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average age of 15 years
Avarage age of 15 is a little worrying. If the age was 15 I was not that worry but now I'm wondering if some have around 10 and one there an age above 20

Iran’s flag carrier Iran Air had announced in mid-November that it had plans to increase its active fleet size by five planes until March.
I wonder if it means we most expect several other batch of airplanes in near future.
No I meant going up against the fighter jets of western airforces, because export variants are always inferior. On a regional level Iran's airforce can still compete and SU-35s will give Iran a boost.

If Iran could build something that the airforce wanted then why haven't they done it already ? Obviously there is something preventing them from doing it, otherwise they would have already.

If Iran can build better radar and sensors than those featured in the SU-35, then that's great, they can immediately upgrade those components, making the SU-35s more formidable.

Anyways what Iran really needs to work on is something like the Turkish Kizilelma drone or the Chinese Wuzhen-8. The jet engines Iran currently produces are more than good enough for the task and the rest of the components Iran should be able to build or source.

Also Iran needs AWACS planes and an engine for the Iran-140. I'm pretty sure the Russians have an engine that's compatible. That would give Iran's aviation industry a huge boost. If Iran acquires it, it will likely be under license or technology transfers.

Then why buy them when thy can't go against KSA or UAE? For showing them in army day.
And what we can learn from it our indigenous airplane need something in class of rd-33 not AL-31 or AL-41. You want study it's aero dynamic then study MIG-29 aerodynamic. You want it's radar then knew its old and susceptible to e-warfare and if scaled down to a size suitable for light to medium fighter the result will be shitty. You want its irst, it's one of the oldest and least effective and guess what we already build better sensors than the one used in it.
Has anyone else heard about this. It's hard to believe. I wonder if the Turkish authorities were aware of this. If its proven that they were aware they're going to get in alot of trouble for sanctions evasion. The US might even try seizing these planes by pressuring any country they fly to. Or perhaps Iran will simply keep them and use them for the next 2-3 decades ? I don't know what to make of it.

Four ex Turkish Airlines Airbus A340s disappear to ... Iran

On 23 December 2022, a day the world was busy with Christmas preparations, four ex Turkish Airlines’ Airbus A340-300s, which had been stored at Johannesburg since spring 2019 were ferried to Tehran (Iran).

The four aircraft were withdrawn from use by Turkish Airlines in late 2018/early 2019. After a few months of storage at Istanbul, they were ferried to Johannesburg in March and April 2019 and all four were registered in the Guernsey (2-REG) register on behalf of a company based in Hong Kong, called AVRO Global Limited.

On the afternoon of 23 December all four aircraft left Johannesburg at almost the same time with Burkino Faso registrations XT-AKA, XT-AKB, XT-AKK and XT-ALM. Scramble Magazine does not know which XT-registration belongs to which MSN. If you have more information, please let us know at social@scramble.nl

The four aircraft involved are:

msn 115, 2-AVRA, ex TC-JDM
msn 180, 2-AVRB, ex TC-JDN
msn 270, 2-AVRC, ex TC-JIH
msn 331, 2-AVRD, ex TC-JII

In the original flightplan Uzbekistan was mentioned as the final destination, but once in Iranian airspace, the aircraft diverted to Tehran where they landed.

The flight numbers used for this flight used a MAN airline code. This code does not exist, but given the aircraft final destination, we assume this is a hint to its new owner ... Mahan Air. So despite the sanctions against Iran, it looks like some clandestine transaction took place and these four ex Turkish A340-300s will call Tehran home for the rest of their operational life.
as written in the article the four aircraft were ex Turkish Airlines, the owner was Avro Global Limited based in Hong Kong since 2019, therefore no problem for Turkey
Iran should do this, Iran will have to do this, so wait for them to present achievements that are not yet publicly revealed to keep secret before saying anything here.
I don't know, the military aviation industry has come a long way since the F-4/F-5 were first introduced. With fighter jets like the F-22 and Rafale out there, I think it's time Iran's airforce either builds or acquires new fighter jets using more contemporary designs. Just my opinion.

