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Some crazy *** dude who fled Iran likely a Shahist-MKO supporter. Hates anything IRGC and loves anything IRIAF.

@Hack-Hook are you BT?

His predictions back in the day were bonkers. I’m quite sure he used to go by an alias named “Michael something” claiming he was was high level in IRGC and defected and was fearful of his life.

Then when that act got old, he pivoted to the Iran freedom fighter/Shahi supporter. You have to ask how someone this stupid and mentally ill can stay relevant without support of foreign governments?

Without a doubt any Iranian sell out that's putting themselves out there are having their strings pulled by something foreign. I just dont understand why he gets a lot of attention by forum users here if he has an agenda. Someone who lies like that is definitely untrustworthy in other matters.
You may want to look in the mirror once in a while! Was a serious question though, uncanny resemblance.
good advice , do it yourself
this post clearly show who is children .
also you again made a post and said that Iran must not pursue self sufficiency in defense sector. that really raise the question that whats your agenda and who you really present
good advice , do it yourself
this post clearly show who is children .
also you again made a post and said that Iran must not pursue self sufficiency in defense sector. that really raise the question that whats your agenda and who you really present

Show me a quote where I said Iran must not pursue self sufficiency at all. Go on I dare you!

No the child here is you who cant see that Iran should have a hybrid strategy of both internal production and external procurment, just like every other country in the world. You're expecting Iran to magically pull a rabbit out of a hat, because you want to set Iran up to fail! Libtard!

Are you simping for BT? Did me and TheImmortal hurt you for insulting that traitor? Very sus!

Your head is so far up your arse if you were to pull it out you will be the king of England. What makes it worse is your garbage writing skills!

Let's see what I really said:

These are helicopters which can be built much quicker and to a higher quality and spec than what we can! That doesnt mean we should cease internal production...if the funds are there we should do both and not restrict ourselves to just one path! And definitely it has to be a country that is the lesser evil which right now is Russia, not your non-binary masters in US.

For the record, as can be seen from the above quote, I have clearly said Iran should not stop internal production and set aside resources to do BOTH and not RESTRICT ITSELF TO ONE PATH! You aint got shit on me, Hack!
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Show me a quote where I said Iran must not pursue self sufficiency at all. Go on I dare you!

No the child here is you who cant see that Iran should have a hybrid strategy of both internal production and external procurment, just like every other country in the world. You're expecting Iran to magically pull a rabbit out of a hat, because you want to set Iran up to fail! Libtard!

Are you simping for BT? Did me and TheImortal hurt you for insulting that traitor? Very sus!

Your head is so far up your arse if you were to pull it out you will be the king of England. What makes it worse is your garbage writing skills!

Let's see what I really said:

For the record, as can be seen from the above quote, I have clearly said Iran should not stop internal production and set aside resources to do BOTH and not RESTRICT ITSELF TO ONE PATH! You aint got shit on me, Hack!
people can decide i have already several times quoted your posts
Lol nice cop out, coward. You haven't quoted anything! Go and pleasure a dojensi! Its halal, right?
well , when i say you are nothing but a frustrated teenage , its the evidence
by the way you even don't knew the meaning of the word and the good point about the forum is that you can't deny what you said
well , when i say you are nothing but a frustrated teenage , its the evidence
by the way you even don't knew the meaning of the word and the good point about the forum is that you can't deny what you said

I have quoted what I said and you've buckled at the request of evidence. Falsehood has perished in the face of truth right before our eyes! Im probably older than you, and if not then you're a bigger man-child as I once thought. We have a lot of them in our midst. I'll let the Quran and scholars define that, as opposed to your desires, Abu Qazvini!
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OK I am Done discussing with you, you dont have Knowledge about even basic stuff, well known, discussed already 15 yrs ago at first IMF... I didnt post wikipedia quote to proove my claim, I dont have to, it is well known fact... I post it it to prove wikipedia should not be used as Source for Iran military, and if you dont Know, I dont Know how you end up at military forum.. IRAN has around 50 CH47, more than 70 Mil 8/17/171.

Iran also has 61 x F-14 Airframes and around ~90 F-5A/E/F aiframes then how come worldairforces (global standard for air force Wiki entries) can only count serials of 34-41 F-14A/AM and 60 F-5E/F? Possessing an airframe does not mean it's necessarily operational in the force. Some airframes are damaged beyond repair, some are mothballed, some are cannibalized. Your 100 years fan-following of Iranian aviation did not teach you that?

