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Ablah, does the Quran speak good or bad about Abu Lahab? Can we still draw rulings from Abu Lahabs conditions? Does the Quran speak good or bad about Luqman? Is Luqman not a religious and pious figure? Because the Quran uses Luqman as an example of how a father should teach his son. Hardly the same as Ferown and Abu Jahl. You used a secondary Islamic source, which derived its inspiration from the Quran. There is no hiding that you used religious thinking in your post. I guess its your fitra kicking in.
what it matter . quran talk good about many people are all religion and even that won\t matter what i post was literature and nobody can prohibit me from using iranian arts and literature .
so wonder who is ignorant here
Pretty sure Russia has sold all of those categories and more to Iran.
sure but fail to bring example
Youre the one resorting to circular reasoning. Maybe try to come with something new?
that can be decided by the rest of the people who read the posts , those are something which remain there for people to see for years
Yes it was unveiled before 3rd Khordad, yet somehow you think Russia copied Iran LOL this why logic is beyond you.
but 3rd of khordad somehow become operational sooner than that. do you knew how many battery of it russia have produced till today .
Irrelevant, you made the claim that only Russia gives deficient export models, and now that I've shown you to be wrong, you have reverted back to "western planes are better" line, which I will have to repeat with "west wont sell those planes to us, so you make a moot point". I will repeat myself to your circular reasoning till the cows come home or you come with something. Hope youre ready!
again you make some strange claim
about russia export let just say they sold the lowest model of mig-29 that you can find anywhere , even the prototypes are probably more advance . and i always said Chinese and western airplane are more advance and the only airplane in russia militarythat use modern electronic and technology is Su-57 and they managed to build a whooping 6 of them and before sanctions they could produce 1-2 each year , right now i don't knew how many . just knew they had to remove AESA radar from mig-35
You're thinking in extremes and stawmanning me. I never said we should go one way or the other, im saying we should have a hybrid strategy of both domestic R+D (which would require foreign help) and foreign jets.
you yourself said our money is limited and you said that just today . and now you claim we hove money to both buy and develop new airplanes !?

No, Salar jan is suming up your pro-ziopig statement with evidence. Cope.
his evidence is baseless assumption . he made a comparisson and i point to him he compare apple to orange . if he want to compare the so called strategic ally behaviors toward us , he most compare it by how china react toward Pakistan or how USA to Israel or how turkey to Azerbaijan . not how Israel act toward Iran .
and later his mental Gymnastics and conclusion he made from when i pointed the fact to him was nothing but extraordinary and legendary
I wish we had a clean Zionism_free forum without hackhook


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I wish we had a clean forum without hack hook
for that you must prove me wrong. and people must stop worshiping a country that time and time abandoned us in time of need.
by the way i was wondering , what you guys reaction would have been if you were subjected to such nonsense and profanity i faced to last several day , for what .because some member don't like me and want make me leave the forum like several other old Iranian members.
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I wish we had a clean Zionism_free forum without hackhook
wonder what you achieve by repeating it , make me leave.
its funny some new member here want me who have been here for more than 10 years leave you guys even didn't wait to pass one year mark

wonder if we must produce a Hack-Hook must go meme like that asad must go meme we had here
wonder what you achieve by repeating it , make me leave.
its funny some new member here want me who have been here for more than 10 years leave you guys even didn't wait to pass one year mark

wonder if we must produce a Hack-Hook must go meme like that asad must go meme we had here
Everywhere we go in Iranian part we see your extremely low quality posts

So we close the pages immediately and wait until another person to post something beneficial
Everywhere we go in Iranian part we see your extremely low quality posts

So we close the pages immediately and wait until another person to post something beneficial
now facts are low quality, but praising low grade Russian , equipment , saying all we build everything because of Russia . say we must disband part of our army , saying we must go and by Russian outdated downgraded handover instead of building it ourselves is high quality.
saying just like our missiles and radars and defense we can build better airplane than what Russia is willing to give to us is low quality.
the picture is becoming clear little by little you guys don't believe in our abilities
now facts are low quality, but praising low grade Russian , equipment , saying all we build everything because of Russia . say we must disband part of our army , saying we must go and by Russian outdated downgraded handover instead of building it ourselves is high quality.
saying just like our missiles and radars and defense we can build better airplane than what Russia is willing to give to us is low quality.
the picture is becoming clear little by little you guys don't believe in our abilities
شرافتا ۹۰٪ حرفات مزخرف هست

