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Oh so you wrote a paragraph of something irrelevant to what me and @BlessedKingOfLonging were talking about. Standard Hack! He made the claim the F14 was canned by the US because of Iran, I asked for evidence which he couldn't give. Now you're coming here talking to me about how much people loved F14 back in the 90s. Well it's 2022 now and F14 is forgotten...so get your head out of the past.
i gave you the gist of what happened , don't knew about people but navy wanted its f-14 , f-18 forced into their through by some politician in Washington.
and what are you talking again go read last 30 page , when i talked about f-14 i always said i support iran build light/medium fighter even i many time stated i like the idea behind Grippen and i believe defense ministry must put fund into kowsar project and turn it into something like grippen , then that plane can replace f-14, Mig-29, F-4, F-5, F-1,J-7 ,su-22 and.... in our air-force the only thing such development can't replace is su-24 that can somehow rectified by missile force
i said F-14 can out performe flanker in fight which is correct as it has longer range missile. and in close fight at low speed is more maneuverable
anything else from me about F-14 please bring it up. honestly if you want berate me on something , you have better chance of sticking to kowsar and what it can be , as its the plane that i taklked about a lot and its the airplane that i said Airforce must get and develope

wonder from where you guys bring these claims about me ? if there is anyone else who post in my name and i can\t see his post ?
Oh so you wrote a paragraph of something irrelevant to what me and @BlessedKingOfLonging were talking about. Standard Hack! He made the claim the F14 was canned by the US because of Iran, I asked for evidence which he couldn't give. Now you're coming here talking to me about how much people loved F14 back in the 90s. Well it's 2022 now and F14 is forgotten...so get your head out of the past.

Why should we do that?! When did we kill an Israeli missile scientist, where is your evidence?
They destroyed the entire F-14 fleet, brother. Not a single F-14 is left in their famous aircraft graveyard in Tucson, Arizona. Specifically, the reason mentioned for this war Iran. If the report is online, I'll dig it up and post the link.

Also, he is either talking about the explosion at the Arrow-5 production facility in isnotreal that was blown up (and was covered up) or the killing of aby har even during the Palestinian uprising of 2021 (it was a targeted killing; CCTV was leaked of Palestinians sneaking onto the roof with drums of fuel and lighting it on fire before escaping).
so you don't knew what they sold , you just assume they sold something

as i recall it was you who brought up Quran not me , i just put out a verse from one of our greatest poets and writers aka literature . you made a wrong assumption as many other times

just go and read last 20-30 page again . winning is when your opponent can't answer you and resort to profanity .
its when they become irrational , there is no need for them to accept defeat

no i said russia used AESA radar in S-500 , we use in Bavar .
i said the missile for bavar , 3rd of khordad , 15th khordad , 9th dey are based on American design not Russian ones . i said the system use Iranian guidance and detection equipment that has nothing to do with russia . and by the way if anything it was Buk-M3 which was inspired by 3rd f Khordad and still failed to reach its capabilities , so LOL on yourself dear bring Iranian achievement down and attribute it to Russia guy

fun fact the strategy of Russian airplane fail because first Russia will sell you downgraded overprice equipment after you manage to build better one to distract you from your capabilities and again i wonder where i said we go buy European or Chinese airplane , i said they are better and more advance than Russian ones .
if i knew from where you guys get the idea i support buying foreign military equipment ?

we don't have money because whatever happened some guys come out and say let sell oil and go buy from the foreigners instead of saying let build it our-self and mismanagement on some high level manager and the fact for many years we tolerated corruption for many reasons
Doesnt matter what they sold, you made the childish inaccurate claim that Russia doesnt sell anything to Iran and that claim has been fully rejected and refuted. Cope.

You quoted Saadi who was quoting Loqman who is in the Quran...you brought religion into this and used an Islamic reference. You may suffer amnesia and brain damage, but that doesn't mean I will allow you to make false accusations like that. The posts are here for all to see.

Man up, theyre just words and theyre justified because you debate in a dishonest and circular fashion. You bring the harshness on yourself. No, winning is when you resort your opponent to use circular reasoning, which is a logical fallacy and a sign of a defeated argument. But look at me trying to explain logic to who! Lol 🤡

Oh dear! You do know the Buk M3 was unveiled a whole year before 3rd Khordad. There may have been ToT from Russia to Iran, but that is as far as Im gonna go to entertain that. After the Russian ban on exporting S-300 to Iran (which was lifted in 2015), Iran decided to develop a similar system domestically: "We have planned to build a long-range air defence missile system similar to S-300. By God's grace and by the Iranian engineers' efforts, we will reach self-sufficiency in this regard". Seems even Iranian officials disagree with you and that S300 is a similar system to Bavar 373, but at the standard of s400 (allegedly). Im not bringing anything down, just being realistic.

