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Is blasphemy a pardonable offense?

That isnt a law...that is some joke!

That is why I said if they want it there they should define it...THAT is how Islam works not use 1 word sword to chop where they please!

I quoted the verses to show just that ;)
If it is defined as verbally insulting the holiest person of the religion (as an example). Should it be an offense?
The whole blasphemy fiasco has been engineered by the radical mullahs of wahabis. None of the major Islamic school of thoughts in the Sub-continent ever had any punishment for blasphemy. Consider for example the case of berelvis in Pakistan, these people followed great sufi saints who's view were that blasphemy can only be punished by Allah Ta'ala alone. Yet the mullahs of berelvism have become increasingly extremist in trying to "out-Islam" the wahabis by adopting the punishment of death for blasphemy (see the case of Mumtaz Qadri for reference, and his subsequent defence by Sunni Tehrik).

The only way to get rid of these laws is to challenge the ignorant mullahs who espouse them directly. That in itself is pretty easy, but the problem arises when the mullah orders his even more ignorant follower to blow your head off if you disagree with his demi-God aka the mullah.
I dont agree...it has been mostly used like some form of a medal by Deobandi the most...Brailvi comes in 2nd...(1st and 2nd major school of thoughts in the sub continent)

Wahabi just pick up the ax and get over with it

Blasphemy law is older than I am....and believe me it is way before Wahabi had anything to do with Islam...the shit started from within with Deobandi and Brailvi like the Catholics and Protestants!

The sufi myth of Brailvi was wayyyyy in the past ...maybe when the school was created it is far far far from that now! It is everything from power hungry to music business! The only place they adopted that punishment was from kissing Saudi's shoes...

Totally agree with the 2nd para!

If it is defined as verbally insulting the holiest person of the religion (as an example). Should it be an offense?

It is a god forsaken law from the old testament! And yes I know what it means I was asking its meanings as in Pakistani courts! But I dont need an Indian to tell me that...Thank you for your time!
The whole blasphemy fiasco has been engineered by the radical mullahs of wahabis. None of the major Islamic school of thoughts in the Sub-continent ever had any punishment for blasphemy. Consider for example the case of berelvis in Pakistan, these people followed great sufi saints who's view were that blasphemy can only be punished by Allah Ta'ala alone. Yet the mullahs of berelvism have become increasingly extremist in trying to "out-Islam" the wahabis by adopting the punishment of death for blasphemy (see the case of Mumtaz Qadri for reference, and his subsequent defence by Sunni Tehrik).

The only way to get rid of these laws is to challenge the ignorant mullahs who espouse them directly. That in itself is pretty easy, but the problem arises when the mullah orders his even more ignorant follower to blow your head off if you disagree with his demi-God aka the mullah.
I agree that this whole 'Wahabbi' drama is just as bad - in direct contradiction of the Quran. However, I would advise you not to use the word 'Wahabbi' as it is a form of one of God's 'names' (his attributes). A better word to use would be 'extremist Salafis'. (Not talking about all Salafis here, just the extreme ones. I am a Salafi myself) .

It's not just Wahabis or Salafis, all forms of sectarianism is wrong doesn't matter whether its Barelvis or Deobandis or Hanafis or Shafis - All divisive sectarianism is wrong and directly against the Quran.
It's pathetic how people have destroyed a religion as beautiful as Islam, based solely on their idiocy, politics and hatred.

''And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.'' [Ale' Imran 3:103]

''Surely they who divided their religion into parts and became sects, you have no concern with them; their affair is only with Allah, then He will inform them of what they did.'' [Al An'aam 6:159)
I dont agree...it has been mostly used like some form of a medal by Deobandi the most...Brailvi comes in 2nd...(1st and 2nd major school of thoughts in the sub continent)

Wahabi just pick up the ax and get over with it

Blasphemy law is older than I am....and believe me it is way before Wahabi had anything to do with Islam...the shit started from within with Deobandi and Brailvi like the Catholics and Protestants!

The sufi myth of Brailvi was wayyyyy in the past ...maybe when the school was created it is far far far from that now! It is everything from power hungry to music business! The only place they adopted that punishment was from kissing Saudi's shoes...

Totally agree with the 2nd para!