یاوه هایی هست که از ذهن نخودی یه پیرمرد خرفت تراوش میشه

لجن زدی به بخش ما ایرانی ها ..
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what it matter . quran talk good about many people are all religion and even that won\t matter what i post was literature and nobody can prohibit me from using iranian arts and literature .
so wonder who is ignorant here

sure but fail to bring example

that can be decided by the rest of the people who read the posts , those are something which remain there for people to see for years

but 3rd of khordad somehow become operational sooner than that. do you knew how many battery of it russia have produced till today .

again you make some strange claim
about russia export let just say they sold the lowest model of mig-29 that you can find anywhere , even the prototypes are probably more advance . and i always said Chinese and western airplane are more advance and the only airplane in russia militarythat use modern electronic and technology is Su-57 and they managed to build a whooping 6 of them and before sanctions they could produce 1-2 each year , right now i don't knew how many . just knew they had to remove AESA radar from mig-35

you yourself said our money is limited and you said that just today . and now you claim we hove money to both buy and develop new airplanes !?

his evidence is baseless assumption . he made a comparisson and i point to him he compare apple to orange . if he want to compare the so called strategic ally behaviors toward us , he most compare it by how china react toward Pakistan or how USA to Israel or how turkey to Azerbaijan . not how Israel act toward Iran .
and later his mental Gymnastics and conclusion he made from when i pointed the fact to him was nothing but extraordinary and legendary
Kheyli khari!

Nobody is prohibiting you. I just pointed out that you have become religious for us with your quoting of an Islamic text...who cares it is Iranian or in form of poem. The fact is that Loqman specifically was quoted and he is a righteous religious figure in the Quran. Bringing firown and this and that just makes you look dumb.

I dont care too much about what others think or dont think. This is between me and you. But from the look of it people are deciding against you on this forum.

Buk M3 was operational in 2013, 3rd Khordad was operational in 2014. You do the math.

No, I dont buy your exaggerated claims that finished products are worse than prototype. But even if that were the case that just proves domestic versions will always be better than export which is the standard globally. Again you bring up China and the west. That's like saying "why are there poor people when rich people exist?". That's the level of your brain power, va gandesh dare dar miyad.

Yes, money is limited if we were to follow your braindead 100% domestic route in a meaningful timeframe where Iran can defend itself and money is also limited to buy solely foreign. However Iran has the money for a few squadrons of modern Russian jets, which wont be enough to defeat US but is a big improvement. The reason why this is isnt happening is because of the ToT issue and whether or not Russia can produce enough for export considering it is in the middle of a proxy war with the entire west. In the meantime, money will go towards missiles and drones, enough to block out the sun!

You equated a few shoddy arms deals and UNSC sanctions from 10 years ago, which dont exist any more btw, with Israel killing Iranian scientists and threatening Iran with nukes. You hate Iran that much that the blood of your countrymen dont matter, you only worry about why Iran is getting stronger via Russia, an enemy of the west ironically, and not through Israel and the west?!

for that you must prove me wrong. and people must stop worshiping a country that time and time abandoned us in time of need.
by the way i was wondering , what you guys reaction would have been if you were subjected to such nonsense and profanity i faced to last several day , for what .because some member don't like me and want make me leave the forum like several other old Iranian members.
Why do you worship the west who want Iran to be weak, subservient, morally bankrupt and God-less? You're just another cheek of the same arse. Now you're worshipping Israel.
Kheyli khari!

Nobody is prohibiting you. I just pointed out that you have become religious for us with your quoting of an Islamic text...who cares it is Iranian or in form of poem. The fact is that Loqman specifically was quoted and he is a righteous religious figure in the Quran. Bringing firown and this and that just makes you look dumb.

