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Is Bobby Jindal preparing for a 2016 presidential run?

Dream on.
This dude ain't winning ANY presidential election, you can take that to the bank.
It will be a miracle if he wins the republican nominee let alone the presidential election.
Whites will not vote for him because he is Indian.
Louisiana is a black area so he became governor.
Most importantly, the dude is a squeaky voiced goon. Just look at the way he talks. No charisma whatsoever, and has zero personality. He is a goofy looking Indian.
Indians try too hard to be accepted by the whites, always end up in failure.
He will be in the 2016 republican nominee election, but he will be one of the first to drop out as he realises he doesn't have the support base of the Republican Party.
Indians are too delusional :lol:
He is an idiot. He doesn't believe in all the retardness of Republican party but he has no choice but to stick with them.

American Muslims will work hard to dent Republicans even more.

Last election was a tremendous victory of American Muslims, Mashallah.

Rising demographic changes in America will land a heavy BLOW to Republicans Inshallah..

Dream on.
This dude ain't winning ANY presidential election, you can take that to the bank.
It will be a miracle if he wins the republican nominee let alone the presidential election.
Whites will not vote for him because he is Indian.
Louisiana is a black area so he became governor.
Most importantly, the dude is a squeaky voiced goon. Just look at the way he talks. No charisma whatsoever, and has zero personality. He is a goofy looking Indian.
Indians try too hard to be accepted by the whites, always end up in failure.

He will be in the 2016 republican nominee election, but he will be one of the first to drop out as he realises he doesn't have the support base of the Republican Party.
Indians are too delusional :lol:

Bold parts are nothing but absolute truth! :agree:
Imagine what the brain dead media of India would come up with when this guy runs for and becomes the President!!!!!!!!!!!

'Sanasani khez khabar aap ke liye laye hum, Hindustani bana amrikan president. amrika sunega ab har baat hindustan ka' :hitwall: Especially the likes of India TV.
thats why we dont take yr media seriously in Pakistan.
.... Just look at the way he talks. No charisma whatsoever, and has zero personality. He is a goofy looking Indian.

But he does have some charisma, the charisma of Australian aboriginals, in their natural habitat of course, no?

Also he seems to share the personality of Whoppi Goldberg and goofy attitude of Mike Tyson Jr - the malnutritious version, though.

...that explains the Louisana thing IMO. :lol:
If the Republican Party has learned anything, they will pick someone who can appeal to the Hispanic vote also. I am not sure how Jindal stands with that demographic.

Republicans are lost cause...As long as they do not change their policy towards immigrants and hispanics...I donot find they are coming to power in next election too...And again Hillary clinton in the next election will have a lot of weight behind her in the democratic team...
Dream on.
This dude ain't winning ANY presidential election, you can take that to the bank.
It will be a miracle if he wins the republican nominee let alone the presidential election.
Whites will not vote for him because he is Indian.
Louisiana is a black area so he became governor.
Most importantly, the dude is a squeaky voiced goon. Just look at the way he talks. No charisma whatsoever, and has zero personality. He is a goofy looking Indian.
Indians try too hard to be accepted by the whites, always end up in failure.
He will be in the 2016 republican nominee election, but he will be one of the first to drop out as he realises he doesn't have the support base of the Republican Party.
Indians are too delusional :lol:

yeh khabar kitni sahi hai .. aisi khabrey na sunao ki dimag main kuch kuch ho javey
He is a retard. I hope he doesnt come to power. Personally I prefer Hillary Clinton, or if not I also liked John McCain (the guy who lost to Obama)
Washington: Louisiana's Indian American Governor Bobby Jindal is laying the groundwork for a likely presidential bid and using his state as a testing ground for policies that play well with national conservatives, according to a media report.

He's passed a sweeping school voucher plan, rejected the Medicaid expansion in Obamacare and proposed scrapping the state income tax, all intended to please the Republican party's conservative base, Politico, an influential media site focusing on politics noted in a report Sunday.