It is a god forsaken law from the old testament! And yes I know what it means I was asking its meanings as in Pakistani courts! But I dont need an Indian to tell me that...Thank you for your time!
You could have said that earlier. So the push needs to be making it not an offense itself, rathor than making it "pardonable offence". And I am saying it in the context of both India and Pakistan. We too have some ridiculous derivative of this law which is totally a non-sense (we call it "hurting religious sentiments" and " intentionally promoting enmity between religious groups")
You could have said that earlier. So the push needs to be making it not an offense itself, rathor than making it "pardonable offence". And I am saying it in the context of both India and Pakistan. We too have some ridiculous derivative of this law which is totally a non-sense (we call it "hurting religious sentiments" and " intentionally promoting enmity between religious groups")
Huh? Sorry I need to re - read that!! I never said the bold words...

All my posts question where the bloody law crept in from as its not even in the Quran...How did you conclude the very opposite?
Huh? Sorry I need to re - read that!! I never said the bold words...

All my posts question where the bloody law crept in from as its not even in the Quran...How did you conclude the very opposite?
I am confused now. What should be definition of "blasphemy" in you opinion for it to be an offence?
I am confused now. What should be definition of "blasphemy" in you opinion for it to be an offence?
Why should it be an offence?

Yes I agree hurting someone's sentiments deliberately is bad like burning the bible, urinating on the Quran or something...But none of these are worth a life!
Why should it be an offence?

Yes I agree hurting someone's sentiments deliberately is bad like burning the bible, urinating on the Quran or something...But none of these are worth a life!
So, what are you saying? I am saying blasphemy should not be an offence at all. So, when it is not an offence, the question of pardon doesn't even arise. Which part are you not agreeing?
So, what are you saying? I am saying blasphemy should not be an offence at all. So, when it is not an offence, the question of pardon doesn't even arise. Which part are you not agreeing?
I never didnt agree....What made you think that?

I only agree to freedom of religious expression but not freedom to do EVERYTHING and hurt sentiments....But the punishment should never rise to death....Meaning freedom with responsibilities...Meaning you have rights to do something but not everything ...
And if there is a case it should be trialed and not swept under the rug or false witness or false accusations or based on political leverage or property issues or just basic hatred...

I can go with death for rapists or cold blooded killers...but everything else doesnt sum up to it!
If Blasphemy law is not there in Qur'an , why implement it??:what:
I never didnt agree....What made you think that?

I only agree to freedom of religious expression but not freedom to do EVERYTHING and hurt sentiments....But the punishment should never rise to death....Meaning freedom with responsibilities...Meaning you have rights to do something but not everything ...
And if there is a case it should be trialed and not swept under the rug or false witness or false accusations or based on political leverage or property issues or just basic hatred...

I can go with death for rapists or cold blooded killers...but everything else doesnt sum up to it!
OK, there where we diverge. For me, "hurting sentiment" isn't a thing. Anything and everything that you do can hurt some one else's sentiments. As long as it is not to mislead people (to cheat) or to cause a direct harm (by creating panic) and other, very limited circumstance, free speech needs to be free and shouldn't be an offence at all. People need to insulate themselves and grow up not to get offended or "hurt" by other's statements/actions..
OK, there where we diverge. For me, "hurting sentiment" isn't a thing. Anything and everything that you do can hurt some one else's sentiments. As long as it is not to mislead people (to cheat) or to cause a direct harm (by creating panic) and other, very limited circumstance, free speech needs to be free and shouldn't be an offence at all. People need to insulate themselves and grow up not to get offended or "hurt" by other's statements/actions..

Yet govt of USA thinks necessary to watch everyone and everything...

Yet holocaust deserves extra caution....

I am sorry to say but wake up from freedom BS it doesnt exist...The day America stops spying will be the day you can celebrate freedom till then freedom always comes with responsibility and consequences!
Yet govt of USA thinks necessary to watch everyone and everything...

Yet holocaust deserves extra caution....

I am sorry to say but wake up from freedom BS it doesnt exist...The day America stops spying will be the day you can celebrate freedom till then freedom always comes with responsibility and consequences!
Something doesn't exists in reality doesn't mean we should not aspire towards it. The idea of free speech itself is not dented by wrong doings of other countries, as this idea is border-less.
I agree that this whole 'Wahabbi' drama is just as bad - in direct contradiction of the Quran. However, I would advise you not to use the word 'Wahabbi' as it is a form of one of God's 'names' (his attributes).

Id call it the Fitna from Najd.
First of all, blasphemy isn't even a 'criminal' offense. It wasn't even at the time of The Prophet P.B.U.H. It's just our 'holier than thou' attitude that gets us, every single time! :mad:
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