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Good or bad, they're nonetheless one of only a handful of potential option for imports where needed.

NATO and the zionist regime however are existential enemies to Iran. Huge difference right there.
the only possible options is our-self, if only people learn from last 45 years
Disinformation. Russia supplied Iran with a series of weapons, and has cooperated with Iran in the technological realm.
everything is our own doing , they never cooperate on anything, if any they time and time show they don't want to cooperate with us
Iran and Russia have a strategic level partnership in several domains.
partnership of convenience if Russian interest is endangered is not strategic level partnership
A lot has changed on the world stage since the 1990's and early 2000's especially as far as the deterioration of ties between the west and Russia is concerned.
they refused to sell s-300, they didn't provided us the needed document for maintaining, kilo submarines ,....... and all those happened in 2010-2020
you see a pattern is repeating itself
interestingly Belarus and Ukraine helped us more than Russia
The S-300 are still a useful asset to Iran's IADS.
lol. they gave that to us under of the threat of court and interest and our own air-defense system is more advanced and thats no thanks to Russia , go thank China and Belarus, and believing in our own young scientist in more than 20 university around the country who participated in that national endeavor to show Russia , if we wanted S300 , it was not because we can't produce it otherwise our system is better .
Not really, the CEO of Mukhamedov Design Bureau passed away and the company shut up shop.
after they back-stabbed us in the project. that divine justice

