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Is blasphemy a pardonable offense?

I never said that to be punishable but to regulate freedom....

Well a very good lawyer can prove even a cheat to be an angel....
They can even make a murderer look like an angel, no you don't suggest legalizing murder, do you?
They can even make a murderer look like an angel, no you don't suggest legalizing murder, do you?
I am not suggesting anything but showing you REAL LIVE EXAMPLES of the world one lives in not wants of a idealistic dream!

Now dont you see that as a problem with the law or a problem with implementing it?

Regulate what people can say so it doesn't hurt sentiments?
Sigh read my comments dont jump in and hold 1 post out of context!Its bad enough I have to literally spoon feed each concept to Indians you joining in too?
i never understood the concept of blasphemy

> we are taught a story about our Prophet (SAW) , a lady who use to throw garbage on him and he used to ignore her and pray for her and then one day when she did not throw garbage, our Prophet SAW visited her and took care of her and his actions impressed her to embrace Islam

Now look there is no such thing as blasphemy possible even, no one can disgrace my Prophet SAW or Allah by his or her words,they are at a level beyond our imaginations. We must show patience as has been said several times in Islam and change the perception of Islam by our ACTIONS , let our actions our noble and honorable way of life be the answer to critics of Islam.

Secondly, if someone is truly disgracing my Prophet SAW or ALLAH is when people named Muhammad , Abdulallah, Abdulrehman and other similar named rascals burn non muslims alive, when people with names of prophet are involved in gang rapes, when people with noble names call someone balsphemous to capture his/her land or property.

If balsphemy law is to be applied it must be applied to us the so called muslims who are disgracing the religion of our Prophet SAW day in and day out by our actions.

Thirdly, non muslims do not believe in our Prophet and Allah. so why should they believe in the teachings of Islam. Have we ever read our text books on history , they are filled with religious blasphemous material regarding Hinduism. Respect others and be respected.

Please read the translation of Surah Kafiroun
  1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!
  2. I worship not that which ye worship,
  3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
  4. Nor will I worship those whom you have worshipped;,
  5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
  6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.
When Allah and Prophet SAW ask for tolerance who are we to force people to respect our religion at gun point. Let us spread Islam by our actions not by words and laws and mob justice and guns!!!
More than that Is blasphemy a pardonable offense? | Page 4
I am not suggesting anything but showing you REAL LIVE EXAMPLES of the world one lives in not wants of a idealistic dream!

Now dont you see that as a problem with the law or a problem with implementing it?

Sigh read my comments dont jump in and hold 1 post out of context!Its bad enough I have to literally spoon feed each concept to Indians you joining in too?

More than that Is blasphemy a pardonable offense? | Page 4
It is not a real example as blasphemy law (it's derivatives in India) is in effect. How is cheating handled currently? they don't slap the blasphemy law, do they? So, cheating can be still controlled in the same manner but completely repeal the blasphemy law (make it not offense at all). how about that?
i never understood the concept of blasphemy

> we are taught a story about our Prophet (SAW) , a lady who use to throw garbage on him and he used to ignore her and pray for her and then one day when she did not throw garbage, our Prophet SAW visited her and took care of her and his actions impressed her to embrace Islam

Now look there is no such thing as blasphemy possible even, no one can disgrace my Prophet SAW or Allah by his or her words,they are at a level beyond our imaginations. We must show patience as has been said several times in Islam and change the perception of Islam by our ACTIONS , let our actions our noble and honorable way of life be the answer to critics of Islam.

Secondly, if someone is truly disgracing my Prophet SAW or ALLAH is when people named Muhammad , Abdulallah, Abdulrehman and other similar named rascals burn non muslims alive, when people with names of prophet are involved in gang rapes, when people with noble names call someone balsphemous to capture his/her land or property.

If balsphemy law is to be applied it must be applied to us the so called muslims who are disgracing the religion of our Prophet SAW day in and day out by our actions.

Thirdly, non muslims do not believe in our Prophet and Allah. so why should they believe in the teachings of Islam. Have we ever read our text books on history , they are filled with religious blasphemous material regarding Hinduism. Respect others and be respected.

Please read the translation of Surah Kafiroun
  1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!
  2. I worship not that which ye worship,
  3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
  4. Nor will I worship those whom you have worshipped;,
  5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
  6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.
When Allah and Prophet SAW ask for tolerance who are we to force people to respect our religion at gun point. Let us spread Islam by our actions not by words and laws and mob justice and guns!!!


