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I yet to see that engine in action

Both the a2 and a3 versions were likely built in tiny amounts probably only a couple of each for testing and certification purposes,and without reasonable amounts of orders for a3 powered aircraft thats probably about all thats ever going to be built,not to mention that theres supposed to be quite a few unused ps90s still in storage dating back to soviet times that were produced for planes that never got built.So....
You see what I’m seeing,an Iranian F-22 model???? Don’t tell me that this plane will be a further development of 313
I'm not sure but look familiar Guess I have seen it in a drone competition several years ago.
Those are indeed toys, for/of hobby RC guys.

The important display was the new radar for the F-4:
Antenna was changed to a more advanced slotted array providing higher gain.
The display system is a air-interception mode optimized one.

First the APQ-120 subsystems were improved and digitized and as last step the antenna was changed.
Improvements could be based on the Italian Grifo series which are used in the Kowsar.
One key improvement of the Grifo is a SAR mode which requires a good, large display.

So it looks like air-interception optimized. Why doing this? Because the SARH guided Fakkur-90 would require improved range illumination range performance to be used effectively to ranges where it beats the AIM-120 range-wise.

So the story sounds like this to me:
Q: Can we improve the F-4 platform to a level where it can compete against state of the art enemy fighters?
A: Kinematically it is still potent but its BVR sensors and missiles need to be replaced to beat the AIM-120.

Q: How can we beat the AIM-120?
A: We can't beat it pound-by-pound but we can build a large missile that can beat it kinematically by outranging and out-speeding it. The F-4 platform is large and powerful enough to carry about half the AIM-120 load of enemy fighters.

Q: So we trade numbers of carried missiles to beat the AIM-120?
A: Yes, this is the only way to do it and a salvo of two missiles will provide a high PK against the enemy fighters. Achieving the first kill in the battle is very important.

Q: What else needs to be upgraded for this F-4 interceptor concept?
A: The radar needs to be improved to provide the necessary illumination range to support the Fakkur-90.

Q: Which is the most cost-effective way to achieve that?
A: The existing APQ-120 is a strong radar. With digitalized and improved subsystems as well as a higher gain antenna, the job can be done.

Q: Modern enemy fighters use PESA and AESA antennas, is a upgraded APQ-120 really sufficient?
A: It is sufficient if IADS or a modern/potent fighter (e.g F-14) in the formation provide the targets to be engaged. Enemy AESA equipped fighters just have a better situational awareness over the upgraded F-4. But the independent situational awareness and radar range will still be sufficient to search and independently attack 3rd and 4th gen enemy fighters. Like with the numbers of missiles, this is a penalty to pay in order to achieve to required task at the lowest cost.

Again a elegant solution, this time from the IRIAF.
This the only thing that matters to me. Iran building a Tigershark from ground up. It would be the single most important achievement for Iran's military aviation and it is potentially sustainable.
The problem is that before you could do that,you would at a minimum have to be able to reverse/reengineer the rd-33 turbofan engine,or some close equivalent,and put it into at least low rate production,otherwise you would just be repeating all of the previous mistakes iran made with prior attempts to build/reverse/reengineer fighter aircraft in iran.

Radars work in multiple mode..even old aircraft radars have multiple modes..today multi functional radars implement much more different modes splited in few categories like navigation(Ground mapping,Terrain avoidance..etc), Fighter mode(RWS,TWS,PRF,STT....etc),air to ground(Surveillance/tracking of ground forces/targets..weapons delivery),air to surface (ASW) ....i ..now when it comes to what we can see from display...Top menu has RWS , SRCH , VS , MAN , TWS ........tags on display are shortcuts for radar modes.......TWS is for Track While Scan mode...RWS is Range whille search..VS is velocity search......MAN shortcuts are used in multiple different controls and selectors..in same aircraft....MAN means manual..and here it probably means tthat operator has to manualy initiate program...again there is MAN on ECM control...and some other controls..SRCH is search mode control and it is used in various modes for Gain control and in particular for long range precise maping and I suppose this M in front mean Maping or Mode...rest I can't see to be honest....there is on left side but since this MFD is very similar as few i saw and use almost same symbols..I can tell few more things..on left side you can see up and down arrows and 10 between..it is air speed (in this case ground speed)and these arrows signals pilot is he going too slow or too fast in particular situation (upper will be red if aircraft for example is approaching to runway too slow or will bee yellow or green if it is too fast) ...also on left side we can see AZ 120 and it represent Azimuth and these arrows will also signaling if aircrafts is not approaching to runway(same example)with in correct path...at bottom on left side we can see Sym..probably shortcut for symbol SOI ...on right side I can't see what is written but I suppose Auto and Test ...at bottom there is EL for elevation and there are also two arrows for signaling
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Iran Showcases Domestic Fighter Jets Ready for Export; Who Might Buy the Kowsar?

According to General Banitarafi, Iran has already reached export agreements with China, Russia and Indonesia. While Chinese and Russian acquisitions of Iranian fighters remains extremely unlikely


"We have already taken necessary steps to export (our) products," Abdoklarim Banitarafi, head of Iran Aviation Industries Organization, was quoted as saying by Press TV.

Iran plans to sell its trainer jets as well, he added.

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