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Is India Now a US Ally?

Since when I said to divert water? :P but If China wants to bring misery to India, not only we can divert water but alter the climatic condition of the Tibet plateau to disturb your monsoon season or literally steal India's monsoon by clear some obstacle to let monsoon cross the mountain barrier. and India will have 0% of water, and the entire India will become desert.:rofl:.

And if you do anything nasty with Indus river, you will only answer to Pakistan, it's not our problem:lol:


read this :lol:

You didn't answer my part about bangladesh. How will you answer them after diverting tsang po?
Also my enlightened friend you wanna alter the climate and stop the monsoon. Let me remind you India, Bagladesh and your higher than himalayas and sweeter than honey friend Pakistan also survive from monsoon. Willing to do that to Pakistan? I dont think you have the balls for that.
You didn't answer my part about bangladesh. How will you answer them after diverting tsang po?
Also my enlightened friend you wanna alter the climate and stop the monsoon. Let me remind you India, Bagladesh and your higher than himalayas and sweeter than honey friend Pakistan also survive from monsoon. Willing to do that to Pakistan? I dont think you have the balls for that.

For now we don't have intention to divert the water, we will let you p1ss BD enough with water problem before we take over with water diversion and then BD will be glad that China will do to India what you guys did to them :D. The monsoon is directly link to Tibet plateau climatic condition if you care to read the link I provided, I didn't said to stop your monsoon but delay or tempered it to screw up your harvesting season:P. And China don't need to steal the entire monsoon, only the region that mostly affected India such Ladakh which will also help China reforestation of our Taklimakan desert :D.

here the step will help us steal Indian's monsoon

1-blow up the mountain:D

2-let the monsoon pass from India to Tibet :lol:

I thought we already were a strategic partner under Bush
So you think that India is getting close to USA just for FUN

do you have no idea about the Chinese BULLYING activities in Asia
including those against India

In the case of Asian countries the opposite is True

In Asia ; China is the DANGER to all

hence we need US friendship
USA would surely like to see the downfall of China, India and china and whole of asia had coexisted together for 1000's of years, we never had problems, but now if USA doesnt stops poking its nose in SCS or IOR, i assure you WW3 is close and it would be horrible, there is a proverb: If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
Ps:China is not being considered a mouse:enjoy:

For now we don't have intention to divert the water, we will let you p1ss BD enough with water problem before we take over with water diversion and then BD will be glad that China will do to India what you guys did to them :D. The monsoon is directly link to Tibet plateau climatic condition if you care to read the link I provided, I didn't said to stop your monsoon but delay or tempered it to screw up your harvesting season:P. And China don't need to steal the entire monsoon, only the region that mostly affected India such Ladakh which will also help China reforestation of our Taklimakan desert :D.

here the step will help us steal Indian's monsoon

1-blow up the mountain:D

2-let the monsoon pass from India to Tibet :lol:

I hope you know that weather alteration and changing patterns is against the whole ecology??? You arnt screwing india but the whole of asia and the world in long run......and then in 100-200 if earth becomes inhabitable, the whole world would blame china for it.....
I hope you know that weather alteration and changing patterns is against the whole ecology??? You arnt screwing india but the whole of asia and the world in long run......and then in 100-200 if earth becomes inhabitable, the whole world would blame china for it.....

Don't worry this is only a fiction to scare some anti-China :D...don't take that seriously
No it will not be a suicide pact especially for US because US is far far away from China but I can't say about India.

It's that a bargain or blackmail? :lol:
US has nothing to lose, but chinese have. Inspite of having so much money china still cant effectively counter US. China will remain rich but forever powerless in global affairs in front of US. It will never get the respect the US commands.

US has been protecting Taiwan and Japan from China

And you have NOT been able to hurt them

India is far more Powerful than Taiwan and Japan

We will be a very USEFUL ally for USA

It is an EXPRESSION of Our Heart felt desire

Seriously ; if you dump Pakistan we can do WONDERS together

It is your call ; why are you obsessed with Arunachal Pradesh

You have so much Land ; Just forget about That small state
True , Allies are the one who make US so powerful. If not how a country so far can effectively run the world? With Europeans & asian allies like japan , US holds sway over majority of the world.

Chinese are too arrogant and think they can control asia with dumb allies like pakistan or north korea. They will have money but no power. With China-India-Russia they can rule asia but its chinese insecurity which is leading them to support minions like pakistan.

