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Who knows they may make it come true all they need money and some help from some other countries who already have these programs especialy when some countries like Russia thinks it need allies in the region.

I would say the world is heading like unstopable train toward WW3 may God help the poor people every we will be stepped on as a collateral damage.

Sorry of off topic: But Soheil your CGI is awsome. Some time I think you show project that is in making?.
Who knows they may make it come true all they need money and some help from some other countries who already have these programs especialy when some countries like Russia thinks it need allies in the region.

I would say the world is heading like unstopable train toward WW3 may God help the poor people every we will be stepped on as a collateral damage.

Sorry of off topic: But Soheil your CGI is awsome. Some time I think you show project that is in making?.


Another version :




who is indonesia ? o_O

A country of which 88.1% of the population is Muslim and which has 12.7% of total world population of Muslims within its borders.That is, a larger Muslim population than any other country in the world (with approximately 202.9 million identified as Muslim out of Indonesia's total population of 237 million). From 1800 to 1949, Indonesia was a colony of the Netherlands (although the Dutch became the dominant European power much earlier, namely in 1602 when the Dutch East India Company (VOC) was established).
Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RC model cant replace wind tunnel tests, in fact a RC model cant give you any valuable data for development of a jet.
Why not if they use some sensors on it like a camera or something else to monitor it's performance?.
Why not if they use some sensors on it like a camera or something else to monitor it's performance?.
I think you dont know what a wind tunnel does exactly, you cant reproduce a test environment with a RC plane like a wind tunnel, take a look at this.

Besides, a RC plane has a different mass as a real jet thus has a completely different flight characteristics and thrust-weight ratio, thats why you can litterally let fly every object.

I think you dont know what a wind tunnel does exactly, you cant reproduce a test environment with a RC plane like a wind tunnel, take a look at this.

Besides, a RC plane has a different mass as a real jet thus has a completely different flight characteristics and thrust-weight ratio, thats why you can litterally let fly every object.

Great, I really don't know what's going on.
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