I dont care too much about what others think or dont think. This is between me and you. But from the look of it people are deciding against you on this forum.

Buk M3 was operational in 2013, 3rd Khordad was operational in 2014. You do the math.

No, I dont buy your exaggerated claims that finished products are worse than prototype. But even if that were the case that just proves domestic versions will always be better than export which is the standard globally. Again you bring up China and the west. That's like saying "why are there poor people when rich people exist?". That's the level of your brain power, va gandesh dare dar miyad.

Yes, money is limited if we were to follow your braindead 100% domestic route in a meaningful timeframe where Iran can defend itself and money is also limited to buy solely foreign. However Iran has the money for a few squadrons of modern Russian jets, which wont be enough to defeat US but is a big improvement. The reason why this is isnt happening is because of the ToT issue and whether or not Russia can produce enough for export considering it is in the middle of a proxy war with the entire west. In the meantime, money will go towards missiles and drones, enough to block out the sun!

You equated a few shoddy arms deals and UNSC sanctions from 10 years ago, which dont exist any more btw, with Israel killing Iranian scientists and threatening Iran with nukes. You hate Iran that much that the blood of your countrymen dont matter, you only worry about why Iran is getting stronger via Russia, an enemy of the west ironically, and not through Israel and the west?!

Why do you worship the west who want Iran to be weak, subservient, morally bankrupt and God-less? You're just another cheek of the same arse. Now you're worshipping Israel.
He is son-in-law of zibakalam the crazy
please go and read about it more carefully specially on how many fired and how many Merkava-3 and 4 get destroyed in that war.

I've no desire to read zionist propaganda. I leave that to you if it inspires you so much.

by the way i was talking about when hezbollah fired 3-4 against israeli transport and only one hit it. so it gave the israeli force the time to escape.

And I was talking about when Hezbollah smashed Merkavas using their Kornets. Those multiple Merkavas weren't incapacitated by Hezbollah's other anti-tank weapon, the... RPG (yes, another Russian-designed weapon)! :lol:

made by Iranian engineers , totally different in shape form and probably algorithms because we did that they didn't gave it to us

Directly benefiting from lessons learnt by examining the Nebo.

when they gave that to us exactly . at the time how many radar we had in production

Given its high degree of self-sufficiency, a country like Iran won't be placing orders for arms it sees no benefit in, with benefit being most often determined in terms of how useful these items are for the indigenization of technology. Proof's always in the pudding in this regard.

so not strategic partnership , but selling a weapon to us we already get our hands on

Strategic-level partnership on a certain number of geopolitical dossiers.

And unlike what you're implying, Iran has not been wasting funds on imported armaments she has no requirement for.

exactly what resulted in downing of ukrainian airplanes , that was not a laughing matter at all

Could have had multiple concurring causes other than supposedly inherent flaws to the SAM system. Moreover Iran never published a technically detailed account on how the incident came about, so your speculative assertion tainted with anti-Russian bias is disingenuous.

because they refused further purchase from Russia even when they begged us to buy s-400 later. guess what bavar is superior
that also will be the case of kowsar if it get adequate funding . it will be superior to migs or flanker

And that's also why the S-300 continues to be fielded by Islamic Iran. Because it's a reliable and efficient item which will keep playing its own dedicated role within the Iranian IADS for years to come.

lol , to Syria not Iran and that isn't that a Russian site

Qasem Soleimani is a Syrian general now, sure. Also the third source is reporting earlier sales to Iran.

again which Russian radar

Every Russian radar Iran spent money on. Iranian planners know what to invest in, they won't ask anyone on this forum for their opinion or permission.

As well as every Belarusian, read Russian front company-supplied one.

very relevant to the delivery date , we received it when we no longer needed it . they hoped to later sell us more , and you expect we throw it in rubbish bin . its natural we use them after we received them .

By that faulty logic, Iran could have simply gone for the alternatives Russia was offering, rather than pressing them to deliver the S-300PM variant. No, it's not natural to use something one doesn't need. Rationally thinking entities won't do such a thing. Iran could have sold them off to a third party if she just thought they're trash.

you say they are enemy , but you expect them to act like friend !!?