Their arrogance and petulance is good for India they will never make credible strong allies in asia. They will forever remain a country which supplies cheap products to US by devaluing their currency but never get to enjoy the power, pity them. US on the contrast will have dollar dominate the world and run the show with allies without sweating. They will set the standards and enforce the rules. Americans simply are enjoying with allies:cheers: while chinese are simple stretching themselves :taz: to prove their power in their own backyard. Mighty soviets had gone till cuba to piss off US but can chinese ever do it? Chinese dont even have 10% power the mighty soviets commanded , all they have is US dollars to show for.:p:
US has nothing to lose, but chinese have. Inspite of having so much money china still cant effectively counter US. China will remain rich but forever powerless in global affairs in front of US. It will never get the respect the US commands.

Sure, US has nothing to lose but India will have lose much more than China, our military budget is 4x of India we can afford to play game with India, China might not effectively counter US but good enough to counter India. As for global affair, we have enough of power to stand face to face with US and not hide behind US like some other countries :lol: and we don't ask US for respect but earn the respect we deserved whether US like or not.

True , Allies are the one who make US so powerful. If not how a country so far can effectively run the world? With Europeans & asian allies like japan , US holds sway over majority of the world.

Chinese are too arrogant and think they can control asia with dumb allies like pakistan or north korea. They will have money but no power. With China-India-Russia they can rule asia but its chinese insecurity which is leading them to support minions like pakistan.

Their arrogance and petulance is good for India they will never make credible strong allies in asia. They will forever remain a country which supplies cheap products to US by devaluing their currency but never get to enjoy the power, pity them. US on the contrast will have dollar dominate the world and run the show with allies without sweating. They will set the standards and enforce the rules. Americans simply are enjoying with allies:cheers: while chinese are simple stretching themselves :taz: to prove their power in their own backyard. Mighty soviets had gone till cuba to piss off US but can chinese ever do it? Chinese dont even have 10% power the mighty soviets commanded , all they have is US dollars to show for.:p:

Where you get that China want to control Asia with Pakistan? :o: And Pakistan is not China's minion but an reliable all weather time tested friend since the first day we established our diplomatic relations, it's one of it kind example on earth that no other can imitate, even India is so envy to have such relation but it couldn't find reliable friends:rofl:

And why China need strong allies which nothing but a burden, we made friends but we don't need allies, sure China sold cheap junk to US and made China as 2nd economic power which is not bad at all :lol: and are you sure you pity us or likely pity yourself that the world most populous democrazy couldn't enjoy to take advantage of world most rich & powerful democrazy to become 2nd economic power as China did...so much that US and India have same ideology maybe India is just an unworthy trading partner, that why US chose the red commie China :rofl:

And 10% or less of Soviet power is good enough for China to deal with a bankrupted US that begging the world to buy their bond, we don't need to use our hard working money to have an arm race with US as Soviet did to bankrupt ourself :lol: we rather use these US dollars to show India the we're richer and more successful than you.:dance3:
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To the Chinese poster who apps about ransoming India by holding its water hostage, think again. Take a look at a non altered map, you know a real map of India. Access to water is all around us. Only it requires is technology to make it viable. We are already working on it.
Don't worry this is only a fiction to scare some anti-China :D...don't take that seriously
if that scares the shit out of indians like me i am with you:enjoy:, i feel like India will someday come back to its senses:rolleyes: and then maybe join the asian regime......:agree:
And since when India respect China's interest when your government harbor China's splitist Dalai Lama, and not only that you guys let him free roaming around the world against China's interest.

As for Hafeez saaeed ? affaire, it has nothing to do with China but if India brought it up to UN than it's UN affaire and China has it own right to hold it opinion in the context of UN vote regardless if that please India or Not.

comparing oranges and apples? Dalai Lama may be a separatists in your eye but India has never interfered in China's claim of Tibet. Compare that with Hafee saeed who is a killer and hijacker who runs a terroris organisation.

and what right are you talking about in the UN ? out of all the members of the UN panel only China thought that Hafeez saeed needs to be protected and thus exercised its right of vetoing ?l wow how intelligent of China.... no one is asking to please India here..but when you claim that you are against terrorism then you should show with your actions... China clearly showed ts hypocrisy in the UN... so please do not give that BS reasons to us.
India is a rudderless ship, even worse, without a compass, when navigating in International waters. With no International clout or Veto on its hands. It does not know how to separate the chaff from the grain. Eager to join Shanghai Cooperation Organization, but not with such attitude.

With such (US alliance) actions, BRICS would fall apart, to the consternation of Indians, while the rest of the member states would continue, India will be BRICS defunct.

Not a good bargain, when the BRICS has been touted as being the IMF alternative and India has already injected some billions into it.

