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Iran Showcases Domestic Fighter Jets Ready for Export; Who Might Buy the Kowsar?

According to General Banitarafi, Iran has already reached export agreements with China, Russia and Indonesia. While Chinese and Russian acquisitions of Iranian fighters remains extremely unlikely


"We have already taken necessary steps to export (our) products," Abdoklarim Banitarafi, head of Iran Aviation Industries Organization, was quoted as saying by Press TV.

Iran plans to sell its trainer jets as well, he added.

I think my country,Indonesia would be interested regarding the Kowsar avionics and new radar, i think it would a good addition to prolong our F-5 fleet lifespan.
I think my country,Indonesia would be interested regarding the Kowsar avionics and new radar, i think it would a good addition to prolong our F-5 fleet lifespan.

F5 had been retired, end case. Several units even had been converted into gates statue.

With iran, cooperation in radar system is more likely
The only likely client is Syria as there Air Force is in desperate need of some for of modernization after years of war.

Iraq and Yemen are also potential clients. Though in the case of Yemen, I am not sure how they could pay for it.
the Airshow China 2018, the brochure of a certain J-10CE - E for Export -


was distributed for the first time by AVIC. This means that the Chinese aircraft manufacturer would have finally obtained the official permission from the Chinese authorities to export this aircraft equipped with the latest technological advances, such as an AESA antenna fire control radar and a dedicated electronic warfare suite.


J-10CE can it be a solution for Iran?
the Airshow China 2018, the brochure of a certain J-10CE - E for Export -


was distributed for the first time by AVIC. This means that the Chinese aircraft manufacturer would have finally obtained the official permission from the Chinese authorities to export this aircraft equipped with the latest technological advances, such as an AESA antenna fire control radar and a dedicated electronic warfare suite.


J-10CE can it be a solution for Iran?
Only if full license production in iran was on offer,otherwise whats the point,even then it would only be a possible mig29 replacement or augment for the existing mig fleet.In addition have the chinese finally fixed their engine problems with the later marks of the ws10 engine?.
It still wouldnt solve the problem of an f14 replacement....altho the j11 might....possibly...,however it uses russian engines.Another option could be a land based variant of the j15 carrier based machine,but the j15 has had problems,tho how much of that is related to possible compromises made to the original j11 design to get it carrier borne,and how much is due to problems with chinese engines and avionics I really couldnt say.
The chinese have made some staggering leaps technologically in their aerospace industries compared to how backward they were in the very late 1980s.....but,they are still not at the same level yet as their western and russian aerospace equivalents,tho they are certainly catching up fast.Give it another decade and I think they`ll be there.
If I was iran I`d probably wait until they were.
J-10CE can it be a solution for Iran?

Only if the radar is not severely downgraded, Soviet-export style, and if the engines are Chinese. If it has the AL-31 engine then Iran would be relying on both Russia and China for 1 aircraft. If we wanted to rely on Russia we'd buy Sukhois, which seems to be the plan.
If the IRIAf wanted to build its own version of the F-20 tiger shark couldn't they just buy RD-33s from Russia or a third country?
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