Thank you very much for your post---W'Allah---.
It is not a real example as blasphemy law (it's derivatives in India) is in effect. How is cheating handled currently? they don't slap the blasphemy law, do they? So, cheating can be still controlled in the same manner but completely repeal the blasphemy law (make it not offense at all). how about that?
so you want freedom to say anything and do as you wish without needing to answer...what a spoilt brat! Keep that chaos on your side of the border will ya...

It is not a real example as blasphemy law (it's derivatives in India) is in effect. How is cheating handled currently? they don't slap the blasphemy law, do they? So, cheating can be still controlled in the same manner but completely repeal the blasphemy law (make it not offense at all). how about that?
I think its about time we let you in on the secret...Right now we are not fighting to allow chaos or cartoonists to do whatever they please...We are questioning the death penalty which comes arm in arm with blasphemy law....

The word blasphemy was itself 1st used by Christians the law to kill is also in the bible not in the Quran:

Leviticus 24:16 says, “Anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death.” So, yes, the Mosaic Law did require the death penalty for those who blasphemed the name of God.
so you want freedom to say anything and do as you wish without needing to answer...what a spoilt brat! Keep that chaos on your side of the border will ya...
No, not do as wish but first part is correct. I wish I can create/generate that chaos inside my border by helping to repeal those stupid laws. For, according to my mythology, great benefits come out of great chaos (well, that is even the reason for free speech, not mythology but practical observations)..

Sister(i hope i am right and you are not a dude :P),
I am saying that blasphemy is not an offence at all. the very fact that someone is christian means that he thinks that our Prophet SAW is a fake prophet of the creator of the universe, so tomorrow we will start asking non muslims to say that Hazrat Muhammad SAW is the last prophet and otherwise the christians are being blasphemous to our Prophet SAW. We have to draw a line and the line has been drawn by ALLAH when it was said that To you be your Way, and to me mine.

Every person who follows one religion is in fact being blasphemous to every other religion!!

Blasphemy is not an offence , so question of being pardonable or not is irrelevant.
No, not do as wish but first part is correct. I wish I can create/generate that chaos inside my border by helping to repeal those stupid laws. For, according to my mythology, great benefits come out of great chaos (well, that is even the reason for free speech, not mythology but practical observations)..
Whatever...seriously stay in your denial!

If freedom was that free and people had enough brains how to utilize it without corrupting innocence then we wouldnt need any law to begin with!
so you want freedom to say anything and do as you wish without needing to answer...what a spoilt brat! Keep that chaos on your side of the border will ya...

I think its about time we let you in on the secret...Right now we are not fighting to allow chaos or cartoonists to do whatever they please...We are questioning the death penalty which comes arm in arm with blasphemy law....

The word blasphemy was itself 1st used by Christians the law to kill is also in the bible not in the Quran:

Leviticus 24:16 says, “Anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death.” So, yes, the Mosaic Law did require the death penalty for those who blasphemed the name of God.

I question the offense itself. No death, no lashing, no jail not even fine what so ever.
Sister(i hope i am right and you are not a dude :P),
I am saying that blasphemy is not an offence at all. the very fact that someone is christian means that he thinks that our Prophet SAW is a fake prophet of the creator of the universe, so tomorrow we will start asking non muslims to say that Hazrat Muhammad SAW is the last prophet and otherwise the christians are being blasphemous to our Prophet SAW. We have to draw a line and the line has been drawn by ALLAH when it was said that To you be your Way, and to me mine.

Blasphemy is not an offence , so question of being pardonable or not is irrelevant.
I have no problem with that but what I do have a problem with are the extra bonus people try to slip in with freedom of speech!

However, if a person for the sake of chaos - mind you there are too many on the planet - would do something stupid, I believe law should teach them a lesson or punish...I dont believe such people need to be killed but just so that everyone stays mentally healthy! It is too stressful when everyone is after another's neck just to show how holy they are....

Blasphemy in the terms used in Pakistan should not be a crime....However, freedom of speech (which will spur out of lack of punishment to utter anything and do anything should be "regulated" like any other thing on the planet is!)
Whatever...seriously stay in your denial!

If freedom was that free and people had enough brains how to utilize it without corrupting innocence then we wouldnt need any law to begin with!
People have enough brains, or there are enough people with brains. That is the basis of democracy..
I question the offense itself. No death, no lashing, no jail not even fine what so ever.
The offence in South Asia is really stupid....it is not an offence but something people are holding onto coz it was the doings of the forefathers....