Unlike the zio-American empire, they're not pursuing a policy aimed at the destruction and balkanization of the Iranian nation-state coupled with definitive uprooting of the Iranian civilization.
i don't expect any thing from , Israel after all we our self also won\t stop from doing so until Israel destruction , so you who like called other people examples apple and orange comparison , wonder why fail to see the difference of how we are toward Russia by how we are toward Israel . how naive one can be to expect friendship from enemy
There is literally a sura called Luqman in the Quran!
there literally 114 chapter in quran , one is called Al-baqareh, one Nahl , one Al-shoara, one Al-Noor, one Al-Naml, one even called Al-Rum , one Saba, one Al-Zukhruf , one Ad-dukhaan ,one Al-Qamar, Al-Hadeed, heck even one called Talaq . how religious are they.
Iran has the money to purchase some squadrons of foreign aircraft from Russia as a stop gap until Iran can produce its own fleet of aircraft. You strawman my position that we should put all our eggs in one basket...which I never said, but you keep repeating because youre getting battered by everyone and you're getting desperate.
sadly we don't have that luxury , and can do that . wonder if russia havve sold us S-300 would Bavar ever have seen light of the day?
Of course Iran can build whatever it wants if it had the money. But issue isnt just the money, it's the technology available to them to reverse engineer or at least develop from. So Iran has to be realistic. So far Iran has spent nothing on foreign planes for the past few decades and yet it has nothing to show for it...just a few pathetic mock ups and a rehashed F5. So you cant cry when we are asking for some investment in some real fighter jets from foreign states.
well , we have different understanding there , that rehashed f-5 have the potential to be better than f-18 if the project get properly funded and managed. and it is a lot different than f-5 , that f-5 comment come from enemies of Iran
Then why bring up western planes everytime someone suggests Russian ones? We can't buy them and never will.
what western , every time i bring up western airplane i also brought up Chinese air plane , i bring up modern light/medium fighters as example . and only USA, Sweden , France and China have those , Russia Mig-35 could be categorized there but they went an downgrade its radar , so it right now is a downgraded platform nothing but a glorified Mig-29 that latest version of China/Pakistan joint project JF-17 outperform it.
Dont talk nonesense, Russia has sold a lot of hardware to Iran. Yes they used to think they were part of the western club but they got humiliated and they still are. That said, we must not burn our bridges with them and they can be useful to us.
what hardware .our cruise missile , we get help from Ukraine , air defense , Belarus and china and our-self ripping American system and learn from it , anti ship missiles m we learned from Chinese and american missiles . ballistic missile the old one Libya and Pakistan and north Korea, and latter hard work of our young scientist
Also Operation Morvarid was beautiful operation whereby the baathist navy was largely annihilated. There was a recent interview from General Bagheri stating how it took a year of intel gathering to carry out that operation; either that or the one where the majnoon islands and faw where annexed (Valfajr 8?). Either way, these operations had so much that had to happen before, in order for them to be carried out.
that wrongly attributed to navy , it was 80% air-force 20% navy . in fact if air-force didn't come to help in time , our navy would have fared worse
The Mig-29 should be handed over completely to the IRGC-AF and we should procure RD-33MK engines (smokeless, greater thrust) from Russia to power those along with an agreement for indigenous overhaul and upgrades. It serves their skill set much better.
we should provide funds to the teams that work on engines in Iran to produce domestically built engine in Iran instead of using that found to beg Russia for engine .
All that aside, a well trained, experienced, and well educated non commissioned officer could surpass a lazy fat 4 star general who spent his carrier kissing butt to get up in ranks, which you could see hundreds of examples in the US defense establishment (400 4 star generals????) along with many western NATO states, and also all over the world. some non commissioned officers are critical thinkers with extensive military knowledge due to self education, reading and keeping a breast of the advances in weapons design and manufacturing, methods of war making, defense technologies, as well as sound strategic thinking..
agree but he is not officer .he probably can reach the rank of second or first lieutenant at the time of retirement from military
Lastly, beyond military academies, there are military staff schools i.e. military graduate studies established and intended for mid ranking officers (rank of Major) to educate officers in planning and leadership of major military units in any given branch of the national defense establishment. Even at that level, many officers graduate, but, they lack leadership skills, fortitude, and the decision making skills to be commanders or leaders, so all military matters are only relatively true.
we have a such military school that people instead of high school go there but that again don't guaranty . you become officer , for that you must go to military academy .
or spend years in military and just at the time of retirement you become a junior officer
Sorry I don't engage in baseless conspiracy theory. The US did not abandon the f-14 because they were scared of Iran...it's because better technology came along.
no navy wanted to keep f-14 because f-18 did not meet navy criteria and still cant replace all the roles of F-14 . it was some senators in Washington who decided that the navy most abandon F-14 and go with F-18 , us navy never liked that decision .
Terrorist militias are hard to target. In case of ISIS, IRGC waited for the targets to gather at one place. You cant say same about the conventional military of PGCC. Their FABs, military installments, HOH resources, oil fields and terminals are not hiding anywhere, they are there and will stay there during conflict for IRGC to target. The same can't be said about ISIS or PJAK.
only against kurds they waited for them to gather in one place , there was no such concerns about ISIS . irgc targeted some bases then so knowing their position was not a concern it was probably known from way before , they only stayed operational till then because of incompetence in Syrian army .
If Comm towers, aircraft hangars, fuel depots, armoury is gone then it may take weeks.
fuel depot and com tower can be replaced with mobile platform , hangers not really necessary for operation armory can be dispersed around base in small caches
According to you few F-15 of KSA will land on a highways somewhere far away from the reach of IRGC missiles/UCAVs with:

-no fuel
-no weapons
-Tired pilots
-no quick mechanical check/fix equipment
-no new mission briefing

And you are saying that magically within few mins or hours all of that can be provided.

i said in previous quote , they will had to do that if the runway is out of commission and that can be repaired in 2-3 hours
war is nothing like you say we defeat enemy and they can't hurt us , its not at all , like holey defense movies that portrait Iraqi forces as total morons that 10 reject from southern district of Tehran who came to front for fun of it can defeat a battalion of them
2) Mismanagement of funds are the biggest enemies of Iranian military developments. One group came with Tolue-14 and another came with Jahesh-700. Similar parallel projects got funded. Jahesh-700 is probably a generation ahead of Tolue-14 but thrusts are not that different. None can power a fighter.

