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Is this a new thing or is it just old rumors?

Unfortunately so long as the un arms embargo remains [:hitwall:good job zarif:hitwall:] this sort of thing is sadly impossible.:no:
Maybe these clowns get their info from a certain babak taghvaae:azn::omghaha:
Is this a new thing or is it just old rumors?

In a few years the UN sanctions preventing Iran from purchasing offensive weapons will come to an end.
Iran has already signed agreements with Russia to purchase a large number of SU-30 jets with technology transfers. The jets will be assembled in Iran.

I would like to see Iran purchase
50 x SU-30 twin seat variants
50 x SU-30/SU-27 single seat variant
50 x MIG-35 single seat variant plus upgrade Iran's MIG-29's to to MIG-35 standard
That would be a dream come true
In a few years the UN sanctions preventing Iran from purchasing offensive weapons will come to an end.


Wow you really are naive. If the current circumstances continue, the US will probably sanction any country that sells offensive arms to Iran.

Russia has a very bad history of caving to US pressures when it comes to arm deals.
In a few years the UN sanctions preventing Iran from purchasing offensive weapons will come to an end.
Iran has already signed agreements with Russia to purchase a large number of SU-30 jets with technology transfers. The jets will be assembled in Iran.

I would like to see Iran purchase
50 x SU-30 twin seat variants
50 x SU-30/SU-27 single seat variant
50 x MIG-35 single seat variant plus upgrade Iran's MIG-29's to to MIG-35 standard
That would be a dream come true

That would be something like 10 billion dollars. In two years hypersonic cruise missiles will destroy any aircraft in Iran
In a few years the UN sanctions preventing Iran from purchasing offensive weapons will come to an end.
Iran has already signed agreements with Russia to purchase a large number of SU-30 jets with technology transfers. The jets will be assembled in Iran.

I would like to see Iran purchase
50 x SU-30 twin seat variants
50 x SU-30/SU-27 single seat variant
50 x MIG-35 single seat variant plus upgrade Iran's MIG-29's to to MIG-35 standard
That would be a dream come true
The one area where the russians have been shown to be even remotely reliable is in their near total and complete unreliability,and even on the few occasions that they have delivered...well...whats russian for a day late and a dollar[ruble?] short?
The russians are virtually worthless to iran.
a question
For Iran, who, or which nation can currently be considered reliable for any military aviation supply, such as complete engines or fighter aircraft supplied directly or with a construction license?
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That would be something like 10 billion dollars. In two years hypersonic cruise missiles will destroy any aircraft in Iran

So what are you implying that Iran shouldn't upgrade its airforce because hypersonic missiles can destroy any aircraft ? Well then, following that school of thought, I guess no nation should bother with an airforce as long as their adversaries have hypersonic missiles ?

The one area where the russians have been shown to be even remotely reliable is in their near total and complete unreliability,and even on the few occasions that they have delivered...well...whats russian for a day late and a dollar[ruble?] short?
The russians are virtually worthless to iran.

At this point in time, the Russians view Iran as a strategic partner. According to rumors, the deal for the jets & helicopters has already been signed. Pressure did not prevent them from supplying Syria with the S-300 or Iran with the S-300 or any nation with the S-400 for that matter. The US is threatening to sanction any nation that buys the S-400. Sanctions can't prevent Iran because Iran has natural resources & in this day & age, there are countless ways to send money back & force.

Trumps recent bullying behavior & gangsterism is creating alot of friction between the US & others, including Russia & China. I doubt if the Russians, who are in desperate need of funding to inject into their crumbling infrastructure, would reject a deal with Iran for a large number of fighter jets. You realize that Iran has alternatives don't you ? If not Russia, Iran can turn to China. They would gladly sell Iran a few dozen J-11's, which Iran will quickly reverse engineer. Aside from China, Iran also had other options on the table as well.


Wow you really are naive. If the current circumstances continue, the US will probably sanction any country that sells offensive arms to Iran.

Russia has a very bad history of caving to US pressures when it comes to arm deals.