No I don't. But I'm also highlighting the way in which you rationalized their enmity by suggesting Iran is sharing part of the blame.

and then you say russia is friend but justify its action because of action of an enemy ?

Don't remember "justifying" any Russian wrongdoing against Iran. As said, you appear to be having a slight comprehension issue at this point.

exactly which conflict .

The one you're pretending not to know.

i don't blame it on anyone . you brought it up . i said its natural , its human nature.
you just wanted compare orange with apple

You suggested it's normal for them to show extreme hostility because Iran is seeking their regime's destruction. I responded by demonstrating the fallacy behind that kind of zionist-absolving rhetoric.

i say Russia is not enemy , its not a partner either . its a competitor and i expect proportionate approach to relation with them.

This right here is the appropriate approach towards Russia:


Also a rapid look at your commenting history will illustrate that measured against the way you speak about an enemy (i.e. the zionist entity), your views about Russia are more akin to what pious people tend to think of Iblis himself (may the Almighty's curse be upon him).

i don't recall defend them , i recall stating the natural order of things

I recall you envisaging an unrealistic discussion scenario under which you would have reason to defend them.

if you want to skew my words , to made your point , i can force you to do other thing . every one can see and decide

Yes, everyone can see and decide, Captain Obvious. But perhaps I ought to take back that latter characterization, considering how the fact that you were explaining zionist enmity through the prism of Iranian actions, seems to have escaped your mind.

until Russia back-stab again .
that's something always happened

What's next, saying that the Leader ought to follow your advice?


no you tried to rationalizing Russia backstabbing because of Israel enmity .

Only someone who doesn't properly understand what I wrote, could possibly alter its meaning in such a way. Or perhaps an intellectually dishonest one, but I prefer to be optimistic.

i pointed out that Israel is enemy and Russia is supposed to be ally . we expect a little difference on how they that you . but seems some people can't understand that.

since when stating facts become nonsensical and treacherous , but worshiping an entity that time and time showed we can't rely on it is patriotism

Yeah, but one tidbit in that sentence was implicitly supposing zionist hostility is a reaction to Iranian policy. If you had half that level of clemency for a partner, Russia, it'd be more acceptable.
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Logically, there seem to be only two routes:
(A) Depending on if Babak Taghavee is right and an indigenous TF-30 414-A and F-14 airframe have been developed, we can field a domestic 4th generation fighter integrating all the avionics and sensors embedded on the HESA Kowsar.

My own assumption ... at best OWJ/IRSSJO can field out something like this, based upon published claims:

Airframe: 60-70% locally built, 30-40% parts from some cannibalized or damaged airframes, black market parts
AWG-9+: Digitalised local processor unit + 834 local parts are being made in Iranian companies which is reducing the weight of the unit drastically and bringing the search range to 350+ km. They can or may already have added a TDL in the processing unit.
Nav-Comm: New INS/TACAN confirmed
TF-30-P414 Turbofan: I believe this will also be a local built parts + overhauled parts
WVR Missiles: Azarakhsh all aspect CCD seeker WVR 100 % indigenous, we have seen it.
LR-BVR Missiles: Fakour-90 SARH+ECCM 100 % indigenous, we have seen it. Maghsoud ARH LR-BVR for 200 KM is still in testing, we have seen pics

So they may show a Saegeh-I/II like version of a F-14A but the problem exists that for mass production of this unit, leadership will give no money for IRIAF. They will show us one assembly line with production rate of some 2-3 units per year at best. Kowsar-I, F-14AM, MIG-29 MLU+upgradation all are victim of lack of $$.

Of course, new additions like GaN AESA radar, EW suite and IRST are needed to bolster it and bring it up to 4++ generation standard. And over time, higher engine quality with greater overall dry and afterburner thrust will be needed to bring out its best.

