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Is India Now a US Ally?

India provide Dalai the sanctuary and let him run around the world to bullsh1t China, you're already interfere with China internal business. Hafee saeed is the affaire between India and Pakistan, you guys call him terrorist, Pakistan call him patriotic to defend Kashmir. Same with Dalai Lama, we call him the splitist but you claim that he's only a spiritual leader of Tibet, each has their own perception.

lol.. ok..lemme tell you something...and please dont reply for the sake of replying..

so are you saying Chinese govt. didnt know that hafeez saeed is a plane hijacker ?? am sure chinese govt cant be that misinformed.

and I have seen your kind posting a lot of BS ever since that veto against that terrorist, that Hafeez saeed is same Dalai Lama.. well then why doesnt your Govt take up the issue with UN and try and ban Dalai Lama ? lol.. even you know what will be the outcome..

secondly you might want to hide behind the excuse of Dalai Lama and Pakistan why China vetoed against a terrorist... one thing you cant deny is that China has played it very wrong this time.. they could have certainly handled it in a better way but this move has unveiled a lot of intentions... while all other nations (well informed about his hijacker) supported the ban, China vetoed it without any convincing reason.....there... you blew up there. Now you may keep ranting about Chinese people dont think negative about India, they dont think of war... and this threat perception of china is wrong, etc and bla bla... but my friend your govt just played it wrong this time. If you follow Indian members' post closely, you'll see they might be writing a lot of stuff against China because of the perceived threat (which could be wrong) but they too would not want a war with China and their posts on a lot of occasions reflect that. But thanks to Chinese Govt. .. they are slowly realizing things.
@Kiss_of_the_Dragon India and china have co existed together for years and also the golden age was the time when asia had prospered, we just need to solve some land border dispute thats it....but china surely needs to know that Pakistan is right now unstable and is really dangerous to peace in asia.....
The effective way against India is to build more dams aling Brahmaputra river :rofl:, and no we're not asking India to be scare of China but to be anger against China because it's more fun this way :lol:. And stop making fun of your gutless army in front of PLA when our army pitching tents in Ladakh and spend a good sleep there :rofl:.

Then do it man .Please plead your CCP to build more dams in Brahmaputra .
Hoooooo we are sooooooo scared a ping pong Chinese frightening us :rofl:
Really ,latest news of our gutless army was they intefered and dismantled the cameras installed in there by drama queens PLA .
They slept in 2013 .They tried for the same after the new GoI and your Xi insulted in India when we sent 3 brigades for countering tent makers .
Save all boasting for yourselves or your small SCS nations.
We are very different.

I don't care where USSR is. I only care about India.

Iran has oil to back its stance. The One thing the world can't do without.

Do engage with the world by all means, just be aware that you are making a deal with the devil. In this particular case its the Deep south china sea and the Devil :P

To do that the first thing we need is to raise our Literacy level to 98%, currently we are at 71%, so we have a LONG way to go. This after 60 years of Independence.

We are still not addressing our fundamentals, we are still getting it wrong. Instead of running a massive Education campaign, Modi has run an massive "swatch Bharat" campaign. Show over Substance. It is his biggest failure. A distinct lack of Vision and a distinct lack of depth of understanding.

Agreed .
And we have laws for right for education .But none of this address the depth of fundamental problems .
Govt heavily subsidised our education and we have world largest number of graduates and educated youth .
But most of them are jobless .Why ?
Because we dont have enough industrial machinery to absorb them and rest of them have law quality .
Face the reality ,neither GoI have the money to create such a huge industry nor they cant counter the issues creates by educated youth that still wandering without jobs .So they are looking for FDI .
That is where the West tries their luck in India .
Trust but Verify that is our only option.
Agreed .
And we have laws for right for education .But none of this address the depth of fundamental problems .
Govt heavily subsidised our education and we have world largest number of graduates and educated youth .
But most of them are jobless .Why ?
Because we dont have enough industrial machinery to absorb them and rest of them have law quality .
Face the reality ,neither GoI have the money to create such a huge industry nor they cant counter the issues creates by educated youth that still wandering without jobs .So they are looking for FDI .
That is where the West tries their luck in India .
Trust but Verify that is our only option.

Its not the govt. role to give them jobs. Govt. has to provide opportunities. Level the playing field and cut the bureaucracy.

Education is not for jobs, it is to raise the quality of people in India. Educated people can go abroad for jobs. They can start their own enterprise etc.

But without education all they are good for is to become COOLIES and LABOURERS. Is that what you want ?
Its not the govt. role to give them jobs. Govt. has to provide opportunities. Level the playing field and cut the bureaucracy.

Education is not for jobs, it is to raise the quality of people in India. Educated people can go abroad for jobs. They can start their own enterprise etc.

But without education all they are good for is to become COOLIES and LABOURERS. Is that what you want ?

