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Is India Now a US Ally?

And now where is USSR ?

USSR neglected its economy ; hence it disappeared

India is not trying to emulate USSR

Even China first concentrated on its economy
and then built up its military -- We are also doing the same
US has been protecting Taiwan and Japan from China

And you have NOT been able to hurt them

India is far more Powerful than Taiwan and Japan

We will be a very USEFUL ally for USA

It is an EXPRESSION of Our Heart felt desire

Seriously ; if you dump Pakistan we can do WONDERS together

It is your call ; why are you obsessed with Arunachal Pradesh

You have so much Land ; Just forget about That small state

What is China's interest to upset US with Japan and Taiwan issues when we earn over 400 billions trade surplus every year? And why we want to hurt an insecure US knowing that they are so desperate of finding allies in Asia. they wouldn't dare to Challenge China alone. Sure India is far more power for than Taiwan, definitely not to Japan(LOL) but geographically you're vulnerable vis-a vis China, we can virtually hit Indian strategic locations such New Delhi with anything from cheap artilleries and rocket, while you need expensive Agni type of missile to hit our coastal cities.

And there is no chance to ask China to betray our all weather friend, the best we could do it's to help you conciliate with Pakistan. As for our South Tibet, if I go by your logic, you can also generously cede J&K to Pakistan since India is much larger than Pakistan, you don't need this tiny Muslim land right?
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India is neither a ally nor a strategic partner of the US. There is a trust deficit between US and India which goes back to the days of the cold war and even if that is resolved India will never be a part of someone else conflict.
Yes we stand for freedom of navigation and non-proliferation but that does not means that we will fight anyone who the west sees as a threat to their Idea of society/civilization. The west is scared of a rising China and will do anything to counter it and who knows they might succeed in that but then they will use the same tactics to try and balance a rising India in the future.
Asia needs to decide for itself and not the Americas or the Europe can decide for us.
No India is not an US ally at this moment..

But no one can say that about future...

It will depend how much China pushes India...
And what you gonna do against India ?:D
We are soooooooo scared because a Chinese frighten us :lol::sarcastic:
Your PLA guts was vanished when we sent those peaceful 3 brigades in Ladakh .
Go and find some small SCS nations for this shouting and boasting .
Dont try to spent in here :D

The effective way against India is to build more dams aling Brahmaputra river :rofl:, and no we're not asking India to be scare of China but to be anger against China because it's more fun this way :lol:. And stop making fun of your gutless army in front of PLA when our army pitching tents in Ladakh and spend a good sleep there :rofl:.
What is China's interest to upset US with Japan and Taiwan issues when we earn over 400 billions trade surplus? And why we want to hurt an insecure US knowing that they are so desperate of finding allies in Asia. they wouldn't dare to Challenge China alone. Sure India is far more power for than Taiwan, definitely not to Japan(LOL) but geographically you're vulnerable vis-a vis China, we can virtually hit Indian strategic locations such New Delhi with anything from cheap artilleries and rocket, while you need expensive Agni type of missile to hit our coastal cities.

And there is no chance to ask China to betray our all weather friend, the best we could do it's to help you conciliate with Pakistan. As for our South Tibet, if I go by your logic, you can also generously cede J&K to Pakistan since India is much larger than Pakistan, you don't need this tiny Muslim land right?
You should think twice before making such comments. India is far more powerful then you think certainly more powerful then Japan and Taiwan and in the next ten years we are going to get more stronger. You don't think that either can survive when the world most populous country fights the second most populous country both with a huge standing army.
It will destroy both and a rising Asian dreams would sooner die off with only western puppets regimes surviving at the end.
No India is not an US ally at this moment..

But no one can say that about future...

It will depend how much China pushes India...

China never push India, it's only India's perception of China threat that push India into the wrong direction because China spend 4x more on military and our economy is also much bigger than India. The sentiment of insecure make India paranoid about China and desperately need to find external power as psychological counterweight such US as relief.
The US used YPG against IS. That does not mean YPG is an ally, just someone being used. The US uses India against China. That does not mean India is an ally, just someone being used.
USA can never dictate India.. Indians are too shrewd to take orders.... its all about interest.. secondly why the heck are Indians so caring about Chinese relation... Chinese have never respected Indian interest...and considering India is their only potential competitor, they will never want India to grow... If Indian lives re so cheap than an xyz terrorist can come and kill people in India and they can be given protection by Chinese then you are blind and need to open your eye and come out of your hindi chini bhai bhai dream. smell the coffee and start respecting yourself for others to respect you.

