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Iron Fist 2016 Air Force station, Jaisalmer---- pics and videos

Anything that floats or flies.............

On a serious note how stupid is it to fire a modern heat seeking missile with dual band seeker on a flare or use missile fooling flares as missile targets?

The whole purpose of dual band seeker is to make the missile fool proof so that it does not go after the flares, if the missiles are not hitting the flares then they are successful at least in avoiding the flares, now whether they would hit the actual target is another question which these exercises have failed to prove because IAF planners either did not know the missile capabilities or were overlooked.

The show (cameraman ship, target ID, and commentary) was much better than any Pakistani show where the commentator is busy blabbering Shakespearian Urdu with poetry and exaggeration and cameraman has no fucking clue whats happening and what to show other than fugly Pigliticians

Can anyone tell me by what margin the LGB missed the target? If i understand if the margin is less than 5m than its within acceptable CEP of 3-5 m.

Secondly, reading posts i understand R73 failed to hit the target.. This may have been seekers issues here.. But Strangely i would have preferred perhaps Python 5...

Bcz as far as i know the R73E is basically a LOBL missile with 2 color seeker which uses two different bands of "light" to distinguish an aircraft from a decoy flare. These bands of light is UV and IR. IR is related to heat, while UV is often related to very high voltage, burning, or cosmic energy coming from the sky at night. UV and IR energy also come from the sun in addition to all frequencies of visible light

When a flare is seen by the R73E seeker ,those flares will emit UV energy as well as IR energy and visible light energy so by making a missile UV sensitive it can detect whether a heat or IR source is a flare burning or an aircraft engine output heat and light to properly target.

Whereas in case of Python 5 which has both LOAL and LOBL actually uses an IIR seeker which creates the image of the target in IR spectrum. This is a better prospect but 2 colored seeker are much cheaper to produce..

Judging by the whole different posts , i am presuming that the LOBL in this case means pilot HMDS must have a solid lock on the target. It does not need to calculate anything, it just needs a sensor on board the aircraft to direct the seeker in the missile to the target. That sensor can be the helmet mounted sight, the IRST, or the radar. Once directed to the target and a lock is achieved meaning the seeker is now tracking that target exclusively, then the missile can be fired.

A LOBL missile cannot be fired to fly to a specific place in space and then find and lock the target itself... that would be LOAL case. There is no datalink for communication between launch aircraft and R73, so a missile launched without a lock will hit only the ground. This seems to point to me either a wrong targeting or a error in target inputting link .

For Igla Manpad, Igla uses PRONAV or proportional navigation. PRONAV describes the path the missile takes to it's intercept point. In PRONAV, the missile's path is computed based on the target's path. In PRONAV, the missile has to know where the target is; that's the whole point of using PRONAV as a guidance algorithm. So again i think, the targeting input itself was not very precise and hence PRONAV could not do any correct navigation at all.. This needs serious look into... again from seeker perspective it is suppose to distinguish between a flare and a target flying object. We do need to check whether it was error in targeting input or seeker being unable to work in that particular conditions.

Am i the only one or is Russian Weapons here failing in real environment test.. Is it to build a consensus to move away from such platforms?

@Abingdonboy @MilSpec @AUSTERLITZ
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And Indian idiocy is hardly surprising since even a blind person can witness the exercise was carried out before dozens of foreign military observers and dignitaries. Learn to accept your own failures.
We accept the failures openly then anyone else. I am making general statement. Do you deny that missile failures in Pakistan are not reported?
Yeah, sab America ke den,. Phir bhi har ek war haar gaye. Even with better skill, so what keeps going wrong? Lolz

Har gaye? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yeah sure.

And india is super power too...while we are at uttering myths.

Lets not deviate from topic. You'll get your own thread ruined.


On a serious note how stupid is it to fire a modern heat seeking missile with dual band seeker on a flare or use missile fooling flares as missile targets?

Source: Iron Fist 2016 Air Force station, Jaisalmer---- pics and videos | Page 4
Using a real target aircraft which India has would be expensive and waste of public funds. So is the entire exercise.
Nothing really here aside for coordination of service men/women. But using a cheap extra bright flare is better than a pilotless target which can cost as much as a cruise missile at times. Should also be noted a lot of the bombs were dummy bombs and the explosions were set off by a explosion team.
Horse and phony show.
And Indian idiocy is hardly surprising since even a blind person can witness the exercise was carried out before dozens of foreign military observers and dignitaries. Learn to accept your own failures.