WOW, how childish can u get ? Russia gave Iran & the Syrians the S-300 despite serious threats & warnings from Israel & the USA. The US is currently threatening to sanction any nation that buys the S-400 or other weapons from Russia. Russia has nothing to lose & everything to gain by selling a large quantity of jets & helicopters to Iran. Otherwise Iran can simply purchase a few J-11's from China & quickly reverse engineer them & mass produce them. Aside from China there are also other options. Don't worry Iran has a few tricks up its sleeve. You know what they say, always expect the unexpected.
[QUOTE = "Sineva, post: 10960569, membro: 190049"] LOL!
L'unica area in cui i russi hanno dimostrato di essere anche lontanamente affidabili è nel loro quasi totale e totale inaffidabilità, e anche nelle poche occasioni in cui hanno consegnato ... beh ... che cos'è il russo per un giorno di ritardo e un dollaro [ rublo?] breve?
I russi sono praticamente inutili in Iran. [/ QUOTE]

una domanda
Per l'Iran, chi, o quale nazione può attualmente essere considerata affidabile per qualsiasi fornitura militare aeronautica, come motori o aerei da combattimento completi forniti direttamente o con una licenza di costruzione?
Well because of the un arms embargo that sort of thing isnt really possible at the moment.But speaking hypothetically,at this point in time probably either russia or china and sadly neither of those is ideal for different reasons ie russias political and economic unreliability and china still being behind both the russians and the west in certain critical areas of military technology such as low bypass turbofans etc,tho they are getting better and will eventually catch up,hopefully within the next decade or so.In the long term I would probably go with china as there is no history of conflict or potential competition in each others spheres of influence as there is with russia.Most importantly tho ` china NEEDS irans oil and gas.Now this isnt just about simple economics and supply,this is about the long term strategic supply of energy which iran can supply,and the very big critical difference here between iran and suppliers like saudi and co is that iran,unlike saudi and co,is the only truly independent neutral nonaligned nation with this amount of energy riches ie it isnt a western vassal or a competitor nation.So this is one very good reason why china will not only want to stay on the best terms that it possibly can with iran but will also likely try to further enhance that relationship,for instance china taking over virtually all of europes lost trade with iran.The danger for iran of course is in it becoming too over reliant on china,so this must be avoided at all costs[vassalage is slavery!].

My gut feeling is telling me the real work is happening on the Qaher stealth fighter project, and whenever progress is made on that front, parts of that project is transferred to this fourth-generation fighter jet. And I come to this conclusion based on:

1) Iranians did not make a real effort to change the frame of the Kowsar fighter jet, which still has the same frame as the F5. If they were putting a lot of effort on this project, they would've increased the payload of the plane; it is very small compare to other fourth-generation fighter jets. Perhaps, it is minimized so it could fit in the asymmetric military doctrine that the Iranian military is pursuing, where they're focusing on the shortcomings of their adversaries. Only someone with details knowledge can understand the reasons behind this frame and the payload.

2) The defense minister indicated that they were giving priority to missiles over this plane - in reality he wasn't willing to reveal any further information on other fighter jet developments, and was setting the expectation that a limited number of Kowsar fighters would be built.

3) There are older videos that showed Qaher-313 going thru test flights.

4) Nevertheless, the secrecy that surrounds this plane points to one conclusion that Iran has chosen not to reveal any information about this project; perhaps they want their adversaries to keep guessing.

In summary, Iran has made huge strides in its developing these military hardware, as only handful countries develop fourth-generation and perhaps with-generation fighter jets. People should understand that when the Iranian fighter jet developments are ridiculed, it is done so Iranians reveal more information.
Finally the first decent pic of the new air launched short ranged cruise missile.

We can see that its quite a bit shorter and more compact than the original prototype which was derived from the ghassed 3 rocket boosted smart bomb.
a question
For Iran, who, or which nation can currently be considered reliable for any military aviation supply, such as complete engines or fighter aircraft supplied directly or with a construction license?
Imo China is supplying Iran some stuff. Might not be the highest tech, or most volume, but its prolly Iran's most reliable. RUssia might be supplying some stuff on the low too. Great question though.
Imo China is supplying Iran some stuff. Might not be the highest tech, or most volume, but its prolly Iran's most reliable. RUssia might be supplying some stuff on the low too. Great question though.

Chinese may be,
Imo China is supplying Iran some stuff. Might not be the highest tech, or most volume, but its prolly Iran's most reliable. RUssia might be supplying some stuff on the low too. Great question though.

Or it could be that Iranians have put a huge effort and money into these projects, and they're eventually reaping the fruits of those efforts.
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