Let not EMALS make all this difference.

Little relevant factoid here:
India is a rudderless ship, even worse, without a compass, when navigating in International waters. With no International clout or Veto on its hands. It does not know how to separate the chaff from the grain. Eager to join Shanghai Cooperation Organization, but not with such attitude.

With such (US alliance) actions, BRICS would fall apart, to the consternation of Indians, while the rest of the member states would continue, India will be BRICS defunct.

Not a good bargain, when the BRICS has been touted as being the IMF alternative and India has already injected some billions into it.

Let not EMALS make all this difference.

Little relevant factoid here:
View attachment 304005

These 11 aircraft carriers are not super invincible as it is made out to be.

2 are always in the docks under repairs. Look at the availability rates.

Half will always be on US coasts guarding the nation. The other half have duties around the world. CENTCOM has only one AFAIK allotted. It takes weeks to navigate in another theater of world.
Sure, US has nothing to lose but India will have lose much more than China, our military budget is 4x of India we can afford to play game with India, China might not effectively counter US but good enough to counter India. As for global affair, we have enough of power to stand face to face with US and not hide behind US like some other countries :lol: and we don't ask US for respect but earn the respect we deserved whether US like or not.

Where you get that China want to control Asia with Pakistan? :o: And Pakistan is not China's minion but an reliable all weather time tested friend since the first day we established our diplomatic relations, it's one of it kind example on earth that no other can imitate, even India is so envy to have such relation but it couldn't find reliable friends:rofl:

And why China need strong allies which nothing but a burden, we made friends but we don't need allies, sure China sold cheap junk to US and made China as 2nd economic power which is not bad at all :lol: and are you sure you pity us or likely pity yourself that the world most populous democrazy couldn't enjoy to take advantage of world most rich & powerful democrazy to become 2nd economic power as China did...so much that US and India have same ideology maybe India is just an unworthy trading partner, that why US chose the red commie China :rofl:

And 10% or less of Soviet power is good enough for China to deal with a bankrupted US that begging the world to buy their bond, we don't need to use our hard working money to have an arm race with US as Soviet did to bankrupt ourself :lol: we rather use these US dollars to show India the we're richer and more successful than you.:dance3:
Rich but powerless so why be rich. :lol:
All that money is due to the America and it is still measured in dollars not yuan.:enjoy:
Tell me the day when chinese bonds are bought by americans and yuan becomes the default until the money is just paper ................paper power.:partay:
Living in fears?

Looks like the rise of China is having the US urine dripping in its pants. :lol::D
To the Chinese poster who apps about ransoming India by holding its water hostage, think again. Take a look at a non altered map, you know a real map of India. Access to water is all around us. Only it requires is technology to make it viable. We are already working on it.

Sure there is a lot of sea water around India, you can build desalination plants for it to feed 1.2 billions people :rofl:

comparing oranges and apples? Dalai Lama may be a separatists in your eye but India has never interfered in China's claim of Tibet. Compare that with Hafee saeed who is a killer and hijacker who runs a terroris organisation.

and what right are you talking about in the UN ? out of all the members of the UN panel only China thought that Hafeez saeed needs to be protected and thus exercised its right of vetoing ?l wow how intelligent of China.... no one is asking to please India here..but when you claim that you are against terrorism then you should show with your actions... China clearly showed ts hypocrisy in the UN... so please do not give that BS reasons to us.

India provide Dalai the sanctuary and let him run around the world to bullsh1t China, you're already interfere with China internal business. Hafee saeed is the affaire between India and Pakistan, you guys call him terrorist, Pakistan call him patriotic to defend Kashmir. Same with Dalai Lama, we call him the splitist but you claim that he's only a spiritual leader of Tibet, each has their own perception.

Rich but powerless so why be rich. :lol:
All that money is due to the America and it is still measured in dollars not yuan.:enjoy:
Tell me the day when chinese bonds are bought by americans and yuan becomes the default until the money is just paper ................paper power.:partay:

Rich but powerless is still better than poor and powerless such as India :rofl:, all that money we earned can be used to buy corrupted American leaders to do more favor for China and allow us to earn more money from America...that how we did to widening the trade surplus:D. Regardless if yuan is toilette paper or not, it's set to join IMF currency basket, how about India rupee? :cheesy:

if that scares the shit out of indians like me i am with you:enjoy:, i feel like India will someday come back to its senses:rolleyes: and then maybe join the asian regime......:agree:

India is not China natural enemy, just try not to be or think it will gain anything by choosing to antagonize China. Both can forge a good relation and build the golden age in Asia.
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