Worldairforces can barely count serials of 120-130 Helis at best. You want it changed on wiki ? I told you before you need to give the owner of the page, some credible source of info like flighglobal or some "Google Maps" that you were blabbering here about and now you can't post them just like your Fakour-90 ARH seeker which you claimed existed and then went to post seekers for Sayyad series (two different companies, two different patents).

Online-Chimpouts + Fanboi-ship trolling does not work in literary publishing, which is why Iranian military wiki pages have become an enemy owned clown shows because fanbois like you never cared for use of objective evidence to raise issue with them, instead resorted to trolling on online forum.

.that is Already 120..now go and learn some stuff and get **** off..View attachment 879020

AGAIN, the same page cites Flighglobal/Worldairforces and IISS to list some ~150 helis in IRIAA service. General Ghorbani's figure of 300 helis has no pictorial or serial verification that can challenge the western controlled website's listed information, in this case Flightglobal. Our very own Mashreghnews, Tasnim, PressTV etc do not care for releasing the official numbers despite journalists having deep access to military compounds. Which is why we have ZERO pictorial or literary evidence for this "300" strong fleet. Its like Saegheh's "Mass production" of 6 aircrafts at best. You want it changed, raise issue with them with evidence or just cope.

Come on the difference over J-10B is adding Infrared seeker , adding AESA radar , changing engine to WS-10B and capability to fire PL-10 and PL-15
and now J-10B advancement over J-10A is it become lighter , RCS get reduced and E/O targeting system added to it , it was equipped with laser rangefinders , it was equipped with a more capable electronic countermeasure and warning system . the difference is more than Tomayto and Tomahto

actually .. you are wrong I am afraid. He did not mention J-10A anywhere.

He mentioned J-10C/F-20C + JH-7 from China. and SU-35S + SU-30SM from Russia.


“Aviation journalist”

Focus on his IRIAF work esp the one that he publishes in aviation magazines and books, instead of his political agenda. He is mostly right about about IRIAF roughly 7-8/10 times I like I said before. I have been calling him schizophrenic Shahist for 7-8 years now for his political rants. Does this mean I should discredit his IRIAF work too?

All of us Iranians love Tom C's works which is considered bible for info of IRIAF massacre of Iraqi airforce. Serials, dates, pilot names during encounters etc all came from him in better form than any other source. Should we also call Tom C's IRIAf work a bundle of lies because he calls IRI a fanatic regime? Your logic is shit.
Iran also has 61 x F-14 Airframes and around ~90 F-5A/E/F aiframes then how come worldairforces (global standard for air force Wiki entries) can only count serials of 34-41 F-14A/AM and 60 F-5E/F? Possessing an airframe does not mean it's necessarily operational in the force. Some airframes are damaged beyond repair, some are mothballed, some are cannibalized. Your 100 years fan-following of Iranian aviation did not teach you that?

Worldairforces can barely count serials of 120-130 Helis at best. You want it changed on wiki ? I told you before you need to give the owner of the page, some credible source of info like flighglobal or some "Google Maps" that you were blabbering here about and now you can't post them just like your Fakour-90 ARH seeker which you claimed existed and then went to post seekers for Sayyad series (two different companies, two different patents).

Online-Chimpouts + Fanboi-ship trolling does not work in literary publishing, which is why Iranian military wiki pages have become an enemy owned clown shows because fanbois like you never cared for use of objective evidence to raise issue with them, instead resorted to trolling on online forum.

AGAIN, the same page cites Flighglobal/Worldairforces and IISS to list some ~150 helis in IRIAA service. General Ghorbani's figure of 300 helis has no pictorial or serial verification that can challenge the western controlled website's listed information, in this case Flightglobal. Our very own Mashreghnews, Tasnim, PressTV etc do not care for releasing the official numbers despite journalists having deep access to military compounds. Which is why we have ZERO pictorial or literary evidence for this "300" strong fleet. Its like Saegheh's "Mass production" of 6 aircrafts at best. You want it changed, raise issue with them with evidence or just cope.

View attachment 879835

Where have the many hundreds of helicopters Iran bought before 1979 gone? Unless these sources provide a realistic answer, the figures they're giving can't be taken all too seriously because they'd suggest that several hundreds of helicopters just went missing.

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