By saying they are more advanced than Russian is a moot point that you keep bringing up. It's irrelevant if they are better simply because those nations wont sell to us. All nations sell export and domestic variants, not just evil ol Russia.

Given the choice of waiting a century till we have an indegenous plane or having a sensible hybrid strategy which will yield quicker results, i know which one I would go for. Your strategy is guaranteed failure, my strategy is hybrid and sensible.

They destroyed the entire F-14 fleet, brother. Not a single F-14 is left in their famous aircraft graveyard in Tucson, Arizona. Specifically, the reason mentioned for this war Iran. If the report is online, I'll dig it up and post the link.

Also, he is either talking about the explosion at the Arrow-5 production facility in isnotreal that was blown up (and was covered up) or the killing of aby har even during the Palestinian uprising of 2021 (it was a targeted killing; CCTV was leaked of Palestinians sneaking onto the roof with drums of fuel and lighting it on fire before escaping).
Yeah that doesnt prove anything. Just proves they destroyed a bunch of planes. I can understand destroying the planes may have had something to do with Iran, but you made the claim that F14 was canned because of Iran and I am yet to see the evidence. I wait with baited breath.

Again, conspiracy theories that have no evidence.

i gave you the gist of what happened , don't knew about people but navy wanted its f-14 , f-18 forced into their through by some politician in Washington.
and what are you talking again go read last 30 page , when i talked about f-14 i always said i support iran build light/medium fighter even i many time stated i like the idea behind Grippen and i believe defense ministry must put fund into kowsar project and turn it into something like grippen , then that plane can replace f-14, Mig-29, F-4, F-5, F-1,J-7 ,su-22 and.... in our air-force the only thing such development can't replace is su-24 that can somehow rectified by missile force
i said F-14 can out performe flanker in fight which is correct as it has longer range missile. and in close fight at low speed is more maneuverable
anything else from me about F-14 please bring it up. honestly if you want berate me on something , you have better chance of sticking to kowsar and what it can be , as its the plane that i taklked about a lot and its the airplane that i said Airforce must get and develope

wonder from where you guys bring these claims about me ? if there is anyone else who post in my name and i can\t see his post ?
I dont care what a few old dogs thought when F18 was introduced. Some people dont like change. Also give me evdience where F14 defeated Su-27 variant in a real fight....or is it one of your video games again?
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What ever they provided was downgraded version ,


those kronet in hand of hezbollah showed have problem hitting targets

No it didn't. It wrecked havoc on zionist Merkava MBT's. Also Hezbollah received their Kornets from Syria not from the batches procured by Iran.

the radars , are different from the ones russia design in short taking the concept and building our own

Russia was perfectly aware that supplying Iran with radars is synonymous with lending a helping hand to Iranian domestic development of radar technology. This is the reason they went ahead with it.

the partnership is no way a strategic one , you want strategic partnership look at china and Pakistan or turkey and Azerbaijan

It's definitely an ad hoc strategic partnership on a number of dossiers.


show it in Iran if you can

Don't run in circles with that game. Iran's equivalent drew inspiration from it.


Russian sources state that its power output is just 1 kW and that it has a viewing range of 150 km up to altitudes of 6 km. It can detect a target with a radar cross-section of 0.3 m2 flying at an altitude of 60 m from a range of 24 km using its standard mast, but this can be extended to 42 km with the 50 m mast.
really ground breaking technology

Ground breaking when one's domestic R&D is in early stages and can use samples of foreign technology to reverse engineer, study and then improve upon.

don't make me laugh are you that desperate to find weapon sale , why not include rpg-7 there

It's Iran you're laughing at, not at me. Iran placed orders for those.

Incidentally it neatly invalidates your foregone claim and that's all which matters. Staying factual won't cut it for a reason, buzz words are needed to have people subscribe to the western-sponsored agenda of demonizing Russia.

downgraded version

Specious interjection, it's of no relevance that they were downgraded. Downgrading export variants is a normal practice in the international arms business.

that cant decide for itself which side is north and which side is south

And you seriously believe in your ability to discern laughter-inducing commentary?

don't make me start ranting about it

Nobody cares. Especially Iranian decision makers, who've a better grasp on the subject matter.

downgraded export version that hezbollah showed it have problem targetting israeli army vehicle

Hezbollah never made such a claim. It's is a figment of your western-leaning imagination.

again is that a joke

Joke's on you, actually.

its krasnopol

its Basir

a lot different , why you most attribute every Iranian achievement to Russia

Oh I attributed Basir to Russia now, really? Not to mention "every Iranian achievement"? Interesting, because I'm at a perfect loss as to when and where such a thing is supposed to have occurred.

