepted an Iskander operated by Armenia during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war. Barak 8 has a dual pulse rocket motor with the longest range of 100 km and an additional booster for a range of 150 km.It also features enhanced theater ballistic missile (TBM) capabilities.
The vertical launch capability of Barak’s interceptors enables 360° coverage and the system’s highly advanced seeker can work under any weather conditions and detect threats that have low radar cross-sections or high maneuverability.

Also, the seeker uses both a wide and narrow radio frequency (RF) beam, meaning it can lock on to any target at any altitude and thus, provide defense against an array of threats from land, air, and sea.
We will have MRBM (medium range ballistic missiles) as an ASBM (anti ship ballistic missiles) which will have more kinetic energy (MOMENTEM) than SRBM (short range ballistic missiles) like Russian one, even our Shaheen 1 range= 900 km has more kinetic energy than Iskander
We will have MRBM (medium range ballistic missiles) as an ASBM (anti ship ballistic missiles) which will have more kinetic energy (MOMENTEM) than SRBM (short range ballistic missiles) like Russian one, even our Shaheen 1 range= 900 km has more kinetic energy than Iskander
Ok thats good to know:D
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