What I wonder is if Iran is working on a highly maneuverable UAV, something like the Turkish Kizilelma or the Chinese Wuzhen-8 hypersonic reconnaissance/suicide drone. I've seen some miniature prototypes over the years being tested in Iran.

Iran surely has most of the technology required to build such a drone (engine, radar, avionics, etc), the only issue is satellite communications and preferably AWACS planes, but with the recent military satellite Iran purchased from Russia, with hopefully more to come, along with the 10 fold increase in Iran's space industry budget, that piece of the puzzle should not be a problem.

That's not the point I was making... the point is, with ballistic missiles and drones... what is the need for an F-22 and a Rafale? Again, with the weapons systems I mentioned... in a modern battle theatre.... tell me which targets Iran can't hit? Air launched cruise missiles and glide bombs from F4's and SU-22's.... Built new... Upgraded to modern avionics, new engines, new carbon/composite airframes.... What target can they not hit?
on that you are wrong , every expenditure is according to the budget and the su-35 buying is also from that around 4 milliard that is supposed to be spended for increasing the capabilities of armed forces .

at the time of ussr china was producing shit . don't forget that fact . they didn't have any engine of their own , they had no radar of their own , what they were producing was called j-7.
and don't compare china budget with ours

not regular , a 4 milliard $ that is put aside for increasing the power of armed forc
With all due respect, I am puzzled by the insistence on the $4 billion figure, which is frankly comical and it would be suicidal. I don't believe the mullas are that foolish. Also, it's impossible to keep the military leaders silent while Iran is under constant threats externally from the West US/NATO/Israel, Gulf Arab regimes, and internally thru insurgencies "low intensity war" at least in two regions "north west, and south east".

The link below shows a close estimate of the actual budget, which I don't think is accurate. The actual number is even greater:

The actual Iranian Defense Budget according to every reliable source was $16 billion in 2020. Since then, the military budget estimate is beyond $25 billion now. Moreover, there are many ongoing weapons projects not listed under that number and it could be several additional billions. The government in Iran traditionally underestimates the crude oil prices by at least 25-30%, and that applies to Petrochemicals which fetches 12-15 billion annually. Such policy allows the government to allocate much of the extra income not projected in the annual budget to Iran's military, which has been the case for a long time "since early 2000s".

It's impossible to imagine that Iran spends only $4 billion on the military. They announce such ridiculous numbers as a mean to conceal Iran's actual expenditure due to their constant war footing and threats from the West. I am absolutely sure the actual funds allocated to the military exceeds 20 billions. Basic math should tell you; how Iran could makes all those modern weapons in such rapid pace on a $4 billion budget? The Mullas doing a great job in portraying Iran as the ultimate weakling vegetarian who could barely manage paying salaries of the military personnel serving in the two branches "Army & Guards". If we estimate the actual cost of feeding a 500,000-600,000 force "just basic food and soft drinks would cost $4 a pop "fair estimate?" that would be $864,000,000 a year. If we add an average $100 monthly salary per each military person, the payroll adds an additional $720,000,000. Furthermore, almost all of Iran's weapon development projects involve civilian contractors that must be paid handsomely since designing hi-tech things don't derive from your basic folks but need highly educated professionals and highly equipped shops and fabrication establishments, and that means a lot of money? How much money one would ask; in my estimates it must be in hundreds of millions or even over a billion annually "very conservative number". There went $2.6 billions in that imaginary $4 billion number. Do you really think an armed forces that large could manage on $1.4 to be an effective battle ready force on a ultra-diet budget of $4 billions? I left out the cost of consumables, maintenance cost, the cost of dozens of large-scale exercises' etc.

The actual story is different by a very wide margin.

