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Is ‘Hindu’ our National Identity?

Yes, I agree with your definition of Hindustan being land east of river indus. Fata and balochistan were historically parts of Afghanistan and Persian Empire before taken by British in wars.

Good - So avoid generalizing whole Pakistan.
Thanks. I was referring to the way we Pakistanis and Indians cook our food. Its practically the same. Our cuisine is more or less same even after partition more than 67 years ago! :D

What is 67 years?

Will frame it minus the puppy smiley though.
Law of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What will be the source of this uniform civil code for inheritance ,adoption, marrige and divorce laws etc? Bhagvad geeta , Quran or Bible? Lol would butchering cow will be allowed under this uniform civil code

We will decide as Indians.

I do not think butchering cows should be allowed. It hurts 1 billion of us. Why should we allow it or our own soil?

There is nothing in muslim religious texts which says you have to eat beef. You like to eat is different.

And even if your religion says you have to eat, it goes against our sentiments and sensibilities. So we will outvote you on that. It is a democracy, and the common man counts. If push comes to shove, we will make each common Hindu man and woman count on what we cannot tolerate.

Hope that answers your question.

Personally I cannot tolerate 4 mother in laws as well. Just in case you want to know.

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