Lookup the definition of a false syllogism.




the radar technology learned from studying radars recieved from Belarus and China USA not Russia

Russia as well.

And you mean the same Belarus that is aligned on Moscow and will not export Russian-made military equipment anywhere against Russia's will? The same Belarus that is considered to be hosting Russian defence sector front companies engaging in dealings with nations illegally sanctioned by the US regime, such as Iran? It's rhat Belarus you're talking about, right?

russia gave us the radars in S-300 after we built our superior Radars compared to what S-300 offer , for start S-300 use Pesa radar while Bavar and #rd of khordad use AESA radar

Iran acquired the likes of the Kasta radar prior to developing her own iteration.

As for the augmented S-300PM2 Iran obtained, it's still a major long-range high-altitude asset to Iran's IADS and will continue to be for the foreseeable future, irregardless of its delivery date.

that is debating the morality if it, did you ever see me claim Israel is morally or legally just . no .

Incorrect. This is not about "morality" per se but about what sets apart Iran's anti-zionist Resistance from Tel Aviv's existential hostility towards the Iranian nation.

i say even if Israel unjust , even if its illegal . you can't expect it to be your friend , when you state you are its enemy .

And I'm saying you can bow to them until you're afflicted with severe chronic lumbago, and they'll still be coming for you. Thus it's not a matter of choice for Iran, since their enmity is not a consequence of Iranian actions.

Your shaky attempt at shifting the blame for this conflict onto the Islamic Republic of Iran falls flat yet again.

we never stated we are Russia enemy so compare Iran relation with Russia with Israel and what you expect from them is like comparing orange and apple

I expect appropriate and proportionate treatment of partner and enemy, respectively. You are offering the opposite.

wonder where i said Israel is legitimate , again read my previous paragraph . its just human nature . now if you don\t consider people who live in Israel and call themselves Israeli not part of the human race . then i can debate with you on that matter.

Your personal preference for debates where you can defend zionists under whatever pretext isn't lost on me nor on other users, but if you have comprehension issues regarding what it is you're given to read, that's no longer my problem.

and the rest of your post is not what we debate here

Sure is. Quite obviously so.

again you failed . i ask a question what you expect from an enemy who state is your enemy and you stated that you are his enemy?
then what you expect from an strategic ally ?
here people will decide its failure on my part or your part

1) Zionist policy aimed at the destruction of Iran was not triggered by Iranian actions. You however are implicitly accusing Iran of having initiated the antagonism.

2) I most definitely expect a patriot to reserve the bulk of their acrimony for his nation's enemies rather than for its partners. This is how a patriot will behave.

In between two friendly chats with "I"DF personnel, do try to enjoy the upcoming deepening of ties between Iran and Russia.



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@drmeson @Daylamite Warrior @Hack-Hook @WudangMaster @SalarHaqq @TheImmortal

It seems we're at an impasse here.

Logically, there seem to be only two routes:
(A) Depending on if Babak Taghavee is right and an indigenous TF-30 414-A and F-14 airframe have been developed, we can field a domestic 4th generation fighter integrating all the avionics and sensors embedded on the HESA Kowsar.

Of course, new additions like GaN AESA radar, EW suite and IRST are needed to bolster it and bring it up to 4++ generation standard. And over time, higher engine quality with greater overall dry and afterburner thrust will be needed to bring out its best.

(B) We settle for a stop-gap measure of inducting small numbers of Su-30SM2 and Su-35SE but with technology transfer that at least enables us to manufacture our own spare parts rather than being dependent on the russian UAC and for our mechanics and engineers to be able to perform full overhaul and maintenance independently. Otherwise, it's a huge risk and a waste of precious foreign currency.

Regardless of which route is taken, the Mig-29 has to be passed down to the IRGC-AF to allow them to expand their aerial reach and arsenal and modify the platform according to their needs.
Oh so now youre a bonafide Ziopig apologist. Can't say im surprised but you have taken yourself past the point of no return.

