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Is India feeling the finger

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Oh yes.
In 1962 Indians captured Chinese held Kashmir ,
May be it's opposite is correct .... :lol:
Poor knowledge as expected ,aksai chin was already under chinese control before 1962 :)
Next Indo Pak war will be Kashmir war with India as Invader...P0K is ours!

Azad Kashmir will never be your specially with war because before that MAD will happen and your leaders knows the threshold of MAD.
Dont forget Bangladesh freedom:yahoo:........ not a finger...... infect we use the full :tup: hand to sit 90k so called proudies on there a ss :azn:....then we create a new nation called bangladesh:pleasantry:....

We can see how successful Bangladesh has been...
It is quite sure that next Indo-Pak war will be on Kashmir issue. Everytime, Pakistani patience prevents a war despite of constant Indian provoking on LoC and Working Boundary. The day when a warrior will take charge of Pakistani high offices, it will be a 47 and 48 like situation where whole Kashmiri population will took weapons like Sardar Abdul Qayyum (late). Kashmiris have suffered alot by the policies of Indian brahmins.
Next Indo Pak war will be Kashmir war with India as Invader...P0K is ours!
Brother, you will find me at the reception so please come prepared... one tip I give you here; do tell your family and friends that it will be your last meeting with them...because even if you manage to return alive...you won't find them there....and it will be a sorry scene but Kashmiris have experienced this since long time.

india today repeating it self 30 Years later


one can imagine its just updated Holy Bull Dropping for current time period!!!
I got to give it to the magazine thats a bitchin cover
Pass it onto the americans they will take care of it. They are already deeply entangled with them in Afghanistan.
We got Junagarh, Hyderabad state (both signed accession with pakistan), Goa, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, all after partition.

All of these states were supposed to go to india due to their hindu majority and contiguous land contact with central india. Look up the frame-work British developed for partition.

You, as most indians, are just mentally masturbating to feel content at your non-existent glory.

Fact of history remains that india/hindus was butchered, conquered, and raped by superior Muslims--AND, millions of square kilometers of land was taken away from historical india and Muslims rule these lands today.

LMAO. It takes a weak man to threaten other countries with nukes. Speaks volumes about the Pakistanis. We have been getting threats from the U.S, and the Chinese for a very long time. Get your Chinese overlords to help you come up with better threats, I mean they're helping you out with everything else aren't they?

All of these states were supposed to go to india due to their hindu majority and contiguous land contact with central india. Look up the frame-work British developed for partition.

You, as most indians, are just mentally masturbating to feel content at your non-existent glory.

Fact of history remains that india/hindus was butchered, conquered, and raped by superior Muslims--AND, millions of square kilometers of land was taken away from historical india and Muslims rule these lands today.

Well, Goa wasn't even british colony, it wasn't supposed to go anywhere. Arunachal Pradesh isn't Hindu majority. And first decide whether India existed before 1947 or not. And also, yes, your are right, some hindus were butchered, raped and enslaved by muslims. And those who were born out of those rape are no longer hindus (top prize for guess which religion they belong to). A large part of "ancient" India was lost to these people as well. But not after independence. Nor will happen again. Looking at how "superior" muslims are living today, thank god that we are "inferior". Better be inferior and live in India than be "superior" and forced to live in pakistan.
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