Source: Iron Fist 2016 Air Force station, Jaisalmer---- pics and videos | Page 3
I doubt any service personal carried much if the target be it a cheap flare was missed by a million dollar usually dummy missile. This was horse and phony show. They would eyeing up what wasn't on the camera. The coordination of the men/women behind the show. Which itself is exceptional considering they are demonstrating what looks to be a hijacking of enemy assets and positions.

lol...indian forces embarrass themselves again?

tell me something new.

Difference of quality between PAF's live demonstrations and iaf is clear as crystal.

PAF men are far more professional than iaf boys

Source: Iron Fist 2016 Air Force station, Jaisalmer---- pics and videos | Page 3
Maybe so. But the USAF isn't professional as either but still has more pilots. Better pilots and a much better air force. Turns out, when it comes to the air, birdbrains don't like to admit it. The machines are more important than the men...or women...and children who play video games will be the best of pilots in the future.
War is getting less personal and more remote.
@Jonah Arthur
At 1.27 watch Sukhoi armed with grifen also misses the target no 9..at 1.28 u hear the missile explosion but target is still unaffected..

@Windjammer @Tipu7 @The Eagle
Not just the Tejas but the SU-30 and the Jaguars also missed their designated LGB targets and the episode was complete by the MANPADS and SAMs missing targets altogether. Each time they missed the target the announcer had to repeat the same excuse that ''an aircraft is much bigger than a flare''.... well she may have just been reading a script but the fan boys need to be reminded that all these errors happened even when there was no threat to the attacking jets and while a plane represents bigger target than a flare, it also travels much faster and above all it can also shoot back.....
@Horus @Side-Winder
Third miss attempt by Indian air defence live demonstration by Osa AK missile.
View attachment 299344
Let me download the video and create few memes out it..............:enjoy:
I was rolling on ground while watching such ''deadly precise'' attacks. :rofl:
The best spot to avoid hit by IAF is to stay right infront of them....................... :lol:
Damn we need Jh7B ............... Slow, big, fat aircraft just like @MastanKhan says..............
These IAF guys and their ''potent'' air defense will miss it too ............... oh but wait, we can't............because............ ''In real combat scenario the size of an aircraft is much larger than flare'' :omghaha:
busy blabbering Shakespearian Urdu with poetry
What is wrong with Shakespearian( since I guess you never heard of the word "Salees") Urdu? Or would you prefer the bastardized and generally identity-less version of it which is a raped result of English, Hindi and something that resembles Urdu.. since most youngsters seem to want to emulate it?
Anything that floats or flies.............

On a serious note how stupid is it to fire a modern heat seeking missile with dual band seeker on a flare or use missile fooling flares as missile targets?

The whole purpose of dual band seeker is to make the missile fool proof so that it does not go after the flares, if the missiles are not hitting the flares then they are successful at least in avoiding the flares, now whether they would hit the actual target is another question which these exercises have failed to prove because IAF planners either did not know the missile capabilities or were overlooked.

The show (cameraman ship, target ID, and commentary) was much better than any Pakistani show where the commentator is busy blabbering Shakespearian Urdu with poetry and exaggeration and cameraman has no fucking clue whats happening and what to show other than fugly Pigliticians
You are right. Commentary and camera work was really appreciateable.

What is wrong with Shakespearian( since I guess you never heard of the word "Salees") Urdu? Or would you prefer the bastardized and generally identity-less version of it which is a raped result of English, Hindi and something that resembles Urdu.. since most youngsters seem to want to emulate it?
Yes sir in iron fist they are using words "Devio or Sajjano" repeatedly.
@Windjammer @DESERT FIGHTER @Areesh @OverLoad @Zarvan @Jonah Arthur

Well people................... do consider the fact that in case of Indian Air Force

:hang2: '' Ladies and gentlemen, in real time war scenario the enemy aircraft is much bigger platform to take aim at. However, today the simulated target is just a flare. Which is a minuscule in comparison to the real target. Hence the missile hitting any where close to the flare has potential to destroy the enemy aircraft '' :hang3:

Here some precise strike by advance Munition by Indian Air force........................ :rofl:
(do note, they were stationary targets) :lol:

In war there will be BIG Strike packages of IAF in every mission

If one misses a target ; the other will take it out
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