Lists of parallel projects in Iran

OWJ Saegheh-I/II vs HESA Kowsar-I
Shahed-129/149 vs Kaman-22 vs Fotros
Emad-II vs Ghadr-GRV
Qassem Glide-MaRV vs Kheybar Shikan Glide-MaRV

I guess many more exists ...
i don\t recall toloue-14 and jahesh-700 as paralel project , they have different use . Toloue-14 is aft-fan turbo fan , it can increase the fuel efficiency and thrust on Toloe-4 but its lifespan would be low .on other hand its a lot cheaper to produce it than jahesh-700 , good for one time weapons like cruise missiles and suicide drones . on other hand Jahesh-700 have that better thrust and fuel efficiency , but it is more expensive to product on plus side its life expectancy is a lot higher . a lot more suitable for higher tire of drones even for light civilian airplane

Yakhont ASCM's to Syria weren't conditioned upon guarantees that Damascus wouldn't pass on a chunk of these to Hezbollah
the fact hezbollah don\t have the infrastructure to use them
However, Iran unlike other littoral states has not ratified the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea.
not important for them as it actually in effect and they are using Caspian sea resources according to it and Iran do nothing about it . the effect is the same as if Iran ratify it

Youre expecting all that on the back of a budget decrease? Are you serious?

Aaanyway, like I have already said, Iran has limited financial resources and their defence is investing most of their money into attack, primarily from drones and missiles. To have an effective airforce to compete with US, Iran just doesnt have that sort of money...so they have had to make some tough choices. Theyre not gonna piss money up the wall just because you and @Hack-Hook have pipe dreams of Kowsar X and SU-57 LOL! Iran will only invest on their airforce if it is worth it, other than that they have to be more calculated than you are sat behind your computer screen.
at least you accept Iran has limited resource , then care to explain to me how we can both buy Russian overpriced downgraded equipment and at the same time build our own aircraft?
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Theyre not gonna piss money up the wall just because you and @Hack-Hook have pipe dreams of Kowsar X and SU-57 LOL! Iran will only invest on their airforce if it is worth it, other than that they have to be more calculated than you are sat behind your computer screen.
pipe dreams is for you , never ever wished for any Russian airplane or western ones ,once mocked the people who wanted Iran to buy Su-30 and Su-35 why they don't go after su-75 and make deal like India did with Su-30 with Russia for Su-75.

funny people failed to see the mockery in that post . sadly the fine twist and art in Persian literature is lost to younger generation and foreigners

Attack is a form of defence...Iran has a decent SAM network as well.
Sam never gonna cut it completely , its the duty of air force to amend its short coming

Maybe why Iran doesnt have all those upgrades and planes from Russia is because Russia doesnt want to sell it to us...in which case it is unreasonable to put the blame on the akhoonds. Simple as that.
put the blames on the ones who wont provide the necessary funding for domestic projects
the only possible options is our-self, if only people learn from last 45 years

Where needed, is what I stated. And Iran's revolutionary leadership is the one which believes in self-reliance and has relentlessly been working towards it, so they certainly don't need to take lessons from anyone in this regard. As opposed to the liberal reformist and moderate factions. That a staunch supporter of the reformist camp would now evoke self-reliance as a subterfuge for blackening Russia is rather comical and utterly self-defeating.

Anyway, Iran is looking to boost cooperation with Russia in the upcoming years, as per Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution's statement, and there's nothing zionist- and western-appeasing liberals can do about it. Spam the internet with anti-Russian incitement and rhetoric, it won't have any effect. Cope with it.

everything is our own doing , they never cooperate on anything, if any they time and time show they don't want to cooperate with us

That's untrue and a blatant distortion of historic facts. There are concrete examples of Iranian-Russian cooperation.

partnership of convenience if Russian interest is endangered is not strategic level partnership

Thoroughly irrelevant to the contention addressed.

Iran and Russia are in a relation of strategic partnership in several domains, no matter the motivations of each party.

they refused to sell s-300, they didn't provided us the needed document for maintaining, kilo submarines ,....... and all those happened in 2010-2020
you see a pattern is repeating itself
interestingly Belarus and Ukraine helped us more than Russia

Among the weapons delivered by Russia to Iran in the current millennium are Kasta radar, Nebo radar, OTH technology, various modern anti-tank grenade launchers, Tor M-1, S-300PM2 with S-400 components, Kornet ATGM, Krasnopol laser-guided artillery shells, AK-103 assault rifle licence production and more.

lol. they gave that to us under of the threat of court and interest and our own air-defense system is more advanced and thats no thanks to Russia

Iran did learn from radar technology obtained from Russia over the years, not to mention technological cooperation and joint research with Chinese companies.

