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Is Dassault Raffale a Wrong choice by India?

I don't even want to talk with an nri on this matter.u cannot understand situation here
Pick up a paper and start reading and then talk,don't be angry young man without brains

I am not saying don't buy stuff..........buy sensibly for time being

I read the whole report.....swiss evaluation right

Man why don't u get what i am saying,its a viscious cycle and we need to come out of it
Rafale is very good but current state of rupee is 66 to dollar going to about 70

Now tell me??

Man whom you are quoting to has already worked in HAL. He has more knowledge than you have.
Yo... I have been part of tech transfer teams with Russia for Mig 27M and Su 30MKI early launch containment phase 1 , so keep your attitude in check, I have a pretty good Idea of what Rafale brings to table and your posts are pretty evident you have no clue of what you are saying. As far as brains are concerned I am content with what I have, and am well aware of economic situation in India.

If you want to go back to your contention on dassault providing us "zilch" back up your narrative or refrain from making dumb statements on a public forum.

Do u want to consider our current economic situation right now??
let me tell you

1)rupee will fall to dollar further to 70 this week

2)current account deficit >5%(very high)

3)inflation about 9%

4)debt about 200 billion

5)forex reserves-only 277 billiom

6)growth rate- less than 5

7)growth in manufacturing-negative(shrinking)

No nation provides this sort of tech,,,,,not even russia so what makes u think they will do??The onus lies on u to prove that they will,as i am saying it has never been done(has it)
Yaar we get no aesa tech.........if it was true then why is drdo making aesa separately??makes sense?nooooo
They are gonna give us only source codes for integration of weapons of our choice thats it.
And as for fgfa all reports indicate india will use same equipment for pakfa.......no one knows

But know one thing......Neither israel or france has anything comparable to no50 aesa

From where did you get these type of news? We are not getting that not this blah blah blah.

Did MOD released any part of deal about tech transfer yet? NO.
Man whom you are quoting to has already worked in HAL. He has more knowledge than you have.

Sure but pls discard my points on merit,,,,,,when the evaluation was done we were rich and growing at 8%

Now we will not make to even 5
So who will pay and if the deal goes through then forget amca or for the matter kaveri etc

we simply have no money right now
Do u want to consider our current economic situation right now??
let me tell you

1)rupee will fall to dollar further to 70 this week

2)current account deficit >5%(very high)

3)inflation about 9%

4)debt about 200 billion

5)forex reserves-only 277 billiom

6)growth rate- less than 5

7)growth in manufacturing-negative(shrinking)

No nation provides this sort of tech,,,,,not even russia so what makes u think they will do??The onus lies on u to prove that they will,as i am saying it has never been done(has it)

What do short term economic factors have to do with the MMRCA deal that will be paid for over At least a decade- if not more.
From where did you get these type of news? We are not getting that not this blah blah blah.

Did MOD released any part of deal about tech transfer yet? NO.

Did any nation ever get such tech from anyone??
do u think france will give us something which even russia didn't.........please man thinkkkkkk!!

What do short term economic factors have to do with the MMRCA deal that will be paid for over At least a decade- if not more.

Its not short term situation...........this month manufacturing sector growth was negative

And all the indians(living here) are pretty apprehensive
Sure but pls discard my points on merit,,,,,,when the evaluation was done we were rich and growing at 8%

Now we will not make to even 5
So who will pay and if the deal goes through then forget amca or for the matter kaveri etc

we simply have no money right now

This is your last excuse? When MMRCA competition started our economy not in that good position at all. Merely a trillion economy but now we are near 2 trillion economy . At that time we can afford why not. We are going to give them on terms of dollars not rupees and also not now. We can see our economy back into track after 2014 then we have no problem.
And what about tot for su-30?

1)we didn't start making pesa right?

2)engine-certainly no

So what exactly did we learn if we are still integrating el/m 2032 radar.....??i mean why

This is your last excuse? When MMRCA competition started our economy not in that good position at all. Merely a trillion economy but now we are near 2 trillion economy . At that time we can afford why not. We are going to give them on terms of dollars not rupees and also not now. We can see our economy back into track after 2014 then we have no problem.