That sentence truly sums it up, doesn't it?

i don't expect any thing from , Israel after all we our self also won\t stop from doing so until Israel destruction ,

No need to look much further. The essence of the user's viewpoint is reflected in those words.
You quoted Saadi who was quoting Loqman who is in the Quran...you brought religion into this and used an Islamic reference. You may suffer amnesia and brain damage, but that doesn't mean I will allow you to make false accusations like that. The posts are here for all to see.
abu-Jahl also is in Quran , his wife also there , Feroon also there , i don\t consider them religion . its Literature that i quoted not Quran , where in Quran Loqman said he learned politeness from impolite ?.
Doesnt matter what they sold, you made the childish inaccurate claim that Russia doesnt sell anything to Iran and that claim has been fully rejected and refuted. Cope.
it matter if they sold AK-103 or grenade launcher or airplanes .
Man up, theyre just words and theyre justified because you debate in a dishonest and circular fashion. You bring the harshness on yourself. No, winning is when you resort your opponent to use circular reasoning, which is a logical fallacy and a sign of a defeated argument. But look at me trying to explain logic to who! Lol 🤡
what strong logic claim things that are not true and announce victory.
Oh dear! You do know the Buk M3 was unveiled a whole year before 3rd Khordad. There may have been ToT from Russia to Iran, but that is as far as Im gonna go to entertain that. After the Russian ban on exporting S-300 to Iran (which was lifted in 2015), Iran decided to develop a similar system domestically: "We have planned to build a long-range air defence missile system similar to S-300. By God's grace and by the Iranian engineers' efforts, we will reach self-sufficiency in this regard". Seems even Iranian officials disagree with you and that S300 is a similar system to Bavar 373, but at the standard of s400 (allegedly). Im not bringing anything down, just being realistic.
unveiled one year before 3rd of khordad become operational in military which part of bavar-373 is simillar to S-300 please elaborate on that
By saying they are more advanced than Russian is a moot point that you keep bringing up. It's irrelevant if they are better simply because those nations wont sell to us. All nations sell export and domestic variants, not just evil ol Russia.
interestingly export versions of those airplane are more advanced than the most advanced domestic version of flanker . so i think its more clear now
Given the choice of waiting a century till we have an indegenous plane or having a sensible hybrid strategy which will yield quicker results, i know which one I would go for. Your strategy is guaranteed failure, my strategy is hybrid and sensible.
a century , yess if don\t fund the project and hand the money to foreigners .

That sentence truly sums it up:
Russian apologists and worshipers . what about it
Russian apologists and worshipers . what about it

I looked very hard but couldn't detect such people anywhere.

However, even if this unheard of species actually existed, I'd take them any day over subjects who try to blame Iran for the existential enmity shown by the zionists.

I'd rather be apologetic towards an imperfect ambivalent partner than towards an unquestionable outright foe. And so would any patriotic person.
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a century , yess if don\t fund the project and hand the money to foreigners .
No one is asking to become dependent on Moscow for aerospace - literally every person here including me says we ought to buy with technology transfer, to the minimum of having independent maintenance/overhaul capabilities and license to manufacture spare parts.

Russian apologists and worshipers . what about it
Man, give up the argument already. Every successive reply of yours becomes more nonsensical and treacherous.

From their recent Army-Technical Expo?
Man, give up the argument already. Every successive reply of yours becomes more nonsensical and treacherous.

Now they're trying to equate advocacy of limited stop-gap arms procurement from Russia with bogus excuses for zionist hostility. If this isn't telling I don't know what is.
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abu-Jahl also is in Quran , his wife also there , Feroon also there , i don\t consider them religion . its Literature that i quoted not Quran , where in Quran Loqman said he learned politeness from impolite ?.

it matter if they sold AK-103 or grenade launcher or airplanes .

what strong logic claim things that are not true and announce victory.

unveiled one year before 3rd of khordad become operational in military which part of bavar-373 is simillar to S-300 please elaborate on that

interestingly export versions of those airplane are more advanced than the most advanced domestic version of flanker . so i think its more clear now

a century , yess if don\t fund the project and hand the money to foreigners .

Russian apologists and worshipers . what about it
Ablah, does the Quran speak good or bad about Abu Lahab? Can we still draw rulings from Abu Lahabs conditions? Does the Quran speak good or bad about Luqman? Is Luqman not a religious and pious figure? Because the Quran uses Luqman as an example of how a father should teach his son. Hardly the same as Ferown and Abu Jahl. You used a secondary Islamic source, which derived its inspiration from the Quran. There is no hiding that you used religious thinking in your post. I guess its your fitra kicking in.

Pretty sure Russia has sold all of those categories and more to Iran.

Youre the one resorting to circular reasoning. Maybe try to come with something new?

Yes it was unveiled before 3rd Khordad, yet somehow you think Russia copied Iran LOL this why logic is beyond you.

Irrelevant, you made the claim that only Russia gives deficient export models, and now that I've shown you to be wrong, you have reverted back to "western planes are better" line, which I will have to repeat with "west wont sell those planes to us, so you make a moot point". I will repeat myself to your circular reasoning till the cows come home or you come with something. Hope youre ready!