Thanks to this intriguing topic, it's worth examining, but only God knows what the actual figure might be, however, rest assure, its many folds greater than $4 billions.
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No I meant going up against the fighter jets of western airforces, because export variants are always inferior. On a regional level Iran's airforce can still compete and SU-35s will give Iran a boost.
actually ksa f-15e strike eagle or F16v of bahrain and kuwait f-18E/F are one of the most advance version . practice of export version is more played by Eastern blocks

If Iran could build something that the airforce wanted then why haven't they done it already ? Obviously there is something preventing them from doing it, otherwise they would have already.
With all due respect, I am puzzled by the insistence on the $4 billion figure, which is frankly comical and it would be suicidal. I don't believe the mullas are that foolish. Also, it's impossible to keep the military leaders silent while Iran is under constant threats externally from the West US/NATO/Israel, Gulf Arab regimes, and internally thru insurgencies "low intensity war" at least in two regions "north west, and south east".
the 4milliard is not the budget for armed force , its the budget to increase the capabilities of armed force , AKA acquire new equipmet . the budget to maintain the current capabilities , pay wages , and keep up with the daily costs is separate .
The actual Iranian Defense Budget according to every reliable source was $16 billion in 2020. Since then, the military budget estimate is beyond $25 billion now.
as explained before 4 milliard is not defense budget , its the budget to increase defensive capabilities , those around 20milliard is all of defense budget
It's impossible to imagine that Iran spends only $4 billion on the military. They announce such ridiculous numbers as a mean to conceal Iran's actual expenditure due to their constant war footing and threats from the West. I am absolutely sure the actual funds allocated to the military exceeds 20 billions. Basic math should tell you; how Iran could makes all those modern weapons in such rapid pace on a $4 billion budget? The Mullas doing a great job in portraying Iran as the ultimate weakling vegetarian who could barely manage paying salaries of the military personnel serving in the two branches "Army & Guards". If we estimate the actual cost of feeding a 500,000-600,000 force "just basic food and soft drinks would cost $4 a pop "fair estimate?" that would be $864,000,000 a year. If we add an average $100 monthly salary per each military person, the payroll adds an additional $720,000,000. Furthermore, almost all of Iran's weapon development projects involve civilian contractors that must be paid handsomely since designing hi-tech things don't derive from your basic folks but need highly educated professionals and highly equipped shops and fabrication establishments, and that means a lot of money? How much money one would ask; in my estimates it must be in hundreds of millions or even over a billion annually "very conservative number". There went $2.6 billions in that imaginary $4 billion number. Do you really think an armed forces that large could manage on $1.4 to be an effective battle ready force on a ultra-diet budget of $4 billions? I left out the cost of consumables, maintenance cost, the cost of dozens of large-scale exercises' etc.
it all come front the fact you don't knew how military budget will be distributed

The actual story is different by a very wide margin.
yes its different but from what you said . its exactly what I explained
the 4milliard is not the budget for armed force , its the budget to increase the capabilities of armed force , AKA acquire new equipmet . the budget to maintain the current capabilities , pay wages , and keep up with the daily costs is separate .

as explained before 4 milliard is not defense budget , its the budget to increase defensive capabilities , those around 20milliard is all of defense budget

it all come front the fact you don't knew how military budget will be distributed

yes its different but from what you said . its exactly what I explained
Is it really that much fun to spend days and weeks arguing about a non verified gossip or imaginary topics. Thanks, I don't need to know how its distributed as no one ever would know such things.

The notion that you explained such matters is not what people read from your posts, and me included. The doom and gloom you sounding shows that Iran is totally screwed and there are no competent leaders nor functioning brains in Iran's military & political establishments who could manage Iran's military needs . . !

Furthermore, thank you, I am not interested in endless discussions about topics or numbers that make no sense. It's my bad for paying attention to imaginary numbers. By the way, I am in no contest with you or anyone else. A healthy discourse means seeking facts but never to spend endless hours & days writing arguments just for the sake of having the last word albeit incoherent or baseless.

Still wondering; how on God's earth you knew that magic procurement figure of $4 billion. Don't need to answer the question since it won't convince me or any other member of the this forum. If you think its $4 billions, then it's good enough for me, period.
Is it really that much fun to spend days and weeks arguing about a non verified gossip or imaginary topics. Thanks, I don't need to know how its distributed as no one ever would know such things.

The notion that you explained such matters is not what people read from your posts, and me included. The doom and gloom you sounding shows that Iran is totally screwed and there are no competent leaders nor functioning brains in Iran's military & political establishments who could manage Iran's military needs . . !