That Bavar-373 is more advanced in certain aspects than S-300PM2 doesn't mean the latter is of no use. It's still a major long-range high-altitude item in Iran's IADS.

after they back-stabbed us in the project. that divine justice

No evidence for such an allegation. And it's human nature, people of old age pass away at one point.

i don't expect any thing from , Israel after all we our self also won\t stop from doing so until Israel destruction , so you who like called other people examples apple and orange comparison , wonder why fail to see the difference of how we are toward Russia by how we are toward Israel . how naive one can be to expect friendship from enemy

The zionist entity is an illegitimate colonial one imposed on the indigenous people of Palestine by imperial powers, and it came into being through "ethnic" cleansing. Plus, Iran is advocating regime change in Occupied Palestine much like she advocated it for apartheid South Africa, which is decidedly distinct from the balkanization of a nation-state and from the definitive uprooting of a civilization. Hence there's strictly no comparison between Iran's principled anti-zionist Resistance and zio-American policy aiming for Iran's physical and social destruction.

Moreover, contrary to your attempt at lending some kind of legitimacy to Tel Aviv's enmity, zionist intolerance for the existence of large scale and potentially or effectively powerful nation-states in West Asia is not an immediate reaction to hostility from those states, but a proactive strategy serving zionist pursuit of violent regional hegemony in spite of the settler regime's limited resources and size, a posture explicitly formulated by the likes of Bernard Lewis and Oded Yinon. In layman's terms, whether or not Iran confronts them, they will do all they can to come after Iran.

So nice try, but a failure nonetheless. Interesting also to note the double standard, namely how rabid zionist enmity towards Iran is met with apologetic understanding on your part, whilst a strategic partner - which happens to be in the crosshairs of Iran's existential NATO enemies, is systematically demeaned. No mitigating circumstances for Russia, but plenty for Isra"el", although the former's a partner and the latter's an enemy... That says everything one needs to know about the outlook you're representing, and goes to exhibit its colors in plain sight. You're having an issue is with everything the Islamic Revolution stands for, in particular its anti-imperialist struggle.
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That's a lie and a blatant distortion of historic facts. There are concrete examples of Iranian-Russian cooperation.
what ever they provided was downgraded version , those kronet in hand of hezbollah showed have problem hitting targets
the radars , are different from the ones russia design in short taking the concept and building our own
Totally and completely irrelevant to the contention addressed.

Iran and Russia are in a relation of strategic partnership in several domains, no matter the motivations of each party.
the partnership is no way a strategic one , you want strategic partnership look at china and Pakistan or turkey and Azerbaijan
Among the weapons delivered by Russia to Iran are Kasta radar, Nebo radar, OTH technology, various modern anti-tank grenade launchers, Tor M-1, S-300PM2 with S-400 components, Kornet ATGM, Krasnopol laser guided artillery shells, AK-103 assault rifle licence production and more.

show it in Iran if you can


Russian sources state that its power output is just 1 kW and that it has a viewing range of 150 km up to altitudes of 6 km. It can detect a target with a radar cross-section of 0.3 m2 flying at an altitude of 60 m from a range of 24 km using its standard mast, but this can be extended to 42 km with the 50 m mast.
really ground breaking technology
various modern anti-tank grenade launchers

don't make me laugh are you that desperate to find weapon sale , why not include rpg-7 there
downgraded version that cant decide for itself which side is north and which side is south
-300PM2 with S-400 components
don't make me start ranting about it