You say something bad about feudal lord or any powerful man he will show off his power....something similar happened with the Mullahs in Pakistan...in that sense it shouldnt be a crime

HOWEVER, I am not ready to give immature people who would kill others by saying this and that is blasphemy freedom of speech without regulating it! Seriously they are not ready for THAT much freedom! But when I say regulating I dont mean blasphemy stuff but other stuff like deliberately doing something like people deliberately vandalize or disturb others...those kind of things def need to be regulated...

People have enough brains, or there are enough people with brains. That is the basis of democracy..
Technically yes but that is theoretically....how much is that practical?
The offence in South Asia is really stupid....it is not an offence but something people are holding onto coz it was the doings of the forefathers....

You say something bad about feudal lord or any powerful man he will show off his power....something similar happened with the Mullahs in Pakistan...in that sense it shouldnt be a crime

HOWEVER, I am not ready to give immature people who would kill others by saying this and that is blasphemy freedom of speech without regulating it! Seriously they are not ready for THAT much freedom! But when I say regulating I dont mean blasphemy stuff but other stuff like deliberately doing something like people deliberately vandalize or disturb others...those kind of things def need to be regulated...

Technically yes but that is theoretically....how much is that practical?
I agree with all of the points. I am talking WRT blasphemy only. I agree there should be regulations which should reduce as the time goes by and people become more mature..

The offence in South Asia is really stupid....it is not an offence but something people are holding onto coz it was the doings of the forefathers....

You say something bad about feudal lord or any powerful man he will show off his power....something similar happened with the Mullahs in Pakistan...in that sense it shouldnt be a crime

HOWEVER, I am not ready to give immature people who would kill others by saying this and that is blasphemy freedom of speech without regulating it! Seriously they are not ready for THAT much freedom! But when I say regulating I dont mean blasphemy stuff but other stuff like deliberately doing something like people deliberately vandalize or disturb others...those kind of things def need to be regulated...

Technically yes but that is theoretically....how much is that practical?
It is society's duty to help them grow brains.. by educating, not by punishing (that would imply elitistic attitude, a no-no in a healthy society)
I have no problem with that but what I do have a problem with are the extra bonus people try to slip in with freedom of speech!

However, if a person for the sake of chaos - mind you there are too many on the planet - would do something stupid, I believe law should teach them a lesson or punish...I dont believe such people need to be killed but just so that everyone stays mentally healthy! It is too stressful when everyone is after another's neck just to show how holy they are....

Blasphemy in the terms used in Pakistan should not be a crime....However, freedom of speech (which will spur out of lack of punishment to utter anything and do anything should be "regulated" like any other thing on the planet is!)

My sister , I totally agree with the freedom of speech part. People can exploit it and do it regularly in the western world undoubtedly. This freedom must be regulated, if this freedom is intentionally directed against a certain cast, a certain province, a certain community, a certain race or a certain religion. We cannot have western standards of freedom of speech. It must be regulated but by whom, the masses? the mobs? or the govt.? The govt. needs to get rid of the current law and make a new law which prohibits any sort of intentional hurting of people belonging to a certain class(race, color, cast,religion etc). And people falsely accusing someone of blasphemy must be given a severe punishment.

But blasphemy law in its current form is a tool for violence by the powerful against the weak for their own vested interests
It is society's duty to help them grow brains.. by educating, not by punishing (that would imply elitistic attitude, a no-no in a healthy society)
Punishing is to avoid it becoming a mess...But yes punishment alone is not worth a dime....Education is something current govt cant afford...if everyone starts calculating money coming in and out , questions will be raised...so uneducated majority is a good vote bank!

My sister , I totally agree with the freedom of speech part. People can exploit it and do it regularly in the western world undoubtedly. This freedom must be regulated, if this freedom is intentionally directed against a certain cast, a certain province, a certain community, a certain race or a certain religion. We cannot have western standards of freedom of speech. It must be regulated but by whom, the masses? the mobs? or the govt.? The govt. needs to get rid of the current law and make a new law which prohibits any sort of intentional hurting of people belonging to a certain class(race, color, cast,religion etc). And people falsely accusing someone of blasphemy must be given a severe punishment.

But blasphemy law in its current form is a tool for violence by the powerful against the weak for their own vested interests
Bro I have said repeatedly I have repeatedly questioned that law and challenged it with the verses I gave...

There is no room for beheading and what not...But I do believe if a Mullah wakes up and starts saying to his conjugation that we need to burn a bible or church ...Well that kind of BS needs to be regulated the most!

As for what one utters should be alright...No words should make 1 community go wild! But actions (for all races and religions of course) Need to be regulated!
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