F-14 has a HUGE RCS. I do not have the source but assumption is that it wont be below 10 m2 because other fighters of similar role, generation and size, shape like F-15, Tornado, F-4, SU-27 have 10-25 m2 RCS. No matter what you do, you can not bring this plane to 4++ generation. That domain belongs to smaller and lighter EF-2000, F/A-18EF, Rafale who all have <1 m2 RCS and are literal electronic laboratories flying in the sky to blind, and deceive the enemy instead of winning speed and thrust contest that aircrafts from 70s were built for.

(B) We settle for a stop-gap measure of inducting small numbers of Su-30SM2 and Su-35SE but with technology transfer that at least enables us to manufacture our own spare parts rather than being dependent on the russian UAC and for our mechanics and engineers to be able to perform full overhaul and maintenance independently. Otherwise, it's a huge risk and a waste of precious foreign currency.

Just to purchase a token force of 24 x SU-35S we will need 4-5 Billion USD. These planes will :

- 10-15 m2 RCS
- IRBIS-E PESA cant track small fighters above 100 km. Imagine the plane taking on EF-2000, Rafale armed with metoer LR-BVR
- TKS-2 or later TDL wont allow integration with Iranian TDL as they are limited to Flanker-Flanker
- R-77-1 BVR missile it will carry has a range of ~105-110 KM so an F-14AM will have to fly along with it to save it from BVR attack using its own LR-BVR and AWG-9.
- 85 million USD/unit.

For same amount of money Iran can procure

- 40 additional MIG-29M/35
- 23 IRIAF MIG-29 MLUed and upgraded
- 200 RD-33MK Turbofans for Kowsar-II
- 400 R-77-1 BVR
- 400 R-74 WVR

This will mean we will have a force of ~75 MIG-29M/MIG-35 + 160 Kowsar-I/II all armed with modern BVR, WVR + 40 F-14A/AM . An IRIAF to take on the regional enemies.

Regardless of which route is taken, the Mig-29 has to be passed down to the IRGC-AF to allow them to expand their aerial reach and arsenal and modify the platform according to their needs.

IMO, IRIAF itself should be handed over to MOD+IRGC strategists so that

- they can pressure leadership to release some $$ to save this force from being a victim of missile, navy, UCAV, space program
- bargain with Russia for MIG/SU procurement, IRGC has better relations with Russians (SU-22 upgradation, SU-25 purchase, T-90SM purchase, interoperability in Syria)
Aaanyway, like I have already said, Iran has limited financial resources and their defence is investing most of their money into attack, primarily from drones and missiles.

You are totally wrong. Iranian defence budget is by no mans small. For a country that purchases nothing from abroad and produces local stuff its freaking 24 Billion surpassing Turkey and even Israel (SIPRI). Its just disproportionate in favor of heavy arming of missile forces, UCAVs, Navy, Radars, HIMADS/SHORADS. IRIAF is just a neglected branch, ppl have different theories:

-Nojeh fearing Akhoonds
-IRGC competes with IRIAF for $$ and has more influence on MoD
-IRIAF has ego lobby groups that push for their own stupid projects like overhaul and maintenance of Mirage F1, F-7N, F-5E/F. Thus waste of money.

To have an effective airforce to compete with US, Iran just doesnt have that sort of money...so they have had to make some tough choices.

IRIAF can't fight with the US so they should let it die so that it can't even deal with the PGCC+Israel threat? What kind of looney logic is that?

Theyre not gonna piss money up the wall just because you and @Hack-Hook have pipe dreams of Kowsar X and SU-57 LOL!

You are talking out of your bunghole I am afraid. I have NEVER EVER called for SU-57/75 or J-31 purchases. I am in fact even against the SU-35S bomb truck for 85 Million USD.

IMO plane that fits IRIAF needs from foreign markets is none other than what we already operate and have the proper local infrastructure for ... MIG-29M/35. IRIAF chased this plane in the entire 1990s in heavy numbers. Just in 1992, they wanted some 72 fighters but Yeltsin's drunk days Russia chickened out. Who knows they might have gone for some 150 total airframes to replace Shahi dreams of F-16 and F-17 based IIAF.

Even today if Leadership just focuses on IRIAF they can get a force built around some 100 MIG-29M/MIG-35 and Kowsar-II

Iran will only invest on their airforce if it is worth it, other than that they have to be more calculated than you are sat behind your computer screen.