Kornet ATGM,
downgraded export version that hezbollah showed it have problem targetting israeli army vehicle
AK-103 assault rifle licence production and more.
again is that a joke
its krasnopol

its Basir

a lot different , why you most attribute every Iranian achievement to Russia
Wrong, Iran learnt a lot from radar technology obtained from Russia over the years, not to mention technological cooperation and joint research with Chinese companies.
the radar technology learned from studying radars recieved from Belarus and China USA not Russia
russia gave us the radars in S-300 after we built our superior Radars compared to what S-300 offer , for start S-300 use Pesa radar while Bavar and #rd of khordad use AESA radar
The zionist entity is an illegitimate one imposed on the people of the region by colonialist powers and which came into being through "ethnic" cleansing. Plus, Iran advocates regime change in Occupied Palestine much like she advocated it for apartheid South Africa, which is different from the dismantling and balkanization of a nation-state and from the definitive uprooting of a civilization. Hence there's strictly no comparison between Iran's anti-zionist Resistance and zio-American policy aiming for Iran's physical and social destruction.
that is debating the morality if it, did you ever see me claim Israel is morally or legally just . no . i say even if Israel unjust , even if its illegal . you can't expect it to be your friend , when you state you are its enemy . we never stated we are Russia enemy so compare Iran relation with Russia with Israel and what you expect from them is like comparing orange and apple
Moreover, contrary to your attempt at lending legitimacy to Tel Aviv's existential enmity, zionist intolerance for the existence of large scale and potentially or effectively powerful nation-states in West Asia is not an immediate reaction to hostility from the latter states, but a proactive strategy serving their pursuit of violent regional hegemony in spite of their limited resources and size, as formulated by the likes of Bernard Lewis and Oded Yinon. In layman's terms, whether or not Iran confronts them, they come after Iran.
wonder where i said Israel is legitimate , again read my previous paragraph . its just human nature . now if you don\t consider people who live in Israel and call themselves Israeli not part of the human race . then i can debate with you on that matter.
and the rest of your post is not what we debate here
So nice try, but a failure nonetheless. Interesting also to note the double standards, namely how rabid zionist enmity towards Iran is met by apologetic understanding on your part, whilst a strategic partner - which happens to be in the crossfire of Iran's existential NATO enemies, is systematically demeaned. That says everything one needs to know about the outlook you're representing, and exhibits its colors in plain sight.
again you failed . i ask a question what you expect from an enemy who state is your enemy and you stated that you are his enemy?
then what you expect from an strategic ally ?
here people will decide its failure on my part or your part
there literally 114 chapter in quran , one is called Al-baqareh, one Nahl , one Al-shoara, one Al-Noor, one Al-Naml, one even called Al-Rum , one Saba, one Al-Zukhruf , one Ad-dukhaan ,one Al-Qamar, Al-Hadeed, heck even one called Talaq . how religious are they.
Surah Loqman is 31st Surah in the Quran and features Loqman and his son. You are clueless about military issues and now you want to argue haplessly about religion with me? How does the number of surahs refute my claim that Loqman comes from the Quran? Yes the entire Quran is religious, ablah!

sadly we don't have that luxury , and can do that . wonder if russia havve sold us S-300 would Bavar ever have seen light of the day?
Of course we do, silly! The Russians also sold us the S300 eventually but I'm sure there was some trasnfer of technology prior to that, I find the unveiling of Bavar too close to the delivery of the s300 to Iran. The reason why we dont is the ToT.
well , we have different understanding there , that rehashed f-5 have the potential to be better than f-18 if the project get properly funded and managed. and it is a lot different than f-5 , that f-5 comment come from enemies of Iran

No the comment came from a realist. Youre dumping on Iran 24/7 on here so you really shouldnt be commenting on whos an enemy of Iran. The F5 or Kowsar will never compete with anything that the west has. It is aerodynamically like the F5 and just as much of a sore thumb as an F5 on enemy radars. It is a joke. Wont take that back because it is the truth!
what western , every time i bring up western airplane i also brought up Chinese air plane , i bring up modern light/medium fighters as example . and only USA, Sweden , France and China have those , Russia Mig-35 could be categorized there but they went an downgrade its radar , so it right now is a downgraded platform nothing but a glorified Mig-29 that latest version of China/Pakistan joint project JF-17 outperform it.
Okay but is it Iran's fault that China doesnt sell their jets to anyone in the world? I guess it's Iran's fault why drought or floods occur, or it's Iran's fault why we have diseases and earthquakes...
what hardware .our cruise missile , we get help from Ukraine , air defense , Belarus and china and our-self ripping American system and learn from it , anti ship missiles m we learned from Chinese and american missiles . ballistic missile the old one Libya and Pakistan and north Korea, and latter hard work of our young scientist