China never push India, it's only India's perception of China threat that push India into the wrong direction because China spend 4x more on military and our economy is also much bigger than India. The sentiment of insecure make India paranoid about China and desperately need to find external power as psychological counterweight such US as relief.

why veto against Hafeez saaeed ? especially when you have nothing to do with him.. I know its diffcult to blame your own govt. but be honest enough as an indidual to admit a mistake. When you protect a killer who killed Indians just a few months back then you have no right to say its just a perception of china threat.
You should think twice before making such comments. India is far more powerful then you think certainly more powerful then Japan and Taiwan and in the next ten years we are going to get more stronger. You don't think that either can survive when the world most populous country fights the second most populous country both with a huge standing army.
It will destroy both and a rising Asian dreams would sooner die off with only western puppets regimes surviving at the end.

More powerful then Japan?...c'mon don't be ridiculous. In next then years India might be more stronger but you can't assume that China will be weak and no Chinese dream to have war with India at the mercy of western countries
More powerful then Japan?...c'mon don't be ridiculous. In next then years India might be more stronger but you can't assume that China will be weak and no Chinese dream to have war with India at the mercy of western countries
Japan is far more powerful on the economic front but they are constitutionally a self defense country with not much offensive capability whatsoever. In the next ten years we will be a powerful neighbors of yours(not that we aren't now) and a conflict between India and China will be fought on the home turf of both the countries which will cause a huge loss to both economically.
USA can never dictate India.. Indians are too shrewd to take orders.... its all about interest.. secondly why the heck are Indians so caring about Chinese relation... Chinese have never respected Indian interest...and considering India is their only potential competitor, they will never want India to grow... If Indian lives re so cheap than an xyz terrorist can come and kill people in India and they can be given protection by Chinese then you are blind and need to open your eye and come out of your hindi chini bhai bhai dream. smell the coffee and start respecting yourself for others to respect you.

why veto against Hafeez saaeed ? especially when you have nothing to do with him.. I know its diffcult to blame your own govt. but be honest enough as an indidual to admit a mistake. When you protect a killer who killed Indians just a few months back then you have no right to say its just a perception of china threat.

And since when India respect China's interest when your government harbor China's splitist Dalai Lama, and not only that you guys let him free roaming around the world against China's interest.

As for Hafeez saaeed ? affaire, it has nothing to do with China but if India brought it up to UN than it's UN affaire and China has it own right to hold it opinion in the context of UN vote regardless if that please India or Not.
The effective way against India is to build more dams aling Brahmaputra river :rofl:, and no we're not asking India to be scare of China but to be anger against China because it's more fun this way :lol:. And stop making fun of your gutless army in front of PLA when our army pitching tents in Ladakh and spend a good sleep there :rofl:.
Dam it all you want. Dont even let the water enter from tsang po to Brahamaputra. Only 30-40% water provided by the glaciers in Tibet. Rest 60-70 % water is fed by monsoons and other tributaries. Also do you have the balls to stop the water which is the lifeline of the Bangladeshis? We have had 4 wars with Pakistan but we never stooped as low as to scrap the Indus water treaty with Pakistan but China please divert tsang po and set the precedent. It will be good for India since sparsely populated north eastern states wont be affected by your dams but Pakistan will cease to exist and densely populated north India will be the main beneficiary of the diverted Indus.
Dam it all you want. Dont even let the water enter from tsang po to Brahamaputra. Only 30-40% water provided by the glaciers in Tibet. Rest 60-70 % water is fed by monsoons and other tributaries. Also do you have the balls to stop the water which is the lifeline of the Bangladeshis? We have had 4 wars with Pakistan but we never stooped as low as to scrap the Indus water treaty with Pakistan but China please divert tsang po and set the precedent. It will be good for India since sparsely populated north eastern states wont be affected by your dams but Pakistan will cease to exist and densely populated north India will be the main beneficiary of the diverted Indus.

Since when I said to divert water? :P but If China wants to bring misery to India, not only we can divert water but alter the climatic condition of the Tibet plateau to disturb your monsoon season or literally steal India's monsoon by clear some obstacle to let monsoon cross the mountain barrier. and India will have 0% of water, and the entire India will become desert.:rofl:.

And if you do anything nasty with Indus river, you will only answer to Pakistan, it's not our problem:lol:


read this :lol:

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Yesh yesh........ India and the US of A are the bestests of chums now........... all is well in the neighborhood, as we have a new Sheriff in town........... khusbho lagga kay! :D
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