You're thinking in extremes and stawmanning me. I never said we should go one way or the other, im saying we should have a hybrid strategy of both domestic R+D (which would require foreign help) and foreign jets.

No, Salar jan is suming up your pro-ziopig statement with evidence. Cope.
No it didn't. It wrecked havoc on zionist Merkava MBT's. Also Hezbollah received their Kornets from Syria not from the batches procured by Iran.
please go and read about it more carefully specially on how many fired and how many Merkava-3 and 4 get destroyed in that war. by the way i was talking about when hezbollah fired 3-4 against israeli transport and only one hit it. so it gave the israeli force the time to escape.
on't run in circles with that game. Iran's equivalent drew inspiration from it.
made by Iranian engineers , totally different in shape form and probably algorithms because we did that they didn't gave it to us
Ground breaking when one's domestic R&D is in early stages and can use samples of foreign technology to reverse engineer, study and then improve upon.
when they gave that to us exactly . at the time how many radar we had in production
Specious interjection, it's of no relevance that they were downgraded. Downgrading export variants is a normal practice in the international arms business.
so not strategic partnership , but selling a weapon to us we already get our hands on
And you seriously believe in your ability to discern laughter-inducing commentary?
exactly what resulted in downing of ukrainian airplanes , that was not a laughing matter at all
Nobody cares. Especially Iranian decision makers, who've a better grasp on the subject matter.
because they refused further purchase from Russia even when they begged us to buy s-400 later. guess what bavar is superior
that also will be the case of kowsar if it get adequate funding . it will be superior to migs or flanker
Oh I attributed Basir to Russia now, really? Not to mention "every Iranian achievement"? Interesting, because I'm at a perfect loss as to when and where such a thing is supposed to have occurred.

Lookup the definition of a false syllogism.


lol , to Syria not Iran and that isn't that a Russian site
Russia as well.
again which Russian radar
Iran acquired the likes of the Kasta radar prior to developing her own iteration.

As for the augmented S-300PM2 Iran obtained, it's still a major long-range high-altitude asset to Iran's IADS and will continue to be for the foreseeable future, irregardless of its delivery date.
very relevant to the delivery date , we received it when we no longer needed it . they hoped to later sell us more , and you expect we throw it in rubbish bin . its natural we use them after we received them .
Incorrect. This is not about "morality" per se but about what sets apart Iran's anti-zionist Resistance from Tel Aviv's existential hostility towards the Iranian nation.
you say they are enemy , but you expect them to act like friend !!?
and then you say russia is friend but justify its action because of action of an enemy ?
And I'm saying you can bow to them until you're afflicted with severe chronic lumbago, and they'll still be coming for you. Thus it's not a matter of choice for Iran, since their enmity is not a consequence of Iranian actions.

Your shaky attempt at shifting the blame for this conflict onto the Islamic Republic of Iran falls flat yet again.
exactly which conflict . i don't blame it on anyone . you brought it up . i said its natural , its human nature.
you just wanted compare orange with apple
I expect appropriate and proportionate treatment of partner and enemy, respectively. You are offering the opposite.
i say Russia is not enemy , its not a partner either . its a competitor and i expect proportionate approach to relation with them.
Your personal preference for debates where you can defend zionists under whatever pretext isn't lost on me nor on other users, but if you have comprehension issues regarding what it is you're given to read, that's no longer my problem.
i don't recall defend them , i recall stating the natural order of things
Zionist policy aimed at the destruction of Iran was not triggered by Iranian actions. You however are implicitly accusing Iran of having initiated the antagonism.
if you want to skew my words , to made your point , i can force you to do other thing . every one can see and decide
2) I most definitely expect a patriot to reserve the bulk of their acrimony for his nation's enemies rather than for its partners. This is how a patriot will behave.

In between two friendly chats with "I"DF personnel, do try to enjoy the upcoming deepening of ties between Iran and Russia.
until Russia back-stab again .
that's something always happened
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Now they're trying to equate support for Russia with bogus excuses for zionist hostility. If this isn't telling I don't know what is.
no you tried to rationalizing Russia backstabbing because of Israel enmity . i pointed out that Israel is enemy and Russia is supposed to be ally . we expect a little difference on how they that you . but seems some people can't understand that.
Man, give up the argument already. Every successive reply of yours becomes more nonsensical and treacherous.
since when stating facts become nonsensical and treacherous , but worshiping an entity that time and time showed we can't rely on it is patriotism

to me Fath-14 is as similar to the Russian radar as PAC-2 to 15th of khordad
for god say , they even work at different angles
for god sake you are comparing Iran 600km radar by Russian 150km one
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