Between 1995 and 2005, 70% of Iranian arms purchases were from Russia. Facts are not your friend.
pipe dreams is for you , never ever wished for any Russian airplane or western ones ,once mocked the people who wanted Iran to buy Su-30 and Su-35 why they don't go after su-75 and make deal like India did with Su-30 with Russia for Su-75.

funny people failed to see the mockery in that post . sadly the fine twist and art in Persian literature is lost to younger generation and foreigners

Sam never gonna cut it completely , its the duty of air force to amend its short coming

put the blames on the ones who wont provide the necessary funding for domestic projects
Yes you do hence why you always bring up western planes when we suggest Russian ones. So you are obviously smoking some strong, stepped on dope over there in Paeen Shahr! Maybe because Iran cant afford su-57, have you considered that? Oh so now Russian is good? You flip flop just to keep an argument going which is why your ilk will never mount a credible opposition to Islamic Republic. Hamatoon kale shagheen, and that is a blessing.

I choose not to use religion to mock others or mock the religion itself. Maybe thats why you don't get anywhere with your silly comments, despite you dedicating your life to this.

SAM is definitely enough for Iran and her doctrine.

No I blame the US for the sanctions and the world for being slaves to the US. Iran is blame free as far as I'm concerned.

no navy wanted to keep f-14 because f-18 did not meet navy criteria and still cant replace all the roles of F-14 . it was some senators in Washington who decided that the navy most abandon F-14 and go with F-18 , us navy never liked that decision .
Nice, none of that proves that the F-14 was canned because of Iran or that the F-14 is still missed by the Navy now that they have f35 and F-18. Yea a few old dogs back then hated change and then when the F-18 actually came the F-14 was instantly forgotten. F-14 is only loved so much in US because of that film which I'm sure you get flustered over.
Surah Loqman is 31st Surah in the Quran and features Loqman and his son. You are clueless about military issues and now you want to argue haplessly about religion with me? How does the number of surahs refute my claim that Loqman comes from the Quran? Yes the entire Quran is religious, ablah!

Of course we do, silly! The Russians also sold us the S300 eventually but I'm sure there was some trasnfer of technology prior to that, I find the unveiling of Bavar too close to the delivery of the s300 to Iran. The reason why we dont is the ToT.

No the comment came from a realist. Youre dumping on Iran 24/7 on here so you really shouldnt be commenting on whos an enemy of Iran. The F5 or Kowsar will never compete with anything that the west has. It is aerodynamically like the F5 and just as much of a sore thumb as an F5 on enemy radars. It is a joke. Wont take that back because it is the truth!

Okay but is it Iran's fault that China doesnt sell their jets to anyone in the world? I guess it's Iran's fault why drought or floods occur, or it's Iran's fault why we have diseases and earthquakes...

Between 1995 and 2005, 70% of Iranian arms purchases were from Russia. Facts are not your friend.
name them and i answer each one , by the way you talk about a time that Russia would have sold it's mother , daughter and sister for money and even then they refused sell us what we wanted

about Loqman sura , still i said is valid , he was not a religious person and not every thing is religious , thats our literature that i versed and Saadi if you bother to read his books you see make interesting jokes about fake religious people .
I don't knew about military and some members here who disagree with me on matter of air force knew about it well is a matter for debate as i time and time showed they don't knew about the equipment and tactic they are talking about
first they sold us it after the threat on paying compensation in court for failing to deliver and after usa abandoned them in that matter and no TOT on that happened , wonder from where you get that , they even didn't use the radar we use in bavar until they built S-500 and even they use different type of missiles , the missile of our top tire air defense is based on USA missile design not Russian ones.