IADS is not enough to fight 1000 4+ generation aircraft in PGCC+Israel+Turkey. IRIAF needs to survive at all costs.

Really? Qaher was trash,

I called it a joke before you registered on any Iranian forum. I feel this was some academic project from Malek Ashtar U that worked on low RCS AT designs with Tajik Soviet aircraft designer. Qaher was used for local consumption by Ahamdinejad era idiots who tried to sell a utopian project as some in-production fighter.

Kowsar is trash

Radar Grifo-346 replica with a tracking range of around 93 KM, Search range in excess of 110+ KM, official figures and visual evidence
ECCM package included
SAR with 1 m resolution as much as an F-16C/D
TDL Fighter-Fighter, Fighter-UCAV, IAIO head confirmed
E-Warfare suite IFF and RWR, Auto Chaff/Flare system, Shown
Low RCS N-156 family never exceeded 3m2. F/A-18 of same family is 1.2 m2.
FBW BT confirmed
Glass cockpit 6 MFDs in Tandem seaters, HUD
4 x Computer systems for Flight, Weapons, Targetting, Electronic warfare

Above all rivals FCK-I, FC-1 Block I/II, F-20, F-16 Block 30/40. Next generation can incorporate RD-33MK and an AESA radar and we can have our own F-16C/D. We can talk more on this.

, everything about IRIAF is trash. It's subpar garbage that will be the first to get annihilated in a war, followed by our Navy. Sorry if that hurt your feelings.

Again you are talking out of your rear bottom. I was probably the first person in IDF and IMF to say IRIAF will die a horrible death at the hands of a disproportionate defense budget. I am the one who started this argument that by current trend IRIAF will not exist by 2030. All this talk of SU-35, F-14, Kowsar, Mig-29 means nothing when the leadership itself wants the force to become DPRK AF so that 1-2 squadrons are FMC's and can gaurd the capital while rest is IADs job to deal with.

Attack is a form of defence...Iran has a decent SAM network as well.

With lower RCS planes emerging and long range SOWs, half of our IADS will become useless. So far PGCC and NW theatre has not got F-35 but in future we will face a force of Rafale, EF-2000, F-35, F/A-18EF that will enter our Airspace and even can fire long range SOWs from the periphery and run back. You need interceptors there to thwart them back. IADS works but not solely.

I know you're a secularist and you want Iran to become a stooge of the west again...but wake the **** up, it aint gonna happen.

Secularist Shahi will ask for IRIAF to be handed over to IRGC and write paragraphs against Reformists like Rohani?? You make assumptions about people and go on and on.

So the akhoonds are doing the best they can.

No they are not. The same people who brought us Qaher and called Saeghe-I/II testbeds as F/A-18 equivalents are not trustable as strategists to me.

Mismanaged $$
Hot air propoganda
Botched up presentations of real accomplishments

List goes on...

Even if Iran had money, they would still need to make crazy investments in their airforce for it to even stand more than a few weeks in a war.

A force of following

40 F-14AM
75 MIG-29M/35
160 Kowsar-I/II
200 UCAVS for ELINT, SIGINT, mini-AWACS, PGM strike role

is enough to work in conjunction with IADS to stop aerial invasion of Iran so that IRGC can deliver a crushing blow to PGCC+Israel+Turkey through their Missile power. Without the above, IADS will fight but the enemy will still be able to target the infrastructure of Iran. With enemy procuring F-35, EF-2000, Rafale with long range SOWs and creating their own Missile forces (KSA, Turkey) we will lose this assymetric advantage very fast.

That is why Iran's detterance has come from other means, with great effect, much to your dismay.

Iran still needs IRIAF otherwise IADS will be stressed and stretched out much to your own dismay. Countries who are investing in Air arms are not stupid despite having missile forces arm. What if KSA goes on a purchasing spree from China in next 5 years and ends up with DF-17 HGVs and LACMs to target Iranian IADS ? Chinese provided them with DF-17 and are building nuclear reactors in their country already.
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