And you are saying that educated people is not doing anytype of coolie jobs or labour jobs ?
Now a days attenders and peons have science degree .I have seen coolie and labourers having master degree in arts or science .
Enterpreneurship is a nice move but what is the chance of its success ?and how much ?not every one can successful enterpreneur .
We need a huge manufacturing industrial base .
Then do it man .Please plead your CCP to build more dams in Brahmaputra .
Hoooooo we are sooooooo scared a ping pong Chinese frightening us :rofl:
Really ,latest news of our gutless army was they intefered and dismantled the cameras installed in there by drama queens PLA .
They slept in 2013 .They tried for the same after the new GoI and your Xi insulted in India when we sent 3 brigades for countering tent makers .
Save all boasting for yourselves or your small SCS nations.
We are very different.

As matter of fact we're building another large dam in Tibet:rofl: and your gutless army dismantled those 1 dollars camera after PLA left, they wouldn't dare to do that in front of PLA:rofl:
As matter of fact we're building another large dam in Tibet:rofl: and your gutless army dismantled those 1 dollars camera after PLA left, they wouldn't dare to do that in front of PLA:rofl:
Really ???
What an achievement ?
Keep it up.
We Indians are shivering because a Chinese frightening us :sarcastic::rofl::rofl:
And PLA didnt have any gut to protect their equipments :facepalm:
And you are saying that educated people is not doing anytype of coolie jobs or labour jobs ?
Now a days attenders and peons have science degree .I have seen coolie and labourers having master degree in arts or science .
Enterpreneurship is a nice move but what is the chance of its success ?and how much ?not every one can successful enterpreneur .
We need a huge manufacturing industrial base .

How does that matter ? They have a CHOICE.

Uneducated people DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE.

That makes all the difference.

India has more entrepreneur than workers. From the man who sells vegetables on the street to the man who washes your car and to the maid who works in multiple houses selling her service.

We need to provide opportunity, not Jobs. We need Job creators, not job seekers.
Really ???
What an achievement ?
Keep it up.
We Indians are shivering because a Chinese frightening us :sarcastic::rofl::rofl:
And PLA didnt have any gut to protect their equipments :facepalm:

We achieve to generate more electricity and anger India such as this video, we're amused :rofl:, as for your gutless armies they can only walk behind PLA's shadow and bragging out loud when they saw the light.

I just love how you Indians react when we build Dam:lol:

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We achieve to generate more electricity and anger India such as this video, we're amused :rofl:, as for your gutless armies they can only walk behind PLA's shadow and bragging out loud when they saw the light.

I just love how you Indians react when we build Dam:lol:

Again Really ??
Times Now is not the official spokesmen of GoI .
GoI and their establishments approaches and take action in a very different way .
After we sent 3 brigades your tentmakers didnt come again .Why?What happened ?
Our media dont have any knowledge about that .

Try your luck next time .Mr Chinese .
We are soooo scared :sarcastic::rofl:
Again Really ??
Times Now is not the official spokesmen of GoI .
GoI and their establishments approaches and take action in a very different way .
After we sent 3 brigades your tentmakers didnt come again .Why?What happened ?
Our media dont have any knowledge about that .

Try your luck next time .Mr Chinese .
We are soooo scared :sarcastic::rofl:

lol, I don't know why you keep bragging your 3 brigades like how you guys brag on how you defeat China in Chola 1965 which no one have any clue of what you guys talking about:rofl:. But the PLA pitched tentes and destroyed Indian's bunkers were undeniable fact :lol:
lol, I don't know why you keep bragging your 3 brigades like how you guys brag on how you defeat China in Chola 1965 which no one have any clue of what you guys talking about:rofl:. But the PLA pitched tentes and destroyed Indian's bunkers were undeniable fact :lol:

I guess he is trying to tell you that the chinese were 'brave enough' to demolish empty structures. But when Indians arrived they 'wisely' decided to disappear and not come back.

Now that we have the confusion cleared, come back with more tales when the chinese kick an Indian bucket over. Till then we will be quivering in our boots. ok ?
lol, I don't know why you keep bragging your 3 brigades like how you guys brag on how you defeat China in Chola 1965 which no one have any clue of what you guys talking about:rofl:. But the PLA pitched tentes and destroyed Indian's bunkers were undeniable fact :lol:

Well ,well .
IF CCP clipped your mouths and brains then that is not the problem of us Indians .
In here we have the luck to know each and every stuff happening in our nation .
[ QUOTE="SrNair, post: 8294410, member: 150861"]Well ,well .
IF CCP clipped your mouths and brains then that is not the problem of us Indians .
In here we have the luck to know each and every stuff happening in our nation .[/QUOTE]

You can claim that we have been clipped mouths and brain but CCP will not clipped their brains to deal with your so call 3 brigades, when PLA pitched the tentes, we have the rear backup to deal with any escalation:D

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[ QUOTE="SrNair, post: 8294410, member: 150861"]Well ,well .
IF CCP clipped your mouths and brains then that is not the problem of us Indians .
In here we have the luck to know each and every stuff happening in our nation .

You can claim that we have been clipped mouths and brain but CCP will not clipped their brains to deal with your so call 3 brigades, when PLA pitched the tentes, we have the rear backup to deal with any escalation:D


Oh God We are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo scared .
Because a Chinese shows us some age old tin box :sarcastic::rofl::rofl:
According to this Chinese our Army couldnt see a tank until now :rofl:
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