i don't dump Iran , i don't day dream and instead of being a lobbyist for some foreign company i just promote Iranian design and products . something that some people don't like

and again why we buy from china when we can have our own if we fund the project domestically
i don't expect any thing from , Israel after all we our self also won\t stop from doing so until Israel destruction , so you who like called other people examples apple and orange comparison , wonder why fail to see the difference of how we are toward Russia by how we are toward Israel . how naive one can be to expect friendship from enemy
Oh so now youre a bonafide Ziopig apologist. Can't say im surprised but you have taken yourself past the point of no return. Is Russia killing our scientists? Is Russia killing Palestinians or displacing them? Is Russia threatening nukes against Iran on a daily basis?
Nice, none of that proves that the F-14 was canned because of Iran or that the F-14 is still missed by the Navy now that they have f35 and F-18. Yea a few old dogs back then hated change and then when the F-18 actually came the F-14 was instantly forgotten. F-14 is only loved so much in US because of that film which I'm sure you get flustered over.
did i ever say it canned for iran , no i said it canned because of some politican in Washington who probably was bribed by McDonnel Douglass who failed to sell f-18 to army , they destroyed the parts and equipment to produce f-14 in fear of it falling in iran hand after its retirement , the f-14 was retired for political reason
f-18 was not loved , navy had no option for it and it could not play the role F-14 could play .and f-14 could was not forgotten they just cut navy budget for it and told them you most use f-18 it happen around 1995-1998 , the navy resist it till 2006
F-14 is only loved so much in US because of that film which I'm sure you get flustered over.
if you say so. by the way the movie top gun was made because of love of f-14 in navy not otherway around, it was a navy sponsored movie .to sponsor and incite young people to join navy
name them and i answer each one , by the way you talk about a time that Russia would have sold it's mother , daughter and sister for money and even then they refused sell us what we wanted

about Loqman sura , still i said is valid , he was not a religious person and not every thing is religious , thats our literature that i versed and Saadi if you bother to read his books you see make interesting jokes about fake religious people .
I don't knew about military and some members here who disagree with me on matter of air force knew about it well is a matter for debate as i time and time showed they don't knew about the equipment and tactic they are talking about
first they sold us it after the threat on paying compensation in court for failing to deliver and after usa abandoned them in that matter and no TOT on that happened , wonder from where you get that , they even didn't use the radar we use in bavar until they built S-500 and even they use different type of missiles , the missile of our top tire air defense is based on USA missile design not Russian ones.

i don't dump Iran , i don't day dream and instead of being a lobbyist for some foreign company i just promote Iranian design and products . something that some people don't like

and again why we buy from china when we can have our own if we fund the project domestically
I dont need you to answer anything for me. I know Russia has sold arms to Iran and the evidence is there. You made the claim Russia has never sold us anything but facts are not your friend. I think ive done enough trying to show you the sky is blue, but it seems you're colourblind.

Fake religious people like you? Who use Quran when it suits them but deep down are kaafir akbar? Of course Loqman was religious! Why would the Quran use wisdom from a non-religious person and dedicate a chapter about him? Use your brain one in a while...the fact Saadi used it is because Saadi was a Muslim, and you quoted him so you must also be a fake khar mas'habi like me then.

Yeah I have yet to see anything from you where you won a debate or showed a fact that wasnt refuted instantly by the other members here. So I will reject that claim.

So either Iran is lying about the capabilities of bavar, which was claimed to be equal to S400 at the time, or Russia is taking all of their military accumen from Iranians. After all, you just said S-500 was inspired by Bavar! LOL

But you know full well that isnt practical and there needs to be a hybrid strategy of both domestic and modern foreign jets...but you dont want that because the options arent European or Chinese, so your strategy is a guaranteed defeat of airforce in a war and defeat for Islamic Republic (rubs hands with glee!)....hence why you are an enemy of Iran but trying to veil yourself.

We dont have the money because of sanctions so some sacrifices should be made.