Who told u that??
we evaluated aircrafts in 2009 and rafale was selected after that period when we were like almost this size economy!!

And what about tot for su-30?

1)we didn't start making pesa right?

2)engine-certainly no

So what exactly did we learn if we are still integrating el/m 2032 radar.....??i mean why

Who told u that??
we evaluated aircrafts in 2009 and rafale was selected after that period when we were like almost this size economy!!

maybe 2008 but makes no diff we were still growing
And what about tot for su-30?

1)we didn't start making pesa right?

2)engine-certainly no

So what exactly did we learn if we are still integrating el/m 2032 radar.....??i mean why

Who told u that??
we evaluated aircrafts in 2009 and rafale was selected after that period when we were like almost this size economy!!

maybe 2008 but makes no diff we were still growing

You have no idea what you are talking. Better look at MMRCA sticky thread. And stop quoting me.
Now as for r&d pls read the first paragraph of report and tell me if we didn't increase that spending when rate of growth was 8-9 % what will happen now??

R&D in Defence neglected | Business Line

You have no idea what you are talking. Better look at MMRCA sticky thread. And stop quoting me.

haha......truth hurts,,,,just read this

So now you think we are doing an acceptable amount of r and d??Do u live in india?

1)In any field.....we haven't produced even a good razor blade man(truth be told)

2)in pharmaceuticals we make only generic medicines,ie copies of foreign medicines

3)in defence-i guess u know better

4)space- we are going to test a cryogenic engine in 2013..........do i need to say more

5)auto sector-only tata nano engine(625 cc 2 cylinder engine).......that too mostly provided by bosch

so tell me man are u proud of the above scenario??
i am not
India still lagging in innovation, R&D spend | Business Line

:D. You cannot pinpoint which off the shelf. And you cannot pinpoint parameters. And now when I ask you pinpoint you rant off about everything. Dude! Seriously.

Ok let me try and entertain myself more. What is R&D in your opinion? And let's stick to defence :-D You claim nothing is happening in R&D. Then what is Kaveri? What is the Arihant? What is the IAC? What is the Agni programme? What is the composites program? What is PARAM? What is the work on SLVs? Do you know what happens in IISc? Do you know what happens in BARC or Kalpakam?

Regarding your comment on cryogenic. Do you have any idea how many countries have cryogenic technologies? Let alone a space program? Do you think the think about going to the moon happened without R&D?

Seriously dude. You are being humped on every point. Just stop brain farting. The R&D in that article is comparative.
:D. You cannot pinpoint which off the shelf. And you cannot pinpoint parameters. And now when I ask you pinpoint you rant off about everything. Dude! Seriously.

Ok let me try and entertain myself more. What is R&D in your opinion? And let's stick to defence :-D You claim nothing is happening in R&D. Then what is Kaveri? What is the Arihant? What is the IAC? What is the Agni programme? What is the composites program? What is PARAM? What is the work on SLVs?

Regarding your comment on cryogenic. Do you have any idea how many countries have cryogenic technologies? Let alone a space program? Do you think the think about going to the moon happened without R&D? Seriously dude. You are being humped on every point. Just stop brain farting.
read this

R&D in Defence neglected | Business Line

and this is defence hero no 1.......now after this don't start hurling abuses at me

read this

R&D in Defence neglected | Business Line

and this is defence hero no 1.......now after this don't start hurling abuses at me
Who says r&d is not happening........but its snail's pace and that too by psu's(lol)
read this

R&D in Defence neglected | Business Line

and this is defence hero no 1.......now after this don't start hurling abuses at me

Who says r&d is not happening........but its snail's pace and that too by psu's(lol)

You really believe a business magazine for articles related to defence? Ok now let me give you a small head's up.

1. Read more.
2. Like I said, could you comment on the programs pointed out. Then juxtapose it with similar programs globally.
3. Read more.

P.S : Also, am still waiting for the parameters. Or was that just another brain fart? And believe me. I am being real patient with somebody who has been farting all over the forum on all threads with ZERO information only opinions. And refuses to read and learn.

P.S again : Parameters pleas?
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