It cited political observers who've watched Jindal up close for years as saying "it's become increasingly fuzzy where his governing ends and his presidential ambitions begin."

It was unclear "whether the 41-year-old policy wonk's plans are aimed at Louisiana's problems or future GOP (Republican) voters in Iowa and New Hampshire," the two states where the first presidential primaries begin, Politico said.

Jindal's bold policy proposals in Louisiana come at the same time he's raising his profile nationally, both through his new post as head of the Republican Governors Association and his frequent commentary on the future of the Republican Party, the influential site noted.

His headline-grabbing policies aren't the only way Jindal is boosting his national profile, the Politico said noting that since the November election, he's become a go-to commentator for cable news shows on the Republican party's challenges and direction going forward.

In a speech at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting last month, Jindal said the Republican party needs to "stop being the stupid party" and that comments from some Republican candidates in 2012 inflicted "damage to the brand."

He also said on Fox News recently that any Republicans already thinking about 2016 plans "need to get their head examined."

"But Jindal appears to be doing precisely that," Politico said suggesting "It's no coincidence that Jindal took the helm at the RGA this year: The position gives him reason to travel the country and build up a national network that would be crucial to any presidential bid."

Is Bobby Jindal preparing for a 2016 presidential run?

Republican Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), two of the youngest and more diverse faces of the GOP, seem to be showing the kind of leadership that suggests they'd consider a 2016 presidential run.

2016 Presidential Candidates: Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal May Save GOP From Itself in 2016

@illusion8 If you think Bobby Jindal is electable as a US president, it is an ILLUSION on your part.

Let me tell you , the man is unelectable as a US president as he does not have that wide a support.

In the primaries he won't last a month or two once the spot light is on him. To run for Election he has to first cross the hurdle of primaries to be the Republican choice of the Presidential candidate. There are far stronger mainstream Republican candidates than Bobby Jindal. Give up the wet dreams.
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Its unlikely that Bobby Jindal will win the republican nomination. First of all, he had not done anything to distinguish himself. Even people of Luisiana would be hard pressed to support him again. Next, he has no charisma and not a powerful speaker like Obama, and he is a goofy looking person. Finally, there are heavy weights in the Republican party that will eliminate him, such as Rubio and Ryan.

But lets not eliminate him because of his ethnicity or background. Americans are beyond that with the election of Obama.
Dream on.
This dude ain't winning ANY presidential election, you can take that to the bank.
It will be a miracle if he wins the republican nominee let alone the presidential election.
Whites will not vote for him because he is Indian.
Louisiana is a black area so he became governor.
Most importantly, the dude is a squeaky voiced goon. Just look at the way he talks. No charisma whatsoever, and has zero personality. He is a goofy looking Indian.
Indians try too hard to be accepted by the whites, always end up in failure.
He will be in the 2016 republican nominee election, but he will be one of the first to drop out as he realises he doesn't have the support base of the Republican Party.
Indians are too delusional :lol:

A Chinese dude talking about looking good...
Chinese and good looking don't go together as for the goofy factor nobody can beat the typical Chinese in that.

@illusion8 If you think Bobby Jindal is electable as a US president, it is an ILLUSION on your part.

Let me tell you , the man is unelectable as a US president as he does not have that wide a support.

In the primaries he won't last a month or two once the spot light is on him. To run for Election he has to first cross the hurdle of primaries to be the Republican choice of the Presidential candidate. There are far stronger mainstream Republican candidates than Bobby Jindal. Give up the wet dreams.

Let's wait and watch it's still 4 years away.
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Not a huge fan of Indians converting to be Christian just to play the white man game but in America only a Christian can rise to the very top thats just how it is.
Not a huge fan of Indians converting to be Christian just to play the white man game but in America only a Christian can rise to the very top thats just how it is.

Americans accept Barak Hussein Obama even though he was born a Muslim. Yes, he claims that he is a Christian. But he had referred to himself as a Muslim to a reporter while running for president.
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