Furthermore, thank you, I am not interested in endless discussions about topics or numbers that make no sense. It's my bad for paying attention to imaginary numbers. By the way, I am in no contest with you or anyone else. A healthy discourse means seeking facts but never to spend endless hours & days writing arguments just for the sake of having the last word albeit incoherent or baseless.

Still wondering; how on God's earth you knew that magic procurement figure of $4 billion. Don't need to answer the question since it won't convince me or any other member of the this forum. If you think its $4 billions, then it's good enough for me, period.
well wonder why people post those unverified rumors again and again and again , even after Russia gave those airplanes to its air force
Is it really that much fun to spend days and weeks arguing about a non verified gossip or imaginary topics. Thanks, I don't need to know how its distributed as no one ever would know such things.

The notion that you explained such matters is not what people read from your posts, and me included. The doom and gloom you sounding shows that Iran is totally screwed and there are no competent leaders nor functioning brains in Iran's military & political establishments who could manage Iran's military needs . . !

Furthermore, thank you, I am not interested in endless discussions about topics or numbers that make no sense. It's my bad for paying attention to imaginary numbers. By the way, I am in no contest with you or anyone else. A healthy discourse means seeking facts but never to spend endless hours & days writing arguments just for the sake of having the last word albeit incoherent or baseless.

Still wondering; how on God's earth you knew that magic procurement figure of $4 billion. Don't need to answer the question since it won't convince me or any other member of the this forum. If you think its $4 billions, then it's good enough for me, period.
Thank you for your comment concerning the military budget of Iran. Since I have been on the forum that I say that the real army budget is higher than the public budget. I have always talked about a secret budget. It's the same thing with weapons still hidden but it will come mainly in aviation
Furthermore, almost all of Iran's weapon development projects involve civilian contractors that must be paid handsomely since designing hi-tech things don't derive from your basic folks but need highly educated professionals and highly equipped shops and fabrication establishments, and that means a lot of money? How much money one would ask; in my estimates it must be in hundreds of millions or even over a billion annually "very conservative number".
But, assuming your estimations are right, what it is the problem exactly?.
Do not trust a single world from "Iran International", they are linked to the Saud family and fully financed by them, the channel doesn't even have any ads and runs 24/24 7/7 live non-stop
the 4milliard is not the budget for armed force , its the budget to increase the capabilities of armed force , AKA acquire new equipmet . the budget to maintain the current capabilities , pay wages , and keep up with the daily costs is separate .
The thing is that every state can temporarily boost their military funds to buy certain materials and weapons, Iran isn't capped with its normal budget for eternity, there is a "black budget"/"in case" budget too for big expenses such as Su-35 purchase. 20milliards is the budget in normal time, politics and generals can ask for uncapping if they need a one time purchase of big and costy systems/fighters etc

SU-35 would hopefully come with R-37 missiles at least as a part of the coop deal, or a modernization of MiG-29 to MiG-29M2, Iran will undoubtedly work on a recent platform such as the Su and the MiG instead of sticking for eternity with rotting F-4 and F-5 and Mirage F1 going nowhere and being stuck for decades
World's top 15 military budgets 2021 (Iran is No 13 with $25 billion)

Defence _budgets.png
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SU-35 would hopefully come with R-37 missiles at least as a part of the coop deal, or a modernization of MiG-29 to MiG-29M2, Iran will undoubtedly work on a recent platform such as the Su and the MiG instead of sticking for eternity with rotting F-4 and F-5 and Mirage F1 going nowhere and being stuck for decades
those migs modernization really don't worth the budget , the airframe is too old . to me the best solution would be replace their radar and avionics with what we used in kowser and don't bother with engine upgrade , maybe even use a scaled up version of radar in kowsar .(the radar in our Mig-29s is the weakest RADAR possible on any mig-29 variant they are the first generation export for non-Warsaw pact buyers)
I don't think going all the way to m2 standard for those airframe can be justifiable by the cost compared to what we can take from aircraft

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