Oh so now youre a bonafide Ziopig apologist. Can't say im surprised but you have taken yourself past the point of no return. Is Russia killing our scientists? Is Russia killing Palestinians or displacing them? Is Russia threatening nukes against Iran on a daily basis?
do we announced our-self as Russian enemy ,? why its hard for you guys to understand that . why comment on irrelevant matter .
didn't we also kill israeli missile scientist ?
why compare orange and apple . again where i support Israel . why you guys pull assumption from your....
did i ever say it canned for iran , no i said it canned because of some politican in Washington who probably was bribed by McDonnel Douglass who failed to sell f-18 to army , they destroyed the parts and equipment to produce f-14 in fear of it falling in iran hand after its retirement , the f-14 was retired for political reason
f-18 was not loved , navy had no option for it and it could not play the role F-14 could play .and f-14 could was not forgotten they just cut navy budget for it and told them you most use f-18 it happen around 1995-1998 , the navy resist it till 2006

if you say so. by the way the movie top gun was made because of love of f-14 in navy not otherway around, it was a navy sponsored movie .to sponsor and incite young people to join navy
Oh so you wrote a paragraph of something irrelevant to what me and @BlessedKingOfLonging were talking about. Standard Hack! He made the claim the F14 was canned by the US because of Iran, I asked for evidence which he couldn't give. Now you're coming here talking to me about how much people loved F14 back in the 90s. Well it's 2022 now and F14 is forgotten...so get your head out of the past.

do we announced our-self as Russian enemy ,? why its hard for you guys to understand that . why comment on irrelevant matter .
didn't we also kill israeli missile scientist ?
why compare orange and apple . again where i support Israel . why you guys pull assumption from your....
Why should we do that?! When did we kill an Israeli missile scientist, where is your evidence? You're the one who equated our relationship with Israel with that of Russia. Youre the one who said that we should make an enemy out of Russia because they have done just as bad or worse to us than Israel. Like I said, strong, stepped on dope!
I dont need you to answer anything for me. I know Russia has sold arms to Iran and the evidence is there. You made the claim Russia has never sold us anything but facts are not your friend. I think ive done enough trying to show you the sky is blue, but it seems you're colourblind.
so you don't knew what they sold , you just assume they sold something

Fake religious people like you? Who use Quran when it suits them but deep down are kaafir akbar? Of course Loqman was religious! Why would the Quran use wisdom from a non-religious person and dedicate a chapter about him? Use your brain one in a while...the fact Saadi used it is because Saadi was a Muslim, and you quoted him so you must also be a fake khar mas'habi like me then.
as i recall it was you who brought up Quran not me , i just put out a verse from one of our greatest poets and writers aka literature . you made a wrong assumption as many other times
Yeah I have yet to see anything from you where you won a debate or showed a fact that wasnt refuted instantly by the other members here. So I will reject that claim.
just go and read last 20-30 page again . winning is when your opponent can't answer you and resort to profanity .
its when they become irrational , there is no need for them to accept defeat
So either Iran is lying about the capabilities of bavar, which was claimed to be equal to S400 at the time, or Russia is taking all of their military accumen from Iranians. After all, you just said S-500 was inspired by Bavar! LOL
no i said russia used AESA radar in S-500 , we use in Bavar .
i said the missile for bavar , 3rd of khordad , 15th khordad , 9th dey are based on American design not Russian ones . i said the system use Iranian guidance and detection equipment that has nothing to do with russia . and by the way if anything it was Buk-M3 which was inspired by 3rd f Khordad and still failed to reach its capabilities , so LOL on yourself dear bring Iranian achievement down and attribute it to Russia guy
But you know full well that isnt practical and there needs to be a hybrid strategy of both domestic and modern foreign jets...but you dont want that because the options arent European or Chinese, so your strategy is a guaranteed defeat of airforce in a war and defeat for Islamic Republic (rubs hands with glee!)....hence why you are an enemy of Iran but trying to veil yourself.
fun fact the strategy of Russian airplane fail because first Russia will sell you downgraded overprice equipment after you manage to build better one to distract you from your capabilities and again i wonder where i said we go buy European or Chinese airplane , i said they are better and more advance than Russian ones .
if i knew from where you guys get the idea i support buying foreign military equipment ?
We dont have the money because of sanctions so some sacrifices
we don't have money because whatever happened some guys come out and say let sell oil and go buy from the foreigners instead of saying let build it our-self and mismanagement on some high level manager and the fact for many years we tolerated corruption for many reasons
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